Chemical Potential 1 12 Chemical Potential Grand Canonical Ensemble Statistical physics employs three kinds of probability distributions or ensembles. The micro canonical ensemble applies when the system is isolated from the environment so that no energy or particles are exchanged. Usually this amounts to applying S k ln W to equally probable states without concern for energy levels. Most familiar is the canonical ensemble wherein energy is exchanged with the environment. This is characterized by the Boltzmann distribution p j exp( E j) Z . We introduce the grand canonical ensemble in this chapter. Here both energy and particles can be exchanged with the environment. The grand canonical ensemble is characterized by the energy-per-particle (or per mole) called the chemical potential. Chemical Potentials The fundamental relation, dU = T dS - P dV (1) can apply to more general systems by adding an important work term that pertains to particle systems. The energy required to introduce dn moles of a particular chemical is dn, where is the chemical potential and has units of energy per mole. is comparable to P and dn is comparable to dV. An expanded version of Eq. (1) for several chemicals is (2) dU = T dS - P dV + dnj . We can obtain an expression for the chemical potential µ using the dynamic interpretation of temperature. Add an increment of energy such that dN particles acquire transition energy kT in a system of N particles. Let the temperature remain fixed so there is a redistribution of potential energy per molecule so that the chemical energy for each molecule is increased by d. The gained energy can then be written in two ways, gained energy N d gained energy kT dN Equating these and integrating, we find and a most useful relation: kT ln N / N 0 0 (3) where two constants of integration are 0 and N0. 0 is the chemical potential at standard conditions listed in reference books (usually 298K and 1 ATM) It does not have any N dependence, but it may depend on T. N0 is the particle number under these standard Chemical Potential 2 conditions. Usually, we do not need to know the value of this somewhat arbitrary quantity. Note that this derivation works only when the particles are relatively independent. Note also that the ratio N / N 0 can be replaced by the ratio of concentrations c / c0 or the ratio of pressures p / p0 . Usually the standard quantities N0, c0, or p0 are taken to be the same for all the chemicals in a reaction and simply cancel out. 1. Solve the differential equation Nd kTdN . Show the result is equivalent to Eq.(3). Here are two important facts about chemical potentials: Chemical potentials are equivalent to true potential energies. A full expression of particle energy consists of the part that depends on concentration and temperature given by kT ln N / N 0 0 and any external potential energy U. kT ln N N 0 0 U (4) Just as temperature is an intensive variable that determines thermal equilibrium (so that net heat does not flow from system 1 to system 2 when T1 = T2), chemical potential is an intensive variable determining particle or diffusive equilibrium: 1 2 example Use chemical potentials to derive the barometric pressure equation for gas molecules of mass m at a temperature T at an altitude y above ground level. solution Molecules at sea level must be in equilibrium with those at elevation y. Diffusive equilibrium requires g where the subscript g indicates values at ground level. kT ln( pg / p0 ) 0 kT ln( p / p0 ) 0 mgy and we reduce this to p pg exp mgy kT 2. Free electrons at a temperature T are separated into two compartments by a potential V. Derive an expression for the ratio of electron concentrations n2/n1 where n2 refers to the compartment at higher potential. Calculate the ratio when the voltage is 0.1 V and the temperature is 840 K. [ans 4] 3. Sodium ions outside of a cell are found to have a concentration of 0.106 mol/L and Na+ ions inside the cell have a concentration of 0.149 mol/L. A membrane potential separates the ions, V Vinside Voutside . Calculate the membrane potential. (The situation is called Donnan equilibrium). [ans. –9.1 mV] Note: A characteristic resting potential for nerve cell membranes is about 0.1 V. Clearly, this is not an equilibrium situation. A dynamic process must maintain it. Chemical Potential 3 Mass Action The law of mass-action is central to chemical kinetics. It is easily derived using chemical potentials. Each molecule in an equilibrium reaction is assigned a chemical potential and the total reactants’ potentials must equal the total products’ potentials. For example, the reaction H2 + I2 2 HI has a corresponding relation with chemical potentials: H 2 I 2 2 HI Substituting from Eq.(4) we have kT ln [H2 ][ I2 ] standard potentials 2kT ln [HI] 2 standard potential The standard potentials depend only on temperature, so this can be rewritten as [ HI ]2 K. [ H 2 ][ I 2 ] Here K is a function of temperature alone and is called the “equilibrium constant.” By convention, K is taken to express the ratio of products over reactants. 4. Write a relation between the chemical potentials of molecules in the reaction 2H 2 O 2H 2 O2 . Show that the concentrations are related by H 2 2 O 2 K H 2 O2 where K is a “constant” that depends only on temperature–the equilibrium constant. Grand Canonical Distribution Here we derive the probability that a system with accessible energy levels E1, E2,... and particle numbers N1, N2,... at temperature T is in any particular state with an energy level Ei and particle number Nj. Again define the Helmholtz free energy F as the average work required to assemble the system from its well-separated components at constant temperature. Denote the average energy exchanged per interaction as kT. We want to evaluate the probability pj that the system is in level j. The static equilibrium probability of remaining in a level must also be the probability of finding the system in that level. At first, we consider the energy available to leave the state. The total energy of transitions* is kT and the energy available for transition out of the state is E j N j F . This expression recognizes that the energy committed to particles, Nj, is unavailable for leaving the state. It follows that the probability the system in level Ej will leave this level in any one transition is (Ej –Nj -F)/ kT. Each interaction * is used to avoid confusing it with the average particle number N. Chemical Potential 4 then has a complementary probability 1-(Ej –Nj -F)/ kT of not causing the system to leave level j. The probability that none of the interactions causes a transition is pj, E j N j F p j 1 . kT 1 In the limit of large this becomes the grand canonical probability, F E j N j p j exp kT (5) A more conventional derivation is to maximize entropy after adding to the canonical constraints p j N j N . Requiring the result to correspond to the thermodynamic expression (2), appears as a Lagrange multiplier. 5. Substitute the probability (5) into the entropy expression, S k p j ln p j and show that F U TS N (6) This is the thermodynamic definition of free energy F including a chemical potential. Grand Partition Function The partition function Z is based on the canonical distribution and is the instrument for many direct applications of statistical mechanics. A similar quantity, the grand partition function Z is based on the grand canonical distribution and is employed when particle numbers are involved. Define the grand partition function through F = –kT ln Z 6. Use the normalization condition, p i (7) 1 , and Eq.(7) to determine that the grand i partition function is given by Ei N j Z exp kT j 7. Show that the average number of particles N is given by N ln Z 1 Recall that lim 1 x exp( x ). (8) (9)