Bruce Copley

Dr. Bruce Copley
“Ordinary won’t change the world”
2,500 years ago Confucius said “Tell them and they will forget, show them and
they may remember, but involve them and they will understand”. We all know that
the inherent truth of this statement has been around as long as the principle of
aerodynamics – which is forever! We also know that 90 percent of information we
receive is soon forgotten which means that we are operating at a fraction of our full
potential. Just ask Fido! Very simply, if we apply the principle of holistic learning by
whole person involvement as effectively as we apply the principle of
aerodynamics, we will fly!
“Ice breakers” are commonly used to open, relax and warm delegates followed by “big freeze” tactics that
bombard delegates with facts, information, complex models, endless monologues, Power Point presentations
and quotes that are largely forgotten within hours if not minutes.
Dr Bruce Copley, the founder of AAHA LEARNING, has pioneered a revolutionary holistic approach to
learning widely acknowledged as the “missing link” in education, training, communication and management.
By stimulating and involving the whole person mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially,
human potential is optimised and the limitless learner within reawakened.
Were you, like tens of millions of people worldwide inspired, impressed, and / or touched by the film “Dead
Poets Society”? Bruce has been dubbed a real life version of the inspiring poetry teacher played by Robin
Williams in the film.
Utilising a remarkable array of unique experiences, exercises and activities such as fire making, music,
drama, poetry, comedy, story telling, didgeridoo playing, and many other forms of “edutainment”, Bruce
transforms conventional and mundane sitting practices into vibrant and captivating moving experiences. The
key to his unmitigated worldwide success as a speaker and animator is his extraordinary ability to actively
and passionately engage the audience in the discovery, exploration and application of holistic tools and
techniques that breathe life into education, learning and communication. Bruce Copley’s presentations are
unforgettable lived experiences.
In an ever changing world where powers of reasoning, creativity and vision are of paramount importance, a
new open minded approach to education and learning is called for. The power of AAHA LEARNING is
succinctly described in a quote by Eric Butterworth:
“When the ties of learning and the chains of conditioning that bind the human mind and heart again and
again, are loosed and we are introduced to ourselves, the real self that has no limitations, then the bells of
heaven ring for joy and we are thrust forward into a grand rendezvous with life.”
The innovative seminars and learningshops presented by Dr Bruce Copley and associates of AAHA
LEARNING are client focused and driven, honouring the principle of CUSTOMER DELIGHT.
PRESENTATIONS (1 to 3 hours) and LEARNINGSHOPS (1 to 5 days) cover a wide range of topics and
experiences such as:
Creating Workplace Community – one of our most successful internationally acclaimed
programmes that go way beyond conventional teambuilding interventions
Change-itis – are you fighting, fleeing, fumbling, freezing or flowing?
A Holistic Perspective of the Value and Assets of a Business – Intangible Value
Holistic intelligence
The art and science of holistic animation
Lessons from the Original Fire
Inspinable Management….catalyzing and optimising human potential in the workplace
Putting the Heart and Soul back into Business
Total customer satisfaction : Integrating customer service and delight
Accelerated Learning through Whole Brain Thinking
Accessing your Creative Genius – The Genie within
Lessons from Nature and the natural order
Customised Launches, Ceremonies, Weddings and social gatherings
Discovering the Artist within
Energy of Money
Exploring the Wilderness Within
From the personal to the planetary
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude
Humour and Fun in the Workplace
Innovation starts with an “I”
Intuition: Going beyond your Senses
Intuitive Leadership
Learning to Play…Playing to Learn
Let’s have a Heart to Heart
Multi-sensory Communication
Music, Rhythm, Drumming, Dance and Song
On becoming a Provocateur
Paradigm Paralysis: Causes, Complications and Cures
Personal mastery: The alpha and the omega
Pleasure, fame and the riches: is there more?
Relationship strategies and economics
Soundscape Journeys
The ABC of leadership: On being the CEO of your life
Voluntary Simplicity
Educational Qualifications: Multiple university degrees, a 50 page CV, hundreds of publications (popular
and scientific) and the recipient of the prestigious British Association medal for cutting edge scientific
Professional Experience: 37 years in education, communication, training and teaching at universities in
South Africa, USA and Canada
Conferences: Consistently rated as the leading speaker at major international conferences since 1999
Corporate Drumming: Pioneered corporate drumming in South Africa in 1991 and received national
television coverage for the first corporate drumming event in Sandton, Johannesburg, in1994
First live SA/USA conference broadcast in 1991: with the late Dr Leo Buscaglia entitled “Only you can
make the difference”
Discrimination / Diversity workshops: Pioneered a holistic intervention to effectively counter the
detrimental effects of discrimination and stereotyping
Musicianship: Plays a large variety of musical instruments (42) achieving worldwide acclaim as a Maverick
didgeridoo player able to create fire in this 40,000 year old instrument
Sports Field: Former International tennis and provincial squash player and a leading South African
“Dr Bruce Copley recently delivered a keynote address and a workshop at our annual International LearnX
Asia Pacific 2007 Conference in Sydney’s Darling Harbour. This is the largest and most prestigious training
event in Australia incorporating more than 70 speakers and 350 delegates from all over the world. Bruce
proved to be a superb communicator, an energetic speaker and an excellent consultant. He was a breath of
fresh air and had a very positive impact on the conference overall. The majority of the attendees rated Dr
Copley’s contribution as the “highlight” of the event.” Rob Clarke, Conference Organiser and Editor of
“Training Australia” Magazine.
