Isabella, Voici un document qui présente la classif ‘photointerprétée’, le 1.1, et les classifs SPOT sur le supersite du Gourma, le 1.2, que j’ai surligné en jaune. Il s’y trouve la carte des sols (fig 6), les taux de ligneux (fig 8, séparés pour l’instant en plusieurs cartes suivant le type de sol) et les cultures (fig 7), séparées également par type de sol. On fera le regroupement pour ces 2 cartes, mais ça te donnera quand même une petite idée. Il y a aussi une comparaison entre la classif SPOT et le photo-interprétée. Progress in mapping soil and vegetation in the Gourma (Mali). AMMA WP 3.2 Pierre Hiernaux, Fanny Barbe, Sarah Guibert, Laurent Kergoat, Bernard Mougenot, Eric Mougin The strategy for up-scaling field site data on vegetation, soils, water, energy and gas fluxes at the AMMA site in Mali includes three imbedded windows and scales. From bottom up these windows are: The Hombori super-site, a 50 x 50 km area that includes 9 of the 26 field sites (15°8’15°35’ lat N; 1°20’-1°45’longW), area = 2500 km². The meso-scale site, 1 x 3 degree square transect area in the centre of the Gourma region ( 14° 30 - 17° 30 lat N; 1° - 2° long W), area = 36 326 km² The regional-scale, extending to the Gourma (south of the Niger river loop to the borders with Niger and Burkina Faso, in the reach between Timbuctu and Labbezanga, at the Niger border) and neighbour region of the Seno Mango to the South and southern Azaouad to the north, area = 106370km² The subcontinental-scale, extending to whole West-Africa south of the Sahara (5-20lat N; 18 long W- 25long E), area = 6 500 000 km². This report only deals with progresses of mapping at the first three scales in chapter 1, 2 and 3 respectively and give some perspectives of future work in chapter 4. 1. Mapping soil and vegetation of the AMMA super-site. Beside its particular interest to locally up-scale findings from the AMMA field sites concentrated around Hombori, mapping of supersite is used to test mapping methods prior to expand their use to wider areas. The diversity of soils linked to geology, topography, geomorphology, hydrological systems, and the diversity of land uses encountered in the super-site warrant the relevance of this test. 1.1. Since 2005, a visual interpretation of false colour composites of recent landsat scenes (2000-2002) and systematic field data recording have been used to map land use, vegetation, soil and hydrology over the AMMA super-site at the scale of 1/50000. To account for the high level of micro-heterogeneity and common repetitive patterns (dunes/ inter-dunes on sandy soils, bare soil impluvium/thickets in ‘tiger bush’…) and allow for upscaling of field site observations, each landscape unit is described as a mosaic of 1 to 3 facies described separately. The relative area covered by each facies within the mosaic is estimated, and the average size (decametric, hectometric, kilometric) and mode of distribution of each facies (unique, repetitive regular, repetitive clumped) is described. Each facies is defined by the vegetation, landuse, soil and hydrology. Over the 2687,8 km² of the AMMA super-site window 579 land units have been mapped of 4,64 km² (sd 5,05) average size. A majority of these land units are mosaics composed of three (59,2%) or two (32,3%) facies (table 1). 1 1.1.1. There are 1452 facies described with an average area covered within land unit of 1,55 (sd 2.51) km². In a large majority of cases the distribution of these facies within the land unit is repetitive (89,1%) under regular (54,9) or contagious (34,2%) patterns, and facies patches within landunits are most often of decametre (49,5%) or hectometre (47,5%) magnitude size. The facies vegetation is characterised by one or two dominant species among the woody plants or perennial herbaceous (table 2). When two woody species are associated in a facies, the first one is attributed 2/3 of the area, leaving 1/3 to the second one. The vegetation is also characterised by visual estimates of the canopy cover of woody plants: either trees (maximum height superior to 4 meters), or shrub (maximum height between 2 and 4 meters) and bushes (maximum height less than 2m) together. These estimates are coded along the same scale (table 3) also used to code the estimate cover and densities of the perennial herbaceous (table 4). Table 2: Code of the dominant species in main vegetation types in the Gourma and surrounding areas. code A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Č Woody plants Anogeissus leiocarpus Balanites aegyptiaca Combretum glutinosum Commifora africana Euphorbia balsamifera Prosopis africana Grewia bicolor Hyphaene thebaica Isoberlinia doka Boscia senegalensis Butyrospermum parkii Acacia laeta Mitragyna inermis Acacia nilotica Bauhinia rufescens Pterocarpus lucens Combretum micranthum Acacia raddiana Sclerocarya birrea Terminalia macroptera Acacia ehrenbergiana Salvadora persica Adansonia digitata Bombax costatum Acacia seyal Acacia albida Combretum nigricans code A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X y z Z Woody plants Azadirachta indica Borassus aethiopum Cordia rothii Diospyros mespiliformis Eucaliptus ssp Burkea africana Guiera senegalensis Khaya senegalensis Manguifera indica Guibourtia copallifera Parkia biglobosa Leptadenia pyrotechnia Maerua crassifolia Tamarindus indica Stereospermum indicum Piliostigma reticulata Lannea microcarpa Ziziphus mauritiana Acacia senegal Terminalia avicennoides Cadaba glandulosa Grewia villosa Calotropis procera Phaenix dactylifera Cordyla pinnata Combretum ghazalense Ziziphus lotus code Ac Ag Aj As Bm Bs Cj Cm Co Cs Cy Cy Da Ea Eb Ed Ep Es Ia Ls Ny Ol Pa Pd Pt Sh Sp Ss Sv Ty Vn Perennial herbaceous Andropogon canaliculatus Andropogon gayanus Aerva javanica Aristida sieberiana Brachiaria mutica Bergia suffruticosa C. jeminicus/conglomeratus Cyperus maritimus Cornulaca monacantha Chrozophora senegalensis Cymbopogon schoenanthus Cynodon dactylon Dichantium annulatum Eragrostis atrovirens Eragrostis barteri Eleocharis duclis & ssp Echinochloa pyramidalis Echinochloa stagina Ipomoea asarifolia Lasiurus scindicus Nymphea ssp Oriza longistaminata Panicum anabaptistum Pergularia tomentosa Panicum turgidum Sporobolus helvolus Sporobolus pyramidalis Sporobolus spicatus Stipagrostis ssp Typha australis Vetiveria nigritiana 2 Table 3. Canopy cover classes used to estimate trees, shrubs and bushes canopy cover. For each category of woody plant the correspondence between crown cover and density (plants per hectare) is established for average crown mean size of 36, 9 and 2,25 m² for trees, shrubs and bushes respectively. Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Crown cover % 0 0–1 1–3 3–6 6 – 12 12 – 24 24 – 48 48 – 72 72 – 84 84 – 100 Trees (> 4m, Sm = 36m²) 0 3 9 18 36 72 124 196 233 278 Plant density (plant/ha) Shrubs (4-2m,Sm = 9 m²) 0 11 33 67 133 267 533 800 1000 1111 Bushes (<2m, Sm = 2.25) 0 44 133 267 533 1037 2133 3200 4000 4444 Table 4. Cover classes used to estimate the cover of perennial herbaceous. Depending on the size of individual plants characterised by the diameter (D) or the surface area of the crown (S) plant cover correspond to a range of plant densities calculated for three typical sizes of large, medium and small perennial herbaceous. Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Crown cover % 0 0–1 1–3 3–6 6 – 12 12 – 24 24 – 48 48 – 72 72 – 84 84 – 100 Large size plants (D=80 cm, S = 0.5m²) 0 0,02 0,06 0,12 0,24 0,48 0,96 1,44 1,68 2,00 Plant density (plant/m²) Medium size plants (D=30cm, S = 0.07m²) 0 0,14 0,43 0,86 1,71 3,43 6 ,86 10,29 12,00 14,29 Small size plants (D=10 cm, S = 0.01m²) 0 1 3 6 12 24 48 72 84 100 Up to three types of soil are described in each facies. When there are three, the first applies to 50% of the facies area, 30 % and 20 % the second and third respectively. When only two soil types are listed, they apply to 67 % and 33 % of the facies area respectively. These soil types are defined by the texture of the topsoil and by a few topographic and geomorphology traits and coded as in the map of the ecological zones of the Gourma and surroundings (table 5). Table 5. The definition of 9 generic soil types Code R G E S D T L A H Texture Rock outcrops Gravely soils and hard pans Shallow