Full title: An update on FIV and FeLV test performance using a Bayesian statistical approach Short title: FIV FeLV Bayesian M.D.G. Pinches, G. Diesel, C. R. Helps, S. Tasker, K. Egan, T.J. Gruffydd-Jones Mark D. G. Pinches BVSc MSc MRCVS Gillian Diesel * BVSc MSc MRCVS Christopher R. Helps BSc PhD Séverine Tasker BVSc BSc PhD DSAM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS Kathy Egan ART (Can) Tim J Gruffydd-Jones BvetMed PhD DipECVIM-CA MRCVS University of Bristol, Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, Langford House, Langford, BS40 5DU, UK * The Royal Veterinary College, University of London, Hawkshead Lane, Hertfordshire, AL9 7TA Keywords: FIV, FeLV, Bayesian analysis 1 Abstract Background: Screening tests for feline retroviruses are thought to have high sensitivity and specificity although previous studies that have evaluated these tests are slightly limited. Novel statistical approaches have been developed that allow estimation of sensitivity and specificity in situations where the true state of disease in individual animals cannot be assured. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of a variety of retrovirus tests, including some screening tests, in a population of cats potentially infected with either FeLV and/or FIV using a Bayesian statistical approach. Methods Four hundred and ninety blood samples from cats being evaluated for FIV infection were tested by two rapid immunomigration tests (Witness Single (WS), Witness Combi (WC); Synbiotics) and a plate based ELISA (Petcheck, IDEXX) for FIV antibody and by a newly designed real time PCR assay for FIV provirus. Four hundred and eighty four blood samples from cats being evaluated for FeLV infection were tested by two rapid immunomigration tests (Witness Single (WS), Witness Combi (WC); Synbiotics) and a plate based ELISA (Petcheck, IDEXX) for FeLV antigen and by a FeLV virus isolation technique. Results were then analysed using a Bayesian statistical method. Results For FIV tests, median sensitivity estimates were 0.98 for WS, 0.97 for WC, 0.98 for ELISA, and 0.92 for PCR. Median specificity estimates were for 0.96 for WS, 0.96 for 2 WC, 0.93 for ELISA, and 0.99 for PCR. For FeLV tests median sensitivity estimates were 0.97 for WS, 0.97 for WC, 0.98 for ELISA, and 0.91 for VI. Median specificity estimates were 0.96 for WS, 0.96 for WC, 0.98 for ELISA, and 0.99 for VI. Conclusions The use of Bayesian statistical methods overcomes a variety of methodological problems associated with diagnostic test evaluations including lack of definitive reference test. The sensitivity and specificity of all six evaluated screening tests is high, however specificity estimates were slightly lower. 3 Introduction Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are important retroviruses of cats. Accurate diagnosis of these diseases is important both for the diagnosis of retrovirus related disease and for the identification of infected cats in the control of both infections. A variety of different types of diagnostic tests are available including: rapid screening tests for antigen or antibody in plasma; virus isolation (VI) to detect infectious virus in the plasma; and a number of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays which detect proviral DNA in the blood. Immunoassays of differing types are most widely used in practice and these tests offer the advantage of speed and convenience. However, the information available about their performance is limited and somewhat conflicting 1,2,3. The previous studies that have evaluated FeLV and FIV immunoassay performance are limited to a degree, as all sample naturally infected populations, where true disease status is unknown. Further these studies also reference test only samples with positive results. Such an approach introduces selection bias and introduces some error into test performance calculations in particular estimates of test specificity 4. Also, the choice of reference test in retrovirus diagnosis is not without its difficulties, as there are questions as to which tests can be considered suitable as a reference test for infections in which virus integrates into the host genome. Virus isolation for example, the usual reference test for FeLV, has drawbacks as although this test carries a high specificity its sensitivity is potentially reduced in some situations 5,6,7,8,9,10 . Often therefore, this makes it impossible to unambiguously state the disease status of tested animals 11. Thus misclassification of samples as true positive or true negative by the reference tests inevitably leads to errors in the sensitivity and specificity 4 estimations of the evaluated tests 12,13 . However, there exist a variety of alternate statistical approaches