1. Association
a) The Pure Class Dance Arts Association, a nonprofit Society, is duly registered under the Society, is duly
registered under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta.
2. Member
a) Any individual who has met the criteria of membership as set out in these Bylaws.
3. Executive Committee
a) The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Past President (where applicable), the VicePresident, the Secretary, the Treasurer or (Secretary-Treasurer), as elected at a General Meeting by the
Membership of the Association.
4. Board or Board of Directors
a) The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee and three other Directors, duly elected by
the Members at a General Meeting. Individual Board positions can only be held for a maximum of two
consecutive years. When possible, only two of the four elected Executive positions would be changed
each year.
5. Committee
a) A committee shall be composed of at least two members in good standing selected by the Board of
Directors to administer, advise or plan the various activities of the Association.
6. Workshop
a) An instructional class presented to enhance a student’s knowledge and development in areas related to
7. Student
a) A dancer who is registered and attending dance classes on a regular and continuous basis at a recognized
dance studio.
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The name of the society is:
The objectives of the Pure Class Dance Arts Association shall be:
To promote the art of dance through sponsorship of shows and dance showcases.
To develop community recognition of the art of dance.
To organize and fund educational workshops to enhance students’ dance training.
To recognize the accomplishments and participation of dance students, through scholarships and/or
To provide the necessary equipment for carrying on its various objectives.
To sell, manage, lease mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with the property of the society.
To arrange, promote and sponsor dance, musical theatre and dramatic entertainment to develop civic and
community recognition in the arts.
To solicit or raise money by way of fees, fund raising, donations or otherwise in the aforesaid objectives.
To do all things that is ancillary and incidental to these objectives.
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1. Membership
a) Membership in the Pure Class Dance Arts Association shall be open to those individuals interested in
supporting the objectives of the Association. Membership shall be limited to parents or guardians of
students, or students themselves, who are 18 years of age or older. Students must be registered and must
be attending dance classes on a regular and continuous basis (excluding absences for medical reasons).
b) Term of membership shall be from September 01 to August 31 and must be renewed each year.
Membership shall be effective upon receipt of completed membership application and payment of fee.
c) Membership fees are due by October 31. Late membership applications will be not be accepted unless
approved by the Board.
d) Membership Fees shall be determined from time to time by the Members at a General Meeting.
e) Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon written notice to the Board through
the Secretary. Any member, upon majority vote of members present at a General Meeting, may be
expelled from membership for any cause that the Association may deem reasonable. No refund of fees
shall be given in either case.
2. Meetings
a) The Association shall hold a minimum of two General Meetings per year, one of which is the Annual
General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting should be held in September or as near to this as possible.
The second General Meeting should be held in June. Seven days notice shall be given to the Membership
by posted notice, mail or telephone. Any seven members shall form a quorum.
b) The Board of Directors shall meet as often as necessary but at least once every three months. Seven days
notice shall be given to the Board by posted notice, mail or telephone. Any four members shall form a
c) Meetings of the Association may be called at any time by the Secretary upon instruction of the President
or the Vice-President by giving seven days notice of such meeting, except as defined by section III, 8..
d) A Special Meeting of the Board must be called by the President on the instruction of any two members
provided their request is in writing to the President stating the business to be brought to the meeting. This
meeting must be called within seven days. Any four members shall form a quorum.
e) Meeting of the Board may be held without due notice provided there is a quorum of the board present and
also provided that any business transacted at such meeting shall be ratified at the next regular meeting of
the Board; otherwise such business shall be null and void.
f) A Special General Meeting must be called on seven days notice upon receipt by the President or Secretary
of a Petition signed by one third of the members in good standing and setting forth the reasons for calling
such a meeting. One third of members in good standing shall form a quorum for a Special General
g) Any Board member may be removed from office if he/she misses three consecutive meetings, for which
no reasonable explanations can be given.
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BYLAWS (Continued)
3. Elections
a) At the June General Meeting, there shall be an election to form a Board of Directors, as set out in Section
I, 4, a), which members shall serve until their successors are elected and installed.
b) Any vacancy of a Board position occurring during the year shall be filled at the next General Meeting and
must be so stated in the notice calling such a meeting.
c) Any member in good standing shall be eligible to stand for any office in the Association excepting if, in so
doing, there is a conflict of interest as determined by the members at a General Meeting.