sands (< 2m) (Sand>70%) Thick and flat sands (> 2m) (Sand>70%) Sand dune (Sand>70%) Sandy-loam (50%<Sand<70%, Clay<30%) Loamy (Clay<30% ; Sand<50%) Clayed (Clay>30%) Permanently or extensively flooded soils either clayed, loamy-clayed or sandy-clayed soils Topo-geomorphology Eroded rock outcrop (sandstone shists) Hard pan outcrops and gravel deposits Shallow sand deposits (wind/run-on) Alluvial plains, sandy bottom slopes Dunes and thick wind deposits Colluvium, interdunes Alluvial plain, colluvium and rivers banks River bed and alluvial plain, depression River bed and alluvial plain of Niger river, chanels, lakes, and large ponds 3 A type of hydrologic behaviour is systematically associated to each soil type within facies based on the expected run-off/run-on balance of this soils type. This balance is coded by the value of the coefficient (α) of the empirical relationship between total infiltration (I) resulting from a precipitation (P) and a standard precipitation of 10 mm: I = P + α (2*P – 10)/10 Among the values taken by this coefficient, nine typical values have been retained to characterise the hydrologic behaviour each soil type within facies, but also of each facies and of the ecological unit all together (table 6). In addition, the hydrologic behaviour of each facies is calculated by the average of the component soil type hydrologic behaviour weighed by the relative area covered by each soil type. Table 6: Codes of typical run-off/run-on balances used to characterise soil, facies and ecological units hydrologic behaviour. The expected water infiltration in the soil following rainfall events of 10, 20 and 30 mm are calculated to help visualisation of the behaviours. Code Qualification of the run-off/run-on balance -4 -3 -1 0 1 3 5 8 15 High losses by run-off Substantial losses by run-off Light losses by run-off Balanced run-off and run-on Light gains by run-on Substantial gains by run-on High grains by run-on Very high gains by run-on Extremely high gains due to large external inputs Water infiltration estimated after a rainfall event of: P= 10mm P=20mm P=30mm 6 8 10 7 11 15 9 17 25 10 20 30 11 23 35 13 29 45 15 35 55 18 44 70 25 65 105 The proportion of the soil remaining bare of herbaceous vegetation throughout the year, ‘bear soil patches’, is estimated for each facies, as well as the proportion of land under cultivation, and that under heavy grazing pressure. The last three variables are coded using the same scale as for canopy cover (table 3). 1.1.2. Vegetation, land use, soil and hydrology descriptors defined by facies are then aggregated per land unit through averages weighed by the relative area of each facies. Thematic maps are established based on these weighed mean attributes per land unit (see maps in annex). Soil maps are based on the weighed mean proportions of sandy, clayed and loamy, and rocky soils (figure A.1.); there are also maps of the relative proportion of each of the nine soil types, and maps in which each land unit is classified into one of the 7 types of soil mosaics identified. Land use maps are established with the mean area of bare soils, cropped field, and land subject to heavy grazing (figure A.2). From the hydrologic behaviour of each soil type within facies, weighed averages have been calculated and mapped for each land unit (figure A.3) Thematic maps are generated of the canopy cover of trees, shrubs, all woody plants, and perennial herbaceous (figure A.4). There are also a set of maps established with the relative contribution to woody plant canopy cover of the 32 main woody species (figure A.5 to A.11). 