DHA23-2015 SBD 1 INVITATION TO BID YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS BID NUMBER: DHA23-2015 CLOSING DATE: 13 November 2015 CLOSING TIME: 11:00 APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM AND BIOMETRIC ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS IN SERVER ROOMS AT IDENTIFIED DHA OFFICES, FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS BID DOCUMENTS MAY BE POSTED TO: National Treasury Tender Information Centre Private Bag X49 PRETORIA 0001 OR DEPOSITED IN THE BID BOX SITUATED AT National Treasury, 240 Vermeulen Street (now Madiba Street), Cnr Andries Str (now Thabo Sehume Str) and Vermeulen Str (now Madiba Str), Tender Information Centre, behind ABSA Bidders should ensure that bids are delivered timeously to the correct address. If the bid is late, it will not be accepted for consideration. All tender documents must be clearly marked with the wording “TENDER” and the tender number must be clearly visible. The bid box is generally open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE OFFICIAL FORMS – (NOT TO BE RE-TYPED) THIS BID IS SUBJECT TO THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ACT AND THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2011, THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS (GCC) AND, IF APPLICABLE, ANY OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC). THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS MUST BE FURNISHED (FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR BID BEING DISQUALIFIED) NAME OF BIDDER ………………………………………………………………………………………………… POSTAL ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………..…. STREET ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………………………………… TELEPHONE NUMBER CODE……………NUMBER…………………….……………………………………….….. CELLPHONE NUMBER ………………………………………………………………………………………………… FACSIMILE NUMBER CODE………..……NUMBER…………………………………………………………...…… E-MAIL ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………………………………… VAT REGISTRATION NUMBER ………………………………………………………………………………………………… CONTACT PERSON ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HAS AN ORIGINAL AND VALID TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE BEEN SUBMITTED (SBD 2)? Yes or No HAS A B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL VERIFICATION CERTIFICATE BEEN SUBMITTED (SBD 6.1)? Yes or No Page 1 of 72 DHA23-2015 IF YES, WHO WAS THE CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY? AN ACCOUNTING OFFICER AS CONTEMPLATED IN THE CLOSE CORPORATION ACT (CCA) A VERIFICATION AGENCY ACCREDITED BY THE SOUTH AFRICAN ACCREDITATION SYSTEM (SANAS) A REGISTERED AUDITOR [A B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL VERIFICATION CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO SBD 6.1 IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR PREFERENCE POINTS FOR B-BBEE] * YES / NO Are you duly authorised to sign the bid? [IF YES ENCLOSE PROOF] SIGNATURE OF BIDDER ………………………………………………………………………………………. DATE …………………………………………………………………………….. CAPACITY UNDER WHICH THIS BID IS SIGNED..…………………………………………….…………… TOTAL BID PRICE: …………………………TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS OFFERED........................... ANY ENQUIRIES REGARDING THE BIDDING PROCEDURE MAY BE DIRECTED TO: Department: Department of Home Affairs Contact Person: Nico Masango Tel: (012) 406 2789 E-mail address: nico.masango@dha.gov.za ANY ENQUIRIES REGARDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION MAY BE DIRECTED TO: Contact Person: William Makokomale Tel: (012) 406 4330 E-mail address: william.makokomale@dha.gov.za Page 2 of 72 DHA23-2015 I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A THE TENDER DOCUMENTS Rules for Bidding 1.1. The Department is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted and reserves the right to call for presentations from short-listed bidders before final selection. 1.2. The Department reserves the right to terminate this appointment or temporarily defer the work, or any part thereof, at any stage of completion should the Department decide not to proceed with the tender. 1.3. The Department also reserves the right to appoint any other person to undertake any part of the tasks. 1.4. The service provider must be a single legal entity with all other necessary expertise secured via subcontract, or under a joint venture arrangement. The Department will enter into a single contract with a single entity for the delivery of the work set out in these tender documents. 1.5. The bidding entity shall be the same entity that will execute the bid. Any bid found to be fronting for another entity or entities shall be disqualified immediately. 1.6. All South African firms submitting bids as part of a consortium or joint venture must submit a valid original tax clearance certificates. 1.7. Foreign firms providing proposals must become familiar with local conditions and laws and take them into account in preparing their proposals. 1.8. The service provider and its affiliates are disqualified from providing goods, works and services to any private party to this Agreement, or any eventual project that may result, directly or indirectly from these services. 1.9. Firms may ask for clarification on these tender documents or any part thereof up to close of business 1 week before the deadline for the submission of the bids. 1.10. The Department reserves the right to return late bid submission unopened. 1.11. Firms may not contact the Department on any matter pertaining to their bid from the time when the bids are submitted to the time the contract is awarded. Any effort by a bidder to influence bid evaluation, bid comparisons or bid award decisions in any manner, may result in rejection of the bid concerned. 1.12. Should the contract between the Department and the service provider be terminated by either party due to reasons not attributable to the service provider, the service provider will be remunerated for the appropriate portion of work completed up to a maximum amount of not more than the total fee bid by the service provider for the appropriate phase of the project during which the appointment was terminated. Conditions of the Tender 1.13. The General Conditions of contract, as attached will apply. 1.14. The Department will become the owner of all information, documents, programmes, advice and reports collected and compiled by the service provider in the execution of this tender. Page 3 of 72 DHA23-2015 1.15. The copyright of all documents, programmes, and reports compiled by the service provider will vest in the Department and may not be reproduced or distributed or made available in any other way without the written consent of the Department. 1.16. All information, documents, programmes and reports must be regarded as confidential and may not be made available to any unauthorised person or institution without the written consent of the Department. 1.17. Bidders shall undertake to limit the number of copies of this document and destroy them in the event of their failure to secure the contract. 1.18. The service provider is entitled to general knowledge acquired in the execution of this agreement and may use it, provided that it shall not be to the detriment of the Department. Cost of Bidding 1.19. The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid and the Department, will in no case be held responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tender process. Content of Tender Documents 1.20. The services required, tender procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the tender documents, which include: i. Instruction to Bidders; ii. Technical Bid; iii. Terms of Reference; iv. Evaluation Criterion; v. Financial Bid; 1.21. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the tender documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the tender documents or submission of a bid not responsive to the tender documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of the bid. Clarification of Tender Documents 1.22. The Department will respond in email to any request for clarification of the tender documents which it receives no later than 1 week prior to the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Department. 1.23. Bidders are invited to attend a compulsory briefing session that will be held as indicated below: Date and time: 28 October 2015 from 10:00 until 10:30 (Late arrivals will not be allowed to participate and their bids shall be declared non-responsive) Venue: 230 Johannes Ramokhoase Street, Hallmark Building, Pretoria. Amendment of Tender Documents 1.24. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Department may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the tender document by amendment. Page 4 of 72 DHA23-2015 1.25. All prospective bidders who have received the tender document will be notified of the amendment in writing or by fax, and same will be binding on them. 1.26. In order to allow prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Department, at their discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids. B. PREPARATION OF BIDS Language of Bid 1.1. The bid prepared by the Bidder, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Department shall be written in English. Documents Constituting the Bid 1.2. The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components: a. Technical Bid, including: i. Invitation to Bid (SBD 1) ii. Original Tax Clearance Certificate iii. Declaration of Interests(SBD4) iv. Preferential Points Claim Forms (SBD 6.1) v. Declaration of past Supply Chain Management practices (SBD8) vi. Certificate of independent bid determination (SBD9) vii. General Conditions of contract viii. Completed Technical Specification Document b. Financial Bid, comprising: i. Price Schedule for professional services ( SBD 3.3) ii. Pricing Schedule – Non-firm prices (Purchases) Bid Prices 1.3. Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall be the total price of services including, where applicable: a. All duties and other taxes; b. The price of transportation, insurance and other costs incidental to delivery of the services to their final destination; c. 1.4. The price of any other incidental services required in terms of the tender deliverables; Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract and not subject to variation on any account. 1.5. A bid submitted with a variable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and rejected. 1.6. Prices shall be quoted in South African Rands. 1.7. The Department has limited resources and bids must be competitive, with market related pricing, as this will be one of the deciding factors in the final award of the contract. Page 5 of 72 DHA23-2015 Period of Validity of Bids 1.8. Bids shall remain valid for 90 days after the closing date of bid prescribed by the Department. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Department as non-responsive. 1.9. In exceptional circumstances, the Department may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. A Bidder may refuse the request. A Bidder granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its bid. Format and Signing of Bid 1.10. The Bidder shall prepare two copies of the Technical Bid and Financial Bid separately, clearly marking each "Original Bid" and "Copy Bid", as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. Apart from hard copies, a copy should also be provided on CD. 1.11. The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. All pages of the bid, except for un-amended printed literature, shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the bid. 1.12. Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialled by the person or persons signing the bid. Sealing and Marking of Bids 1.13. The original and copy of the Technical Bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked Technical Bid and original and copy of the Financial Bid shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked Financial Bid and warning "Do not open with Technical Bid". All the inner envelopes shall then be placed into an outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall be addressed to the Department at the following address: Tender Information Centre Private Bag X49 PRETORIA 0001 1.14. The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared late. 1.15. If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Department will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening. 1.16. Faxed bids will not be accepted. Closing Date of Bids 1.17. Bids (Technical and Financial) must be received by the Department at the address specified above. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids being declared a holiday for the Department, the Bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. 1.18. The Department may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid documents, in which case all rights and obligations of the Department and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. Page 6 of 72 DHA23-2015 Late Bids 1.19. Any bid received by the Department after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Department, will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Bidder. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 1.20. The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid’s submission, provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Department prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids. 1.21. The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched in accordance with the provisions above. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by fax, followed by a signed confirmation copy, post marked not later than the deadline for submission of bids. 1.22. No bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids. 1.23. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Invitation to Bid form. Page 7 of 72 DHA23-2015 C. EVALUATION OF BIDS Clarification of Bids 1.1. During evaluation of bids, the Department may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. Preliminary Examination 1.2. The Department will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether they meet all the conditions of the Contract and Technical Specifications and whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. 1.3. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. If the supplier does not accept the correction of errors, its bid may be rejected. 1.4. If a bid is not responsive and not fulfilling all the conditions of the Contract and not meeting Technical Specifications it will be rejected by the Department and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conformity. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 1.5. The Department will evaluate and compare the financial bids only of those Bidders whose Technical Bid has been accepted by the Department. 1.6. The Department’s evaluation of a financial bid will take into account information to be provided on the SBD 3.3. Contacting the Department 1.7. Subject to clause 1.1 above, no Bidder shall contact the Department on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of the bid opening to the time the Contract is awarded. If the bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Department, it should do so in writing. 1.8. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Department in its decisions on bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award may result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid. Page 8 of 72 DHA23-2015 D. AWARD OF CONTRACT Post qualification 1.1. The Department will determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder that is selected as having submitted the highest evaluated responsive bid meets the criteria specified in these documents, and is qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. 1.2. The determination will take into account the Bidder’s financial, technical and production capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the bidder, as well as such other information as the Department deems necessary and appropriate. 1.3. An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the Contract to the Bidder. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid, in which event the Department will proceed to the next highest evaluated bid to make a similar determination of that Bidder’s capabilities to perform the contract satisfactorily. Department’s right to vary Quantities at Time of Award 1.4. The Department reserves the right at the time of Contract award to increase or decrease the quantity of the services originally specified in the Terms of Reference without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions. Department’s right to accept or reject any or all Bids 1.5. The Department reserves the right to: a. Accept or reject all or individual items of this bid; b. Accept one or more bids submissions reject individual items; c. Request clarification or further information regarding any item in the Proposal; d. Request further information from any bidder after the closing date; e. Accept a bid that may not reflect the lowest pricing; f. Consider any bid that may not conform to any aspect of this bid; g. Annul the tender process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award; h. Consider such alternate services, terms or conditions that may be offered, whether such offer is contained in a Proposal or otherwise; i. Award the contract or any part thereof to one or more bidders; without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or bidders. Notification of Award 1.6. Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Department will notify the successful bidder in writing by registered letter or by fax, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that its bid has been accepted. 1.7. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract. Page 9 of 72 DHA23-2015 Signing of Contract 1.8. At the same time as the Department notifies the successful bidder that its bid has been accepted, the Department will send the bidder the Contract Form provided in the tender documents, incorporating all agreements between the parties. 1.9. Within 21 days of receipt of the Contract Form, the successful bidder shall sign and date the Contract Form and return it to the Department. Termination of Service 1.10. In case of any failure to comply with any of the conditions of the contract or unsatisfactory rendering of service, the stipulation of the General Conditions of Contract and the Special Conditions of Contract, shall be applicable. 1.11. Should the Department, after a reasonable period of notice, of not less than seven days, in writing, depending upon the circumstances, call upon the service provider to comply with any of the conditions and should he/she fail to do so, the Department shall, without prejudice to any of its rights be entitled to cancel the contract, and to claim from the service provider any damage or loss that might have been suffered, including any additional expense incurred by it having either to invite fresh bids or to accept any less favourable bid. Unsatisfactory Performance 1.12. Failure to comply with the conditions of the contract, the Department shall be entitled, without prejudice to its other rights, to cancel the contract in terms of the General Conditions of Contract. Delays beyond time limits and timeframes agreed upon between the parties. Failure to meet the performance standards indicated in the contract Assignment 1.13. The contractor shall not, without prior written authority of the Department, cede, assign or transfer its rights or obligations in respect of this contract or any part thereof or any share of interests herein, directly or indirectly, to any person, firm or organization whatsoever. Page 10 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 2 TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS It is a condition of bid that the taxes of the successful bidder must be in order, or that satisfactory arrangements have been made with South African Revenue Services (SARS) to meet the bidder’s obligations. 1. In order to meet this requirement bidders are required to complete in full the attached form TCC 001 “Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate” and submit it to any SARS branch office nationally. The Tax Clearance Certificate Requirements are also applicable to foreign bidders / individuals who wish to submit bids. 2. SARS will then furnish the bidder with a Tax Clearance Certificate that will be valid for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of approval. 3. The original Tax Clearance Certificate must be submitted together with the bid. Failure to submit the original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate will result in the invalidation of the bid. Certified copies of the Tax Clearance Certificate will not be accepted. 4. In bids where Consortia / Joint Ventures / Sub-contractors are involved each party must submit a separate Tax Clearance Certificate. Copies of the Application for Tax Clearance Certificates are available at any Receiver’s Office. 5. Copies of the TCC 001 “Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate” form are available from any SARS branch office nationally or on the website www.sars.gov.za 6. Applications for the Tax Clearance Certificates may also be made via eFiling. In order to use this provision, taxpayers will need to register with SARS as eFilers through the website www.sars.gov.za Page 11 of 72 DHA23-2015 TCC 001 TAX TCC 001 CLEARANCE Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate Purpose Select the applicable option Tenders Good standing If “Good standing”, please state the purpose of this application Particulars of applicant Name/Legal name (Initials & Surname or registered name) Trading name (if applicable) Company/Close Corp. registered no ID/Passport no Income Tax ref no VAT registration no 4 Customs code Telephone no C O D E N U M B E R Fax no PAYE ref no 7 SDL ref no L UIF ref no U C O D E N U M B E R E-mail address Physical address Postal address Particulars of representative (Public Officer/Trustee/Partner) Surname First names Income Tax ref no ID/Passport no Telephone no C O D E N U M B E R E-mail address Page 12 of 72 Fax no C O D E N U M B E R DHA23-2015 Physical address Particulars of tender (If applicable) Tender number Estimated Tender amount Expected duration of the tender R , year(s) Particulars of the 3 largest contracts previously awarded Date started Date finalised Principal Contact person Telephone number Amount Audit Are you currently aware of any Audit investigation against you/the company? If “YES” provide details YES NO Appointment of representative/agent (Power of Attorney) I the undersigned confirm that I require a Tax Clearance Certificate in respect of I hereby authorise and instruct SARS the applicable Tax Clearance Certificate on my/our behalf. Tenders or Goodstanding. to apply to and receive from M M C C Y Y D D Date Signature of representative/agent Name of representative/ agent Declaration I declare that the information furnished in this application as well as any supporting documents is true and correct in every respect. C C Y Y Signature of applicant/Public Officer Name of applicant/ Public Officer Date Page 13 of 72 DHA23-2015 NOTES 1. It is a serious offence to make a false declaration. 