Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme THE BOYS’ BRIGADE IN SINGAPORE OFFICER CADETS ORIENTATION OUR PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE – THE JUNIORS PROGRAMME OCO 01/11 Page 1 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme AIMS OF THE JUNIORS PROGRAMME 1. Fulfill the BB Object – “Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.” 2. Proverb 22:6. “Train your child in the ways of the Lord and he will not depart from the path.” Central Theme “And Jesus grew in wisdom (mentally) and stature (physically), and in favour with God (spiritually) and men (socially).” Luke 2:52 (NIV) Desired Outcomes of Juniors Programme Members Respectful Confident and courteous in seeking clarification Ready to give of his best in all that he does Home Performs simple household chores and undertakes to be responsible for himself at home Respectful to parents and elders School Exemplary in conduct Respects authority Church Practises Christian values Cares and shares Appreciates the need to protect the environment Self Community Juniors Learn Through Play OCO 01/11 Page 2 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme MATERIALS FOR BOYS & OFFICERS BB Officers in the Juniors Programme should possess the following materials: Juniors Programme Handbook for Boys Awards Achievement workbook (3 series) These materials are important, as they contained vital information and guidelines pertaining to Juniors Programmes. They can be purchased from the BB Shop at $2.80 (handbook) and $2.50 (Workbook) each. AWARDS SCHEME Colour Awards Currently, the awards consist of 6 badges, named in ascending order: 1. White 2. Green 3. Purple 4. Blue 5. Red 6. Silver The Scheme is based on a series of activities and challenges demanding some achievements from the Boy. It is based on a four-sided programme of Social, Physical, Mental and Spiritual. Details of the contents covered under each award can be found in the Juniors Handbook and the Achievement Workbook. Service Badge The Service badges are awarded to Boys who have completed a year of service in the Company, attaining at least an attendance of 80%. Boys who receive this award should also be exemplary in conduct Boys can attain up to 3 service badges in the Juniors Programme. The Gold Badge The highest award a Boy can achieve in the Juniors Programme. This is awarded to Boys who successfully complete the Juniors Programme with exemplary conduct in school and at home. They will have undergone training in basic lifeskills, through a series of challenging adventure oriented fun activities. Recipients of this most coveted badge in the Juniors Programme will possess skills to assist his Officers in managing younger Boys, thorough leading by example and positive peer influence. OCO 01/11 Page 3 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme Requirements 80% attendance with exemplary conduct Achieved all 6 Colour Badges Participated in the Juniors Challenge and a group Community Service project Experience in leadership roles in the Company e.g. assisted Officers in planning games Assisted Officers in the instruction of younger Boys e.g. as a Drill Demonstrator, during Lifeskills and Personal Development lessons, e.t.c. Participated in a nature hike and the BB Adventure Quest Have made group presentations to the Company e.g. on experiences gained during Kindness Activities Achieving the Awards Scheme Over a period of two to three years, a Boy is guided through six different Colour Awards viz. White, Green, Purple, Blue, Red and Silver awards. If the Boy has successfully gained all six colour Awards, has at least eighty-percent attendance over the previous two years and has conducted himself well; a Gold Award is presented to him. The suggested schedules of completing the Awards over 2 or 3 years are as follows: 1st year year 3rd year 2nd 3 Year Scheme 2 Year Scheme White, Green Purple, Blue Red & Silver White, Green & Purple Blue, Red & Silver Conducting the Awards Generally, a typical Award session may be conducted as follows: S/No. 1 2 Session Duration Test of last week’s lesson Teaching of new lesson, summary and Test Total 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins Then tests should cover a minimum of 2 lessons from each area (no restriction in the number of lessons taught). Total weeks required: 8 weeks + 2 weeks = 10 weeks (2 weeks for spares or retest) Administration of Achievement Scheme The Officer will maintain a record of all the Boys in the Company, updating them as tests and awards are given. Each Boy will have his own record of achievements where the officer endorses the dates of his achievements. As the Boy gains each award, arrangements should be made by the officer to present him his Award as soon as they are gained so that he may see the immediate reward for his efforts. When a Boy has achieved the Gold Award, it will be presented to him by the school through a ceremony organized by the BB Company. OCO 01/11 Page 4 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme UNIFORM Boys in Junior Programmes generally wear 2 types of uniform: Day Dress (Full Uniform) Fatigue Dress (Half-Uniform) Officers are to refer to the Handbook for Boys to see how the uniforms are to be worn. They are to ensure that Boys are properly attired when they are in their uniform. PROGRAMMES Programmes & Activities Programmes and Activities in Juniors Programme fall into the 4 categories as follows: 1. Spiritual Aspect of Growth a. Weekly Devotions Lessons about God from the Bible Sing-along – singing Bible truths b. Learning about God through the Christmas & Easter stories 2. Social Aspect of Growth a. Games in parades b. Company outings and camps c. Community service projects (e.g. BB CARES, Sharity Gift Box) d. BB National Competitions JP Bible Quiz JP BB Adventure Quest e. Combined Uniformed Youth Group activities 3. Physical Aspect of Growth a. Hiking & expeditions b. Adventure activities Tree Climbing, Kayaking, Rope Courses, Rock Climbing JP BB Adventure Quest c. Overseas trips (trekking, adventure trips, etc) d. Foot drill OCO 01/11 Page 5 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme 4. Enrichment Aspect of Growth a. Life skills – speaking, relating with others, goal setting, leadership, etc b. JP Awards Achievement Scheme 6 Colour Awards JP Gold Award Company Events 1. Parade Programme A typical parade in the Juniors Programme should have a combination of badgework, Christian Education and recreational activities. A typical parade would have a duration of 2.5 hours, divided into the following: Duration Programme Remarks 10 mins 20 mins 30 mins 30 mins 30 mins Fall in/Roll Call Devotion Recreation Drill Achievement Scheme Attendance is taken 30 mins Social Activities 2. Key Company Events Besides the usual parades, Officers should consciously make an effort to ensure that the other events are organised: Recruitment and Orientation This is an explosive way to start the year! Recruitment is where the Company displays its best it can offer to new members. It is also a great opportunity to garner the talents and energies of your Boys. During Orientation, Companies usually comes together for some time of fun and games. These activities, coming after the holidays, allow Officers to renew relationships with their Boys. Enrolment Service One of the important events of a company is the Enrolment Service. It is an annual ceremony held early each year to officially enrol a company’s officers and Boys. This service is typically held in late March and in church during Sunday service with the presence of the sponsoring church’s congregation, and its officiated by the Company Chaplain. For some Companies, they would also conduct their promotion ceremony. BB Day It is observed on the 12 January to commemorate the birth of The BB in Singapore. On this day, Boys usually put on their uniforms in school and the BB Day Message is read. Make arrangements with your sponsoring school for the observance of this event and with the Brigade Office to obtain the BB Day Message. OCO 01/11 Page 6 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme BB Week This is the annual fund-raising effort. It is an opportunity for members and friends to contribute financially to the on-going work of the BB. For some Companies, they would usually have their Enrolment Service during this period so that they can ask the sponsoring members for their contributions to the BB. Chaplain’s Parade This is a time when you meet your Chaplain or his representative from the church. The parade may involve the Chaplain in teaching a class or conducting devotion. There may even be friendly games between the Company and the church youth fellowship. Promotion and Awards Ceremony Companies usually designate times in the year to announce and present promotions and awards to the deserving Boys. These are occasions that Boys would look forward to. Sometimes, other awards involving inter-squad competitions would also be presented. Community Service Events These events provide an avenue for you to care and share your time and energy for the less fortunate. Boys may find that it tough due to the hard work and that is where Officers inculcate in them the value of blessing someone who is less fortunate than them. In the BB, 2 major community service events are held yearly: BB CARES and SGB. Companies should inquire with the Brigade Office with regard to the participation in it. Camps, adventure and outings These are great opportunities for you to know your Boys better. Some recommended activities are: • Overseas trips – waterfalls, climbs, kelongs • Campfires, BBQ, Squad outings • Adventure activities Ropes Course Rappelling Kayaking Archery Rock wall, Omega Descent • Educational tours – variety shows, visits to foreign warships here, etc • Combined programmes – with Church, other Uniformed Groups in school. Officers can look up at the BB website to source for suitable vendors for the various programmes at ww.bb.org.sg/resources Graduation Parade A most poignant event, as