which have been developed that allow estimation of test sensitivity and specificity when no definitive reference test is available 12,13,14 . One such approach is based upon Bayes’s theorem, where error probabilities (prior distributions) based upon previous knowledge of the evaluated tests, reference test and prevalence are introduced into the analysis. Using new data (likelihood) estimates of test sensitivity, test specificity and prevalence are updated (posterior distributions) using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo simulation. In essence this allows estimates of tests sensitivity and specificity in situations where analysis by traditional methods would have led to error 4,13,14 . In this study, Bayesian analysis, a “non gold standard” based statistical approach to the test evaluation, is applied to the evaluation of a variety of tests for FeLV and FIV. 5 Materials and methods The samples used in this study were consecutive diagnostic samples submitted to Langford Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratories by veterinarians for FIV and/or FeLV testing between September 2002 and June 2004. These were whole blood EDTA and/or heparin samples for which there was sufficient sample volume to perform all tests. Only samples from animals over 20 weeks of age were included in the study, to avoid problems related to the persistence of maternally derived antibody. All samples were split into two aliquots at submission. Plasma was used in the immunoassays whilst whole blood was used for FeLV Virus isolation (VI) and/or in the provirus FIV polymerase chain reaction assay (FIV PCR). FIV The FIV immunoassays that were evaluated were two rapid immunomigration (RI) tests, Witness single (WS) FIV (Witness; Synbiotics, distributed by Woodley Equipment, Horwich, UK), Witness combi (WC) FIV/FeLV (Witness; Synbiotics) and a plate based FIV ELISA test (PetChek FIV, IDEXX Laboratories, Wőrrstadt, Germany). A newly developed real-time provirus FIV polymerase chain reaction (FIV PCR) test was also used. Four hundred and ninety samples were tested at submission by both RI tests and the ELISA according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Positive results were recorded when 6 the intensity of colour change by visual assessment equalled or exceeded that of the positive control. Samples which gave colour change that was not as intense as the positive control were read by plate reader and results were recorded as positive if colour intensity was >50% and equivocal if colour intensity was <50% of that of the positive control. Negative results were recorded where there was no visible colour change. The RI tests were read by visual assessment. Occasional equivocal results were also generated. These included very faint colour change, only ½ an indicator line developing or where colour change occurred after 10mins. Samples for FIV PCR were frozen at –20C and tested once a week as a batch. DNA was extracted from 100l of EDTA blood using the DNeasy Blood Kit (Qiagen, Crawley, UK) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Real-time PCR for FIV was performed using an iCycler IQ (Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom) with primers and probe designed to a consensus region of the GAG gene from Clade A viral isolates. Previously designed primers and probes to the feline 28S rDNA gene were also included in the PCR to act as an internal control 15. The PCR reaction consisted of 12.5l of Hotstartaq Master mix (Qiagen); 200nM FIV forward and reverse primers (Invitrogen, Paisley, Scotland); 100nM FIV Taqman probe (Cruachem Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland.)(see Table 1 for primer and probe sequences); plus 200nM 28S rDNA forward and reverse primers and 200nM 28S rDNA Taqman probe; a final MgCl2 concentration of 4.5mM; 5l genomic DNA and water to 25l. After an initial incubation at 95C for 15 min, 50 cycles of 95C for 10 sec and 60C for 30 sec were carried out. Fluorescence was detected at 530nm and 620nm at each annealing step (60C). Threshold 7 values were then calculated using the iCycler software ver3.0. Samples were deemed FIV positive by the real-time PCR if their relative fluorescence exceeded that of the threshold value (set at 100 relative fluorescence units). 