
2007 年
[101] Zhao, Y.G. and Zhong, W.Q., A quality evaluation method for existing carbonated
reinforced concrete members, International Journal of Structure and Infrastructure
Engineering, (to be published)
[100] Zhao, Y.G., Lin, Y.S. and Pu, W.C., A first order response surface approach for
structural reliability, Structural Safety and Reliability, Vol.6, A-97, JCOSSAR'07,
629-634, 2007
[99] Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H., Fourth moment standardization for structural reliability
assessment, Journal of Structural Engineering , ASCE, (to be published)
[98] Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H. and Ono, T., First three moments of some commonly used
performance functions; Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.613,
61-67, 2007.7 (to be published)
[97]Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H. Applicable Range of the Fourth-Moment Method for Structural
Reliability; Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol.6, No. 1,
151-158, 2007.5
[96]He, J.and Zhao, Y.G., First passage time of stationary non-Gaussian structural
responses; Computers and Structures, Vol. 85, No.7-8, 431-436 , 2007.4
[95] Zhao, Y.G., Pu, W.C., Ono, T., Likely story mechanisms of steel frame structures;
Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.613, 35-42, 2007.3
[94]Zhao, Y.G., Zhong, W.Q., Ang,A.H-S, Estimating Joint Failure Probability of Series
Structural Systems; Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 5, 588-596,
2006 年
[93]Pu, W.C., Zhao, Y.G., On Likely Story Collapse Modes of Frame Structure;
Reliability and Optimization of Structural systems, Maes & Huyse (eds), Balkema,
London, 283-290, 2006.
[92] Lu, Z.H., Zhao, Y.G., The Application of the Third Normal Polynomial to Structural
Reliability Assessment; Reliability and Optimization of Structural systems, Maes &
Huyse (eds), Balkema, London, 283-290, 2006.
[91] Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H. and Ang, A. H-S., Case Studies on Determination of Load and
Resistance Factors by Method of Moments; Reliability and Optimization of Structural
systems, Maes & Huyse (eds), Balkema, London, 283-290, 2006.
[90] Zhong, W.Q., Y.G. Zhao, Y.G. and Ang, A. H-S., A method for computing reliability
bound of Series Structural Systems with high accuracy, Reliability and Optimization of
Structural systems, 13th IFIP Proceedings 2006.11.
[89] Zhao, Y.G. and Lu, Z.H., Load and Resistance Factors Estimation Without Using
Distributions of Random Variables, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building
Engineering, 5(2). 325-332, 2006.11
[88] Zhao, YG., and Pu, W.C., Li,H.N., Ono, T., Basic and Optimum Column
Over-design Factor Avoiding Story Mechanism, Journal of Key Engineering
Materials-Engineering Plasticity and its Applications, Vol. 340-341, 1405-1410, 2007.6.
[87] Zhao, Y.G., Geng, Y.F. and Yoshihara, K., Failure Mode Analysis for Column over
Designed Ductile Frames, Journal of Key Engineering Materials-Engineering Plasticity
and its Applications, Vol. 340-341, 1393-1398, 2007
[86] Xiao, S.Y., Li, H.N., Zhao, Y.G. and Zhang, J.W., Seismic Damage Characteristics
of RC Shear Wall with Diagonal Profile Steel Braces by Experiment, Journal of Key
Engineering Materials-Engineering Plasticity and its Applications, Vol. 340-341,
1115-1120, 2007.
[85] Liao, H.J., Liu, J. and Zhao, Y.G., Analysis of soil-structure interaction with finite
element method, Journal of Key Engineering Materials-Engineering Plasticity and its
Applications, Vol. 340-341, 1279-1284, 2006
[84] Liao, H.J., Liu, J. and Zhao, Y.G., Secondary development and application of
MSC.Marc in soil-structure interaction analysis, Journal of Key Engineering
Materials-Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Vol.324-325, 887-892, 1996.9.
[83] Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H. and Jin, G.H., A simple formula for LRFD using third moment
method, 4th ASERNet, England, 2006.7.5-7.
[82] Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H., and Ono, T., 4P-Lambda distribution and its application to
structural reliability, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.604,
61-67, 2006.6
[81] Zhao, Y.G., Lu, Z.H., and Ono, T., A simple third-moment method for structural
reliability, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 5(1). 129-136,
[80] Liu, J., Liao, H.J. and Zhao, Y.G., Some problems of soil-structure interaction with
finite element analysis software, Soil Engineering and Foundation, Vol. 20, No. 2, 67-70,
2006.3. (in Chinese)
2005 年
[79] Zhong, W.Q. & Zhao, Y.G., Reliability bound estimation for R.C. structures under corrosive
effects, Collaboration and harmonization in Creative Systems, Taylor & Francis Group, London,
Hara (ed.), 755-761, 2005.
