Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 1 Globalization Overall aims 1. To understand the phenomenon of globalization. 2. To analyse the causes of globalization from various perspectives. 3. To examine the case McDonald. 4. To learn about the impact of globalization on the environment. 5. To understand the importance of sustainable development in the context of globalization. 6. To understand the concept of the global village in environment protection, and the responsibilities of the individual, the corporate, as well as the national and the global. 7. To learn about the cultural diversity in the modern world. 8. To discuss whether cultures will become more similar to one another. 9. To examine the role played by the United Nations and the European Union in globalization. 10. To examine the problems of globalization. (Anti-globalization) Globalization Worksheet 1 Teaching Suggestions p. 2 Globalization and You Learning Objectives 1. To understand the concept of globalization and obtain some preliminary ideas 2. To explain what globalization means Teaching Suggestions 1. Read a brief Powerpoint file on ‘Globalization and You’. Answer the questions raised. 2. Show a video: RTHK’s ‘Hong Kong Connection’ ‘Globalization’ (25 minutes) 3. Answer questions related to the video. Then ask for opinions. 4. Small group discussion: Students to discuss the definitions of globalization from various perspectives (social/economic/political) and its characteristics. 5. Make a report of the group discussion. 6. Explain the origins of globalization 7. Summary Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 3 Worksheet 2 Causes of Globalization 1 : Role of Information Technology Learning Objectives 1. To understand the role of transport and communications technologies in advancing globalization 2. To appreciate the diversification of information and how the world has become smaller Teaching Suggestions 1. Do a class survey to find out how communications technology shape our life. 2. Examine the advancement of transport and communications technologies (advanced means of transport, mobile phone, mass media, Internet, etc.) and how they facilitate interpersonal communications and information flow. 3. Analyse how transport and communications technologies help bring about globalization. 4. Summary Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 4 Worksheet 3 Causes of Globalization 2 : Globalization from the Economic Perspective Learning Objectives 1. To understand the causes of globalization from economic perspectives 2. To acquire a basic understanding of economic organisations Teaching Suggestions 1. Use products accessable to students in their daily life, such as Nike, Addidias, to point out how multinational enterprises develop 2. Analyse the benefits to multinational enterprises in setting up overseas production bases (cheap labour and land, etc.); and to developing countries which need capital and technology, etc. 3. Explain the role of multinational enterprises in globalization 4. Student activity: Develop information on multinational enterprises/groups. 5. Report on findings 6. Summary: Economic integration speeds up the process of globalization Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 5 Worksheet 4 Causes of Globalization 3 : Understanding Globalization from a Cultural Perspective Learning Objectives 1. To understand the causes of globalization from cultural perspective 2. To describe how globalization (using McDonald’s as example) affects cultures such as Japan, Taiwan and Mainland China, etc. 3. To analyse the popular culture in Hong Kong, China and Japan. 4. To obtain an overview of the changes brought about by globalization in local/ regional culture. Teaching Suggestions 1. Students to fill in a form to reflect how their daily life (clothes, food, entertainment) is affected by globalization. 2. Analyse, with McDonald’s as example, how the cultures in various places have been affected by globalization. 3. Discuss whether globalization necessarily means homogenisation. Cultural contacts can bring about different results: e.g. local culture being replaced by foreign culture, merging of local culture and foreign culture, local culture not affected by foreign culture, local culture spreading to other places. 4. Lead students into inquiring about other cultural phenomena and conduct a brief discussion on: e.g. World Cup, food culture, fashion culture, architecture culture, pop music culture, etc. Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 6 Worksheet 5 The Impact of Globalization Pre-lesson preparation: Either at the previous lesson or at any earlier time the teacher divides the class into groups and assigns each group a global problem, e.g. AIDS, drug trafficking, pollution, armament race, terrorism/terrorist activities, trans-national crimes and smuggling, etc. The causes and current situation of the problems are to be studied. Learning Objectives 1. To understand the causes and current situations of specific global problems 2. To explore solutions to such problems Teaching Suggestions 1. Divide students into small groups. Each group collects information on a global problem, including its causes and current situation. 2. Conduct an in-depth study using ‘Terrorist Activities’ (Source 1) and ‘Human Smuggling’ (Source 2) as examples. 3. Suggest solutions to the problems. 4. Summary Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 7 Worksheet 6 International Organizations and Co-operation Learning Objective To explore how some global problems may be tackled through international cooperation. Teaching Suggestions 1. Search the logos of various international organisations. 2. Based on information in the worksheet, discuss the following: A. Why did international organisations come into being? B. Can international problems be solved by the setting-up of these international organisations and their efforts? 3. Students preparing for the next lesson: A. Select a few students and divide them into an affirmative team and an opposition team for a debate in the next lesson; or, B. Select a few students to role-play and give speeches at a summit meeting on ‘Is Globalization good or bad?’ C. Divide students into groups to collect information on some other international organisations and report back in the next lesson. The same can also serve as home assignment. Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 8 Worksheet 7 Anti-Globalization Pre-lesson preparation: Teacher decides whether to do a role-play or a debate, and then assign affirmative/opposition roles. Let students have ample time to prepare for their presentation. Students working for data collection should be given time to present their work. Learning Objectives 1. To look at the downside of globalization 2. To understand the appeal of the anti-globalization position 3. To develop a personal perspective on globalization Teaching Suggestions 1. Explain how people who are anti-globalization express their views and desires in different ways. 2. Urge Students to express their personal views, for or against. 3. Role play or debate 4. Summary Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 9 Worksheet 8 Are cultures all over the world taking a one-way trip to Globalization? Learning Objectives 1. To enquire into the definition of culture. 2. To understand the development and characteristics of cultures in the context of globalization. Teaching Suggestions 1. Examine, with Coca-Cola and Hollywood movies as examples, the relationship between American culture and globalization. 2. Examine the relationship between globalization and homogenisation. Globalization Teaching Suggestions p. 10 Worksheet 9 Impact of Globalization on the Environment Learning Objectives 1. 2. To learn how globalization affects forests and soil erosion. To learn about the conflicts of interests in dealing with globalization and environmental issues. 3. To learn the importance of sustainable development under globalization. Teaching Suggestions 1. Discuss the following issues: What do you think are the functions of forests? How do human activities destroy our forests? What are the consequences of such damages? 2. Examine the relationship between carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect. With information from the Internet, discuss what damages does continuous rise in temperature bring to the global environment. 3. Students analyse different standpoints and deduce from them the identity of the people. This part may also be done as a role play: students take up different roles and discuss the Kyoto Protocol, the difficulties in dealing with the greenhouse effect, and the clash in interests. 4. Do a case study and the possible consequences. 5. Briefly introduce the concept of sustainable development. 6. Based on the concept of sustainable development, suggest solutions to the problems raised in the case study. 7. Discuss how students can practise protecting the earth in their everyday life.