2. Section 75 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, states: Any person who (a) fails or neglects to furnish, file or submit any return or document as and when required by or under this Act; or (b) without just cause shown by him, refuses or neglects to(i) furnish, produce or make available any information, documents or things; (ii) reply to or answer truly and fully, any questions put to him ... As and when required in terms of this Act ... shall be guilty of an offence ... 3. SARS will, under no circumstances, issue a Tax Clearance Certificate unless this form is completed in full. 4. Your Tax Clearance Certificate will only be issued on presentation of your South African Identity Document or Passport (Foreigners only) as applicable Page 14 of 72 DHA23-2015 TERMS OF REFERENCE DHA23-2015 APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM AND BIOMETRIC ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM IN SERVER ROOMS AT IDENTIFIED OFFICES, FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS CLOSING DATE AND TIME OF BID: 13 November 2015 at 11h00 BID VALIDITY PERIOD: 90 DAYS Department of Home Affairs Supply Chain Management Page 15 of 72 DHA23-2015 TERMS OF REFERENCE OBJECTIVE 1. To invite bids from suitable service providers to supply and install environmental monitoring system and biometric access control systems in server rooms at identified offices, for a period of three (3) years. BACKGROUND 2. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) is currently upgrading and modernising its offices for the smart card that is currently being rolled out, in several offices nationwide. The investment in the equipment should be well monitored, and in doing so react to the alarms given by the Environmental Monitoring System (EMS). The EMS monitors the temperature, moisture, power failures and Uninterrupted Power Supplies in the switch/server rooms amongst other alerts. In addition, access to the switch/server rooms must be restricted, hence the installation of Biometric systems. The biometric will help in ensuring that a true reflection of access records is kept, and that no unauthorised personnel gains access to the server room. SCOPE OF WORK 3. The appointed service provider is expected to supply and install the required equipment and services for the Environmental Monitoring Systems and Biometric Access control for the server rooms at identified offices over the period of three financial years. Detailed specifications for the Biometric Access control can be found on pg.’s 17-39 and pg.’s 40-41 for the Environmental Monitoring system. 4. The completion of year one (1) would be the installation of the main Dashboard at Directorate: Data Centre (Head Office, Hallmark Building) and further installation of identified offices within the Regions to be indicated by the Department as and when required complete with integration to the Dashboard. 5. The Access Control deliverables for the year one (1) will be the installation and commissioning of the Head Office web enrolment server and installation of Access control in the identified Regional offices and complete integration into the enrolment server. 6. The sequential two financials years will be the installation of the EMS at the identified offices and successful integration to the existing Dashboard. 7. The sequential two financials years will be the installation of the Access Control at the identified offices and successful integration to the existing enrolment server. Page 16 of 72 DHA23-2015 SPECIFICATIONS 8. ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM Hardware and System Design Overview General The Access Control System, hereafter referred to as the ACS, shall provide the primary management interface for maintaining and managing the Organisations Security Centre. The ACS shall provide the integration backbone for connection to multiple 3rd party systems for monitoring and controlling security within the organisation without compromising on its primary function of true Access Control. The ACS shall provide the data collection mechanism whereby all security data related to the secure functioning of the organisation shall be collected in a Microsoft SQL database. The ACS shall offer an open architecture allowing seamless integration to the system through a documented API and XML interface. All elements of the ACS, Controllers, readers and software shall be designed and manufactured in South Africa and shall offer a minimum of a 3 year factory backed warranty on the RFID hardware used with the option to extend to 5 years. ACS Concept The ACS system shall provide general access control for primary tag holders (employees, permanent residents, etc.) as well as different types of visitors and/or contractors. This shall be facilitated by the creation of short term and permanent tag holder profiles as well as the creation detailed access definitions for the site listing who can go where, when, under what conditions. The ACS shall have the tag holder, and not the tag itself as the primary element in all decisions by the system. This allows for the tag holder to move through the system on multiple tags or tag types without restriction. The underlying architecture of the ACS shall be one of events and actions where events in the system can call any number of actions. An event is defined as a ‘pre-defined system condition’. An example of a system event is an ‘allowed in’ transaction or an ‘Input Alarm’ transaction that the ACS system controller recognizes in its database of events. An Action is defined as a ‘physical capability of ACS hardware components’. The ACS components include Relays, buzzers and LED’s, as well as software defined multiple action components. Each ACS hardware device shall have system defined default actions. The ACS software shall provide the administrator with the ability to create custom actions for each individual hardware component. Page 17 of 72 DHA23-2015 Software The ACS software shall be Client/Server in design with an HTML5 based client user interface. All elements of the client software shall be accessible and configurable through a standard HTML5 compatible browser. This includes but is not limited to the enrolment of fingerprint templates and RFID tags. In order to facilitate this the driver for these enrolment devices shall be downloadable from the server of the ACS negating the need to go online or transfer the driver from some storage medium. The ACS API shall be open in nature, allowing for simple integration with 3rd party software packages. The ACS shall not make use of client applications to be installed on the computer. The ACS software shall make use of simple, easy-to-navigate graphical user interfaces that make use of menu driven options. The ACS shall have a configurable operator security element that allows the definition of multiple operator profiles per system defining, in detail, which operator can see which parts of the software and affect change where. The ACS shall remove all buttons and menu options not allocated to the respective operator profile so these are not seen by the operator when they log onto the ACS. A separate server console shall facilitate the upload of system parameters and tag holder data to the ACS hardware, whilst at the same time providing a separate downloader thread for download of all system related transactions from the ACS Hardware. During initial system setup, or any subsequent system setup, the ACS server console shall provide the functionality to Auto identify new devices connected to the system. The ACS server console shall interrogate the devices for their unique serial numbers and device type, and auto-assign logical addresses to each hardware device. The ACS server console shall also populate the ACS database with the information previously gathered during the Auto Identification process. This information shall be viewable and configurable in the ACS through the HTML5 based UI. The ACS software suite shall provide a browser based user interface that allows software users to view, in real time, all ACS system related transactions. The user interface shall provide a live transaction viewer that shall report on all Access transactions, Alarm transactions and system status transactions that are occurring on the site. The ACS shall provide the option to create multiple tag holder profiles. These profiles shall be user definable in name, information captured and nature. It shall be possible to create either person or asset profiles. It shall be possible to create and link custom data acquisition fields to these profiles allowing for complete customization of each profile. Custom field types should include but not be limited to plain text, paragraph, list, date picker and radio button options. It shall be possible to select a custom field as mandatory or not and to make the field available for reporting through the standard reporting interface. It shall be possible to install the Server side application into a virtual environment and for the system administrator to view the applications resource usage through a user console. It shall be possible for the system administrator to see a list of all client connections to the server through the console and to Page 18 of 72 DHA23-2015 send the client devices messages which appear on the UI should maintenance be required on a live site. The ACS shall offer a seamless integration to biometric devices which includes but is not limited to centralized enrolment of fingerprint templates as well as direct communication to the devices. Hardware The ACS hardware architecture shall be primarily IP based with the option to connect devices using RS485 should it be required. By default all Controllers on the site offer both IP and RS485 options. All Controller hardware must be intelligent and able to work with limited to no degradation in functionality while offline from other hardware or the primary server. At no time shall any of the access control decisions taken on the site be made at the server. All access control rules and decisions must be stored and initiated from the Controller hardware in the field. The ACS hardware shall, in the case of being offline from the server, buffer all transactions that offer on the site. When the connection to the server is restored all transactions shall be downloaded to the server with no data loss. While the hardware is connected to the server all transactions should be shown in real time through the browser based UI and all configuration changes made in the software shall be automatically uploaded to the hardware. The hardware shall support the ability to have peripherals configurable by