“Your receiving a standing ovation at a business conference is very rare indeed…” Nils Welleus (Talaforum –
“Reminded me of the incredible power we all hold to transform our lives…” Wendy Luhabe, author of
Defining Moments
“Far more experiential and multidimensional than other professional development programmes…” Prof
William Spady (Founder of Outcomes Based Education – OBE)
“Elevates an organization onto a new plane of real learning…” John Counihan (Sasol)
“For the second successive year you were our top presenter…” Yvonne Olsson, (Management Institute of
Lund(MiL), Sweden)
“This method is extremely conducive to learning and these concepts are never forgotten…” Steven Bagg
(Operations Director, Sun City Resort)
“In all of the sessions I was privileged to have with Bruce I believe that these experiences have made me a
better manager, friend, husband and father…” Christopher P. Johnson (Executive Assistant manager, Sun
City Hotel)
Bruce Copley works extensively in the corporate sector and is credited with catalyzing significant changes in
organizations such as: Sun International, including Table Bay Hotel which subsequently won the Condé Nast
Traveller Award, ABSA, Old Mutual, SA Defence Force, Geen and Richards, BMW (UK), and many others.
Dr Bruce Copley former University Professor of Human Movement Science is an internationally acclaimed
holistic educator who has inspired tens of thousands of people to rediscover their lost love of learning. For
the past two decades Bruce has immersed himself in the art and science of informal and alternative
education, and pioneered and developed his revolutionary holistic methods of education and training known
as Cogmotics(cogitare to think and motare to move). Described as a real life version of the teacher in the
award winning film “Dead Poets Society” Bruce creates unforgettable learning experiences for people from
pre-schoolers to senior citizens.
He brings a fresh and profound approach to holism, grounded in his own awakened awareness and fuelled
by a passion to rekindle in others the freedom and fullness that is their innate birthright. He draws no sharp
distinction between his mind and body, his labour and leisure, and his teaching and learning. He is content to
pursue his visions of excellence through whatever he is doing leaving others to question whether he is
playing or working….to himself he always appears to be doing both. His two ongoing challenges in life are to
walk his talk and to hold his visions lightly.
In the modern world organisations and companies need much more than
intelligent individuals and task focused teams.
Bruce Copley’s Learningshops, based on timeless principles and practices
of Ubuntu, give participants a first hand experience of how a team or
collective can become a vibrant community. The transformation occurs
when, in the mirror of each human soul, the collective finds its reflection,
and the virtue and diversity of every individual comes alive and is valued.
Since most companies ONLY MANAGE WHAT GETS MEASURED namely its TANGIBLE ASSETS, it is
patently clear that not recognising, understanding and managing its INTANGIBLES constitutes a serious
corporate “blind spot” that has far reaching implications.
Whilst organisations need the “hardware” that is, buildings, machinery and equipment, etc, and “software”,
the systems and rules, policies and procedures, an equally important component is the “wetware”, which
refers to the PEOPLE whose blood, sweat and tears keep everything going! When intangibles are not
properly managed they are diluted and dissipated within the system in much the same way that untrained
eyes overlook diamonds in the rough.
intervention any organisation can undertake. Dr. Bruce Copley and his extensive network of
associates combine ancient wisdom and cutting edge systems theory to identify, address and
integrate the intangible values of any organisation.
The subtle yet powerful energy of money has far reaching effects on our sense of self, our interpersonal
relationships and perceptions of the world. In this Learningshop participants discover through a series of
unique experiences, how they are shaped and controlled by money. Bartering, alternative currencies,
prosperity consciousness and the fine art of earning and learning a living are explored.
In keeping with the conventional atomistic and mechanistic scientific approach it is not
surprising that human intelligence researchers have and continue to focus on the parts.
With great skill, dedication and passion scientists in most disciplines analyse, specialise,
separate and compartmentalise. While this scientific paradigm has obviously produced
many useful technologies it has simultaneously created a very dangerous big picture
“blind spot” where specialisation means knowing more and more about less and
less until we know everything about nothing !
Holoprint – see more
Fortunately systems or holistic thinking has begun to emerge and there is a growing realisation and
recognition that in reality everything is connected and that separation is simply a product of human thought
and behaviour. Ironically humans are arguably the only self-regulating entities on the planet who manage to
suppress and interfere with the natural expression and development of our innate holistic intelligence !
The application of AAHA Learning’s Cogmotic principles and techniques in hundreds of organisations
and with tens of thousands of people of all ages, races, sexes, cultures and educational backgrounds
throughout the world, creates an arena for individual and collective growth where something new is
understood and / or something is newly understood.
Owing to the involvement of the whole person, delegates reap the rewards of insightful learning, increased
levels of awareness, self esteem, openness, self confidence and creativity…all the essential ingredients for
leading a meaningful impassioned life.