[78] Zhao, Y.G., Li, H.N. and Ang, Alfredo H-S., Determination of load and resistance
factors by fourth moment approximation, Safety and Reliability of Engineering Systems
and Structures, Millpress, Rotterdam, Augusti and Schueller (eds), 439, 2005.
[77] Idota, H. Zhao, Y.G., and Ono, T., Moment methods for structural reliability
considering sample size, Safety and Reliability of Engineering Systems and Structures,
Millpress, Rotterdam, Augusti and Schueller (eds), 411, 2005.
[76] Li, H.N., Zhao, Y.G, and Yin Y.W., Analytical Method and its experimental
verification for seismic reduction of story-increased structures under earthquake,
Proceedings of PVP2005: 2005 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July
17-21, Denver, Colorado, USA.
[75] Li, H.N., Zhao, Y.G, and Sun L.Y., Rotational Components of Seismic Motion
Based on Surface wave, Proceedings of PVP2005: 2005 ASME Pressure Vessels and
Piping Conference, July 17-21, Denver, Colorado, USA.
[74] Zhong, W.Q. & Zhao, Y.G., Reliability analysis for R.C. structures under the attack of
several corrosive factors, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE/AIJ, Vol. 51B, 2005.2
[73] Li, H.N. & Zhao, Y.G., Investigation and analysis of Chuetsu earthquake damage in Niigata
Province of Japan, Journal of Natural Disasters, Vol. 14, No. 1,2005
2004 年
[72] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T., Liu, X.L., COF evaluation for weak-beam strong column
designed frames, Iabse Symposium Shanghai 2004, 342-343.
[71] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T., Liu, X.L., Probabilistic evalustion of column over design
factors for steel framed structures, Proc. The Third Asian-Pacific Symposium on
Structural Reliability and its Applications, 355-365, Aug.19-21, Souel, Korea.
[70] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T., Yoshihara, K., An investigation on column over-design factors
avoiding weak story mechanisms of steel structures, 13th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, No. 3448, Canada.
[69] Li, H.N., Zhao, Y.G, and Chang Z.G., Structural Seismic Control with MR Dampers
Using GA, 3rd China-Japan-USA Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and
Control, Dalian, Oct. 13-16, 2004.
[68] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T., On the problems of the fourth moment method, Structural
Safety, Vol. 26, No. 2, 343-347, 2004.
[67] He, J., Zhao, Y.G., and Ono, T., Seismic reliability of electric power transmission
systems, 3rd ASEANet, Spain, 2004.7.5-7.
[66] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T., He, J. and Lin, Y., Structural reliability analysis including
random variables of unknown CDF, 3rd ASEANet, Spain, 2004.7.5-7.
[65] Zhao, Y.G., Ang, Alfredo H-S., Jin G.H., Determination of load and resistance
factors by third moment approximation, Probabilistic Safety Assessment and
Management, Spitzer, Schmocker and Dang (eds), Springer, 2180-2186, 2004.
[64] Yoshihara, K., Zhao, Y.G., Sugiura, H. and Ono, T, The affection of vertical load on
the column over-design factors for steel framed structures, Journal of Structural
Engineering, JSCE/AIJ, Vol.50B,419-424, 2004.3.
[63] Liao, H.J. and Zhao, Y.G.., Advance on the field of fracture and strength of solids,
International Academic Developments, 2004.5.
2003 年
[62] Sun J.J., Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G., and Wang W., Lateral load pattern in push-over
analysis, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.2, No.1, 1-9, 2003.2.
[61] Zhao, Y.G., Ang, Alfredo H-S., Applicability and limitations of moment methods
for system reliability, Reliability and Optimization of Structural systems, Maes & Huyse
(eds), Balkema, London, 283-290, 2003.
[60] Zhao, Y.G., Ang, Alfredo H-S., System reliability assessment by method of
moments, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 10,1341-1349,
2002 年
[59] Zhao, Y.G., Ang, Alfredo H-S., Three-Parameter Gamma Distribution and its
significance in structural reliability, International Journal of Computational Structural
Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1-10, 2002.
[58] Zhao, Y.G., Ang, Alfredo H-S., Moment approximation for system reliability
evaluation, Structural Engineers World Congress SEWC'02, T10-3-5, 2002.10. (9-12,
Oct, 2002, Yokohama, Japan.)
[57] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T., Ishii, K. & Yoshihara, K., An investigation on the column
over-design factors for steel framed structures, Journal of Structural & Construction
Engineering, AIJ, No.548, 61-67, 2002.8
[56] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. and Kato, M, A Second-order third-moment reliability method,
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 8,1087-1090, 2002.8.
[55] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. & Ishii, K., Monte Carlo Simulation for Structural Reliability
using moments of random variables, Journal of Asian Architecture & Building
Engineering, Vol.1, No. 1, 13-20, 2002.3.
