Paper structure - XV International Conference on Electron Microscopy

The manuscript should be prepared in 1.5 spaced text, 12-point Times New Roman font, numbered
pages with all margins 2.5 cm wide. Acceptable manuscript format is MS Word, pdf is not allowed.
Manuscript length
Manuscripts should be no longer than about 6500 words (16 A4 pages of 1.5 line spaced text).
Manuscript structure
Title, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental procedure, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References,
Correspondence address
Please, leave a blank line between each paragraph.
Section headings
Main headings should be in bold with the first initial letter capitalized. Sub-headings should not be in
bold or italic. All sections of the manuscript, starting with the Introduction, should be numbered in the
style 1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. etc.
The publication language is English.
Images should be delivered in separate files. Recommend formats: TIFF, EPS, high quality JPG, GIF,
or MS Office files – Powerpoint, Word, Excel. Images cannot be accepted in pdf files. Suggested
resolutions: for TIFF and MS Office - resolution of ≥1000 dpi for line images, ≥300 dpi for grey-scale
and colour images and ≥500 dpi for combinations of line and grey-scale.
Details of manuscript structure
The first page should contain: author names, affiliations, manuscript title, abstract and keywords only.
Author names
Please use full first and last names of all authors.
Should include the name, town and country, not a full postal address:
Zbigniew Kowalskia, Piotr Nowakb
Department, Institution, Town, Country (no street names & numbers or postcodes)
Department, Institution, Town, Country
Short and informative title of the manuscript
Please use words in lower case and bold font. First letter of first word should be capitalized.
The title is followed by the abstract without the heading “Abstract”. No abbreviations are allowed in
the abstract section. The abstract should not be longer than 10 lines.
Keywords: Keyword1; …………..; Keyword5
Please indicate max. of 5 keywords; first letter of the keyword should be capitalized; not italic
The main text of manuscript should start on page 2. If considered appropriate, the “Results” and
“Discussion” sections can be combined.
1. Introduction
2. Experimental procedure
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
The heading “Acknowledgements” should be not used. Please include a short paragraph
acknowledging help, support, funding etc.
[1] J. Kowalski, M. Nowak: Int. J. Mater. Res. 33 (2024) 944.
[2] H. Kowalski: Electron Microscopy, Springer-Verlag, Warsaw (2016).
Books or proceedings with an editor or editors:
[3] R. Kowalski, J. Nowak, in: P. Nowak, T. Kowalski (Eds.), Scanning Electron Microscopy, Vol. 6,
VTU, Warsaw (2025) 113.
[4] G. Kowalski, J. Nowak, in: P. Kowalska, O. Nowak (Eds.), Proc. Int. Conference of Electron
Microscopy, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland (2014) 212.
Internet resources:
Correspondence address: (please delete the italicized headings when adding your details but retain
the Tel, Fax and e-mail headings).
Academic title and name
Full postal address
List of figure and table captions