Cell Division Meosis

Name _______________________
The Biology Project: Cell Biology
Web Activity/Questions
1. Go to http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/cell_bio.html
Click on “Meiosis” in the Problem Sets column
This exercise is designed to help you understand the events that occur in
process of _________________, which takes place to produce our
2. Click on “Reproduction” Complete the following summary.
a. Gametes mean _________________ _________________
b. Asexual Reproduction is a form of ___________________________
using only the process _____________. Asexual reproduction produces
only ____________________ ____________________ offspring since all
divisions are by ___________________.
i. Another word for the offspring produced by this process is
called? ___________________
ii. Is this method of reproduction rapid? ___________
iii. Since the offspring are __________________, there is no
mechanism for introducing ___________________.
c. Sexual Reproduction is the ________________________ of a ________
individual by a combination of
_____________________________________ called _________. Another
word for sexual reproduction is called ______________________.
Fertilization is the combination of
__________________________________ from two separate cells that
have ______________ of the original information.
d. Gametes which are ___________ __________ come from separate
________________. The female produces the ____________ and the
male produces the ________________. Both gametes are
_______________ meaning they have a _____________ set of
e. The new individual formed is called a __________________.
f. Meiosis is a process to convert a _________________ to a ___________
gamete, and cause a change in the
_______________________________to increase _______________ in the
3. Click on “Next”, at the bottom of the page.
a. Humans have ________ chromosomes in total.
b. ________ sets of 2 come from body cells or autosomes. These
chromosomes are ______________________ which means they are
exactly the same. Humans have _________ autosomes.
c. _______ sex of 2 come from our sex chromosomes. Female sex
chromosomes are _____________________ they look like:
Male sex chromosomes are _________________________ they look like:
d. Ploidy means the __________________________________________
Haploid (n):
Diploid (2n);
Most plant and animal adults are:
Eggs and sperm are haploid:
Abbreviation for Haploid____________, Diploid_________
4. Click on “Next” at the bottom of the page.
Read this page! Answer the following questions.
What happens in Meiosis I?
How does Meiosis I differ from Meiosis II?
Are sister chromosomes in Meiosis still identical? Why or Why not?
a. Write a description of what happens in each of the following stages:
Prophase I
Prometaphase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
5. Click on the Animation Links for Meiosis I, and Meiosis II to view the animated
Draw and label the stages of the Meiosis I and Meiosis II side by side.
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
6. Click “Next” on the bottom of the page. Read the next page.
Create a chart the compare the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis.
7. What are some errors that can occur during meiosis?
8. Test your understanding of the cell cycle and mitosis. Try to answer
questions # 1-10. Write down the questions and answers to four of them: