Chemistry entrance exam program Author: Associate professor of the chemistry sub-department, candidate of chemical sciences Kireev S.Y. Penza 2014 The program was compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard of general secondary education. The aim of mastering the educational discipline The aims of mastering the “Chemistry” discipline are the following: - formation of knowledge on modern achievements in chemistry - familiarization with basic theories of substance’s structure, fundamental sections of chemistry, its main laws and methods; - study of regularities of substances’ chemical activity. As a result of mastering the discipline university entrants should know: about the place of chemistry in the modern scientific picture of the world; the role of chemistry in formation of person’s outlook and functional literacy for solving practical problems; about general chemical regularities, laws, theories; be able: to use fundamental chemical notions, theories, laws and regularities; chemical terminology and symbols; basic methods of scientific cognition, applied in chemistry: observation, description, measurement, experiment; to process, explain experimental result and to make conclusions; to apply cognition methods for solving practical problems; to follow safety measures when working with chemical substances; to make hypotheses on the basis of knowledge about the compound and structure of substances and basic chemical laws, to prove them experimentally when formulating a research aim; to use methods of independent planning and conduct of chemical experiments following safety measures when working with substances and laboratory equipment; to describe, analyze and estimate reliability of the results obtained; be capable of: giving quantitative estimates and performing calculation according to chemical formulas and equations; researching properties of nonorganic and organic substances, explaining regularities of chemical reactions’ progress, predicting probability of implementation thereof; predicting, analyzing and estimating the consequences of human domestic and production activity regarding substances processing from the point of view of environmental safety. Discipline contents Subject of chemistry. Chemical elements. Atoms and molecules. Atomic and molecular masses. Elemental composition. Simple and complex substances. Allotropy. Active valence. Graphic formulas of substances. Mole. Molar mass. Avogadro’s hypothesis. Molar volume. Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation. Mass conservation law. Chemical equations. Derivation of chemical formulas. Calculations through chemical formulas and equations. Important classes of nonorganic substances. Nomenclature, classification and graphic formulas of oxides, bases, acids, salts. Concept of amphoteric hydroxides. Mendeleev’s periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements. Atomic structure: physical sense of elements’ serial numbers, atomic mass numbers, isotopes. Structure of atomic electron shell, quantum numbers. Pauli principle. Electron filling of orbitals. Electron configuration of atoms of I-IV periods. Dependence of elements’ properties on the structure of their atoms. Value of the Mendeleev’s periodic law and periodic system of elements. Chemical bond and structure of substances. Covalent bond. Hybridization of electron orbitals. Direction of covalent bond. Spatial structure of molecules. Donor-acceptor mechanism of chemical bond formation. Ionic, metallic, hydrogen bond. Intermolecular interactions. Types of crystal lattices. Element oxidation rates. Redox reactions. Important oxidants and reducing agents. Thermal effects of chemical reactions. Hess law. Hess law effects. Rate of chemical reactions. Dependence of chemical reaction rate on environmental factors. Catalysis. Chemical equilibrium. Reversible and irreversible chemical reactions. General classification of chemical reactions. Concept of solutions. Quantitative characteristic of substance’s composition. Electrolytic dissociation. Dissociation of acids, bases, salts of amphoteric hydroxides in water solutions. Dissociation of water. pH value. Exchange reactions in water solutions of electrolytes. Ionic equations of reactions. Hydrolysis of salts. Electrode potential. Galvanic element. Current chemical sources. Electrolysis. Metals. General characteristics of metals: physical and chemical properties. Position of metals in the periodic system and atomic structure features. General methods of metals production. General characteristics of IA and IIA groups of the periodic system. Properties of sodium, potassium, magnesium and their compounds. Water hardness and ways of elimination thereof. Properties of aluminum and its compounds. Amphoteric character of aluminum oxide and hydroxide. Properties of chromium oxides and hydroxides (+2), (+3), chromates and dichromates. Properties of manganese oxides and hydroxides, potassium