the user. This shall include but not be limited to relays, digital inputs, buzzers and LED’s. The ACS shall offer the option of a multi-technology RFID reader than will read legacy 125 kHz tags as well as 13.56MHz tags on the same reader to allow for the migration of an existing 125 kHz site to 13.56MHz tags without need to replace existing tags. Connectivity between the RFID reader and the Controller shall be encrypted on Wiegand bus to ensure no data sniffing can occur. Integration The ACS system shall provide the backbone for various 3rd Party product integrations. Such integration shall include interfacing to various 3rd Party hardware vendors as well as software integration to multiple software vendors and systems. It shall be possible to engage directly with the manufacturer of the ACS and sign an SLA should the need arise to ensure that the design and implementation of any integration is as per the manufacturers specifications and methodology. The ACS shall provide 3rd Party terminal ports on specific controllers whereby multiple technologies can be connected to the ACS. These technologies shall include, but not be limited to: Biometrics Devices, Mifare Readers, Wiegand Readers, Radio frequency (RF) devices. Additionally, the ACS software shall comprise modules that connect to, and upload and download data from 3rd Party monitoring products. These products shall include, but not be limited to Fire Monitoring Page 19 of 72 DHA23-2015 Panels, Intrusion Alarm Systems, Biometrics Engines and selected Digital Video Recording systems. These systems shall integrate at the protocol level and communications across the multiple systems shall be seamless via virtual IO. The ACS API shall provide the option for integration to 3rd Party software modules, including, but not limited to: Human Resource Systems, Time and Attendance systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Resource Management (CRM) Estate and visitor management systems. The ACS system vendor shall be able to provide API’s, Database Schemas and ‘Best Practice’ guidelines to systems integrators. Architecture The ACS shall have a distributed processing architecture consisting of hardware, software and a system database. The system shall make use of Controllers, Reader and tags to create the complete ACS. The system configuration shall be made through the browser based user interface with the changes stored in the system database. The Server application will then send the updated configuration parameters to the hardware in the field without degradation from the normal operation of the hardware. The ACS shall have a single Controller type that is used to controller access to the doors or locations on the site. This Controller shall be able to have application specific modules connected directly to it depending on the requirement for the Controller. Such modules should include Wiegand reader modules as well as input/output modules. Where site number exceed the parameters supported by the primary Controller (10 000 tag holders, 100 doors, and 25 sites) an additional Controller can be added to the site to increase the sites parameters to the maximum numbers. The single Controller type should be able to communicate using TCP/IP or RS485 and this should be selectable on site. The single Controller type should be able to operate in a master or slave mode in order to facilitate better zoning options in the system. Features Access control The specified system shall provide full advanced access control, with the following additional features: Building / Site Management Threat level – when activated, pre-selected doors shall be opened automatically or security will be increased based on the defined rules. Page 20 of 72 DHA23-2015 Scheduled Tours – Ability to create schedules for cleaning, guards or maintenance staff with online validation that defined points have been reached in time. Alarm Mode – when a security or fire alarm is activated, a signal shall be received by the ACS and system configured actions shall be triggered. Time Triggered Actions – specified actions are activated at specified times Event Triggered Actions – specified actions are activated when a specified event is detected Time and Attendance (TA) The ACS shall provide suitable hardware and software, and integration tools to facilitate a TA subsystem. Anti-Passback (APB) Control The ACS shall have a facility to set a Relaxed or Strict APB status which will define the manner in which the ACS controls egress from an APB zone. Security The ACS system shall provide high levels of physical security by ensuring the following basic principles: Robust hardware – The ACS system shall provide, as its means of transaction collection, high quality, robust readers and peripheral devices. Tamper proof hardware – The ACS hardware shall incorporate Tamper-switches on System Controllers, and high risk terminals, and the ACS software shall report any alarms generated on ACS hardware. Secure software – The ACS software shall provide the option to implement operator security on all ACS software modules. Monitoring The ACS shall provide the ability to assign designated users certain monitoring roles. These users shall have access the ACS software to monitor transactions, alarms, and tag-holders, but shall not be able to make configuration changes. Monitoring shall be possible through a browser based user interface that shows the image and transaction details of each transaction on the site. Expansion Options The ACS system shall provide simple system expansion options for expansion of existing hardware, software and the addition of additional sites. Hardware expansion must be Plug and Play using a quick connector type modular system. Page 21 of 72 DHA23-2015 Integration The ACS shall provide integration options for integration by the following third-party systems: Intrusion Alarm systems Fire alarms Elevators Human Resources Databases Time and Attendance Systems ERP, SCM and CRM Systems Student Enrolment Systems Digital and Network Video Recording Systems Visitor Enrolment solutions Software integration shall be made available via XML format commands whereby the Server will accept XML commands from other software systems. Data will be sent to and from the server’s integration API in XML format. Remote Administration It shall be possible to administer the ACS sites remotely via an HTML5 compliant browser using any HTML 5 compatible device, not limited to but including Smart phones/ tablets) System Details General As an Access Control System, the ACS shall provide the following features: The ACS shall provide the ability to control up to 1 000 Access Control Sites. The ACS shall provide the ability to control up to 5 000 doors per site. The ACS shall provide the ability to control up to 1 000 000 users per site. ACS tag holders. The ACS shall provide the option to implement Anti-Passback on single access points, or on user defined groupings of access points, hereafter referred to as zones. The ACS shall provide the option of multiple reader types at each location. These options shall include, but not be limited to: Tag Readers Keypad readers Harsh Environment Metal readers Biometric devices 3rd Party card readers Mobile Biometric and card Readers Page 22 of 72 DHA23-2015 Long Range UHF Readers ANPR Cameras The ACS shall provide the option of setting individual reader modes at each access control reader. These modes shall include, but not be limited to: Tag only Tag + Pin Tag + Reason Code Personal Access Code Locked Unlocked Finger Finger with Pin Finger with Pin and Reason Code Finger with Reason Code Tag and Finger Tag and Finger with Pin The ACS shall provide the option of single tag use, or multiple tag use per location. The ACS shall provide a web interface for the administration of tag holders. The ACS tag holder interface shall provide the ability to assign up to 4 tags per tag holder. The ACS tag holder interface shall provide the option of linking up to 10 access groups to a single tag. The ACS tag holder interface shall provide the option of assigning access groups across multiple sites in the ACS. The ACS shall provide the ability to configure up to 10 000 Access Groups per site. The ACS shall provide the option for defining Holidays whereby access rights can be denied or granted based on a tag holders individual access groups. The ACS system shall provide support for Vehicle control using RF and mobile reader technology. The ACS controller shall recognize a range of events that include, but are not limited to the following categories: Tag transactions – Allowed, Denied, APB, Special, Reason code, Duress etc. Location monitoring Transactions – Location locked. Input Alarm transactions – Input triggered. Page 23 of 72 Zone, location, Time, suspended, DHA23-2015 Door sensing transactions – Door Forced, not opened, opened normally, open too long, closed, etc. ACS hardware transactions – timeouts, power ups, etc Time based events The ACS system controllers shall constantly monitor the system for the occurrence of any ACS event that occurs. When the event occurs, the ACS system controller shall trigger up to 25 user defined actions for the specific event that has occurred. These actions shall include, but not be limited to a combination of: Relay Actions LED Actions Buzzer Actions Multiple Actions All system events shall be stored in the ACS database with date/time stamps. In the case of Time Based events, the ACS controllers shall trigger actions based on specific times, once off, or recurring. Zones A zone is defined as the combination of multiple locations that allow access to and from an area. Locations A location is a single point of access to a zone and usually consists of a door with one or more readers. Locations shall support the following hardware: ACS proprietary 125Khz antenna readers Mifare 13.56Mhz readers Multi-discipline readers (125kHz & 13.56MHz Readers) RF reader Biometric reader including the Sigma series Mobile Biometric and Card Reader Sensors – All, or a combination of the following: Door Status sensors Alarm Input sensors Inhibit Scanner sensors Emergency Mode sensors System lockdown sensors Page 24 of 72 DHA23-2015 Tags Tags are passive electronic devices containing a unique code. A tag code is transmitted when it is within range of a suitable reader. The ACS must support the following tag types: 125KHz Slim and Omega tags (ISO standard Manchester encoded) 125KHz WriTag 128 bit 125KHz WriTag 2048 bit 13.56Mhz Mifare HiD iClass HID Prox RF 433MHz Tag Holders The ACS shall allow Tag Holders to have more than one Tag. Additionally, it shall be possible to configure different access rights on different tags. Tag Modes The ACS shall support the following reader modes across all locations, or in multiple combinations: Tag only Tag + PIN Tag + PIN + Reason Code Tag + Reason Code PIN access only Door Entry Code (general, single, low security code) Locked Unlocked Dual tag requirement Specified Allowed tag transaction recording APB override Suspend tag Date-selectable auto validate and delete Personal Access Code Finger Finger with Pin Finger with Pin and Reason Code Finger with Reason Code Tag and Finger Page 25 of 72 DHA23-2015 Tag and Finger with Pin Hardware Design considerations Selected hardware must exhibit the following: Tamper proof construction (If a unit is tampered with, it must generate an alarm) In-the-field firmware upgrade Plug and play with no downtime to other devices “Wireless” swap out of hardware via quick connection Standards SABS and CE as a minimum Exposed Hardware The ACS hardware shall include robust, weather resistant, vandal proof hardware. The hardware be housed in either ABS plastic housings, or metal alloy housings. The ACS readers shall be resistant to the following: Harsh weather Harsh environment Physical abuse by people In this case, it is essential that exposed hardware be physically resistant to harsh and abusive conditions. It must conform to at least IP53 standards. Controllers The System Controllers shall be intelligent hardware devices with a full on-board database of tags and access data. The System Controllers shall operate in a truly standalone mode when there is no network connection available to the ACS database engine module. The System Controllers shall not have any reduced functionality when the ACS database engine is offline. Each system controller shall be capable of storing up to 10 000 tags, and shall be capable of buffering up to 1 hundred thousand transactions should the connection to the ACS polling module be lost. The ACS shall support the following connectivity options between System Controllers and reader modules: RS485 – with connectivity speeds of 38400 Baud Ethernet connectivity – with support for up to 100Mbps connectivity speeds SBUS – with connectivity speeds of 96000 Baud The ACS server console shall provide an AUTODETECT function that shall poll the RS485 bus, or the LAN/WAN for any ACS controllers. The ACS controllers shall respond back with their respective factory Page 26 of 72 DHA23-2015 assigned addresses which shall be automatically inserted into the ACS database. The ACS system controllers logically addresses shall automatically be assigned to the devices without any user intervention. The ACS System Controller shall support up to 64 physical devices connected to its RS485 terminal communications bus or 100 devices connected via TCP/IP. Door controllers A Door controller is a hardware device that is used to interface readers, door locks, and similar hardware with a system controller. The ACS door controllers shall include the following types: Proprietary reader modules for connection of proprietary ACS readers. 3rd Party reader modules (wiegand) for connection of 3rd Party door readers and Biometric devices Door Controllers shall have the following or a combination of the following components built in to facilitate the opening of doors and the monitoring of doors: Dry Contact Relays Digital inputs Ports for connection to proprietary ACS readers Communications port for connection to 3rd Party readers. RS485 and SBUS connectivity Virtual Controller The ACS software shall have the ability to add virtual controllers to the software in order to allow for integration with third party devices such as, wireless locking systems and mobile readers Readers A reader is a hardware device that detects the unique code embedded in a tag or remote transmitter. The ACS readers shall be of the following type: ABS Plastic Metal Alloy ABS Plastic with Keypad Metal Alloy with Keypad RF Receivers Mobile Mifare reader Page 27 of 72 DHA23-2015 All readers with the exception of the RF receiver shall have the following or a combination of the following components: Software configurable buzzer Software configurable Bi-colour LED The ACS shall support the following Reader technologies: ACS proprietary 125Khz antenna readers ACS proprietary 125Khz Remote reader Mifare 13.56Mhz readers RF reader Wiegand 125khz readers Barcode reader Mag-stripe reader Biometric reader Mobile Biometric device SBUS readers Communications Communications between the ACS Server and the ACS system components shall have the following architecture: ACS Server to System Controller shall support -, TCP/IP to all the system controllers or alternatively to the the 1st system controller and then RS485 from that system controller to additional system controllers. ACS Controllers to reader modules shall be RS485 or SBUS ACS reader modules shall support a variety of protocols including, but not limited to: o Vendor Proprietary o Wiegand o S-Bus Communications busses shall be configurable via a star or daisy chain topology or standard TCP/IP. Third party The ACS shall provide support the following third party hardware: Mobile Biometric terminals Wiegand reader – 26, 44, 37bit Mifare reader Mag-stripe reader Page 28 of 72 DHA23-2015 HID readers Industry Standard biometric readers ANPR Long Range UHF Wireless locking systems Page 29 of 72 DHA23-2015 Software Software Design Considerations General The ACS software shall meet the following general criteria: Fully featured client-server architecture Written in HTML5 for platform independence. Modular design comprising the following key applications: Server console Configuration module API for Integration Modular design comprising the following support applications and utilities: Alarms Modules Employee enrolment Transaction viewer with photo ID popup Visitor enrolment module Visitor preauthorization module Translation utility Ethernet device Discovery utility General System Diagnostic modules Architecture Each software module shall be able to run on individual client workstations if required. Conversely, all software modules shall be able to co-exist on the same workstation without overloading the workstations resources due to the light resource nature of HTML5. The software module shall run on mobile friendly devices such as tablets and cellular phones. Translation All software modules shall have a facility to translate the text labels and menu items on the GUI. The translation feature must consist of a utility that enables a user to do the following: Select a Locale Select a language and replace the default words with local words Apply the language settings via a menu command Page 30 of 72 DHA23-2015 Features and Functions General Features The ACS software shall support the following features: Reader profiles Tag holder profiles Holidays Password protection on each Site Password protection on every application and utility Reports (export to PDF and CSV) Translatable to accommodate multiple languages Multiple time zones support Mobile friendly application General Functions The software must be suitable for users to configure, monitor, and administrate all aspects of the ACS including the following: Sites Hardware Tags and tag holders Access patterns Access areas and zones Company Asset allocation Threat Level actions and monitoring Tag holder and Reader Profiles Backup The software will allow for SQL server to create scheduled backup of data, to specific local or network directories, at specific times via the SQL server. The software shall not lock the database from performing a backup. Operator Security The ACS software shall include an Operator Security module that will enable the System Administrator to define operator groups for users who will operate the various modules. The Operator Security module shall facilitate the creation of Users and Passwords, and user Groups. The System Administrator shall be able to set up Application security as well as granular security settings within each application. Page 31 of 72 DHA23-2015 Database The ACS shall support the following database type: Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014 or later All databases must have the following: Full SQL compliancy Support for multiple connections A manual SQL querying facility Load balancing capabilities Password protection Administration Multiple users shall be able to administrate the database Administrators shall be able to administrate the database industry standard DBMS software Installation Installation of the ACS system must be a simple process. There shall be a single installation which automatically configures and installs the ACS software and any dependencies including database application or configuring of ACS database on the database server. There must be provision for the database to reside on the Host PC, or on a dedicated server connected to the network. Server Console ACS server console An ACS server console is required to send and receive transactions to and from controllers. This action must happen without affecting normal operation. The ACS server console shall be capable of performing the following operations: Auto-detecting hardware on a communication bus, and assign Logical addresses intelligently so as to avoid duplicate addresses Comparing and validating hardware on the communication bus with hardware records in the database Verifying hardware firmware versions Displaying real-time transactions on demand Indicating when hardware goes offline and generating an alert for this event The ACS server console shall be able to connect to the database over a networked solution separating the database server from the ACS software The ACS server console shall be able to connect to the Hardware via RS485, SBUS or UDP. Page 32 of 72 DHA23-2015 The ACS server console shall have a feature for use when using Ethernet type controllers to AutoDetect and install the devices. The ACS server console shall have an upload feature that prepares the upload data in a queue and then provides an upload to each controller. The ACS server console shall not cause any downtime of controllers should an upload be performed. The ACS server console shall provide a clear output message to the System Administrator should the upload process fail at any point. Advanced Options The server console shall support the following advanced configuration options: Ability to set/view the following: Auto ID devices Console view with messages Network discovery of IP devices Biometric configuration Biometric installation Diagnostics view Transaction live viewer Client live connections Client message ability Translation Configuration Module A configuration module built in to the main application shall be required to set-up a Site for access control by configuring access hardware. System components shall be graphically represented by menus in a concise, easy to use fashion that is useable on a HTML 5 platform. On selecting each component, its corresponding settings shall be displayed in the main application window pane. Configuration The configuration shall contain the following nodes: System— Display a summary of all sites’ logical Addressing, site name, site ID, and network settings Sites—must display and enable editing of the following information: Site number Site name Person/Asset Profile Page 33 of 72 DHA23-2015 User Fields Services Truncation Rules Custom Menus Account Setting Installation of hardware System—must display and enable editing of the following information: Controllers Zones Doors Readers Buildings Reader Profiles Controller Profiles Device time Patterns Time triggered actions Access—must display and enable editing of the following information: Live Transaction viewer Tag holders 3 images per tag holder Basic master information such as Name, Last Name, Id number Employment details Work Contact details Personal contact details Custom fields Tag holder status Normal Suspend Suspend with Alarm Access Groups Tags and Biometrics templates People/Assets assignment Notification Details APB shall be across tag holder and not at tag only level Page 34 of 72 DHA23-2015 Host Components Controller When a specific System Controller node is selected, the ACS software shall display the Controller name, Controller parameters and have an option to enable or disable the controller. Controllers, there shall be an option to enter in an IP Address. Controller Profile can be setup, along with diagnostic reporting times (mins) Option to assign the controller to a building or floor. Zone The zone screen shall display and enable editing of the following information and parameters: Zone name APB mode – Strict, relaxed or none Relaxed Exit Entry Lock out delay Exit Lock out delay Doors associated to the zone Reader When a specific reader is selected, the ACS software shall display and enable the editing of the following information: Reader Name Channel Reader Profile assigned Biometric input Default Mode Reader function Access control Time and attendance Enable/Disable Open the door from the software Event actions triggered by allowed events Event actions triggered by Denied events Time Patterns The ACS must support up to 250 Device time patterns. The following features shall be displayed and editable: Page 35 of 72 DHA23-2015 Name of pattern Start date End date Start time Duration Days of week including holidays Reports At Minimum, the Reports Feature shall include the following: Tag Holder report – Displays information on tag holders in the system. Transaction Report – Displays all tag holders transactions on a specific date Zone Occupancy – Provides APB zone occupancy information Time Based Reports – Combines a number of time based reports Reports must have the ability to include custom fields. Reports shall be able to be saved for frequently used data. Reports shall be filterable and columns shall be able to be configurable from a display perspective. Operator Security The ACS must provide configurable security options to limit system users’ activity within it. Such operator security must be configurable on a per user group basis. Each password protected application or utility must have the options to do the following: Provide a user group with one of the following: Full access—user is granted full access to everything in the application Denied access—user is denied access to everything in the application Customized access—user can be configured to access designated features only Grant or deny access to the following elements and specific items within them: Access tab Scheduled Tours Threat level Site System Reports System Profiles The ACS system shall have the ability for profiling. The profiles that shall be able to be created shall include the following areas of the system: Page 36 of 72 DHA23-2015 The operator shall have the following functionality via GUI: Reader profiles – The ability to setup a state in which the reader will respond or function whilst in the assigned profile Controller profile – Ability to setup actions, parameters and assignment of controllers. Asset profile – Ability to create framework for asset creation and user Person Profile – Ability to setup framework of fields for assignment to users. Visitor Management Visitor management shall allow for preauthorization and first time arrival of guests to a site. This allows easy welcoming of pre authorized guests into an environment. The operator shall have the following functionality via GUI: Create a new visitor Set a start and end time for the visitor Choose the access permissions for the visitor Generate a one-time pin OTP for the visitor to gain access Send an email and/or SMS with information pertaining to visitors visit details Add information such as Vehicle details, reason for entry, whom visiting Ability to print visitor badge The software shall allow easy use via mobile devices or computers via a HTML 5 compliant internet browser. The software shall be linked via the API / Integration layer in order for the visitor to be enabled in the ACS system. All data shall be able to be reported on via the ACS software. The ACS software shall make available the remote / Mobile biometric and Card units to be used in conjunction with Visitor Management. For ease of use the software shall be: Mobile friendly HTML5 Compliant Easy to use Scalable display to fit any display size. Threat Level The ACS system must allow for the ability to increase or decrease security based on a level of threat that is being posed to the organization. The threat level system needs to be able to change the state of devices with a single click of the mouse. The ACS system shall be able to report on all changes that have taken place via an audit report. Page 37 of 72 DHA23-2015 The ACS system shall provide: Customizable reader profiles to set the behavior of readers Allow for multi factor authentication such as (finger, pin, tag) Individual or multiple threat level change to devices with single click function Ability to trigger events or actions based on threat Email notifications of threat level changes to system Reporting of threat level activation by date and user. Ability to change or setup the behavior of devices per threat level Live view of all threat levels in progress Scheduled Tours The ACS system must allow for the ability to track users who have specifically been assigned as a scheduled tour user. This is specifically used where a user is required to visit certain areas at a certain time. The ACS system will monitor the user’s progress in real-time in order to confirm the user meets the requirements of the scheduled tour. The ACS system must support the following: Ability to setup predefined routes Ability to setup timing to each reader Real-time monitoring of transactions Real-time notification if a user misses a due time or is late or early Multiple routes setup Multiple users scheduled for touring Custom Menus and Fields The ACS system must allow for the ability to create custom menus in the system which will allow a user to call a URL of any nature. The System shall also allow for custom fields to be created where each field can be setup with the following features Single text field Multi line fields Yes/No selections Custom selections Date picking Required field selection (mandatory) Enable or disable fields Enable or disable the fields view in reports. Page 38 of 72 DHA23-2015 System Requirements The various software modules shall run on a workstations or servers with the following minimum and recommended specifications: Database Server MS MSQL 2012 or 2014 Component Minimum Recommended Processor Intel I5 Latest Processor Memory 4GB RAM 8GB RAM Hard Disk 60GB 80GB Graphics 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 Display 17” 17” or larger Operating system Windows 7 Latest operating system Component Minimum Recommended Processor Intel I5 Latest Processor Memory 4GB RAM 8GB RAM Hard Disk 60GB 80GB Graphics 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 Display 17” 17” or larger Operating system Windows 7 Latest operating system Server console application Configuration module or Enrolment modules Component Minimum Recommended Processor Intel i3 Latest Processor Memory 4GB RAM 8GB RAM Hard Disk 60GB 80GB Graphics 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 Operating system Windows 7 Latest operating system NOTE The specifications are only a guideline to the optimum use of the software. A detailed analysis should be completed to consider: Size of Database in future Amount of tag holders Amounts of devices Average amount of transactions daily, monthly and yearly. Page 39 of 72 DHA23-2015 SPECIFICATIONS 9. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM The system should have the following functionalities: SMS: In case of alarm creation warning SMS message is sent to numbers defined by the user. SMS logic controller: Logical selection of recipients, escalations SNMP: In case of exceeding of adjusted temperature, humidity, pressure + computed value limits alarm is activated and warning trap is sent to user specified IP address or network management system Web interface: Graphic user interface to change setting, view alarms, graphs and other information. o In case of exceeding of adjusted temperature, humidity, pressure + computed value limits active alarm is displayed on web interface. Email: In case of alarm creation warning Email message is sent to addresses defined by the user. Inputs sensors: Dry contact alarms from relay outputs: UPS relay card, generator AMF panel, Fire panel, Air-conditioning controllers. A camera view of the server room With capability to record. Typical Alarms: Air-conditioning o Air conditioning equipment status o Temperature monitoring (Down time due to thermal cut-out on equipment) o Humidity monitoring (Static / Condensation risk) o Airflow (Lack of Airflow resulting in potential hot spots) Water Detection o Leaking Cooling Systems o Burst Pipes Fire Detection and Suppression Systems o Early and remote notification of fire conditions o Notification of fire suppressant release o Notification of fault conditions on fire detection and suppression equipment o Manual / Auto Switch position Page 40 of 72 DHA23-2015 UPS Alarms o Load off Inverter / Inverter fault o Low Battery (UPS Shutdown imminent) o Bypass Active (Critical equipment is unprotected) o Common Alarm (Summary Alarm) Generator Alarms o Generator run/stop o Fail to start o Common alarm o Low fuel SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 10. The following special conditions shall be applicable to this bid: Minimum of three (3) contactable references accompanied by reference letters from your previous clients where you provided similar services. Must have a proven extensive technical experience, in line with the scope of work (minimum three (3) years’ experience shown by completed projects). Comprehensive project (roll out) plan covering all aspects of operation from inception, implementation to closure over the shortest period. The service provider may not recruit or shall not attempt to recruit an employee of the Department of Home Affairs for purposes of preparation of the bid or for the duration of the execution of this contract or any part thereof. The goods supplied shall conform to the standards mentioned in the bidding document and specifications. The goods supplied shall be new, unused and are of the most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and material. All goods supplied shall carry a 12 months warranty after delivery and installation. Delivery of the goods and performance of services shall be made by the supplier in accordance with the time schedule prescribed by the Department. The Service Provider may also be restricted from obtaining business from any organ of state for a period not exceeding 10 years, after the audi alteram partem (hear the other side) rule has been applied in terms paragraph 13.