8 Table 1 FIV 995 forward 5’- TTAAGCCAGAAAGTACCCTAGAAG-3’ primer FIV 1133 reverse 5’- AAACACACTGGTCCTGATCC-3’ primer FIV 1064 Taqman 5’-FAM- probe TGCAACTCTTGGCAGAAGCTCTTACA-BHQ13’ 9 The reaction efficiency and sensitivity of the FIV PCR assay was determined using a plasmid construct containing the FIV PCR amplicon. The plasmid concentration was determined spectrophotometrically and used to calculate the copy number. Serial ten-fold dilutions (from 4x106 to 4 copies per 5l) of the plasmid were run in triplicate in the FIV PCR assay. By plotting the threshold cycle value against Log of the starting copy number a straight line is generated (R2=0.999) and the slope of this line was used to determine the reaction efficiency. Using this standard curve the FIV PCR assay was shown to have an efficiency of 100% and could detect all three replicates at 4 copies per PCR reaction. DNA samples from known FIV positive, experimentally infected cats and non-infected SPF-derived cats, as well as water samples, were subjected to PCR as positive and negative controls. Additional tests used to investigate discrepant samples Ten samples that were positive by ELISA alone were further tested for FIV antibodies by a previously described immunofluorescent technique (IFA) 16. Here Crandell-Reese feline kidney (CRFK) cells chronically infected with FIVGL8 were mixed with 3-fold more uninfected CRFK cells, seeded into flasks and incubated at 37oC for 3 days, until syncytia appeared obvious. Then the cells were then harvested, mixed with an equal number of uninfected CRFK cells and plated on to each well of Teflon-coated microscope slides. The plates were incubated at 37oC for 10 hours, at which time the cells were fixed, and the slides subsequently stored, in methanol at -20oC. Before use the cells were washed in water and dried. Ten-fold dilutions of cat serum from 10-1 to 10-4 10 were made in PBS and 25μl of each dilution was applied to appropriate wells, which were incubated in a moisture chamber at 37oC for 1.5 hours. The cells were then washed twice in PBS and once in water, and dried in air. A volume of 25μl of FITC-conjugated anti-cat IgG was plated onto each well and the cells were incubated as before for a further hour. The plates were then washed and dried as above and examined in a UV microscope with a X10 objective. The antibody titre was taken as the reciprocal of the dilution of serum that showed obvious fluorescence within the cytoplasm of syncytia. Nine of 15 samples that were positive by all tests but negative by the real-time FIV PCR were further examined. These nine samples were those in which sufficient volume remained to perform the analysis. Degenerate primers were designed to flank the realtime PCR product and were used to generate amplicons for automated DNA sequencing. PCR was performed using a MJ Research PTC-200 DNA engine (GRI, UK). The PCR reaction consisted of 25l of Hotstartaq Master mix (Qiagen); 400nM FIV forward (ACYCARGAACARCAAGCAGA) and reverse (TGCTGCAYTTGRTTYACTGG) flanking primers; a final MgCl2 concentration of 4.5mM; 2l genomic DNA and water to 50l. After an initial incubation at 95C for 15 min, 40 cycles of 95C for 15 sec and 62C for 30 sec and 72C for 60 sec were carried out. After separation on a 1% agarose gel stained with 0.1g/ml ethidium bromide the 578bp amplicons were purified using QIAquick gel extraction kit (Qiagen) and submitted for automated fluorescent DNA sequencing (University of Dundee Sequencing Service, Dundee, Scotland). 11 FeLV The FeLV immunoassays evaluated were the WS FeLV, WC FIV/FeLV and a plate based ELISA test (Petcheck; Idexx). FeLV VI was also performed. 484 samples were tested at submission using both RI and ELISA according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Some results were considered equivocal for reasons as described for the FIV tests. Samples for VI were frozen at –20C before batch testing weekly using the methodology described by Jarrett and Ganière (1996)17. Briefly, samples (200 μl EDTA plasma) were inoculated into one well of a 12-well cluster plate seeded 24 h previously with 5 x 104 QN10 cells in 1 ml of Dulbecco’s medium with 10 μg/ml of Polybrene, 1% pyruvate solution and 10% FCS. The cells were incubated at 37°C, and the medium was replaced after 2 hours. Plates were examined for foci of transformation/degeneration on day 5 after inoculation. Negative samples were subcultured and incubated for a further week before being reported as negative. Additional tests used to investigate discrepant samples Twenty four samples that were positive by ELISA and/or WS/WC but negative by VI, were further examined for FeLV provirus by a real-time PCR technique previously described by Pinches et al (In print) 18. Briefly primers and a probe designed to the U3 region of the long terminal repeat sequences of FeLV subgroups A B and C were used and primers and a probe to the feline 28S rDNA gene included to act as an internal control. DNA was extracted from 100μl of EDTA blood using the DNeasy blood Kit 12 (Qiagen, Crawley, UK) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Real-time PCR was performed using an iCycler IQ (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hemel Hempstead, UK). The PCR reaction consisted of 12.5 μl of Hotstartaq Master mix (Qiagen), 100nM FeLV forward and reverse primers, 100nM FeLV Taqman probe, 200nM 28S rDNA forward and reverse primers, 200nM 28S rDNA Taqman probe, a final MgCl2 concentration of 6mM, 5μl genomic DNA (approx. 100ng) and water to 25 μl. After an initial incubation at 95°C for 15 min, 45 cycles of 95°C for 10 sec and 60°C for 30 sec were carried out. Fluorescence was detected at 620nm and 680nm at each annealing step (60°C). Statistical analysis Results were tabulated in Excel (Microsoft, US) and contingency tables were constructed. WS and WC were evaluated independently to each other. Results from the RI, ELISA and either the FIV PCR or the FeLV VI were used to calculate estimates of test performance. All equivocal results and the results of the discrepant sample analysis were excluded from the estimation of test sensitivities and specificities. Test sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) were estimated using a Bayesian model. The freeware program WinBUGS 1.4 (http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/bugs/welcome.shtml) was used as the platform for all modelling. As the ELISA and RI tests are based on the same biological mechanism they were considered to be dependent tests. FIV PCR and FeLV VI were considered independent of these. Thus the model used was a three test in one population model, with two tests being conditionally dependent, as described by 13 Branscum et al. (2005) 14. In order to account for the dependence between the ELISA and RI tests, a covariance parameter is included in the model, this was defined by a uniform distribution. WinBUGS code for this model was downloaded from http://www.epi.ucdavis.edu/diagnostictests/AB3tests1popn.htm. Prior information about the test sensitivities, specificities and disease prevalence were specified using beta distributions. These were calculated using BetaBuster 1.0 software using estimates of test performance and disease prevalence provided by Hosie et al (1989), Griessmayer et al. (2002), and Crawford et al (2005)19,1,20 (Tables 3 and 5). Markov-chain Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate the median and 95% credibility intervals from the posterior distributions. For each analysis, an initial burn in of 10000 iterations was discarded, and node estimates were based on a further 100000 iterations. Convergence for each model was assessed by simultaneously running five chains with widely differing starting values. A sensitivity analysis was run for each model by changing the prior beta distributions for all test parameters to a uniform (0.5, 1) distribution to ensure that the results were repeatable. All the node estimates of test sensitivity and specificity fell within + 3% of their original estimates except for the VI sensitivity which increased by 4%. Fisher’s exact test was also used to compare the proportion of equivocal results generated. The null hypothesis being that there was no difference between tests and the significance level was set at 0.05. 14 Results: FIV tests The test results obtained for the 490 samples are summarised in Table 2. For WS, 112 samples tested positive by all tests, for WC, 111 samples tested positive by all tests. For WS, 338 samples tested negative by all tests, for WC, 336 samples tested negative by all tests. A number of discrepancies between tests were found, these included 15 samples that were negative by FIV PCR but positive by all other tests and 10 samples that were positive by ELISA but negative by all other tests. The ELISA generated more equivocal results than WS or WC (n=11 ELISA, n=3 WS and n=5 WC) although this failed to reach significance (p=0.055, p=0.074) when examined by Fisher’s exact test Median sensitivity estimates were for WS 0.98, WC 0.97, ELISA 0.98, and PCR 0.92. Median specificity estimates were for WS 0.96, WC 0.96, ELISA 0.93, and PCR 0.99. An estimated prevalence within the sampled population was 25%. The medians and 95% posterior credible intervals calculated from the posterior distributions for sensitivity and specificity estimates based on these data are shown in Table 3. Of the ten samples found to be positive by ELISA and negative by all other methods, 9 of these samples were further examined by IFA, all tested negative. The remaining sample 15 could not be evaluated further as insufficient serum remained. Further sequencing of the amplified PCR product of 9 of 15 samples that were negative by real-time PCR but positive by all other methods, showed sequence alterations or major deletions in the GAG gene that would be expected to prevent primer annealing (data not shown). 