2015-2016 Course Requirements Spanish A1

Spanish A1
Course Description
Señora Creter
VCHS: 457-2400 x19255
email: sandra.creter@valleycentralschools.org
Spanish A1 is a necessary course to graduate high school!
You must pass this level in order to receive a high school diploma.
Texts: We will be using the following textbooks: Spanish is Fun and Exploring Spanish.
Supplies: I recommend a binder with dividers (grammar, vocabulary, class work, and homework and
grades assignments), pens, pencils, paper, etc.
Your binders will remain in class! You do not need to bring them home.
Tests, quizzes & projects
Homework, class work & participation
= 65% of quarter grade
= 35% of quarter grade
Quizzes, Tests & Projects:
1. Quizzes are given weekly. They may be spoken, written, a project or a traditional classroom quiz. All
grades are of equal value.
2. You may retake any quiz within the 5 week period, should you receive a grade under 65%. You will
receive the higher of the two quiz grades.
3. You have 5 days to make up any grade. Make sure you stay post-session!
4. Additionally, your lowest grade of the quarter will be dropped at the end of the marking period
provided you have completed all tests, quizzes and projects.
5. Late projects will be deducted 5 points per day late.
Homework, Class work & Participation:
1. All notes and class work are to be kept in your binder, in dated order. I will conduct an announced
notebook check (each quarter) which is equivalent to one quiz grade.
2. You will be graded daily on your class work. Trust me; completing class work is the way to pass!
3. Each missing assignment subtracts points from your homework grade. You have five days in which to
make up homework for partial credit.
4. Helpful websites for you to utilize at home include: www.quia.com and www.conjuguemmos.com
where you can find practice quizzes and puzzles.
1. Unmade-up absences (class work and homework for the day(s) you missed) are calculated into your
average as zeros! You have five days in which to make up absentee work for full credit. Should you have
difficulty completing work in 5 days, please speak with me.
2. It is your responsibility to show me make up work. I will provide all students with a list of missing
work every one to two weeks.
3. Do you have more than 18 unmade up absences? You are not eligible for credit.
4. Come to class daily. This is the best way in which to enhance the learning process.
Cell phone use:
Cell phones should be powered off throughout the school day and therefore during class. There should
be NO TEXTING and NO PICTURE TAKING during class. Cell phones may be confiscated after the first
offense (ringing, vibrating, texting, etc.) and will be dropped off at the main office by the end of the day.
Extra help/ post session:
I am available for post session help Tuesday through Thursday, and Friday by appointment.
If you or I feel it is necessary, you can also work with a peer tutor during study hall or post session. Don’t
forget to ask a family member if they can help. Even if they never studied Spanish, they can help by quizzing
you on vocabulary. Better yet, teach them each night what you covered in class.
Teaching is the number one way to learn something.
In addition to following all VCHS rules, please be aware of the following in-class rules:
1. Be respectful. Treat others fairly, and be polite when speaking. Raise your hand! Rudeness and
inappropriate language and remarks will not be tolerated. You are expected to act in a courteous,
respectful manner. After the second warning I will call home and/ or write an office referral.
2. Be on time. This means you are in your seat by the bell. 3 lates = post –session detention with me.
3. The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Stay in your seats until you are dismissed.
4. Be prepared. If you need a pencil or pen, collateral will be needed.
5. Be prepared to speak. Foreign language is about communication and speaking in Spanish is a big part of
your participation grade! The best way to learn a foreign language is by oral communication.
6. You will be held responsible for any rules you break: 3 strikes and you will receive post-session
detention with me.
7. Eating / drinking is not allowed in class without previous permission of the teacher or a gold pass
from the office for students without a lunch period.
8. Have a winning attitude.
Together let’s have a wonderful year.
¡Bienvenidos y Suerte!
*Foreign Language Department Internet Dictionary Policy
Academic Integrity Policy for VCHS
Addendum to VCHS Academic Integrity Policy found in the VCHS Student Handbook
It is imperative that students understand the importance of assuming the responsibility for their own work
assigned by the teacher. High School students often feel pressure to succeed. Academic Integrity is facing those
pressures and developing productive habits that fall within the guidelines of both society and VCHS. Violations of
academic integrity include, but are not restricted to, cheating, plagiarizing and stealing academic material.
The use of online translators for the purpose of completing projects or compositions assigned by the foreign
language teacher is considered a violation of the VCHS academic integrity policy and is strictly forbidden.
What is Internet translator abuse?
Some students are using online translation websites and they may not be aware that this goes against the spirit of
meaningful learning. Typing English text to obtain a translation to French or Spanish is not a reflection of the
student’s knowledge. Teachers do recognize online translator abuse.
Typing English sentences into Internet translation sites is not allowed on school assignments for the following
1. It is cheating. You are not showing what you have learned. By not using the vocabulary and structures
taught in your textbook chapters, you are not practicing the material that is required.
2. Sometimes the translator’s word spelling and word order are wrong. They are not 100% reliable.
3. Often the translator gives words, expressions and verb tenses that you have not yet learned. This leads to
language that your do not understand.
Rule of thumb
Use the Internet translator THE SAME WAY that you would use a paper dictionary. For example, type “the dog”.
You can learn the gender and spelling which is “el perro”.
****Never type in the whole text-you can’t do that with a paper dictionary.****
Foreign Language Department’s Consequences for translator abuse:
First Offense : Warning. No credit for that part of the assignment. You will be allowed to redo the sentences for
Second Offense : Teacher completes an Academic Integrity Form. A copy of which will go in the student’s file
and a copy will be given to Administration. The teacher will notify the parent.
Third Offense : Severe consequence to be determined by the teacher and administration. Parent will be notified
*The above policy is being used, with permission, from Mrs. Loren Mashewske, a French teacher, at TCMS, Rochester, NY.
www.bcsd.org/tcms/cfm. The district website is www.bcsd.org .
Her webpage is