1.1.3. The share of the main three edaphic environment in the Hombori supersite is close from their share in the overall Gourma (see chap. 3), with more fine textured soils to the detriment of sandy soil at Hombori (Figure 1 and 2). The relative contribution of the 7 types of soils mosaics in term of main edaphic environments and soil types (figure 3 ) indicate that these mosaics are sufficiently contrasted to serve as edaphic indicator agains which the other variables can be averaged or plotted. In turn the land unit attributes are averaged over the AMMA supersite window weighed by the relative 4 area of the land units in order to characterise the average situation per edaphic situation and for the supersite as a whole (table 7 and 8). Fig 2 Charts of the area covered by the 3 main edaphic environment, the 9 generic soil types and the 6 type of soil type mosaics defined for the ecological units mapped over the Hombori supersite. Superficie des ensembles édaphiques sur le supersite (% ) 23,8 44,6 sand clay rock 31,6 Superficie des 9 types de sol sur le supersite (% ) 6,9 2,0 14,2 8,4 R G E 15,4 D S 5,5 T L A H 16,9 15,3 15,4 2% Classement edaphique des unités cartographiées30% du supersite 14% AA 25% 13% 3% 13% AR RR SA SR SS XX 5 Figure 3. Statistics on the contribution of 3 main edaphic environments, or 9 types of soils (based on top soil texture and geomorphology) to the 6 types of soils mosaics defined for each land unit mapped over the Hombori AMMA supersite Contribution of the 3 main edaphic environments to the 6 types of soil mosaics in the land units of the supersite ecological map 100% 80% rock clay sand 60% 40% 20% 0% RR SR SS SA AA AR XX Contribution of 9 soils types to the 6 types of soil mosaics described in land units of the supersite ecological map 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% RR SR SS SA AA AR XX H A L T S D E G R Table 7. Weighed mean soil and hydrolic attributes of the Hombori super-site land units sorted by type of soil mosaics and all together. Soil mosaic type RR: rocky SR: sandy/rocky SS: sandy SA:sandy/clayed AA: clayed AR: clayed/rocky XX: :all mixed Sum/mean Area in Supersite km² % 350,8 13,1 343,7 12,8 834,7 31,1 74,9 2,8 368,6 13,7 674,0 25,1 41,1 1,5 2687,8 100,0 Edaphic environment (%) sandy Clayed Rocky 7,4 14,6 77,9 61,2 17,3 21,5 93,9 5,6 0,5 50,9 46,7 2,4 3,1 92,1 4,9 16,9 44,9 38,2 37,7 34,8 27,4 44,6 31,6 23,8 Bare soil % 83,5 30,7 6,0 16,1 36,5 72,3 46,3 41,0 Run-on/off index -3,5 0,0 0,0 2,2 4,5 -1,5 -0,2 -0,1 6 Table 8. Weighed mean canopy cover of woody plants and perennial herbaceous, and landuse attributes of the Hombori super-site land units sorted by type of soil mosaics and all together. Soil mosaic type RR SR SS SA AA AR XX Sum/mean Area in Supersite km² 350,8 343,7 834,7 74,9 368,6 674,0 41,1 2687,8 % 13,1 12,8 31,1 2,8 13,7 25,1 1,5 100,0 Trees 0,6 1,8 1,6 8,0 19,5 1,7 1,5 4,1 Canopy cover % All woody bushes plants 3,1 3,7 6,4 8,2 5,4 7,0 17,2 25,2 13,6 33,1 4,6 6,3 6,9 8,5 6,5 10,6 Perennial herbaceous 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 Land cropped % 0,2 6,8 3,5 6,0 1,8 0,7 0,8 2,6 Land heavily grazed % 2,8 13,0 12,6 24,4 27,2 6,4 17,1 12,2 The canopy cover of perennial herbaceous is extremely low throughout the Hombori supersite, while that of woody plants riches 10,6% shared between bushes and shrubs (6,5%) and a few trees (4,1%). Woody plants are inequally distributed with 33,1 and 25,2 % cover over the 13,1 % low land clayed soils and the 2,8 % bottom slope mixes of sandy and clayed soils respectively. The eroded rocky surfaces are only covered with 3,7% woody plant canopies, mainly from bushes, while all the other situations range between 6,3 and 8,5% woody plant canopy. Only 2,6 % of the lands in the supersite are cropped, mostly on sandy soils, while the 12,2% heavy grazed are more extended over clay and sandy-loam soils, often close to water point, and spread to all other soil types. Permanently bare soils extend to 41% of the supersite, with up to 83,5 and 72,3% on rocky soils and rock-clay mosaics, but only 6% on sandy soils. The run-off run-on balance index almost nul over the whole supersite landscape (-0,1), is negative, indicating dominant run-off on rocky soils (3,5) and rock-clay mosaics (-1,5), close to nul on sandy soils, and largely positive, indicating dominant run-on on clay (+ 4,5) and sandy-loam (+ 2,2) soils in low lands. Species contributions to cover are not only weighed by the area of the land unit but also by the mean canopy cover within land unit in order to estimate the species contribution to the canopy cover across the AMMA supersite window (figure 4). Three dominant