Application for Point-to-Point Transmission Service

TEL: (207) 623-3521
FAX: (207) 621-4778
Application for Local Point-To-Point Service Agreement
Check One
Application For Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service Agreement
Application For “Umbrella” Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service Agreement
Application For “Umbrella” Non-Firm Point to Point Transmission Service Agreement
Transaction-Specific information associated with “Umbrella” Short-Term Firm and NonFirm Service may be designated by inputting “TS” in the Application and furnishing such
information on the OASIS at the time of making a specific request.
CMP may require a deposit based on a review of the Transmission Customer’s
creditworthiness per Schedule 21 of the ISO New England Transmission, Markets and Services
Tariff (“ISO Tariff”) and Section 10.A. of MPUC Chapter 86 retail deposit requirements.
However, for an “Umbrella” Short -Term Firm Service Agreement an estimate of the maximum
capacity to be reserved during any particular request must be provided in this application in order
to establish the refundable Deposit to the extent such Deposit is required.
The Retail Applicant must provide the completed application in writing to:
Central Maine Power Company.
Attn: Director, Electric Transmission Services
83 Edison Drive
Augusta ME 04336
The Wholesale Applicant must provide the completed application in writing to:
ISO New England Inc.,
Attn: Tariff, Schedules and OASIS Dept.
Supervisor, Tariff Administration
1 Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040
For Long-Term service, defined as service for periods one year or longer, the application must be
received at least 60 days in advance of the calendar month in which service is to commence.
When practical, for Short -Term Firm and Non-Firm Service Applications, CMP will attempt to
accommodate requests on an expedited timeframe.
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Customer Information:
The identity, address, telephone number and facsimile number of the entity requesting
Applicant’s Company Name
Authorized Company Representative
Requesting Service Name:
Applicant’s Address: P.O. Box No.
Street Address:
City / State / Zip Code
Applicant’s Phone No.: (
24 Hour Phone No.:
FAX No.: (
)Energy Trader Contact:
Each transmission customer must complete the following registration steps.
Registration will require a Dun and Bradstreet number. Existing numbers can be
found at:
Information and Application for a Duns number can be found at:
Registration of company with NERC for access on the Nepool OASIS node.
Registration form can be found at:
Certificate registration and OASIS node activation can be found at:
All registration website locations referenced above can be accessed from the Nepool RTG
homepage at: under Document Library; Transmission Services
and Generation Interconnection; OASIS Registration.
The following registration information is required in order to complete this application.
Customer Name: _________________________________________
Company Code: ___________________________________
Duns No.: ____________________________
Customer Contact: _______________________________
Tel. No.: _________________________ Fax No.: __________________________
Contact’s E-mail Address: ___________________________________________
By signing and submitting this Application for Transmission Service, I
, state that
, is or will be upon commencement
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(Company Representative’s Name)
(Company’s Name)
of service, an Eligible Customer under the ISO Tariff and under 211(a) and 213(a) of the
Federal Power Act (FPA). I further state that this request for transmission services is
intended to satisfy the “requests for transmission services” requirement under sections
211(a) and 213(a) of the FPA, and that the request is not a request for mandatory retail
wheeling prohibited under section 212(h) of the FPA.
The location of Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery and the identities of the
Delivering Parties and the Receiving Parties; For “Umbrella” Short -Term Firm requests,
please specify an estimate of the maximum capacity likely to be reserved. This
information will be used to compute the refundable Deposit specified in paragraph 11.
This value and corresponding Deposit shall be ratcheted up to the appropriate amount in
the event a request is made that exceeds these values, to the extent such a Deposit is
Capacity Requested
(see item number 9 below)
Point(s) of Receipt:
Point(s) of Delivery:
Delivering Party’s
Receiving Party’s
The names of any other parties likely to provide transmission service to deliver electric
energy to, and receive electric energy from, the transmitting utility’s grid in connection
with the requested transmission services.
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The location of the generating facility supplying the capacity and energy and the location
of the load ultimately served by the capacity and energy transmitted;
A description of the supply characteristics of the capacity and energy to be delivered to
the Receiving Party;
All capacity and energy shall be delivered to the Receiving Party at 3-Phase,
approximately 60 cycles and at approximately (
) kilovolts.
In addition the customer shall furnish information regarding supply contingencies, if
contracts are pursuant to unit purchase contracts, system contracts, exchange contracts.; if
such contracts are must-take or dispatchable and any other information deemed necessary
by the transmission provider.
Supply Contingencies:
Unit Purchase
System Purchase
Dispatchable (yes) or (no)
Exchange Agreement
If yes, by whom;
To the extent it is known or can be estimated, a description of the “expected transaction
profile” including load factor data describing the hourly quantities of power and energy
the Applicant expects to deliver to the Points of Receipt listed above. (Applicant to attach
separate sheets for this data where applicable.)
An estimate of the capacity and energy expected to be delivered to the Receiving Party;
(estimate max. for “Umbrella” Short -Term Firm Service)
Is the requested service in conjunction with a Request for Proposal to buy or sell capacity
and/or energy?
If yes, please identify the source of the RFP.