permanganate. Properties of iron, iron oxides and hydroxides (+2), (+3.). Properties of copper compounds (+1), (+2). Properties of zinc oxide and hydroxide. Nonmetals. General characteristics of IVA,VA, VIA, VIIA groups of the periodic system. Hydrogen, its chemical and physical properties, interaction with metals and nonmetals, oxides and organic compounds. Water. Halogens and general characteristics thereof. Hydrogen halides. Halogenides. Oxygen-containing chlorine compounds. Nitrogen, its generation, chemical and physical properties. Properties of ammonia and salts of ammonia, nitrogen oxides (+1), (+2), (+4), nitrous acid and nitrites, nitric acid and nitrates. Generation of ammonia and nitric acid. Phosphorus, its physical and chemical properties. Properties of phosphorous compounds: phosphine and phosphides, phosphorous oxide (+3),(+5). Ortho-, meta- and diphosphoric acids and their salts. Carbon, its physical and chemical properties. Properties and ways of generation of carbon oxides and carbonates. Properties of carbonic acid. Properties of silicon, silicon oxide, magnesium silicide, silicic acid and silicates. Hydrocarbons. Nomenclature. Isometry. Saturated hydrocarbons. Alkanes and cycloalkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons. Alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes. Polymerization of butadiene, isoprene. Arenes. Benzol, toluene. Generation methods, chemical properties. Oxygen-containing compounds. Alcohols, phenols: structure and properties of methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol, glycerin. Ethers. Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic acids. Saturated and unsaturated. Esters. Nitrogen-containing organic compounds – amines, aniline. Heterocyclic compounds, amino acids. Fats. Carbohydrates. Proteins. Structure of nucleotides. Exemplary list of questions 1. Basic stoichiometric laws of Chemistry. Mole. Molar mass. Molar volume. Chemical equivalent. Equivalent mass. Equivalent volume. Equivalent law. Equivalents of oxides, acids and salts. 2. Oxides: nomenclature, methods of generation, chemical properties. Classification of oxides. 3. Hydroxides and salts: nomenclature, classification, methods of generation, chemical properties. Hydroxides’ acidity and acids’ basicity. Examples. 4. Development of the study of atomic structure. Rutherford-Bohr model. Quantum mechanical atomic model. Quantum numbers. 5. Atomic electron orbital. Energy states of electrons in an atom. Distribution of electrons in a multielectron atom. Principles of Pauli, Hund and the lowest energy. Occupation row. Klechkovsky’s rules. 6. Electron formulas of chromium and manganese, sulphur and chlorine. Valency, stages of oxidation and redox properties of these elements in chemical compounds. Examples. 7. Structure of the periodic system of elements (PSE). s-, p-, d-, f- electron properties of elements. Connection between atomic electron structure of elements and their position in PSE. Serial number, period, group, subgroup. Periodic law. 8. Position of metals and nonmetals in PSE. By the example of III period describe the change of chemical (acid-base, redox) properties of elements as the elements’ serial numbers increase. 9. Atomic radius, energy of ionization and affinity to electrons, electronegativity of elements. Their change by periods and groups. 10. Covalent bond. Basic theories of covalent bond, BC method. Properties and classification of covalent bond. Examples. Quantum mechanical theory of valency. 11. Saturability of covalent bond. Covalency of elements. Theory of hybridization of atomic orbitals. sp-, sp2- and sp3- hybridization of atomic orbitals and molecular geometry. 12. Ionic bond. Undirectivity and unsaturability. Properties of substances with ionic bond. Examples. 13. Hydrogen bond. Conditions of formation. Examples. Properties of elements with hydrogen bond. Effect of hydrogen bond on properties of water. 14. Oxidation level (oxidation number). Connection between oxidation levels of an element and its position in PSE. 15. Redox reactions. Conditions of display of oxidizing and reducing abilities of elements. The most important oxidizers and reducers, products of their oxidation and reduction. 16. Redox duality. Elements capable of displaying properties of oxidizers and reducers. Examples. Definition of redox reaction direction. 17. Osmotic pressure of solutions, van’t Hoff law. 18. Electrode reactions. Calculation of EMF of a galvanic element. Nernst equations. 19. Ideal solutions and properties thereof. Raoult law and its effect (cryoscopy and ebullioscopy). 20. Means of expressing solutions’ concentration (molar, molal, mass fraction, mole fraction, equivalent’s molar concentration). 21. Solubility of solid, liquid and gaseous substances, Henry-Dalton law. Thermal effect of dissolution. Dependence of solubility on temperature. 22. Mechanism of dissolution. Modern theory of solutions. Solvates. Hydrates. 