species contribute equally for 13% each to the woody plant cover in the supersite: Acacia raddiana, predominantly but not exclusively on sandy soils, the ubiquitous Balanites aegyptiaca and Acacia seyal who dominates in the low land forest on flooded clay soils. Acacia ehrenbergiana and Boscia senegalensis, common on sallow and sandy-loam soils contribute each to 9%. Another Three species account for 6 or 5% each: Combretum glutinosum on sandy soils, Anogeissus leiocarpus on flooded loamy soils and Acacia nilotica on fooded clay soils. Together these 8 species account for 73% of the cover, the 13 other species all account for less than 5% of the woody cover. 7 Figure 4. Dominant woody species contribution to woody canopy cover over the AMMA Hombori supersite. The contribution is weighed by the mean cover of woody plants within land units and the area of these units. Species contribution to woody cover over the Hombori supersite 2% ACACEHRE 1% 6% 1% 2% 9% 3% 4% 5% 13% 13% 5% 1% 3% 3% 2% 1% 9% 1% 13% 2% ACACLAET ACACSEYA ANOGLEIO CALOPROC COMBMICR COMMAFRI BALAAEGY MAERCRAS BOSCSENE GREWBICO ZIZIMAUR ACACSENE ACACRADD ACACNILO PTERLUCE MITRINER PILIRETI LEPTPYRO COMBGLUT GUIESENE The edaphic specificity of each species is highlighted by the distribution of species (mean species contribution woody plant cover) across the 7 different types of soil mosaics (figure 5). 8 Figure 5. Distibution of dominant woody species to canopy cover in the 7 classes of soil mosaics: : RR dominantly shallow soils, SS dominantly sandy soils, AA dominantly fine textured soils, RS mix of sandy and shallow soils, RA mix of shallow and fine-textured soils, SA mix of sandy and fine textured soils, XX mix of all three types of substrate. Relative contribution of Acacia ehrenbergiana to the canopy cover of woody plants in Relative contribution of Anogeissus leiocarpus to the canopy cover of woody plants in Weighed mean over the supersite: 16,0% 45,0 38,5 40,0 35,0 29,228,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 14,0 15,0 7,9 7,8 10,0 5,0 0,5 0,0 RR SR SS SA AA AR XX 8,0 7,0 SR SS SA 5,0 0,3 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,5 0,1 0,0 Relative contribution of Balanites aegyptiaca to the canopy cover of woody plants in 0,0 25,0 20,0 5,0 XX SR SS 10,0 SA 3,7 5,0 1,2 4,1 0,0 0,8 0,0 Relative contribution of Boscia senegalensis to the canopy cover of woody plants in 12,0 10,0 7,9 8,0 SS Weighed mean over the supersite: 5,4% 6,0 4,6 1,8 0,0 0,6 0,0 RR SR SS SA AA AR XX AA AR 1,9 XX 25,0 22,4 Weighed mean over 26,6 the supersite: 13,4% 0,0 SR SS 15,0 XX RR 18,9 20,0 5,0 10,8 8,6 SA 7,4 AA AR 2,3 XX RR SR SS SA AA AR XX RR SR SA AA 4,0 SA 6,9 30,0 AR SS 2,0 0,8 SR 8,7 10,0 AA 13,0 14,0 AR RR 0,0 RR SR SS SA AA AR XX Relative contribution of Acacia senegal to the canopy cover of woody plants in AA RR SR SS SA AA AR XX RR 13,6 15,0 SA 22,5 15,4 14,2 15,0 RR SR SS SA AA AR XX Weighed mean over the supersite: 6,5% SS XX Weighed mean over the supersite: 10,4% 19,5 10,0 AR 0,0 20,0 18,0 2,5 AA 2,0 Relative contribution of Maerua crassifolia to the canopy cover of woody plants in 4,3 SR RR SR SS SA AA AR XX SA 2,2 5,2 0,0 SS 3,0 RR Weighed mean over the supersite: 3,9 15,0 XX SR 4,0 21,3 20,0 10,0 AR RR 5,0 25,0 AA Weighed mean over the supersite:7,1 1,1% 6,0 1,0 RR Relative contribution of Acacia seyal to the canopy cover of woody plants in Relative contribution of Acacia raddiana to the canopy cover of woody plants in 28,4 25,5 Weighed 24,1 30,0 25,0 mean over the supersite: 13,5% 20,0 SA 7,7 10,0 5,0 XX 0,0 SR SS 15,0 AR RR 0,4 1,1 1,9 AA AR XX RR SR SS SA AA AR XX 9 Relative contribution of Leptadenia pyrotechnica to the canopy cover of woody plants in 8,5 9,0 8,0 Weighed 7,0 mean over 6,0 the supersite: 5,0 3,1% 3,4 4,0 3,0 2,0 0,4 1,0 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 RR SR SS SA AA AR XX RR SR SS SA AA Relative contribution of Combretum glutinosum to the canopy cover of woody plants in 30,0 24,9 25,0 20,0 Weighed mean over the supersite: 9,9% SR SS 12,9 15,0 RR SA 10,0 AA AR 5,0 2,1 XX 0,0 0,3 0,0 0,8 2,4 AR XX RR SR SS SA AA AR XX The thematic maps derived from the integrated ecological map and the attached databases are integrated to the geographic information system that also includes base maps for geology, topography, hydrology and the position of field sites and deployed instruments to facilitate up-scaling from field sites to super-site. They provide a training tool to calibrate the remote sensing approaches under development to expand the mapping exercise at smaller scale, especially over the meso-scale Gourma windows of the AMMA project. 