(2)(d) of Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000: Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011. Page 41 of 72 DHA23-2015 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS 11. Bidders must indicate their compliance with the following mandatory requirements as required by the Department and provide proof. Failure to submit proof requested will invalidate the Bid. Comply Mandatory Requirement 1 Do Not Comply Bidder must be PSIRA registered Substantiate/ Attach proof Comply Mandatory Requirement 2 Do Not Comply Bidders must be a certified installer by the manufacturer Substantiate/ Attach proof FEE STRUCTURE 12. The Service Provider is to provide the following in the bid: Each required service, its turn-around time and an inclusive quote for each service; The total bid price (all inclusive). Annual fee increases, if any. EMS AND ACCESS CONTROL FINANCIAL YEAR 2015/2016 HEAD OFFICE SERVER ROOM PORTAL ACCESS CONTROL No: 1 Description Action Unit Portal Software License - Supply & Enterprise Install Qty Unit Price ea Page 42 of 72 1 Total Cost DHA23-2015 2 3 Portal Application Supply & Controller Install Registration Reader Supply & ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 sum 1 Install 4 MSO 300 Supply & Install 5 MSO Dongle Verification Supply & Install 6 Server Supply & Install 7 SQL License Supply & Install 8 Configuration and Labour Commission ENVIROMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM No: 1 Description Action Unit 42” Screen Supply & Qty Unit Price ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 sum 1 Install 2 3 4 Central Management Supply & Software Install Central Management Supply & Hardware Install Configuration and Labour Commission REGIONAL OFFICE HARDWARE PORTAL ACCESS CONTROL Page 43 of 72 Total Cost DHA23-2015 No: 1 Description Action Unit Registration USB Supply & Qty Unit Price ea 1 ea 1 ea 2 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 Labour sum 1 Provision sum 1 Total Cost Install 2 3 Cluster Controller with Supply & Wiegand Reader Module Install Biometric Reader Supply & Install 4 5 Resettable Break Glass Supply & Plus Cover – Green Install 300kg Eltromagenetic Supply & Lock (complete with Install bracket) 6 Medium Duty Door Closer Supply & Install 7 Battery – 12V 7 AH Supply & Install 8 Overrider Key Switch Supply & Install 9 Configuration to Head Office Server 10 Conduit/routing/cabling (CAT & Mylar ENVIROMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM No: 1 2 Description Action Unit Enviromental Monitoring Supply & System Install Configuration to Head Labour Qty Unit Price ea 1 sum 1 Page 44 of 72 Total Cost DHA23-2015 Office Central Management 3 Access Control and EMS Provision sum 1 System Documentation TRAVEL TO PROVINCES (THE AMOUNT IS PROVISION FOR AN OFFICE IN PROVINCE) No: Description Action Unit Qty Unit Price 1 GAUTENG Provision sum 1 2 MPUMALANGA Provision sum 1 3 NORTH WEST Provision sum 1 4 LIMPOPO Provision sum 1 5 FREE STATE Provision sum 1 6 NORTHERN CAPE Provision sum 1 7 EASTERN CAPE Provision sum 1 8 WESTERN CAPE Provision sum 1 9 KWAZULU NATAL Provision sum 1 Provision sum 5 Total Cost GENERAL 1 Certified Training of Officials SUB-TOTAL VAT GRAND TOTAL Page 45 of 72 DHA23-2015 EMS AND ACCESS CONTROL FINANCIAL YEAR 2016/2017 REGIONAL OFFICE HARDWARE PORTAL ACCESS CONTROL No: 1 Description Action Unit Registration USB Supply & Qty Unit Price ea 1 ea 1 ea 2 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 Labour sum 1 Provision sum 1 Install 2 3 Cluster Controller with Supply & Wiegand Reader Module Install Biometric Reader Supply & Install 4 5 Resettable Break Glass Supply & Plus Cover – Green Install 300kg Eltromagenetic Supply & Lock (complete with Install bracket) 6 Medium Duty Door Closer Supply & Install 7 Battery – 12V 7 AH Supply & Install 8 Overrider Key Switch Supply & Install 9 Configuration to Head Office Server 10 Conduit/routing/cabling (CAT & Mylar Page 46 of 72 Total Cost DHA23-2015 ENVIROMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM No: 1 2 Description Action Unit Enviromental Monitoring Supply & System Install Configuration to Head Qty Unit Price ea 1 Labour sum 1 Provision sum 1 Total Cost Office Central Management 3 Access Control and EMS System Documentation TRAVEL TO PROVINCES (THE AMOUNT IS PROVISION FOR AN OFFICE IN PROVINCE) No: Description Action Unit Qty Unit Price 1 GAUTENG Provision sum 1 2 MPUMALANGA Provision sum 1 3 NORTH WEST Provision sum 1 4 LIMPOPO Provision sum 1 5 FREE STATE Provision sum 1 6 NORTHERN CAPE Provision sum 1 7 EASTERN CAPE Provision sum 1 8 WESTERN CAPE Provision sum 1 9 KWAZULU NATAL Provision sum 1 Total Cost SUB-TOTAL VAT GRAND TOTAL Page 47 of 72 DHA23-2015 EMS AND ACCESS CONTROL FINANCIAL YEAR 2017/2018 REGIONAL OFFICE HARDWARE PORTAL ACCESS CONTROL No: 1 Description Action Unit Registration USB Supply & Qty Unit Price ea 1 ea 1 ea 2 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 Labour sum 1 Provision sum 1 Install 2 3 Cluster Controller with Supply & Wiegand Reader Module Install Biometric Reader Supply & Install 4 5 Resettable Break Glass Supply & Plus Cover – Green Install 300kg Eltromagenetic Supply & Lock (complete with Install bracket) 6 Medium Duty Door Closer Supply & Install 7 Battery – 12V 7 AH Supply & Install 8 Overrider Key Switch Supply & Install 9 Configuration to Head Office Server 10 Conduit/routing/cabling (CAT & Mylar Page 48 of 72 Total Cost DHA23-2015 ENVIROMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM No: 1 2 Description Action Unit Enviromental Monitoring Supply & System Install Configuration to Head Qty Unit Price ea 1 Labour sum 1 Provision sum 1 Total Cost Office Central Management 3 Access Control and EMS System Documentation TRAVEL TO PROVINCES (THE AMOUNT IS PROVISION FOR AN OFFICE IN PROVINCE) No: Description Action Unit Qty Unit Price 1 GAUTENG Provision sum 1 2 MPUMALANGA Provision sum 1 3 NORTH WEST Provision sum 1 4 LIMPOPO Provision sum 1 5 FREE STATE Provision sum 1 6 NORTHERN CAPE Provision sum 1 7 EASTERN CAPE Provision sum 1 8 WESTERN CAPE Provision sum 1 9 KWAZULU NATAL Provision sum 1 Total Cost SUB-TOTAL VAT GRAND TOTAL Page 49 of 72 DHA23-2015 EVALUATION CRITERIA 13. The following evaluation process will be followed to evaluate the bids received: First stage: Verification of bidder compliance with bid requirements. Second stage: Compliance with the mandatory requirements. Bidders who fail to meet the mandatory requirements will be disqualified. Third stage: Bids will then be evaluated in accordance with the prescripts of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) and the associated Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2011, which stipulate a 90/10 point split for requirements exceeding R1 000 000-00. The Technical proposal will be evaluated out of 100 points with a threshold of 70 points. Bidders that score less than minimum of 70 points will be disqualified. Bidders must score a minimum score of 70 point on functionality to qualify for further evaluation on price and preference points. Each panel member will rate each individual criterion on the score sheet using the following scale: 1 = Poor 2 = Below Average CRITERIA TRADE REFERENCES 3 = Good 4 = Very Good PERFORMANCE MEASURE Must be able to submit a minimum of 3 5 = Excellent WEIGHT 30 contactable references accompanied by reference letters (not just a list). Include references of recent work done within the last three years and should indicate client and value in line with the required scope of work. EXPERIENCE AND Must have a proven extensive technical KNOWLEDGE experience, in line with the scope of work (minimum 3 years’ experience shown by completed projects). Page 50 of 72 35 DHA23-2015 APPROACH AND Comprehensive project (roll out) plan covering METHODOLOGY all aspects of operation from inception, 35 implementation to closure over the shortest period. For the single quoted for office The following criteria will be used in particular as the criteria for appointment, apart from those laid down in the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011, pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000: Where BBBEE points are claimed, a certified copy of BBBEE certificate must be attached. Only SANAS accredited certificates will be taken into consideration. The points for this bid are allocated as follows: SN COMPONENT POINTS 1. Price: 90 2. Preferential points: BBBEE 10 TOTAL: 1.1.1 100 Page 51 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 3.3 PRICING SCHEDULE (Professional Services) NAME OF BIDDER: ……………………………………………………………………………BID NO: DHA23-2015 CLOSING TIME 11:00 CLOSING DATE: 13 November 2015 OFFER TO BE VALID FOR 90 DAYS FROM THE CLOSING DATE OF BID. ITEM NO DESCRIPTION **(ALL APPLICABLE TAXES INCLUDED) BID PRICE IN RSA CURRENCY 1. The accompanying information must be used for the formulation of proposals. 2. Bidders are required to indicate a ceiling price based on the total estimated time for completion of all phases and including all expenses inclusive of all applicable taxes for the project. R………..…………………………………………………... 3. PERSONS WHO WILL BE INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT AND RATES APPLICABLE (CERTIFIED INVOICES MUST BE RENDERED IN TERMS HEREOF) 4. PERSON AND POSITION HOURLY RATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ R---------------- R---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ R---------------- R---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R---------------- R---------------- 5. 5.1 DAILY RATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R---------------R---------------PHASES ACCORDING TO WHICH THE PROJECT WILL BE COMPLETED, COST PER PHASE AND MAN-DAYS TO BE SPENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- R------------------ ------------ days -------------------------------------------------------------------------- R------------------ ------------ days -------------------------------------------------------------------------- R------------------ ------------ days -------------------------------------------------------------------------- R------------------ ------------ days Travel expenses (specify, for example rate/km and total km, class of air travel, etc). Only actual costs are recoverable. Proof of the expenses incurred must accompany certified invoices. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED RATE QUANTITY AMOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. Page 52 of 72 DHA23-2015 TOTAL: R……………………… ** ”all applicable taxes” includes value- added tax, pay as you earn, income tax, unemployment insurance fund contributions and skills development levies. 5.2 Other expenses, for example accommodation (specify, eg. Three star hotel, bed and breakfast, telephone cost, reproduction cost, etc.). On basis of these particulars, certified invoices will be checked for correctness. Proof of the expenses must accompany invoices. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED AMOUNT RATE QUANTITY ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ………………. R…….....…. TOTAL: R…………………….........… 6. Period required for commencement with project after acceptance of bid …………………………… 7. Estimated man-days for completion of project …………………………………..…………. 8. Are the rates quoted firm for the full period of contract? *YES/NO 9. If not firm for the full period, provide details of the basis on which adjustments will be applied for, for ………………………………. example consumer price index. *[DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE] Page 53 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 3.2 PRICING SCHEDULE – NON-FIRM PRICES (PURCHASES) NOTE: PRICE ADJUSTMENTS WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE PERIODS AND TIMES SPECIFIED IN THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS. IN CASES WHERE DIFFERENT DELIVERY POINTS INFLUENCE THE PRICING, A SEPARATE PRICING SCHEDULE MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH DELIVERY POINT Name of Bidder……………………………………………………………Bid number………………………………… Closing Time 11:00 ……………………………………………………. Closing date……………………………….. OFFER TO BE VALID FOR………DAYS FROM THE CLOSING DATE OF BID. