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Seattle School of Homeopathy
Homeopathy classes: Foundation Year
(156 classroom hours; 190 total credit hours possible)
The SSH Foundation Year is designed to give students a strong
foundation in the principles of classical homeopathy, before introducing
them to tried-and-true progressive approaches. Nearly every weekend
includes the topics of homeopathic philosophy, materia medica,
proving, case taking, ethics, and case-analysis methodology. Cured
cases (live, on paper, and/or on video) are utilized extensively to bring
the material to life. Scroll down for class hours and locations.
Weekend 1, Sept. 10-12, 2010, starting Friday @ 5 pm: Homeopathic
Principles, Philosophy, Pharmacy, and History (Lucy Vaughters, PA-C,
CCH, Melanie Grimes, RsHom, CCH ). In this introductory weekend, we will
bring the Organon to life by applying its key passages and basic tenets of
homeopathy to life situations and to actual cases. We will learn the
homeopathic pharmacy process via making a remedy. We will focus on the
most important people and events in homeopathic history, past and
current; and we will use video and paper cases to illustrate homeopathic
Weekend 2, October 8-10, 2010, starting Friday @ 5 pm: Introduction
to Materia Medica: Effective Strategies for Study. Utilizing video and
paper clinical cases, we will consider different strategies for studying
remedies. Strategies to be considered include studying one remedy at a
time via keynotes and themes, and comparing it to remedies with
overlapping keynote and thematic presentations; studying themes of
taxonomic and miasmatic remedy
“families”; and studying original
proving information (Lucy Vaughters, PA-C, CCH)
November 12, 1:30-3:30 pm, First guided study group, Bastyr—
room location TBA
Weekend 3, November 12-14, 2010, starting Friday @ 5 pm: Using
the Repertory to help solve clinical cases (Maryann Ivons, ND, RN). We
will become familiar with the layout of Kent’s Repertory-- the repertory
upon which all others were based; we will practice locating useful
symptoms in the repertory via exercises from Karen Allen’s guidebook; we
will practice repertorizing actual cases; and we will compare the pros and
cons of different repertories, including Kent’s, Boeninghausen, Murphy’s,
and computerized repertories.
MacRepertory: Weekend will include a demo session over lunch with a
representative from either Kent Homeopathic Associates or Whole Health
Now, the two leading computer repertory companies.
Weekend 4, December 10-12, 2010, starting Friday @ 5 pm: Case
taking/ Case-Receiving (Krista Heron, ND, DHANP, and Lucy Vaughters,
PA-C, CCH). We will discuss what needs to happen in case-taking, and how
to create a safe space for our clients to reveal their disease state. We will
consider different techniques and methods for guiding the case-taking
process, consider characteristics of effective printed forms; and we will
begin to critically observe the process of actual case-taking, as Krista and
Lucy each take live cases.
January 7, 2011—Second Study Group, 1:30-3:30 pm, Bastyr.U. (LV)
Weekend 5, January 7-9, 2011, starting Friday @ 5 pm: Case analysis
and assessment (Julian Jonas, LAc, CCH). How do we find the picture of
disease, and its simillimum, amid all the myriad details that a patient
brings to the interview? In this class, the instructor will share tips and
techniques that have served homeopaths for decades in helping the image
of disease to emerge clearly from the mass of data.
Weekend 6, February 11-13, 2011, starting Friday @ 5 pm:
The Follow-Up, and Long-term case management (Lucy Vaughters PAC, MA-T, CCH). It has often been said, with good reason, that the second
prescription is the most difficult. Lucy will painstakingly guide you through
follow-up scenario after scenario, so that you gain confidence in “what to
do …next.” We will follow the course of three or four long-term cases on
video and paper. In this class we will also discuss various points of view
and strategies on dosing and repetition, and Lucy will share the major
strategies that have served her best over 20 years of practice. Finally, we
will conduct a live follow up one or more of the cases that were taken
during weekend 4.