Would you like to experience an environment that could liberate your LEARNING POTENTIAL,
stimulate and integrate all your SENSES, rekindle your LOST LOVE OF LEARNING and assist you in
revealing the BIG PICTURE of your life?
Rekindle your passion for living and learning…Be forged in the furnace of
life…Thaw out frozen feelings and perceptions…Ignite the fire within and spark
your creativity..
A unique and mysterious experience for individuals and groups…a chance to step
back in time and experience what our ancestors valued above all…the power of
the ORIGINAL FIRE. Master a skill that is 1.5 million years old !
Fire will be your teacher and the lessons learnt will challenge, surprise and delight you
Witness a world first by Dr Bruce Copley creating fire
in the 40,000 year old Australian didgeridoo
by playing a particular note !
If you have always imagined this for yourself, now is the
perfect time to explore the wonderful world of the dolphin !
Dare to join these magnificent creatures on a delightful journey that will catapult you
into an unforgettable rendezvous with life.
Wake up to your dream instead of an alarm clock ! Imagine…
Your very own private safari camp for a never to be forgotten soul safari
Exploring the wilderness on foot – a journey of mind, body and spirit
Fireside story telling and reconnecting with your ancestors as you create
your own fire
Discovering the African night sky and night vision safaris
5 star luxury accommodation in the African bushveld
This SOUL SAFARI LEARNINGSHOP has the extraordinary ability to serve as the cement that bonds the
fragmented bricks of your life experiences into a magnificent temple – YOU !
For an experience quite unlike any other….
We live in a perpetually vibrating universe and sound vibration significantly
influences our ability to function optimally in the world.
Individuals or groups of up to 500 are treated to a “soul massage” by
fascinating natural sounds produced on a variety of instruments both
ancient and modern
The healing power of music is evident when people are transformed into a tribe of foot-stomping, handclapping, whistling and singing participants with shining eyes and smiling faces.
The age old custom of communal music making provides an enjoyable and integrated learning experience to
better understand such things as non-verbal communication, synergy, chaos, creativity, altered states of
consciousness, stress release and letting go
Rhythm and music are universal languages that all can feel and understand
Some of our greatest teachers are living in our own gardens !
Spending time in nature and perceiving and exploring the natural order with
all your senses, is a calming, healing and stimulating experience that can
add life to our years and years to our life
Discover the soul of the natural order through the soles of your feet
Within each
of us is an
and colouring our experience of living. Regularly giving the artist within free
reign and full voice, through drawing, painting, sculpting, singing and/or dancing, has the potential to
integrate our senses, soften our hearts and enliven our bodies.
We should seek wholeness as one whose hair is on fire, seeks the river !!
Is your upcoming event in danger of becoming
mundane, conventional, boring, devoid of any
originality, essence and meaning?
Bruce Copley and his talented associates can
transform your event, creatively using light, sound,
colour, stories, poetry, music and more, into an
unforgettable and extraordinary experience.
It is well to remember that life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that
take your breath away!
“Thank you Bruce for your music and for helping guide the process…it was clearly a major success for us both…” Dr
and Mrs Bernard Brom on the occasion of their wedding.
“Your contribution was so inspirational at our wedding. You crafted a magical mix of atmosphere and melody which
effortlessly complemented the setting and proceedings. Your enthusiasm for what we wanted, your willingness to
search for what would work and your keenness to partake in the whole event were a great gift to us.”…Mr and Mrs
Malcolm Fair
Looking for an unforgettable and different experience?
Internationally acclaimed holistic educator, speaker and presenter Dr Bruce Copley uses the fire making
experience as an UNFORGETTABLE learning tool. In his unique fireshops for corporate groups and
individuals, participants birth their own original fire, using the ancient stick friction technique used for
thousands of years by indigenous people.
Making the original fire is a hand and heart warming art that is both fun and immensely satisfying. Those who
have kindled their own original fire discover memorable links between this magical alchemical process and
important endeavours such as personal mastery, community building, creativity, leadership, transformation
and synergy, in ways that conventional approaches are unable to do.
Bruce’s expertise as a fire creator and keeper has sparked a keen interest in preserving forgotten cultures
from ancient times. He is even teaching modern San Bushmen whose use of matches/lighters has deprived
them of this skill, how to make the original fire. Bruce has adapted this ancient skill and designed a
captivating “hands- on” FIRESHOP that is receiving rave reviews all over the world. Indigenous people are
hand making original fire kits for sale that are working replicas of the fire making tools used by the Bushmen.
Activities customised to the client’s needs
Central boma fire lighting, fire circles and dances, candle ceremonies, sweat lodges, etc
A team building exercise in which each person plays a specific role in the fire creation
Fun activities in which groups/individuals are given specific challenges and objectives.
There is a growing demand for fire kits that are proving to be very popular with our corporate gifts and
mementos for launches, conferences, indabas and parties.
Whether you’re 7 or 70, the first wisp of nostril biting smoke magically brings to light visions of our
prehistoric ancestors excitedly coaxing flames from wood twirled embers