4. Voting
a) Any member in good standing shall have the right to vote at any General Meeting and such votes must be
made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. There shall be one vote per membership.
b) Any Board member in good standing shall have the right to vote at any Board meeting and such vote must
be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise.
c) Votes may be made by show of hands, by secret ballot, or by other methods, as deemed appropriate by the
meeting Chairperson.
d) The President, in all cases, shall abstain from voting except in the case of a tied vote, in which case the
President shall cast the deciding vote.
e) Votes shall be decided by a simple majority except in the case of special resolutions which shall be
decided by a three-quarters majority of eligible voters present.
5. Audit
a) The books, accounts, and records of the Association shall be audited at least once each year by a duly
qualified accountant or by two members of the Association elected for that purpose at a General Meeting.
Such audit to be conducted at year-end.
b) A complete and proper statement of the auditors shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting.
c) The fiscal year of the Association shall be from September 01 to August 31.
d) The Association books and records will be available for members’ inspection at all General Meetings or at
a pre-arranged time with the President, Treasurer and member in good standing.
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BYLAWS (Continued)
6. Remuneration
No officer or member of the Association shall receive any remuneration for their services other than for
reimbursement of expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of office. All such expenses are to be approved
by the Board.
Such approval shall be given for expenses such as supplies, postage, etc., and not for such things as mileage, or
time spent on Association business.
7. Borrowing Powers
For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the Association may borrow, raise or secure payment of money
in such manner, as it thinks fit, and, in particular, by the issue of debentures. But this power shall be exercised
only under the Authority of the Association, and in no case shall debentures be issued without a Special
Resolution of the Association passed at a General Meeting.
8. Bylaws
The Bylaws of the Pure Class Dance Arts Association may be rescinded, altered, or added to by a Special
Resolution passed at a General Meeting. Twenty-one days notice shall be given to the Membership by posted
notice, mail or telephone.
9. Dissolution Clause
Upon dissolution of the Pure Class Dance Arts Association, any assets remaining after paying debts and
liabilities are to be:
a) Disbursed to eligible charitable or religious groups or purposes; or
b) Transferred in trust to a municipality until such time as the assets can be transferred from the municipality
to a charitable or religious group or purpose approved by the Board.
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1. Board of Directors
The Board shall, subject to the Bylaws or directions given it by majority vote at any meeting properly called
and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the Association.
2. President
The President shall preside, when present, at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. The
President shall also be ex-officio a member of all Committees.
3. Vice-President
The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, preside at any meeting of the Board or at a General
Meeting and shall stand in for the duties of the President where required.
4. Past-President
The preceding President shall serve for one term as Past-President on the Board. The Past-President shall
serve as an advisor to the Board and is entitled to all the same privileges as other Board Members.
5. Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the Association and the Board, and to keep
accurate minutes of the same. The Secretary shall have charge of the Seal of the Association, if obtained,
which Seal, whenever used, shall be authenticated by the signatures of the Secretary and the President, or, in
case of death or inability to act, by the Vice-President. In case of absence of the Secretary, the duties shall be
discharged by such Officer as may be appointed by the board. The Secretary shall have charge of all
correspondence of the Association and be under the direction of the President and the Board. He/she shall also
keep a record of all members of the Association and shall be responsible for posting notices of various
meetings as required.
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DUTIES (Continued)
6. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the society and shall be responsible for the deposit of same in
whatever Bank the Board may order. They shall properly account for the funds of the society and keep such
books as may be directed. They shall present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the
Board whenever requested and shall prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting a statement duly
audited as heretofore set forth of the financial position of the society and submit a copy of same to the
Secretary for the records of the Association. The office of the Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one
person at any General Meeting for the election of officers if the membership should so decide.
7. Committee Chairman
Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the Board and need not be an elected member of the Board, but
must be a member in good standing of the Association. The Chairman shall be responsible to the Board for
duties assigned to his/her Committee, and all plans and expenses must be approved by the Board. Committee
Chairmen and members are encouraged to attend Board and General Meetings and participate in the
discussions. They shall not, however, be entitled to a vote at a Board Meeting unless they hold an elected
position on the Board.
Amended to include dissolution clause
September 25, 2006
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