2001 年
[54] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., An investigation on third- moment reliability indices for
structural reliability analysis, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ,
No.548, 21-26, 2001.10
[53] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., Monte Carlo Simulation for Structural Reliability Including
Random Variables with an Unknown CDF, Monte Carlo Simulation, Schueller &
Spanos (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, 317-324, 2001.
[52] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. Idota, H. and Hirano, T., A three-parameter distribution used
for structural reliability evaluation, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering,
AIJ, No.546, 31-38, 2001.8.
[51] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., Moment methods for structural reliability, Structural Safety,
(An International Journal Incorporating Risk Management in the Built Environment),
Vol. 23, No. 1, 47-75, 2001.3.
[50] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., A second-order fourth-moment reliability index, Creative
Systems in Structural and Construction Engineering, Singh (ed), Balkema, Rotterdam,
637-642, 2001.1 (First International Structural Engineering and Construction
Conference, Hawaii, January 24-26, 2001.)
2000 年
[49] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., Structural Reliability Analysis Including Random Variables
with Unknown CDFs, Probabilistic Safety Assement and Management, Kondo & Furuta
(eds), University Academy Press, Inc., Vol. 2, 889-896, 2000.11. (PSAM5)
[48] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., Some applications of moment method for structural
reliability, 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural
Reliability, PMC2000-035
[47] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Evaluation of statistical moments for performance
functions, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.533, 53-59,
[46] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., Third-moment standardization for structural reliability
analysis, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 6, 724-732, 2000.6.
[45] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., The first eight polynomials for Edgeworth and
Cornish-Fisher expansions, Bulletin of Nagoya Institute of Technology, Vol. 51, 153-160.
[44] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G. and Ito, T., Stochastic evaluation of column over design factor
for framed structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 5,
605-611, 2000.5.
[43] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., An Investigation on the third- and fourth-moment methods
for structural reliability, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.530,
21-28, 2000.4.
[42] Zhao, Y.G. & Ono, T., New point estimates for probabilistic moments, Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 4, 433-436, 2000.4.
[41] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. and Idota, H., A simple formulation for second-order reliability
index, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.527, 27-33, 2000.1.
1999 年
[40] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. and Idota, H., Response uncertainty and time variant
reliability analysis for Hysteretic MDF Structures, Earthquake Engineering & Structural
Dynamics, Vol. 28, No. 10. 1187-1213, 1999.10.
[39] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., A general procedure for FORM/SORM, Structural
Safety (An International Journal Incorporating Risk Management in the Built
Environment), Vol. 21, No. 2, 95-112, 1999.6.
[38] Ono, T, Zhao, Y.G., Yoshihara, K., The COF evaluation of frame structures using
stochastic limit analysis, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE/AIJ,
Vol.45B,421-426, 1999.3.
[37] Zhao, Y.G.and Ono, T., Nonlinear random vibration analysis with consideration of
parameter uncertainties, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE/AIJ, Vol.45B,237-242,
[36] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., New approximations for SORM: Part 1, Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 1, 79-85, 1999.1.
[35] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., New approximations for SORM: Part 2 , Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 1, 86-93, 1999.1.
1998 年
[34] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., An empirical reliability index based on SORM,
Structural Safety and Reliability, Shiraishi, Shinozuka & Wen (eds), Balkema,
Rotterdam, Vol.1, 587-594, 1998.6. (ICOSSAR'97)
[33] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G. and Yoshihara, K., On the COF of weak-beam-strong-column
designed one-span steel structures, Structural Safety and Reliability, Shiraishi,
Shinozuka & Wen (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, Vol.1, 183-190, 1998.6. (ICOSSAR'97)
[32] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Time variant reliability analysis including random
variables with no cumulative distribution function, Computational Stochastic Mechanics,
Spanos(ed), Balkema, Rotterdam, 245-252, 1998.6. (Third International Conference on
Computational Stochastic Mechanics, Island of Santorini, Greese, June 14-17, CSM'98)
[31] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., System reliability evaluation of ductile framed structures,
Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 6, 678-685, 1998.6.
[30] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. and Sun, J.J., Earthquake reliability of hysteretic frame-shear
wall structures considering uncertainties of structures and input model parameters,
Structural Engineers World Congress SEWC'98, T225-2, 1998.6. (18-23, July, 1998,
San Francisco, USA.)
[29] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Limit state surface approach for framed structural system,
Structural Engineering and Construction, EASEC-6,Vol. 3, 2037-2042, 1998.1. (Jan.
14-16, Taipai)
[28] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G. and Yoshihara, K., Likely collapse modes of frame structures
under non-normal random variables, Structural Engineering and Construction,
EASEC-6, Vol. 1,115-120, 1998.1.(Jan. 14-16, Taipai)
1997 年
[27] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Optimization process of intelligent GA, Bulletin of Nagoya
Institute of Technology, Vol.49, 1997, 165-173.
