Supplementary Material Nanostructural organization in carbon disulfide/ionic liquid mixtures: molecular dynamics simulations and optical Kerr effect spectroscopy Peng Yang, Gregory A. Voth, Dong Xiao, Larry G. Hines Jr., Richard A. Bartsch, and Edward L. Quitevis Effect of the Gaussian Window Function on Reduced Spectral Densities Because of the low signal strengths at long delays, noise is present in the long-time tail of the OHD-RIKES signal of ionic liquids, where the signal at 10 ps is 3 orders of magnitude weaker than the signal at zero delay (see Figure 8 in article). Moreover, because the RSD is obtained by applying the Fourier-transform-deconvolution procedure to the reduced response, noise present in the long-time tail of the signal will be present in the lowfrequency part (0-200 cm-1) of the spectrum. This noise however can be eliminated by applying a window function to the data prior to performing the Fourier-transformdeconvolution procedure.1 Following Giraud et al.,2 the reduced response is multiplied by a Gaussian window function w(t) = exp[-(t-t0)2/22], where /2 2 , = 4 ps, and t0 is the zero delay time. This window gives a spectral resolution of ≈ 9 cm-1. Figure S1 compares the RSDs obtained with and without a window function for the 25 mol % CS2/[C5mim][NTf2] mixture. For this mixture, application of a window function reduces the noise without affecting the line shape of the RSD for this mixture. Because of the strength of the signal in the long-time tail of the OHD-RIKES signal, the noise in the RSD 1 without the window function is low. The 10 mol % mixture provides a more stringent test of the window function because the signal in the long-time tail of the signal for this mixture is much weaker and therefore noisier that than that of the 25 mol % mixture. Figure S2 shows the RSD obtained with and without the window function for the 10 mol % mixture. The noise in the RSD without the window function is clearly much greater for the 10 mol % mixture than for the 25 mol % mixture. Application of the window function therefore has a much more dramatic effect on the noise in the case of the 10 mol % mixture than in the case of the 25 mol % mixture. The RSD with the window function is qualitatively similar to the RSD without the window function. Without the window function, <> = 64.6 cm-1 and = 96.3 cm-1, whereas, with the window function, <> = 66.7 cm-1 and = 104.3 cm-1. For noisy RSDs, such as the one shown in Figure S2, application of the window function shifts the RSD to higher frequencies by ≈ 2 cm-1 and broadens the RSD by ≈ 8 cm-1. This suggests that in the case of the lower mole fraction mixtures, the true RSDs are probably slightly narrower and lower in frequency than the ones shown in Figure 10 of the paper for which a window function was used to reduce the noise. Moreover, the dependence of the width of the CS2 contribution to the RSD on the mole fraction of CS2 is probably stronger than indicated in Figure 12 and Table 3 of the paper. 2 Figure S1. Reduced spectral density for 25 mol % CS2 mixture without a window function (blue curve) and with a window function (red curve). Figure S2. Reduced spectral density for 10 mol % CS2 mixture without a window function (blue curve) and with a window function (red curve). 3 Table S1. CS2/IL RSD Multicomponent Fit Parameters from Additivity Modela,b Fit Parameters CS2 Mol % 0% 10% 15% 20% 25% 100% CS2 Contribution to RSD ABL 0 0.00135 0.00722 0.00763 0.03804 0.084 a 0 1.92987 1.95921 1.9975 1.39838 1.14 BL / cm-1 0 11.87637 5.75006 5.67356 8.68992 19.4 AG 0 0.5463 0.87359 0.93838 1.10082 0.21 G / cm-1 0 8.43449 14.08137 15.05522 15.99756 50.2 / cm-1 0 27.03208 28.02414 27.4261 29.87864 20.3 IL Contribution to RSD ABL 0.08534 0.06157 0.04032 0.0335 0.01589 0 a 1.18897 1.18897 1.18897 1.18897 1.18897 0 16.75199 16.75199 16.75199 16.75199 16.75199 0 0.14538 0.10488 0.06868 0.05707 0.02707 0 G1 / cm-1 58.09096 58.09096 58.09096 58.09096 58.09096 0 1 / cm-1 12.79986 12.79986 12.79986 12.79986 12.79986 0 0.82212 0.59309 0.38838 0.32274 0.15309 0 85.58099 85.58099 85.58099 85.58099 85.58099 0 30 30 30 30 30 0 0.163 0.11502 0.07532 0.06259 0.02969 0 122.90556 123.21116 123.21116 123.21116 123.21116 0 5 6.22282 6.22282 6.22282 6.22282 0 0.08826 0.06367 0.04169 0.03465 0.01644 0 174.58273 171.27683 170.49804 165.2259 174.58273 0 4 / cm-1 9.09037 7.02851 8.84144 15 9.09037 0 AG5 0.07826 0.05646 0.03697 0.03072 0.01457 0 150 126.30495 125.39341 162.60736 200 0 20 40 40 40 2.16033 0 BL / cm-1 AG1 AG2 G2 / cm-1 2 / cm-1 AG3 G3 / cm-1 3 / cm-1 AG4 G4 / cm-1 G5 / cm-1 5 / cm-1 a, BL – Bucaro-Litovitz line shape function parameters (see eq 5 in paper). bAG,, G, – Antisymmetrized Gaussian line shape function parameters (see eq 6 in paper). cAdditivity Model (see eq 8 in paper). aABL, 4 References 1 W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, Second ed. (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992). 2 G. Giraud, J. Karolin, and K. Wynne, Biophys. J. 85, 1903 (2003). 5