16 Table 2. Test results obtained for FIV from the WS, WC, ELISA and PCR (excluding equivocal results) PCR +ve PCR -ve WS+ WS- WS WC+ WC- WC WS+ WS- WS WC+ WC- WC Eq Eq Eq Eq (n= (n= (n= (n= 3) 5) 3) 5) ELISA + 112 0 3 111 1 3 15 10 0 15 10 0 ELISA - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 338 0 1 336 2 ELISA Eq 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 0 1 7 0 (n=11) 17 Table 3. Prior estimates, and Median and 95% posterior credible intervals for sensitivity and specificity of WS, WC, ELISA and PCR FIV tests. Test Prior mode 95% prior Reference credible interval ELISA Sn 0.95 0.770 0.988 – 1 Median of posterior credible interval 0.98 95% posterior credible interval 0.952 – 0.997 ELISA Sp 0.99 0.881 0.998 – 1 0.93 0.907 – 0.961 WS Sn 0.95 0.770 0.988 – 1 0.98 0.952 – 0.997 WS Sp 0.99 0.881 0.998 – 1 0.96 0.936 – 0.983 WC Sn WC Sp PCR Sn 0.95 0.99 0.8 0.770 – 0.988 0.881 0.998 0.563 0.923 Estimates 0.97 extrapolated from Griessmeyer et al. 2002 – Estimates 0.96 extrapolated from Griessmeyer et al. 2002 – 20 0.92 0.939 - 0.994 0.9360.983 0.850 – 0.970 PCR Sp 0.98 0.944 0.993 – 20 0.99 0.988 – 0.999 18 Prevalence 0.15 0.062 0.329 – 19 0.25 0.21-0.29 19 FeLV Tests The test results obtained from the 484 samples are shown in Table 4. For WS, 64 samples tested positive by all tests, for WC, 61 samples tested positive by all tests. For WS, 393 samples tested negative by all tests, for WC, 396 samples tested negative by all tests. A number of discrepancies between tests were found, most of these were discrepancies between either WS, WC or ELISA and VI. These included 14 ELISA positive samples that were VI negative, 19 WS positive samples that were VI negative and 17 WC positive samples that were VI negative. The ELISA generated significantly less equivocal results than both WS and WC (ELISA n=5, WS n=16, WC n=18) (p=0.007 & p=0.002 respectively). Median sensitivity estimates were for WS 0.97, WC 0.97, ELISA 0.98, and VI 0.91. Mean specificity estimates were for WS 0.96, WC 0.96, ELISA 0.98, and VI 0.99. An estimated prevalence within the sampled population was 15%. Calculated posterior distributions for sensitivity and specificity estimates based on these data are shown in Table 5. Twenty four samples that were discordant between VI and WS, WC and or ELISA were further tested by FeLV PCR. Of the 14 ELISA positive samples that were discordant to VI (VI negative), 12 were positive by PCR. Of the 19 WS positive samples that were discordant to VI, 7 were positive by PCR. Of the 17 WC positive samples that were discordant to VI, 10 were positive by PCR. 20 Table 4. Test results obtained for FeLV from WS, WC, ELISA and VI. (excluding equivocal results) VI +ve WS+ WS- ELISA WS VI -ve WC+ WC- WC WS+ WS- WS WC+ WC- WC Eq Eq Eq Eq (n=16) (n=18) (n=16) (n=18) 64 0 0 61 0 3 10 0 4 9 0 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 8 393 9 7 396 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 1 3 + ELISA ELISA Eq (n=5) 21 Table 5. Prior estimates, and Median and 95% posterior credible intervals for sensitivity and specificity of WS, WC, ELISA and PCR FeLV tests. Test Prior 95% prior credible interval Reference 1 Median of posterior credible interval 0.98 95% posterior credible interval 0.938 -0.998 ELISA Sn 0.99 0.881 – 0.998 ELISA Sp 0.92 0.776 – 0.973 1 0.98 0.960 – 0.993 WS Sn 0.97 0.885 – 0.992 1 0.97 0.938 -0.994 WS Sp 0.92 0.776 – 0.973 1 0.96 0.935 -0.976 WC Sn 0.97 0.885 – 0.992 0.97 0.937 – WC Sp 0.92 0.776 – 0.973 VI Sn 0.9 0.780 – 0.957 Estimates extrapolated from Griessmeyer et al. 2002 Estimates extrapolated from Griessmeyer et al. 2002 Expert opinion 0.975 – 1.000 0.048 – 0.276 VI Sp 1.00 Prevalence 0.12 0.994 0.96 0.939 -0.979 0.92 0.845 – 0.966 Expert opinion 0.999 0.988 – 0.999 19 0.25 0.21-0.29 22 Discussion This is the first study to apply Bayesian modelling to the evaluation of FIV and FeLV screening tests. This technique is a powerful statistical approach that is implemented using an iterative Markov-chain Monte Carlo simulation method and Gibbs sampling run on WinBUGS software. While this technique is well established in veterinary epidemiology, it has only been applied to a limited number of veterinary diagnostic test evaluations, although this number is increasing 21. The model employed by the current study was designed by Branscum et al. (2005) 14 and allows evaluation of two dependent tests (the ELISA and WS/WC) and one test that is independent of these (PCR or VI) using sampled data from one population. However a variety of different models exist for different situations. A key feature of Bayesian modelling is the ability to introduce a level of uncertainty into the performance of all the tests and the disease prevalence of the tested population. Such models are then able to estimate test sensitivity and specificity in situations where the true disease status of individual animals is unknown 13, 14. Such situations arise from the use of imperfect reference tests or in diseases where the stage of disease influences test sensitivity 4. In the current study, the nature of retrovirus infection and the limitations of the available diagnostic tests can both confound the definitive classification of disease status in some individuals. These uncertainties would bias classic ‘gold standard’ statistical approaches to the test evaluation; however the Bayesian approach is capable of performing test evaluations on all the tests involved, including the reference tests in these conditions. 