Preliminary Proposal Application Form Millennium Science Nuclei Competition - 2010 ITEM 1 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR’S INFORMATION (Please fill in empty spaces) 1. Name of the Nucleus ______________________________________________________ 2. Area or Discipline (Identify area/s or discipline/s to which the Nucleus project proposal is aimed at) 3. Nucleus’ Principal Investigator: 3.1. Name and identification _________________________________________________________________________ Father’s name (CAPITAL) Mother’s name ________________________ ____________________ ______________ RUT or Passport Number Birth date (day/month/year) Nationality Names 3.2. Primary affiliation _________________________ Position ______________________________________________________________________ Institution, faculty, department, city, country 3.3. Street Address (at work site): _________________________________________________________________________ 3.4. Mailing Address (if different from street address): _________________________________________________________________________ 3.5. Telephone 3.6. Alternative telephone ______________________________________________________________________ Country Code City Code Number Country Code City Code Number 3.7. Fax 3.8. Electronic Mail _____________________________________________________________________ Country Code City Code Number 3.9. Web site of the Principal Investigator ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Signature of the Nucleus Principal Investigator or legal entity I hereby declare that the facts described in this application form are true, and I agree to accept responsibility to conduct and execute the project both in the scientific technical and administrative scopes, as well as to comply with environmental and human research subjects protection regulations, and as applicable, responsibility for human care and use of laboratory animals and laboratory safety. If a grant is awarded as a result of this application I will provide all required progress reports. I certify that I am a Chilean or foreign citizen resident in Chile. __________________________ Signature ____________________ Date 1 Preliminary Proposal Application Form Millennium Science Nuclei Competition - 2010 ITEM 2 HOST INSTITUTION (In case of more than one Host Institution, fill in one form for each one) 1. Principal Investigator’s name: 2. Nucleus’ Name: 3. Host Institution’s name: 4. Legal status (indicate Decree Nbr.): 5. Division linked to the project: ______________________________________________________________________ (University, Faculty, Department, Division or other) ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Authority from the Host Institution Name and signature of one authority from the Host Institution (Department Director, Dean, Director of Research, Institute’s Director, Rector or other). a) Name : b) Position : c) Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ d) Telephone ______________________________________________________________________ Country Code City Code / Area Code Number e) Fax ______________________________________________________________________ Country Code City Code / Area Code Number f) E-mail address ______________________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________Date: __________________________ 2 Preliminary Proposal Application Form Millennium Science Nuclei Competition - 2010 ITEM 3 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL 1. Principal Investigator’s Name: 2. Nucleus’ name: 3. Proposal: 2 to 5 pages. Explain, in a brief description (2 to 5 pages), your idea about the Millennium Science Nucleus you would like to create. Your writing should include, with no exclusion, statements about the following elements, with no exclusion: - Your research team: previous achievements, individually and as a group. - Accomplishments you hope to obtain in the short and long term including the formation of young scientists, the impact you would expect form the Nucleus in your specialty area, in the country and in an even wider field. - Your outreach plans (e.g. summer-winter schools, lecture programs for elementary and secondary schools, relationships with the industry and other sectors) and plans of network collaboration and interaction with other institutions or peer laboratories. - Procedures you will use in order to accomplish your goals. Please particularly consider the Program Committee (PC) needs to know quite precisely what you propose to do to solve the identified scientific problem. If the research is described in very general terms, the PC will not be able to judge its scientific merit. Enough technical detail must be given to allow an expert in this field to asses the possibility of success. You are also invited to describe precisely: What will you perform jointly? What mechanisms will you use to assure that your research is interactive and that the people who are being trained will benefit from the diverse expertise? How allotting funds to you as a Nucleus add value in comparison to receiving individual research grant? This current guide intends to be open-ended in order to give you the chance of expressing a non-restrictive vision about your Millennium Science Nucleus proposal. 3 Preliminary Proposal Application Form Millennium Science Nuclei Competition - 2010 ITEM 4 SCIENTIFIC STAFF Present a list of the names and current occupations of the Principal Investigator, and the other Associated Investigators of the scientific staff, as well as of senior researchers could participate supporting the project. 1. Associated Scientific Staff: Fill in the next page’s first table (table A). Make sure that the names listed here are not simultaneously listed in another application for a different Nucleus or Institute. Print first the name of the Principal Investigator, followed by the Deputy Principal Investigator, and after, those of the other Associated Researchers of the Nucleus. Specify the Identification Number (RUT or passport), Position, and Institution holding this position. 2. Senior Scientific Staff: Fill in the next page’s second table (table B). Specify the Identification Number (RUT or passport), Position and Institution holding this position. 3. Curricula vitae + publications list: (max. 5 pages): Enclose the curricula of the Associated Researchers including the Principal Investigator proposed for the Nucleus, and a publication list for the Principal Investigator and each associated scientific member, and the experience in training of students and doctors. Do not include curricula for senior staff. Every CV must follow the included form, and not exceed two letter size pages. Besides, you should include a complete list of his/her most relevant publications in media with Editorial Committee, in a space not exceeding three letter size pages, highlighting the five most relevant ones. 4 Preliminary Proposal Application Form Millennium Science Nuclei Competition - 2010 SCIENTIFIC STAFF 1 . Identification of the Scientific Staff (Principal Investigator, Deputy Principal Investigator, and other Associated Scientist) Table A Name (Father’s name, Mother’s name, Names) Identification (RUT/Passport) Position Affiliation Position Affiliation Principal Investigator Deputy Principal Investigator Associated Researchers 2 . Identification of the Senior Staff Table B Name (Father’s name, Mother’s name, Names) Identification (RUT/Passport) 5 Preliminary Proposal Application Form Millennium Science Nuclei Competition - 2010 SCIENTIFIC STAFF CURRICULA VITAE / LIST OF PUBLICATIONS For each Associated Scientist, including the Principal Investigator, complete all sections of the included form, following the instructions described for this item. Do not include curricula vitae of senior staff, adjunct scientists, or other researchers. CURRICULUM VITAE ________ INVESTIGATOR (Principal or Associated) (2 pages maximum) PERSONAL DATA Father’s name Birth date Mother’s name Age (to 28/May/2010) Title Current position Names Identification number Gender (M o F) Nationality Academic Degree Institution (Department, Faculty, Institution) Street Address (street, N°, locality, postal code, city, country) Mailing Address (if different from street address) Telephone (w/codes) Fax (w/codes) Electronic address Web Site ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, including experience in students and doctoral training MAIN PUBLICATIONS IN MEDIA WITH EDITORIAL COMMITTEE, highlighting 5 most relevant ones (3 pages maximum) 6