[26] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G., System reliabililty analysis of frame structures using response
surface approach, Stochastic Simulation for Civil Infrastructural Systems, ,Proc.
Japan-US Joint Seminar/Workshopon, kyoto, Nov. 22-23, 1997.
[25] Ono, T., and Zhao, Y.G., The parameter and convergency of GA used in structural
reliability analysis, Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Cho(ed), Techno
Press, Vol. 1, 577-582, 1997.8. (ICCCBE-VII) (Aug, 1997, Seoul)
[24] Zhao, Y.G., Ono, T. & Suzuki M., Dynamic structural reliability evaluation
considering parameter uncertainties, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering,
AIJ, No.497, 33-38, 1997.7.
[23] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Reliability analysis of frame structural system using
response surface approach, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ,
No.497, 175-179, 1997.7.
[22] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Dynamic reliability evaluation of hysteretic MDF
structures considering parameter uncertainties, Advances in Safety & Reliability,
Soares(ed), Pergamon, Vol. 2, 1341-1348, 1997.6. (ESREL'97) (C. Guedus Soares,
Lisbon, June, 1997)
[21] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G. and Yoshihara, K., Probabilistic evaluation of COF of frame
structures using stochastic limit analysis, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE/AIJ,
Vol.43B, 301-308, 1997.3.
1996 年
[20] Ono, T. and Zhao, Y.G., Application of GA to structural reliability analysis,
Proc. of Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications,
APSSRA'95, 52-59.
[19] Ono, T. and Zhao, Y.G., A study on the parameters of GA used in structural
reliability analysis, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE/AIJ, Vol.42B, 301-308,
1995 年
[18] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., An unified treatment of uncertainties in structural
reliability analysis, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.15, No.4,
1-9, 1995.12. (in Chinese with English Abstract).
[17] Zhao, Y.G. and Ono, T., Structural reliability analysis using intelligent GA,
Structural Safety and Reliability, Vol.3, A-97, JCOSSAR'95, 629-634, 1995.11.
[16] Ono, T. and Zhao, Y.G., An investigation on the FORM reliability index under
second order assumption, Structural Safety and Reliability, Vol.3, A-93, JCOSSAR'95,
605-610, 1995.11
[15] Ono, T. and Zhao, Y.G., An examination on intelligent GA and its applications to
structural reliability problems, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ,
No.476, 31-38, 1995.10.
[14] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., A structural reliability analysis method based on genetic
algorithm, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.15, No.3, 48-58,
[13] Jiang, J.R, Zhao, Y.G. & Sun. A.R., Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete
containment of nuclear power plant, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,
Vol.15, No.1, 26-35, 1995.3. (in Chinese with English Abstract).
[12] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G., Ishii, K., and Idota, H., Structural reliability analysis with
consideration of parameter uncertainties, J. of Structural Engineering, JSCE/AIJ,
Vol.41B, 159-164, 1995.3.
[11] Ono, T., Zhao, Y.G. and Suzuki, M., A GA search based on the concept of
intelligent living beings, Journal of Structural & Construction Engineering, AIJ, No.469,
45-52, 1995.3.
1994 年
[10] T., Ono, Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., Earthquake reliability analysis of prestressed
concrete containment considering parameter uncertainties, Australasian Structural
Engineering Conference, Vol.2, 829~834, 1994.9.
[9] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., Dynamic analysis of hyperbolic cooling towers,
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol.14, No.1, 61-71, 1994.3.
1993 年
[8] Zhao, Y.G. & Yoshida, J., Simulation of vibration behavior of granular materials in
silo using distinct element method, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,
Vol. 13, 17-27, No. 3, 1993.9.
1992 年
[7] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., An advanced first order second moment method,
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 12, No. 4, 49-57, 1992.12.
1991 年
[6] Zhao, Y.G. & Sun, J.J., On dynamic sensitivity analysis of structures,
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 11, No. 4, 28-38, 1991.12.
[5] Zhao, Y.G. and Wei, J.W., A high efficiency computing method of SAP5 for Vax
computer with no G-floating plate, Symposium on Large Structural Analysis
Program of China, 1991.1, Harbin.
1990 年
[4] Zhao,Y.G., The explicit stiffness matrix of finite ring element for axisymmetric
thin shell, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 1990, special, 133-138.
[3] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., Model tests and dynamic behavior analysis of cylindrical
shell supported silos, 3rd Earthquake Engineering symposium of China, Vol.3,
1414-1419, 1990.9, Dalian,.
1989 年
[2] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., Simplified calculation of natural frequencies of
silo structures, World Information on Earthquake Engineering, 1989, No. 3, 7-12.
[1] Zhao, Y.G. & Jiang, J.R., Vibration properties and earthquake responses of
silo structures, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 9, No. 3, 55-64,