23 The results of the sensitivity analyses showed that most results fell within 3% of the original model results despite having substituted the partially informative uniform (0.5, 1) distribution for the prior estimates provided by Hosie, Griessmeyer et al., and Crawford et al.19,1,20. This suggests that these chosen prior distributions were appropriate. However, when the distribution was used as the prior for the sensitivity of the VI in the FeLV model it was found that the median of the posterior distribution for this parameter increased by 4%. This indicates that the prior for this parameter used in the model is having a strong effect on the node estimate. This may have been caused by using an over cautious estimate of test sensitivity for the prior distribution and therefore the actual estimate of test sensitivity for FeLV VI may be somewhat higher than that reported here. The results from the Bayesian analysis demonstrates that the current performance of the six named FIV and FeLV screening tests remains very high. All screening tests achieved sensitivity estimates of greater than 0.97. Such performance is similar to previous studies 1,2,3,22,23 . However, specificity estimates were slightly lower for some tests than previously reported in the above studies which may be due to differences in study design (reference testing only positive samples) in the previous studies. Such an approach misses false negative results and positively biases evaluated test specificity. All tests generated some equivocal results. For FIV tests WS (n=3) and WC (n=5) gave fewer equivocal results than ELISA (n=11). For FeLV tests, ELISA (n=5) generated significantly fewer equivocal results than WS (n=16) and WC (n=18); this finding may 24 be related to the confirmatory procedure for positive samples that is incorporated in the FeLV ELISA method. This procedure for clarifying the status of positive samples, may allow some equivocal results (which initially gave weak colour change) to be clearly defined as positive or negative. In contrast to the FeLV ELISA, FeLV WS and WC tests have no facility for positive test confirmation and results are evaluated only by the subjective assessment for the presence or absence of a pink line on the test kit. Weak colour change in the tests is therefore more likely to result in an interpretation of equivocal. Exclusion of the equivocal results from the Bayesian models could result in biased estimates of the sensitivity and specificity, however due to the small proportion of these results the impact is likely to be small. The FIV ELISA was found to have a lower median specificity estimate (0.93) than both FIV WS (0.96) and FIV WC (0.96), although there is some overlap between the posterior distributions that suggest that this finding may not be significant. However, the estimate of FIV ELISA specificity is lower than that given in the most recently published study by Griessmayer et al. (2002) 1 which estimated FIV ELISA specificity to be 0.99. The lower test specificity found in this study appears to be associated with a number of ELISA positive results that were found to be negative by other test methods. These 10 discrepant positive results represent 7.1% of all positive results given by the ELISA. They are considered false positive on the basis that other forms of testing, including FIV PCR and FIV IFA, showed no evidence for FIV infection. There are a variety of possible explanations for these discrepancies. The most frequently suggested is that the sample contained antibodies that cross-react with the ELISA test 23,24. Although the nature of these antibodies has not yet been determined, it has been suggested that such antibodies 25 could be induced following feline foamy virus (FFV) infection. However, serological studies of cats with discrepant FIV results have shown that a number of cats have no detectable antibodies against FFV (A. German, personal communication). Furthermore, following experimental infection of SPF cats with FFV none developed antibodies that cross-reacted with the FIV ELISA (A. German, personal