Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne 3

Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne
3rd Year Lettorato Listening Exam September 5th 2014
Surname _____________________ Name________________ Mat. No. ____________
You are going to see part of a BBC World News Horizons documentary about extreme recycling.
You will see the video twice. First you will have 5 minutes to study the questions, then after the first
viewing you will have further 5 minutes and at the end you will have 1 hour 15 minutes to complete
your answers and write the summary.
Glossary :
Landfill sites - an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth
Cling film - a thin transparent plastic material that sticks to a surface and to itself, used especially for wrapping food
(sunflower) husks - the dry outer covering of nuts, fruits and seeds, especially of grain
Silica - a chemical containing silicon found in sand and in rocks such as quartz, used in making glass and cement
Concrete - building material that is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones and water
Gravel - small stones
Insulation - materials that prevent heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through
1. Fill in the gaps (one word or number/gap): “Globally, more than 1bn tons of solid ……………. is collected
every year. And by ………… this is predicted to ……………… to more than 2 billion tons. It’s a market that is
currently estimated to be ………… more than $400bn per year.”
2. According to Adam Shaw what should we try to be when it comes to food wrapping and packaging?
3. Which 3 parts (except for the skin) are thrown away when a fish is filleted?
(i) ……………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………
(iii) ……………………………………………………………………
4.a) What essential quality should an environmentally-friendly food wrap have?
b) What is extracted from the fish skin
5. True or False – write T or F in the space
They only experimented on fish skin when making food film wrapping
The process is quite complex
They add just 2 other things to the frozen fish gelatine
The newly created food film is not edible
It’s as good as traditional plastic cling film
6. Fill in the gaps (one word or number /gap): “Concrete is one of the most used ………………. materials and
it’s a massive global business. Each year we use …………. billion cubic metres, that is …………. cubic
metre for every person on the planet and all of it has to be ……………. out of the ground.”
7.What are the two disadvantages of conventional concrete?
(i) ………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………
8. a) How many tons of sunflower husks are produced in Turkey every year and b) what do they replace in
the making of this new concrete?
a) ………….. tons
b) ……….….. and ……………….
9. What do the sunflower husks create and give two of the benefits that result from this?
10. What is the main disadvantage of this new bio-concrete compared to conventional concrete?
11. What can bio-concrete be best used for?
a) dividing ………..;
b) ………ing;
c) …….….. - proofing
12. Give ONE other food waste that is high in silica and could be used instead of sunflower husks.
13. Fill in the gaps (one word or number /gap): “We are seeing a change in ……….….. we recycle and
…….…….. we recycle it [ --------- ] what is heartening is that we are now seeing some very ………………..
and ……………….. developments in the world of extreme recycling.”
Write a correctly laid out summary of 200 - 250 words on developments in extreme recycling in the
food and building industries.
Glossary :
Landfill sites - an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth
Cling film - a thin transparent plastic material that sticks to a surface and to itself, used especially for wrapping food
(sunflower) husks - the dry outer covering of nuts, fruits and seeds, especially of grain
Silica - a chemical containing silicon found in sand and in rocks such as quartz, used in making glass and cement
Concrete - building material that is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones and water
Gravel - small stones
Insulation - materials that prevent heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through
1. Globally, more than 1bn tons of waste is collected every year. And by 2025 this is predicted to double to
2.2 billion tons. It’s a market currently estimated to be worth more than $400bn per year.
2. According to Adam Shaw what should we try to be when it comes to food wrapping and packaging?
More environmentally-friendly about the materials
3. Which 3 parts (except for the skin) are thrown away when a fish is filleted?
(i) head
(ii) tail
(iii) bones
4. What essential quality should an environmentally-friendly food wrap have?
Should be biodegradable
4b. What is extracted from the fish skin
5. T or F
They only experimented on fish skin when making food film wrapping
The process is quite complex
They add just 2 other things to the frozen gelatine
The newly created food film is not edible
It’s as good as plastic cling film
6. Concrete is one of the most used industrial materials and it’s a massive global business. Each year we
use 7.5 billion cubic metres that is 1 cubic metre for every person on the planet and all of it has to be dug out
of the ground.
7. What are the two disadvantages of conventional concrete? Transport costs for sand and gravel/ heavy
8. a) How many tons of sunflower husks are produced in Turkey every year and what do they replace in the
making of this new concrete?
a) 300,000 tons
b) sand and gravel
9. What do the sunflower husks create and give two of the benefits that result from this?
Create air gaps resulting in a lighter material with higher insulation levels
10. What is the main disadvantage of this new bio-concrete compared to conventional concrete?
Not as strong
11. What can bio-concrete be best used for?
a) dividing walls
b) flooring
c) sound-proofing
12. Give ONE other food waste that is high in silica and could be used instead of sunflower husks.
Corn, wheat or rice
13. We are seeing a change in what we recycle and how we recycle it ……what is heartening is that we are
now seeing some very interesting and exciting developments in the world of extreme recycling.