this is the time to leave the Seniors Programme. These Boys would then usually prepare for their exams, but officers should maintain regular contact with these Boys. OCO 01/11 Page 7 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme 3. Company Annual Programme The Annual Programme Usually an average of about 30 parades in a calendar year Stakeholders, especially School, must be updated with it before the start of the new year Vision and goals for the Company should first be established The Planning process Usually done in last quarter of the year, when school, church, and Brigade Calendar of events are confirmed Key priorities for the Company’s calendar School’s events (Speech Day, Recruitment Day, etc) School holidays and exams Church events (anniversary, camps, etc) Brigade events (competitions , courses, deadlines for submissions) These events must first be included in the yearly calendar before inserting the Company’s events. Company’s events Weekly parades Camps Close sessions Special programmes (e.g Parents day, outings) Enrolment Service Officers meetings The awards calendar can be established after the annual programme is confirmed. Meeting for annual programme The School, Church, and Brigade key events should be inserted in the calendar and circulated to the Officers way in advance Officers in charge of various portfolios should come prepared with their schedules for the year Captain should facilitate the meeting, especially in deciding over events that collided with each other Captain will submit final programme to school and chaplain for approval Key Considerations Vision and goals of the Company Manpower availability in Officers, Primers, helpers, teachers Budget required to run the programmes A sample of an annual programme can be found in Annex A RUNNING EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMES Website The BB website www.bb.org.sg is constantly updated with new information on various new programmes and service providers. Officers should constantly visit it to look out for interesting activities that could be relevant for their Boys. OCO 01/11 Page 8 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme Joint Activities with other Groups 1. Other Juniors Companies, CCAs or Church Children’s ministry Officers should look beyond that of their Companies when organizing activities. Make every attempt to combine activities with other Uniformed Groups in your school or with the youth ministry of the sponsoring church. Alternatively, they can also combine activities with other BB Companies. This not only helps your Boys and Officers widen their network of friends, it also facilitates the negotiations of a more competitive rate when engaging external service vendors with the larger numbers. 2. Other Seniors Programme Companies Officers in the Juniors Programme should also adopt a longer perspective by encouraging their Boys to join the Seniors Programme (SP) when they move to Secondary Schools. Combined programmes will expose them to the different activities and programmes that await them in the SP, giving them a stronger motivation to carry on with the BB. Acquisition of best practices With more than 35 Junior Programme BB Companies, Officers have much to learn from the vast experiences of Officers from other Companies. Events specially organized for Officers like Annual Officers Retreat, JP Officers Fellowship are great opportunities for JP Officers to meet and learn best practices. Do keep a close lookout for these events, and sign up for it! SUPPLEMENTARY RESOURCES The following resources are available to for Officers: 1. Training Materials Outdoor Adventure – Handbook for Boys Drill VCD First Aid VCD 2. BB Website : www.bb.org.sg Best practices amongst BB Companies Powerpoint slides for various badges Adventure vendors, including Campfire materials These materials mentioned above are available at the BB Shop. Please contact Ken Li at 67370377 Ext 114. 3. Facilities a. BB Campus Address: 105 Ganges Avenue, Singapore 169695 6 dormitories of 10 bed each, fully air conditioned 2 seminar rooms with 50 seating capacity each 2 Halls with 120 seating capacity each 1 mini football court 1 dining hall For more information and booking, please contact Mr Ken Li at 67370377 Ext 114. OCO 01/11 Page 9 of 10 Our Programme at a Glance – The Juniors Programme b. BB/GB Campsite Address: 1200 Sembawang Road, Singapore 758526 6 dormitories of 10 beds each, fully air conditioned 12 dormitories of 10 beds each, non air conditioned 7 seminar rooms with seating capacities between 40 - 60 1 Multi Purpose Hall with 120 seating capacity 1 small field 2 Rappelling Walls Kayaks (single & doubles) Ropes Course 1 dining hall For more information and booking, please contact Ms Seah Poh Gek from the Girls Brigade headquarters at 62887451. CONTACT PERSONNEL For matters pertaining to Juniors Programme, you may contact the following personnel: Ms Loisa Koh Executive (Programmes) Email : loisa_koh@bb.org.sg Tel : 67370377 Ext 104 OCO 01/11 Page 10 of 10