23. Electron formulas of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine. Valency, oxidation levels and redox properties of these elements in chemical compounds. Examples. 24. Water as a solvent. Water molecular structure. Diagram of water conditions. Structure of liquid water and ice. Cause of abnormal properties of water. True solutions. 25. Entropy and Gibbs free energy. Definition of chemical processes’ direction. 26. Influence of temperature change on equilibrium. Thermal effect of reaction. Enthalpy change. Endothermic and exothermal reactions. Influence of pressure change on equilibrium. 27. Theory of electrolytic dissociation. Peculiarities ideal solution laws application to electrolytic solutions. Isotonic coefficient. Equation of connection between isotonic coefficient and dissociation degree. 28. Influence of reagent concentration change on equilibrium. 29. Reversible chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant. Conditions of equilibrium displacement. Le Chatelier principle. 30. Catalysts and influence thereof on reaction rate. Mechanism of catalysts’ action. Activated complex and formation mechanism thereof. 31. Influence of temperature on reaction rate. van’t Hoff law. Theory of activation. Arrhenius equation. Influence of reagents’ nature on reaction rate. Mechanisms of chemical reactions. 32. Chemical reaction rate in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Factors influencing reaction rate. Law of mass action for homogeneous systems. Rate constant and its physical sense. 33. Strong and weak electrolytes. Dissociation degree. Dissociation constant. Equation of connection between dissociation constant and dissociation degree – Ostwald’s dilution law. 34. Exchange reaction’s equilibrium displacement for electrolytes. Reaction examples. Buffer solutions. 35. Stepwise dissociation of polybasic acids and polyacid hydroxides in a solution. Dissociation of amphoteric electrolytes. 36. Sparingly soluble electrolytes. Solubility production and application thereof. Examples of sparingly soluble electrolytes. 37. Electrolysis. Faraday laws. 38. Electrolytic dissociation of water. pH value. 39. Concept of indicators. Definition methods of pH solutions. 40. Hydrolysis of salts. Degree of hydrolysis, hydrolysis constant. Factors influencing a degree of hydrolysis. Irreversible hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of salts of multivalent ions. 41. Complex compounds. Structure of complex compounds. 42. Coordination number. Isomerism of complexes. Chelates compounds and importance thereof in analytical and hydrochemistry. 43. Classification, nomenclature and properties of complex compounds. Dissociation of complex ions. Instability constant. Collapse of complex ions. 44. Theory of galvanic elements. Electrode potentials. 45. Standard hydrogen electrode. Standard electrode potential as a characteristic of chemical activity of metals. Silent electrodes. 46. Electrochemical corrosion. Mechanisms (anodic and cathodic processes). Methods of corrosion protection. 47. Mendeleev’s periodic law and its interpretation on the basis of quantum mechanical theory of atomic structure. Structure of PSE: periods, groups, families, s-, p-, d-, f-classification of elements. Long-period and short-period variants of PSE. Periodic natures of changes of elements’ atomic properties: radius, energy, ionization, energy of electron affinity, relative electronegativity (REN). Defining role of electron shells for elements’ chemical properties. Periodic nature of properties change of simple substances, oxides and hydrogen compounds of elements. 48. Elements of the I main subgroup. Alkali metals. General characteristics. Interaction with elementary oxidizers. Discovery in nature. Generation methods. Properties of some compounds of elements. 49. Elements of the I group of the collateral subgroup. Copper subgroup. General characteristics. Physical properties. Discovery in nature. Obtainment of copper, silver and gold. Interaction with simple substances. Solubility of metals in acids. Properties of element compounds at various levels of oxidation. 50. Elements of the II group of the main subgroup. Elements of beryllium subgroup. General characteristics. Discovery in nature and obtainment. Interaction of metals with simple and complex substances. Properties of element compounds. 51. Elements of zinc subgroup. General characteristics. Oxidation levels. Discovery in nature. Physical properties. Obtainment. Interaction of zinc with acids and alkalis. Properties of element compounds. 52. Boron subgroup. III group. Main subgroup. General characteristics. Content in nature. Obtainment of aluminum. Interaction of aluminum with simple substances, acids, alkalis. Properties of element compounds. 53. IV groups. Collateral subgroup. Elements of titanium subgroups. General characteristics. Oxidation levels. Discovery in nature and obtainment. Interaction with elementary oxidizers and acids. Properties and application of some compounds. 