Products Tonalite Spa is a company operating at the forefront in the production and sale of ceramic tiles of high quality for more than 40 years. Tonalite Spa is continuously involved in researches for innovation in line with the tradition of the company. Among the twenty collections presented at Cersaie 2015 is Cerchio – the flagship product of Linea Geometrica – a tridimensional panel without vanishing lines. Cerchio is a kind of backdrop designed to combine the visual and tactile experience. Some modifications have been made to the initial rectangular product but the very essence remains the same with the possibility to choose among various colors and prices, increasing the numbers of options. The exploration of shapes. The Tonalite style reminds the Lego brick structure: top creativeness and maximum expression of fantasy with the same universal and perpetual locking mechanism. From Provenzale – the classical icon par excellence - the continuous style exercise goes through the collection with Arabesque (in the Silk and Satin version) which brings up again a shape from the 70s, losanga provenzale. This shape is a springboard for many compositions up to the Examatt collection which steers the hexagonal shape with similar dimensions, allowing the combination of materials to design various options. In addition to each collection, a broad range of special prices and ornaments are offered: horizontal stripes, fastening stripes and inputs for compositions with a contemporanean touch, a schematic design and plays of light reflection. The color blast. 2 options: glossy with matte for a range of colors which gives two opposite tones. From shiny colors to more natural nuances swerving towards an earth-like tone, all the colors options have been designed for the international market with special features such as the crackle finish effect of the Kraklè collection. Tactile ceramic tiles. Ceramic is a time-less product, born in the hands of craftsmen. Tonalite Spa wished to leave testimony of this tradition in the final products: ceramics are shaped using modern technologies to design products reminding handicrafts. The interactions with suppliers and professionals in this field make different versions and new paths towards innovation possible. The Tonalite ceramic tiles are not just a product to look at but also to touch. In this sense, the Diamante collection features chamfered sides in line with the classical Victorian style and Cotto d’arte reminds the classical ceramic tiles which have distinguished the Made in Italy. With this in mind, Tonalite has designed Cerchio – the flagship product of Linea Geometrica - a state of the art achievement reproducing a pure form which almost looks like an architectural installation. All the collections: Silk, Satin, Arabesque Silk, Arabesque Satin, Linea 40, Kraklè, Examatt, Exabright, Diamante, Soleil, Provenzale, Coloranda, Cotto d’arte, Mirò, Florence, Fondali, Lux, Orizzonti. Tonalite SpA Via a. Costa 4/8 40019 Sant’Agata Bolognese (BO) Italia Ph. + 39 051957253 Fax: +39 051957650 - Public Relations Ogs srl - Marilena Puppi Via Koristka, 3 20154 Milano Italia Ph. + 39 02 3450605 Fax + 39 02 3490842 -