March 11, 2011, 1:30-3:30 pm, Third Guided Study Group, Bastyr U
Weekend 7, March 11-13, 2011, starting Friday @ 5 pm : Chronic
disease/miasms, (Julian Jonas, LAc, CCH). What is a “miasm”--is it an
infection? A stain? A genetic code? In this weekend, we will frequently
utilize the teaching and writing of Hahnemann and Henne Hudens Mass, as
well as review many short and medium-sized cases on both paper and
video, to explore and elucidate Hahnemann’s theories on the miasms and
chronic disease.
Weekend 8, April 1-3, 2011, starting Friday @ 5 pm. Clinical
Homeopathy I, Emergency Homeopathy: Treating in Disaster
Afflicted Regions (Lauri Grossman, DC, CCH). Dr. Grossman maintains a
busy homeopathic practice in NYC, and is Chairperson of the Humanism
Dept. at The American Medical College of Homeopathy. She has traveled to
Haiti several times with Homeopaths without Borders (HWB) to render
emergency care to victims of that disaster. She also provided emergency
homeopathic care to victims of the 9/11 attack. On Friday afternoon, she
will share her experiences treating patients homeopathically in disasterstricken regions; lecture is open to the general public. In Saturday and
seminar (which is open to students with a minimum of
foundation training in homeopathy, as well as experienced homeopaths)
Dr. Grossman will share numerous cases and the thinking and analysis
processes which led to successful prescriptions in each.
Weekend 9, May 13-15, 2011, starting Friday @ 5 pm: Clinical
homeopathy I: Pediatrics- Children’s Cases (Maryann Ivons, ND, RN).
Dr. Ivons is enjoyed by students for her vast practical clinical experience,
and her memorable teaching metaphors. This weekend she will teach
materia medica and case-assessment methodology, as well as the
pathophysiology, for common children’s ailments, via many well-selected
short cases.
May 15-June 9 (3 hours, students’ own choosing): Take home final exam
Weekend 10, June 3-5, 2011,
(Friday , June 3, 1:30-3:30 pm): Year end review (LV). (Friday, 5-9 pm):
Student materia medica presentations.
(Saturday- Sunday): Proving. We are fortunate at SSH to have the
expertise of Melanie Grimes, a sensitive and extremely conscientious Master
Prover, who has led and published numerous provings. From her vast
experience, she brings students the gift of captivating storytelling. She also
will guide students through exercises designed to enhance their
understanding of the proving experience and methodology, and of how the
proving symptoms relate to the medicine we use clinically. Melanie concludes
the weekend by commencing an actual proving with students, which will
become part of permanent homeopathic literature; students may opt to
participate as actual provers, or else as supervisors to a proving-partner.
(Melanie Grimes, CCH, RsHom)
August 7, 2011 (4-8 pm-includes dinner)-in Edmonds: Proving
Download (Melanie Grimes). Provers do not congregate during the 4-6 week
term of the proving, so as to not “infect” one another with the energy of their
proving experience. During this special video-recorded reunion, provers
share their experiences of the proving substance—and are often astonished
by similarities that arise between their own experience and some of that of
their fellows. We will conclude this special event with a shared meal,
celebrating the successful completion of the Foundation Year.
Hours possible, Foundation year, 2010-11:
Class attendance: 156
Study Group Attendance (or listening to study group audio): 6
Completion of three Independent projects: 15
Quiz completion, self-grading and review: 10
Final exam: 3
Total didactic hours (CHC/DHANP) possible= 190
Class location: ALL classes take place at Bastyr University, Kenmore WA- Room
184. Very inexpensive single room accommodations (with shared bath) are available
through Bastyr U. Conferencing Services at 425-602-3061.
Class Hours: All Friday classes (except June) start at 5 pm and run until 8:15 pm.
Saturday and Sunday classes start at 9:00 am and run until 4:45 pm. June's Friday
class starts at 2 pm and runs til 9 pm.
For more information, visit
or call 425-672-4485.