Conservation of Energy on a Coaster Ei=Ef if no work is done Use the coaster below to answer the questions. moves right. Assume no friction! The coaster is released from rest at A and A E B 20m F Mass of empty coaster is 500kg D 10m C What location/s has: 1) Greatest speed? ___________ 2) Zero speed? ___________ 3) Greatest kinetic energy? ___________ 4) Least kinetic energy? ___________ 5) Greatest potential energy? ___________ 6) Kinetic energy equal to potential energy? ___________ 7) Potential energy of zero? ___________ 8) **(trick question) Where is the least total energy? __________________ 9) Will the coaster make it over the second hill? [ yes / no] 10) Will the coaster stop at the top of the second hill? [ yes / no ] Explain your answers. 11) If the second hill is 25m, instead of 10m, will the coaster make it to the top? [ yes / no ] Explain why. 12) If the first hill of a coaster is 30m and there are no frictional forces how high can the next hill be so that the coaster comes to rest at the second peak? General Physics Wksh Energy (purple) edited2/15/16 For the coaster on the front, calculate and give numerical answers. At the top of the 20m hill: 13) What is the PE? ________ 14) What is the KE? ________ 15) What is the TME? ___________ At C, the bottom of the first hill: 16) What is the TME? ___________ 18) What is the PE? ___________ 17) What is the KE? ___________ 19) What is the velocity? _________ Halfway down the first hill: 20) What is the TME? ___________ 22) What is the PE? ___________ 21) What is the KE? ___________ 23) What is the velocity? __________ 24) At the top of the second hill: 25) What is the TME? ___________ 27) What is the PE? ___________ 26) What is the KE? ___________ 28) What is the velocity? _________ Compare the answers for 23 and 28. Explain why they are similar. 29) Energy is always conserved. In this class, we assume mechanical energy is conserved and no energy is transferred to heat. But for real coaster calculations, mechanical energy is not conserved. What other forms of energy are important for real coasters? 30) A coaster starts from rest atop a 35m high hill. The second hill is 20m. a) What is the TE? __________ b) What is the KE at the top of the second hill? _________ c) What is the speed at the top of the second hill? _________ General Physics Wksh Energy (purple) edited2/15/16