Year 6 Autumn Term Homework Theme: Conflict. Handing in date – Monday 10th December Work on display in the school hall – Friday 14th December It would be fantastic if you put some of your work onto our Blog Homework this term will be a long term project focusing on World War 2. Certificates will be awarded at the end of term for those who have shown outstanding effort in this topic. Please aim to complete at least one activity from each learning style. As always, please come and discuss any issues or concerns you may have. MATHS SMART You are maths SMART if you like to do experiments, figure things out, work with numbers, ask questions, explore patterns and relationships, are good at maths, enjoy reasoning, logic and problem solving and learn best by grouping things and working with patterns, shapes and numbers. Imagine you were an evacuee and you were only allowed to take 5 precious belongings with you. would you take and why? (Reasoning skills) What Create 10 words problems using a World war II setting (i.e. there were 15 children in a bomb shelter, 7 more arrived but then 4 left again. How many were left in the shelter?) Find as many countries as possible that the Germans, Italians and Japanese invaded. Draw their flags and write a sentence to go with each flag. Imagine you were a British spy in Germany. Can you create a code to pass a message back to the British army? Here is how your code could start (i.e. I= 5 have = 6 been = 8 captured=10) 15-10= 5 24 – 18 = 6 80 shared by 10 = 8 100-90 = 10 Make a list of all the countries that were involved in the war. How many continents were involved? What fraction of the continents were involved? Make a list of objects, which didn’t exist in the 1940s, and a list of objects from the 1940s, which we no longer use. WORD SMART You are a word SMART if you like to read, write and tell stories, are good at remembering names, places, dates and facts and you learn best when you say, hear or see words. Write a diary entry as an evacuee or a land army girl. Write a diary entry as a parent of an evacuee. Write a diary as a child whose family took in an evacuee. Create a leaflet about a World War II exhibit for a museum. Find an interesting paragraph about life during the war in a book. Make notes and write about it in your own words. Don’t forget to write title of book. Write a story set in the Second World War. Imagine you wrote a story with an evacuee as the central character. Write a character description of that evacuee (clothes, feelings etc) Draw a cartoon story set in World War II with speech bubbles and narration Role play as an evacuee Write a play set in the time of World War II. Re enact the journey of an evacuee, focusing on your use of drama and speech to convey the story. You may want to film this to show us. Write interview questions for a person from the World War II (evacuee, parent whose children were sent away) Carry out and record an interview with your prepared questions (ask one of your family to role play) Write an acrostic poem using words linked to World War II (spam, Anderson shelter). Create a poster advertising a World War II museum collection. (This can be done on the computer). Write a short newspaper report announcing the beginning of the war (Include a Catchy Headline!) (Decide whether you’re a German or British newspaper first.) Write a shape poem using the World War II theme. Write a descriptive poem linked to the blitz. PICTURE SMART You are a picture SMART if you like to draw, build, design and create things, daydream, look at pictures/slides, watch movies and play with machines. If you are good at imagining things, sensing changes, solving mazes/puzzles and reading maps or charts and if you learn best by visualising, dreaming, using my mind’s eye and working with colours/pictures. Draw/paint a picture of something from wartime e.g. a bomb shelter or an evacuee. Write a caption to go with it. Create a model of an Anderson shelter, a plane, a boat etc Create a board game to teach children about the Home Front Make a 3D model of an item from the 1940s Create your own gas mask and box. With permission, watch a children’s film about World War II Write a film review. Create a menu for an evening meal using only products available during the war. Create a PowerPoint using images and key information on every slide. Design your own shelter. What would be in it? What shape would it be? Where would it be? Create a survival pack if you were stuck in a shelter for a long time. How would life be different now if the outcome of the war had been different? Find a World War II recipe. Create this recipe and take a photo to show your creation. (Write the recipe to go with your photo in case others would like to have a go) BODY SMART You are a body SMART if you like to move around, touch and talk, and use your body, if you are good at physical activities (sports/dance/acting) and crafts and if you learn best by touching and moving. Create a dance to show the journey of an evacuee. Create a sensory box/page for the World War II topic. Imagine you have just found out you will be evacuated. Continue the improvisation for as long as you can. Dress up as someone from the 1940s. Have your photo taken and write a caption to go with it. Create an outdoor game for bored evacuees to play NATURE SMART You are a nature SMART if you like to be outside, with animals, or learning about geography or weather, are good at grouping and organising plants and animals, and looking after the environment and if you learn best by looking at nature out in the open and learning about how things work. We would be interested to know if you can think of any activities for this learning style. GROUP SMART You are group SMART if you like to have lots of friends, talk to people and join groups, are good at understanding people, leading others and sorting out conflicts and you learn best by sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating and interviewing. Work with a friend to produce a ‘lecture’’ to family about what life was like during the war. Imagine you are historians, presenting your research. Work with a friend to create a book about World War II (non fiction information book for example) Create play dough characters and act out a story with these figures. Work with a partner and create a film or single shot animation photos. Remember the conversation between you and your friend is the most important so make sure you work together, listening to each others’ ideas Act out through drama the blitz or being evacuated. Work with a friend on any of the activities already suggested. SELF SMART You are self SMART if you like to work alone and pursue your own interests, are good at understanding yourself, thinking about your feelings and dreams, following instincts, pursuing interests/goals and being original, you learn best by working alone, doing your own individual projects, having your own space and working at your own pace. Research the key people involved in the war. Research what food was eaten in the war. Research what jobs people had during the war. Research what clothing people wore during the war. Complete any of the above activities on your own or with minimal help. Write a list of questions that you have about World War II and then choose one to try to answer. MUSIC SMART You are a music SMART if you like to sing, hum tunes, listen to music, play an instrument and respond to music, are good at picking up sounds, remembering tunes, noticing pitches/rhythms and keeping time and if you learn best when you use rhythm, melody and music. Write a song about being an evacuee. Make a rhythm musical instrument (shaker /drum) and compose a rhythm to evoke an activity that might have been done in the war. Using an instrument you already have, compose a tune which evokes an aspect of being at war. Keep a list of which activities you are completing so you ensure you cover a range of learning styles. Week 1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Please remember these activities are only our ideas and no doubt you will have lots of different ones too so you can create your own ideas for projects. Good Luck! Miss Mooney and Mr Annia.