Term: The Service Commencement Date and the Term of the requested Transmission
Service (must include Mo./Day/Yr. for posting on OASIS);
Contract Commencement Date: Month____ Day____ Yr.____
Contract Termination of Date: Month____ Day____ Yr.____
Regional Transmission Service: If you are a Transmission-level retail customer,
you must also purchase all regional transmission related services including but not
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limited to Regional Network Service or Regional Point-to-Point (Through and
Out) Service and the associated ancillary services under the ISO Tariff from ISONE or, at your discretion, designate CMP to act as your agent for obtaining and
arranging the applicable regional services. Unless you designate CMP as your
agent, you will receive a separate bill directly from ISO-NE for all applicable
regional services.
If you specifically designate CMP to act as your agent on this application for
regional transmission services, CMP will arrange and obtain under the then
applicable rules (1) Regional Network Service, (2) any other applicable regional
services pursuant to the ISO Tariff and (3) ancillary services for Scheduling,
System Control & Dispatch Service, Reactive Power & Voltage Support From
Generating Resources Service and System Restoration Service as provided under
the ISO Tariff. CMP, as your agent, will bill you directly for Regional Network
Service, ISO-NE services, and applicable ancillary services. In return for
providing these services, CMP will charge you an administrative fee of $200 per
month. CMP will not act as your agent if you chose to take regional Point-toPoint Service. CMP’s agency does not extend to any positions taken by CMP in
any FERC or other regulatory or related proceedings regarding any tariffs or
services, or changes there to, identified above.
If you designate CMP as your sole agent to arrange and obtain Regional Services
pursuant to the ISO Tariff you hereby agree to pay CMP any and all costs of such
services, including the $200 per month administrative fee.
I hereby designate CMP to act as my agent as set forth in Section 9 above.
No, I do not want CMP to act as my agent. I will arrange for Regional Services myself
and will send CMP a copy of a signed Regional Transmission Service Agreement and
comply with ISO’s billing and financial assurance policies.
The transmission capacity requested for each Point of Receipt and each Point of Delivery
on the Transmission Owner’s Transmission System; (See No. 3 above)
(For sales outside of the New England Control Area, the minimum reservations will be
stated in increments of 1000 kw/hr. For sales inside the New England Control Area, the
minimum reservations will be stated in increments of 10 kw/hr. The customer may
combine their requests for service in order to satisfy the minimum transmission capacity
requirements pursuant to Schedule 21 of the ISO Tariff.)
Deposit: In accordance with Schedule 21 of the ISO Tariff, subject to refund, the
applicant shall include, along with its completed application, a deposit in the form of a
check or Electronic Wire Transfer Payment equal to the total charges for either one
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month’s charge for the Reserved Capacity or the full charge for Reserved Capacity for
service requests of less than one month, to the extent such Deposit is required.
Deposit Submitted: $
(Not applicable to Non-Firm Service).
Reciprocity: The Transmission Customer agrees to provide comparable transmission
services to the Transmission Provider pursuant to Schedule 21 of the ISO Tariff. In the
event the Transmission Customer is unable to provide comparable transmission services
as provided for in this section, the transmission customer shall state why such comparable
transmission services cannot be provided.
12.(a) The transmission customer (check one:) will ( ) will not (
comparable transmission services.
) be providing
If the transmission customer will not be providing reciprocity as a result of not owning
transmission facilities, such as a Power Marketer, the transmission customer (check one:)
is ( ) is not ( ) requesting the service in order to relieve another entity, such as the entity
that owns the source of generation related to this request for transmission service, of any
reciprocity obligation.
12.(b) Other reason(s) for the transmission customer not providing comparable transmission
services. (If not providing reciprocal services due to not owning transmission facilities
but you are affiliated with an entity that owns transmission facilities, indicate those
affiliates and state that they will provide reciprocal services.)
Ancillary Services: Customers must purchase from Central Maine Power, Ancillary
Service Number 1 - Scheduling, System Control & Dispatch Service. All other
Ancillary Services under the ISO Tariff must be obtained by the customer from its
Supplier, or from the ISO Markets when the customer is serving load within the New
England Control Area.
ISO-NE Services: The Customer and or his supplier are responsible for all applicable
services and associated charges under the ISO Tariff.
CMP agrees to treat any information furnished by the Applicant as confidential except to
the extent that disclosure of this information is required by the ISO Tariff, by regulatory or
judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to Good Utility Practice or pursuant to any ISO6
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New England transmission information sharing agreements that may exist from time to time.
CMP. further agrees to treat this information consistent with the standards of conduct contained
in Part 37 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s regulations.
Wholesale Application:
1.) Applicant’s Authorized Representative’s Signature:
2.) ISO New England’s Representative’s Signature:
Time of receipt of application:
3.) CMP’s Representative’s Signature:
Date: _____________
Time of receipt of application:
4.) CMP’s Application Complete Date:
(Notify Applicant)
Retail Application:
1.) Applicant’s Authorized Representative’s Signature:
2.) CMP’s Representative’s Signature:
Date: _____________
Time of receipt of application:
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