UTTAR PRADESH DRUGS & PHARMACEUTICALS COMPANY LIMITED [U.P. Govt. Undertaking] Regd Office & Factory: A-5, Industrial Area, Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226008 Phones : 0522-6550223, E-mail : md_updpl@sify.com Ref.No.UPDPL/PUR/T-01 /2014-15/ Dated: 07 .05.2014 Terms and conditions for Open Tender for Raw Material & Excipients Important notice : This tender document supersedes all the previous tenders of UPDPL and all the tenders published prior to this documents hold no legal validity and stand null and void. UPDPL will not be responsible for any issues related to any of the previous tenders published till date. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tender document fees is Rs. 200/- (Rs. Two hundred only) for all participants). Tender forms may be obtained from the company on payment of Rs. 200/- (Rs. Two hundred only). However, Cheque/DD of Rs. 200/- is required to be submitted along with the offer which will be non–refundable, in case of tender downloaded from website. Tender document may also be downloaded from website www.uphealth.up.nic.in . Tender will be accepted in 02 (two) separate sealed envelope. One for technical bid and the other for financial bid. Envelope must be marked with Tender no. and due date and also superscribed for technical bid and financial bid. Payment terms must be quoted strictly as 45days L/C. No other payment terms should be quoted other than the above, otherwise the quotation will be liable to be rejected. Delivery must be on for UPDPL basis, hence rate must be quoted on for UPDPL terms. Validity of offer : Rate must be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of tender and should be clearly mentioned in the offer. Offer must be submitted in accordance with the given prescribed format. Current market price of the quoted item should also be mentioned along with the quoted rates. Offers are invited from manufacturer/Authorised Pharma Dealers in “Sealed cover superscribing Tender No. and due date” on the envelop containing separate envelopes for TECHNICAL BID AND FINANCIAL BID superscribed accordingly through Speed Post /Courier / personally which must reach by 1.00 P.M. on or before 14.05.2014 in the required format. Tender will be opened on 14.05.2014 at 2.00 P.M. The EMD shall be enclosed with technical bid, otherwise Tender shall be deemed incomplete and the financial bid will not be opened for the supply of Raw material and Excipients. Your technical bid must contain the following :1. Manufacturer / authorized dealers for Raw materials having annual turn over in the last three years of more than Rs. 5.0 crores in case of Raw materials and Ra. 50 lacs in case of Excipients. 2. The Earnest money (EMD) for supplies of value upto 5 lacs shall be Rs. 5000/- and supplies above Rs. 5 lacs upto 10 lacs EMD shall be Rs. 10,000/- and above shall be 1% of the quoted amount. The EMD shall not be required for Excipient. 3. Copy of Pan No. 4. Profile of manufacturer / authorized dealer. 5. Client’s list must be submitted along with the technical bid. 6. Whether the party is black listed in any Central /State Govt. , P.S.U. 7. Make of the material to be supplied. Contd….2/- -:2:TERMS & CONDITIONS. 1. Please quote your rates on the financial bid format attached herewith. 2. The Earnest money (EMD) for supplies of value upto 5 lacs shall be Rs. 5000/- and supplies above Rs. 5 lacs upto 10 lacs EMD shall be Rs. 10,000/- and above shall be 1% of the quoted amount. The EMD shall not be required for Excipient. The EMD amount may be given by way of D.D. / Pay Order / Bank Guarantee. The EMD of all bidders except L1, L2 & L3 shall be returned to the bidders within a week while those of L-2 & L-3 shall be returned after signing of P.O. The EMD must be attached with technical bid. 3. Any disputes / litigations shall be subject to Lucknow Jurisdiction only. 4. Purchase preference will be given to Public Sector Companies. S.S.I. Units of U.P. and manufacturers. 5. Rates furnished in the offer if accepted will be final. Negotiation shall be allowed as per the rules of State Govt. 6. Quantity mentioned in the tender is tentative and may be reduced or increased. 7. Material must be in ready stock so that required material can be despatched immediately after receipt of P.O. Hence rates are to be quoted for ready stock material only. 8. All Bulk drugs supply should accompany the test report of the same Batch No. to be supplied to UPDPL and materials should have manufacturing date of the latest month. Label on drum must have detail information as per drug rule. 9. All material required must be of I.P. grade. Material labeled other than I.P. grade (BP/USP) must pass I.P. test (if available in I.P.) only then it will be accepted. 10. Wherever MAKE is mentioned, rates should be given for that Make only. No other make will be accepted. 11. Excise gate pass is required to avail modvat. 12. The Drug content of all active pharmaceutical ingredient should be towards higher limit permissible in monograph. The Company reserves the right to accept/ ignore or divide tender in part / full without assigning any reason. Tender will be opened on 14.05.2014 at 2.00 P.M. Tender Notice published in “Economic Times” on 07.05.2014 in Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad editions and all editions of “Financial Express” on 07.05.2014. Tender documents may be downloaded from website www.uphealth.up.nic.in . QUOTATION FORMAT Name of Item Quantity Basic Rate/kg: Excise Duty Cess CVD / ADI Sales Tax Total Less Cenvat Net price FOR Payment Terms Delivery Validity . UPDPL 45 days L/c. Immediate 90 days from the date of opening of tender Dy. Manager (Stores & Purchase). Contd….3/- -:3:TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF R.M AND EXCIPIENTS. SN 1 Products’ Name (Raw Materials) Ascorbic Acid Coated IH ( Vitamin ‘C’ Coated) 2 Calcium Lactate IP (Directly compressible granule ) Approx. 12 mesh. 93000kg 3 Roxithromycin IP ( Indian make) 14300kg Quantity 29200kg ( EXCIPIENTS) 1 Colour Brilliant Blue Lake (Roha/Neelicon). No other make required. 150kg 2 Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose HPMC E-15 IP( Dow make only) 600kg 3 Iso-propyl Alcohol IP. ( of any reputed make ) 4 Lactose HMS Holland IP/BP 2000kg 5 Magnesium Stearate IP 3300kg 6 Methylene Chloride, must pass IP Test.( of any reputed make ) 7 Micro Crystalline Cellulose Powder IP (MCCP IP) 8350kg 8 Povidone IP ( PVPK – 30) 1650kg 9 Propyl Gallate IP 10 Sodium Starch Glycollate ( Primogel) , (DMV USP / Ph EUR) 1600kg 11 Starch IP EXTRA WHITE (Maize) 9000kg 12 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate IP 500kg 13 Titanium Di - Oxide IP ( Extra White) 100kg 14 Talcum Powder IP 10280kg 17800kg 29kg 2100kg TECHNICAL BID FORMAT FOR SUPPLY OF RAW MAERIALS AND EXCIPIENTS Sr.No. Particulars 1 Manufacturer / authorised dealers having Annual turn over in the last three years of more than Rs. 5 crores for Raw materials and Rs. 50 lacs for Excipients for which the rates are being quoted. The Earnest Money (EMD) for supplies of value upto 5 lacs shall be Rs. 5,000/- and supplies above Rs. 5 lacs upto 10 lacs EMD shall be Rs. 10,000/-. and above shall be 1% of the quoted amount. The EMD shall not required for Excipient. Copy of Pan Number Company Profile List of Client’s Your acceptance of delivery schedule for supply of Raw materials / Excipients must be mentioned clearly. Response Yes / No Page No. From 2 3 4 5 6. To Material should be dispatched immediately after receipt of the Purchase Order as per schedule provided to the supplier. Signature of authorised signatory_______ Name of the firm _________________ Address_________________________ Contact No._________________________ Contd….4/- -:4:FINANCIAL BID FORMAT S. N0 Products’ Name (Raw Materials) 1 Ascorbic Acid Coated IH ( Vitamin ‘C’ Quantity 29200kg Coated) 2 Calcium Lactate IP (Directly compressible 93000kg granule ) Approx. 12 mesh. 3 Roxithromycin IP ( Indian make) 14300kg ( EXCIPIENTS) 1 Colour Brilliant Blue Lake (Roha/Neelicon). No150kg other make required. 2 Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose HPMC E-15600kg IP( Dow make only) 3 Iso-propyl Alcohol IP. ( of any reputed 10280kg make ) 4 Lactose HMS Holland IP/BP 2000kg 5 Magnesium Stearate IP 3300kg 6 Methylene Chloride, must pass IP Test 17800kg .( of any reputed make ) 7 Micro Crystalline Cellulose Powder IP 8350kg (MCCP IP) 8 Povidone IP ( PVPK – 30) 9 Propyl Gallate IP 10 Sodium Starch Glycollate ( Primogel) , 1650kg 29kg 1600kg (DMV USP / Ph EUR) 11 Starch IP EXTRA WHITE (Maize) 12 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate IP 500kg 13 Titanium Di - Oxide IP ( Extra White) 100kg 14 Talcum Powder IP Signature_______________________ Name of the firm _________________ Address_________________________ Contact No.______________________ 9000kg 2100kg Rate /kg Total Amt.(Rs.)