communication). Another suggested explanation is a rise in non-specific reactivity to ELISA components following vaccination, in particularly with killed virus vaccines 23. The FIV PCR described here, had an estimated sensitivity of 0.92 and specificity of 0.99 by Bayesian analysis. The estimate of sensitivity is lower than that of the screening tests also evaluated in this study. These results are however similar to those reported by Crawford et al. (2005) 20 who evaluated a similar real time PCR assay. There are a variety of issues which may reduce PCR sensitivity. One important factor in FIV PCR is the wide heterogeneity in FIV sequences that exists between different isolates. This heterogeneity interferes with primer/probe annealing thus affecting the PCR reaction 20,25,26,27 . In the current study 15 of 490 samples were identified that were positive by both ELISA and Witness yet negative by PCR. Nine of these 15 samples had sequencing performed on a PCR product which flanked the real-time PCR amplicon; all showed sequence alterations or major deletions that were sufficient to prevent the real-time PCR primers from annealing. These findings emphasise the potential lack of sensitivity within FIV PCR assays due to FIV sequence heterogeneity. The FeLV VI technique used in the current study was found to have a sensitivity of 0.91 26 and specificity of 0.99 by the Bayesian model. The low sensitivity is due to well recognised differences between ELISA which detects circulating antigen and VI which detects circulating whole virus. Such differences between results have been termed discordant 5, 6, 9, 10. The present study found 25% (n=14) of ELISA results, 30% (n=19) of WS and 30% (n=17) of WC results to be discordant compared to VI. There are a variety of possible explanations, both biological and methodological, that have been proposed for such discordance. Possible biological explanations include; expression of cross reacting antigens from endogenous FeLV genes 6; localised infection with selective release of antigen but not virus, as has been shown for the mammary gland 8; or recovery from viraemia but failure to clear antigenaemia in cats with transient infections after the immune response has been activated. The latter explanation is unlikely to explain the discrepancies in most cases, as given the sampling methods used in this study, it is improbable that cats would be tested during this short period. Methodological concerns include cross reactivity in the ELISA with some other antigen 28, or a lack of sensitivity of the VI technique due to limited viability of virus during transport; although Jarrett et al (1982)6 suggest that virus deterioration is not a concern for FeLV VI. Studies that have followed the subsequent outcome in these discordant cases have found that the majority (75%) of cats become ELISA negative given time 29. However, a small proportion of cats have been shown to eventually develop clear evidence of infection, and it is postulated that this is due to a reduction in immunological viral restraint 8. The current study further examined the nature of the discordant results by evaluation of each discordant sample (positive for antigen but negative by VI) with a real time PCR for 27 FeLV provirus, a method that has been shown to be highly sensitive 18. For ELISA most (86%) were also positive by PCR. However for WS and WC only 36% and 59% respectively were also positive by PCR. These findings suggest that whilst discordant ELISA results may reflect true FeLV infection and low VI sensitivity, around 50% of discordant Witness results may be false positive. We conclude that the performance of all six evaluated screening tests is good. However the slightly reduced specificities reported here for FIV ELISA and FeLV Witness reemphasises the advice by the advisory panels on feline retrovirus testing 30 that positive results be confirmed by other forms of testing, especially in asymptomatic cats, or when testing a low prevalence population. Furthermore the use of a statistical method that overcomes a variety of methodological problems associated with diagnostic test evaluations in real world situations is demonstrated here. It is hoped that such techniques become more widely adopted in future studies. Acknowledgements M Pinches is sponsored by Axiom Veterinary Laboratories. This research was funded in part by Synbiotics. 28 References 1. Griessmayr P, Greene CE, Egberink H, et al. Comparison of different new tests for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukaemia virus infection [abstract]. In: International Feline Retrovirus Research Symposium. 2002: Dec. 2-5 2. Hartmann K, Werner RM, Egberink H, et al. 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