54. VI group. Collateral subgroup. Elements of chromium subgroup. General characteristics. Discovery in nature and obtainment. Physical properties. Chemical properties of simple substances. Properties of element compounds. Chromates and bichromates, oxidation properties thereof. 55. VII group. Collateral subgroup. Elements of manganese subgroup. General characteristics. Valence capabilities. Discovery in nature and obtainment means. Physical properties. Chemical properties: interaction with elementary oxidizers and acids. Properties of manganese compounds in stable oxidation levels. 56. Iron family elements. General characteristics. Valence capabilities. Discovery in nature. Obtainment. Steels and cast irons. Production of cast iron and steel. Physical and chemical properties. Properties of element compounds. Qualitative reactions for ions of iron and nickel. 57. Elements of platinum metals family. General characteristics of elements. Electron formulas. Oxidation levels. Discovery in nature. Means of obtainment. Physical properties. Properties of some element compounds. 58. Theory of acids and bases (Arrhenius, Lewis, Bronsted-Lowry). Oxidation and basicity constants. Ionization, hydrolysis, neutralization from the point of view of various theories of acids and bases. pH solutions of weak acids, bases, hydrolyzing salts. 59. Silicon. General characteristics. Main difference from carbon: lack of p-bond in compounds. Silicides. Compounds with hydrogen (silanes), oxidation and hydrolysis. Silicon tetrafluoride and tetrachloride, hydrolysis. Hexafluosilicates. Oxygen compounds. Silicon oxide(IV). Silica gel. Silicic acid. Silicates. Solubility and hydrolysis. Natural silicates and aluminum silicates, zeolites. Organic-silicon compounds. Silicones and siloxanes. 60. Elements of germanium subgroup. General characteristics. Stability of hydrogen compounds. Compounds with halogens, behavior in water solutions. 61. General characteristics of carbon. Allotropic modifications of carbon. Types of hydrogen’s atomic hybridization and structure of carbon-containing molecules. Carbon as a basis of all organic molecules. Physical and chemical properties of simple substances. 62. Butlerov’s theory of organic compounds structure. Concept of homologous series and isometry. Types of structural isomerism. 63. Classification of organic compounds. Concept of functional groups. Representatives of various classes of organic compounds. Nomenclature of organic substances: international, trivial. Examples of organic compounds and their names. 64. Isomerism as a specific phenomenon in organic chemistry. Types of isomerism. 65. Mutual influence of atoms and means of transfer thereof in organic molecules: π, π and ρ, π - conjugation. Conjugation energy. Conjugation of a system with open (butadiene-1,3; divinyl ether; propionic aldehyde) and closed (benzene) conjugation chain. 66. Basic concepts of stereochemistry: conformation and configuration. Conformation of open chains. Newman’s projection formulas: masked, retarded and skew. 67. Basic concepts of stereoisomerism: asymmetric carbon atom, enantiomers, diastereoisomers, racemates. Fisher’s projection formulas. Lactic acid’s enantiomers, isomers of L and D-rows. Concepts of R, S nomenclature. Optical activity, configuration standard. Examples of names of organic compounds using R, S nomenclature. . 68. Natural sources of organic compounds, their characteristics and means of obtainment and processing. Oil, natural gas, coal, peat. 69. General classification of alkanes class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Connection between the structure and reactivity. Mechanism of radical substitution reaction. 70. General characteristics of alkenes class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Connection between structure with reactivity. Mechanism of electrophilic addition reaction. 71. General characteristics of alkynes class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Mechanism of nucleophilic addition reaction. 72. General characteristics of arenes. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Mechanism of electrophilic substitution. 73. General characteristics of monohydric alcohols class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Qualitative reaction for monohydric alcohols. 74. General characteristics of phenols class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Qualitative reaction from phenols. 75. General characteristics of aldehydes class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Qualitative reactions for aldehydes. 76. General characteristics of carboxylic acids class. Means of obtainment. Types of isomerism. Physical and chemical properties. Connection between structure and reactivity. 77. General characteristics of amines class. Biopolymers (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids) Chairman of chemistry examination board Y.P. Perelygin