1.2. In 2007, an alternative mapping approach has been initiated over the AMMA Hombori super-site using of a set of 10 georeferenced SPOT images dated from 2005 and 2006. Six of these images (06/07/2005, 22/07/2005, 8/08/2005, 8/10/2005, 23/10/2005, 13/04/2006) were corrected of atmospheric interferences and further used for thematic mapping through supervised classification using the reflectances in four channel bands (Green, G: 0,500,59µm, Red, R: 0,61-0,68 µm, Near Infra-red, NIR: 0,79-0,89 µm and Mid-Infra-red, MIR: 1,58-1,75µm), as well as the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index calculated from two of these reflectances: NDVI = (NIR-R)/(NIR+R). The objective was to map some of the landscape attributes mapped empirically by visual interpretation and field observations (previous chapter) automatically from satellite data namely: the extent of soil types, that of land cropped (mostly in millet) and the woody plant cover. 1.2.1. From field knowledge, between 12 and 24 training sites were identified for each soil type. After many trials, the more efficient mapping was obtained in using the three bands of the images dated from 23/10/2005 and 13/04/2006 and the ‘optimum likelihood option’ of the ENVI software. Because the reflectances of some of the targeted soil types are heterogeneous, theses classes are first split into subcategories mapped separately and later grouped. That’s for example the case of low-land clayed soils first subdivided into tree and tree less sites mapped separately and further grouped (table 9).This also applies to dune sandy soils depending on burning history: burnt sandy soils and un burnt sandy soils are classified separately and later merged. On the other way round, one type of rock surface, the schist outcrops, was not separable from the gravels and ferrugineous hard pans and thus separated from the sandstone outcrops and mapped together with the gravels and hard pans (Figure 6). The performance of the classification is assessed in analysing the classification of the pixels within training units reached an overall accuracy of 91,2 % (10660/11686 pixels ) with a Kappa coefficient of 0.90 (table 10). 10 Table 9. Comparison of soils types mapped by empirical interpretation of Landsat images and the soil types mapped by supervised classification a set of Spot images. Empirical interpretation (Landsat) codes Definition R Rock outcrops G E S Gravely soils and hard pans Shallow sands (< 2m) Thick and flat sands (> 2m) D Sand dune T L A Sandy-loam Loamy Clayed H Extensively flooded Supervised classification (Spot) Working classes Sand-stone outcrop Sand-stone outcrop + shadow Schist outcrop Ferruginous hardpans Shallow sands Thick sands with no recent fire Thick sands with recent fire Sand dune with no recent fire Sand dune with recent fire Mobile sand dunes Sandy-loam plains Loamy flats Clayed low lands with no trees Clayed low lands with trees Flooded Final soil classes Sand-stone outcrop Schists and ferruginous hard pans Shallow sands Thick sands and sand dunes Mobile sand dues Sandy-loam plains Loamy flats Clayed low lands Flooded 11 Figure 6. Map of the main soil types over the Hombori AMMA super-site (Gourma, Mali). Sandstone outcrops= red; hard pan outcrop= pink; mobile sand dunes (bright yellow), fixed sand dunes (orange-yellow), superficial sand sheat (light brown), sandy loam (light green); loamy soils (light blue); loamy-clay soils (purple); open water (white); unclassified (black). Table 10. Confusion matrix of the soil type classification and 20 training units selected for each soil type (total 11686 pixels) 12 Soil classes