The Wisconsin Plastic Film Initiate

The Wisconsin Plastic Film Initiative
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has partnered with the American
Chemistry Council’s Flexible Film Recycling Group (FFRG) and GreenBlue’s Sustainable
Packaging Coalition (SPC) to establish the Wisconsin Plastic Film Recycling Initiative with the
intent of dramatically increasing plastic film package recycling.
The Initiative partners are seeking stakeholder engagement throughout the plastic film packaging
supply chain including manufacturers, wholesale distributors, and retailers to increase collection
and recycling of plastic film and bags. Existing recyclers and haulers will be contacted and
encouraged to participate. Other critical stakeholders include local governments, recycling
organizations, and educational institutions such as universities to increase consumer
awareness about where and how plastic bags/film can be recycled. How can you help? Please help by sharing your local knowledge. If you know of haulers,
handlers, or recycling service providers that pick up commercial film OR drop-off locations that
accept plastic bags for recycling PLEASE email or go directly to a
new online resource and suggest a listing in the Recycler Directory or
the Drop Off Directory. On you can also find a calculator tool, recycling
posters, collection tips and more, if you are considering setting up a collection program.
This public/private partnership is targeting commercial material such as pallet wrap as well as
postconsumer material including carry out bags, dry cleaning bags, bathroom tissue wrap, and
case wrap—materials found in nearly every business and household. This material is readily
recyclable with strong demand from domestic markets (if kept clean and dry). The goal of
the Initiative is to significantly increase plastic film recycling across Wisconsin through the
following efforts:
 Expand the collection infrastructure by utilizing existing networks in order to enable small
to mid-sized retailers and other businesses to recycle plastic film and bags.
 Provide tools and resources to organizations interested in starting or expanding a plastic
film recycling program
 Increase consumer awareness about the recyclability of plastic film packaging beyond
 Encourage brand companies and retailers to use the SPC’s How2Recycle “Store Dropoff” bag/film recycling label on plastic packaging and FFRG’s educational resources to
promote bag/film recycling to consumers and the public
For more information and to be a part of this important initiative, please contact: Nina Bellucci
Butler, Project Director 707.480.0358
Sample list of domestic end users or intermediate processors in the Recycler Directory on that may source material from Wisconsin.
Provide Pick Up Service
Schultz Recycling
Zeus Recycling
Drop Off Locations (Retail)
JC Penney
Cub Foods
Sam's Club
Drop Off Locations (Non Retail)
C&D Recycling of WI, LLC
Waste Management Superior Materials Recovery Facility
Madison Materials Recovery Facility
Waste Management Recycle America Milwaukee
Waste Management Janesville Materials Recovery Facility
Scrap Film Markets
Hilex Poly
Mondo Polymer Technologies
Nexcycle Plastics
Omni Resource Recovery
Petoskey Plastics
Trex Company
Wisconsin Film and Bag