Sand-stone outcrop Schists and ferruginous hard pans Shallow sands Thick sands and sand dunes Moving sand dunes Sandy-loam plains Loamy flats Clayed low lands Flooded Commission % Omission % Prod. Acc. % User acc. % 4.39 0.30 1.07 1.69 98.93 98.31 95.53 99.7 19.81 39.57 4.97 4.83 19.92 7.95 0.00 19.15 10.55 19.90 31.88 0.39 7.34 0.27 80.85 89.45 80.10 68.12 93.22 87.99 99.31 80.19 60.43 90.04 89.73 82.23 83.76 100.00 13 1.2.2. Attempts were made to map cropped fields based on the observed gap between the growth curves of natural rangeland and millet fields. Indeed, because millet is sown only after the first rains, and because millet fields are weeded one or twice at the early stages, the growth curve of millet raises later and at a slower pace than that of neighbouring rangelands. At the end of the season, on the opposite, millet generally remains green later than wild annual herbaceous (except in wetlands) and reaches higher standing mass than rangeland in comparable soils. Thus the ratio of NDVI between late wet and early wet season should be higher on crop fields than on rangelands. Unfortunately, soil background on one hand, and the spatial differences in crop growth due to the pattern of water redistribution at the soil surface or differences in soil texture or fertility on the other hand, are interfering on the ratio as well. Better results were obtained in separating cropped lands within each soil types that harbour most of the fields i.e. sandy-loam soils, thick sandy soils, shallow sandy soils. NDVI values in late wet and early wet seasons were extracted over known training fields located in each of these three soil types and compared to that of neighbouring rangelands in order to identify specific threshold in NDVI ratios that could separated the cropped fields from un-cropped areas (table 11). The area mapped as cropped (Figure 7) cover %, % and % of the three soil types and thus % of the whole supersite. The classification accuracies calculated on the confusion matrices established on the training areas for each of the three soil type are poor (table 12). 14 Figure 7. Map of the area cropped on shallow and thick sandy soils, and loamy sand soils the Hombori AMMA super-site (Gourma, Mali). Supervised classification of millet crop fields by soils types for the three sandy soil types : dunes (top left), sandy loam plains (top right), and thin sand sheets (bottom left). 1.2.3. Mapping woody plant cover is also based on gaps in plant phenology: indeed, woody plant are keeping leaves (evergreens) or renewing then during the late dry season prior to the germination of annual herbaceous. Most woody plants (except short cycle deciduous species) also remain on leave or renew their foliage (Acacia albida, Boscia ssp, Maerua crassifolia…) early in the dry season while annuals have wilted. However, absolute values of NDVI are largely affected by soil type, thus the separation of the woody plant canopies is conducted by soil type. NDVI values of identified trees or woody plant concentration generally over one or a few pixels, are compared to NDVI of area with same soil type but with no or a few scattered trees to identify thresholds (table 14). The extent of woody cover is then mapped by using these thresholds in a decision tree in which the first threshold is the NDVI at the end of the dry season, and the second the NDVI of early dry season. These thresholds very slightly between soil 15 types (table 14). The classification accuracies based on confusion matrices constructed with the resulting classification on the training pixels over/outside woody plant canopies are acceptable although they vary with the nature of soil background (table 15). Ounce identified and mapped for each soil type separately the areas markedly covered by woody plants are grouped altogether (figure 8). Figure 8. Map of the area covered by woody plant canopies in the different soil types over the Hombori AMMA super-site (Gourma, Mali). Pixels with large woody plant cover (green) in all sandy soils (top left), clay soils (top,right), rocky soils (bottom, left), thin sandy soils (bottom, right). 16