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION BID PRICE IN RSA CURRENCY NO. INCLUDED) **(ALL APPLICABLE TAXES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - Required by: ………………………………………… - At: …….…..………………………………. - Brand and model ……..…………………………………. - Country of origin ……...…………………………………. - Does the offer comply with the specification(s)? - If not to specification, indicate deviation(s) …………………………………………. - Period required for delivery …………………………………………. - Delivery: *YES/NO *Firm/not firm ** “all applicable taxes” includes value- added tax, pay as you earn, income tax, unemployment insurance fund contributions and skills development levies. *Delete if not applicable Page 54 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 3.2 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS A NON-FIRM PRICES SUBJECT TO ESCALATION 1. IN CASES OF PERIOD CONTRACTS, NON FIRM PRICES WILL BE ADJUSTED (LOADED) WITH THE ASSESSED CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENTS IMPLICIT IN NON FIRM PRICES WHEN CALCULATING THE COMPARATIVE PRICES 2. IN THIS CATEGORY PRICE ESCALATIONS WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED IN TERMS OF THE FOLLOWING FORMULA: R1t R 2t R3t R 4t Pa 1 V Pt D1 D2 D3 D4 VPt R 2o R3o R 4o R1o Where: Pa = The new escalated price to be calculated. (1-V)Pt = 85% of the original bid price. Note that Pt must always be the original bid price and not an escalated price. D1, D2.. = Each factor of the bid price eg. labour, transport, clothing, footwear, etc. The total of the various factors D1, D2…etc. must add up to 100%. R1t, R2t…… = Index figure obtained from new index (depends on the number of factors used). R1o, R2o = Index figure at time of bidding. VPt = 15% of the original bid price. This portion of the bid price remains firm i.e. it is not subject to any price escalations. 3. The following index/indices must be used to calculate your bid price: Index………. Dated………. Index………. Dated………. Index………. Dated………. Index………. Dated………. Index………. Dated………. Index………. Dated………. 4. FURNISH A BREAKDOWN OF YOUR PRICE IN TERMS OF ABOVE-MENTIONED FORMULA. THE TOTAL OF THE VARIOUS FACTORS MUST ADD UP TO 100%. FACTOR P (D1, D2 etc. eg. Labour, transport etc.) Page 55 of 72 PERCENTAGE OF BID PRICE DHA23-2015 SBD 3.2 B PRICES SUBJECT TO RATE OF EXCHANGE VARIATIONS 1. Please furnish full particulars of your financial institution, state the currencies used in the conversion of the prices of the items to South African currency, which portion of the price is subject to rate of exchange variations and the amounts remitted abroad. PARTICULARS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ITEM NO PRICE CURRENCY RATE PORTION OF PRICE SUBJE CT TO ROE AMOUNT IN FOREI GN CURR ENCY REMIT TED ABRO AD ZAR= ZAR= ZAR= ZAR= ZAR= ZAR= 2. Adjustments for rate of exchange variations during the contract period will be calculated by using the average monthly exchange rates as issued by your commercial bank for the periods indicated hereunder: (Proof from bank required) AVERAGE MONTHLY EXCHANGE RATES FOR THE PERIOD: DATE DOCUMENTATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THIS OFFICE Page 56 of 72 DATE FROM WHICH NEW CALCULATED PRICES WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE DATE UNTIL WHICH NEW CALCULATED PRICE WILL BE EFFECTIVE DHA23-2015 SBD 4 DECLARATION OF INTEREST 1. Any legal person, including persons employed by the state¹, or persons having a kinship with persons employed by the state, including a blood relationship, may make an offer or offers in terms of this invitation to bid (includes a price quotation, advertised competitive bid, limited bid or proposal). In view of possible allegations of favouritism, should the resulting bid, or part thereof, be awarded to persons employed by the state, or to persons connected with or related to them, it is required that the bidder or his/her authorised representative declare his/her position in relation to the evaluating/adjudicating authority where- the bidder is employed by the state; and/or - the legal person on whose behalf the bidding document is signed, has a relationship with persons/a person who are/is involved in the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid(s), or where it is known that such a relationship exists between the person or persons for or on whose behalf the declarant acts and persons who are involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid. 2. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid. 2.1 Full Name of bidder or his or her representative: …………………………………………………………. 2.2 Identity Number: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.3 Position occupied in the Company (director, trustee, shareholder²): …………………………………….. 2.4 Company Registration Number: ………………………………………………………………………..……. 2.5 Tax Reference Number:………………………………………………………………………………….…… 2.6 VAT Registration Number: ……………………………………………………………………………….... Page 57 of 72 DHA23-2015 2.6.1 The names of all directors / trustees / shareholders / members, their individual identity numbers, tax reference numbers and, if applicable, employee / persal numbers must be indicated in paragraph 3 below. ¹“State” means – (a) any national or provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999); (b) any municipality or municipal entity; (c) provincial legislature; (d) national Assembly or the national Council of provinces; or (e) Parliament. ²”Shareholder” means a person who owns shares in the company and is actively involved in the Management of the enterprise or business and exercises control over the enterprise. 2.7 Are you or any person connected with the bidder presently employed by the state? *YES / NO 2.7.1 If so, furnish the following particulars: Name of person / director / trustee / shareholder/ member: ……………………………… Name of state institution at which you or the person connected to the bidder is employed …….……………………………………… Position occupied in the state institution: ……………………………………… Any other particulars: ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… 2.7.2 If you are presently employed by the state, did you obtain YES / NO the appropriate authority to undertake remunerative work outside employment in the public sector? If yes, did you attached proof of such authority to the bid document? (Note: Failure to submit proof of such authority, where applicable, may result in the disqualification of the bid. Page 58 of 72 YES / NO DHA23-2015 If no, furnish reasons for non-submission of such proof: ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. 2.8 Did you or your spouse, or any of the company’s directors / YES / NO trustees / shareholders / members or their spouses conduct business with the state in the previous twelve months? 2.8.1 If so, furnish particulars: ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………... 2.9 Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have YES / NO any relationship (family, friend, other) with a person employed by the state and who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid? 2.9.1 If so, furnish particulars. ……………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………..…. ……………………………………………………………… 2.10 Are you, or any person connected with the bidder, YES/NO aware of any relationship (family, friend, other) between any other bidder and any person employed by the state who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid? 2.10.1 If so, furnish particulars. ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… 2.11 Do you or any of the directors / trustees / shareholders / members of the company have any interest in any other related companies whether or not they are bidding for this contract? Page 59 of 72 YES/NO DHA23-2015 2.11.1 If so, furnish particulars: ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. 3 Full details of Directors / Trustees / Members / Shareholders. Full Name Identity Personal Tax State Employee Number Reference Number Number / Persal Number DECLARATION I, THE UNDERSIGNED (NAME)……………………………………………………………………… CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED IN PARAGRAPHS 2 and 3 ABOVE IS CORRECT. I ACCEPT THAT THE STATE MAY REJECT THE BID OR ACT AGAINST ME IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPH 23 OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SHOULD THIS DECLARATION PROVE TO BE FALSE. ………………………………….. ..…………………………………………… Signature …………………………………. Date ……………………………………………… Position Name of bidder Page 60 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 6.1 PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2011 This preference form must form part of all bids invited. It contains general information and serves as a claim form for preference points for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Status Level of Contribution NB: BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM, BIDDERS MUST STUDY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, DEFINITIONS AND DIRECTIVES APPLICABLE IN RESPECT OF B-BBEE, AS PRESCRIBED IN THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2011. 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 The following preference point systems are applicable to all bids: - the 80/20 system for requirements with a Rand value of up to R1 000 000 (all applicable taxes included); and the 90/10 system for requirements with a Rand value above R1 000 000 (all applicable taxes included). 1.2 The value of this bid is estimated to exceed/not exceed R1 000 000 (all applicable taxes included) and therefore the……………………system shall be applicable. 1.3 Preference points for this bid shall be awarded for: (a) (b) 1.3.1 Price; and B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. The maximum points for this bid are allocated as follows: POINTS PRICE 90 B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION 10 Total points for Price and B-BBEE must not exceed 100 1.4 Failure on the part of a bidder to fill in and/or to sign this form and submit a B-BBEE Verification Certificate from a Verification Agency accredited by the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or a Registered Auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA) or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the Close Corporation Act (CCA) together with the bid, will be interpreted to mean that preference points for B-BBEE status level of contribution are not claimed. 1.5. 2. The purchaser reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a bid is adjudicated or at any time subsequently, to substantiate any claim in regard to preferences, in any manner required by the purchaser. DEFINITIONS 2..1 “all applicable taxes” includes value-added tax, pay as you earn, income tax, Page 61 of 72 DHA23-2015 unemployment insurance fund contributions and skills development levies; 2.2 “B-BBEE” means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad -Based Black Economic Empowerment Act; 2.3 “B-BBEE status level of contributor” means the B-BBEE status received by a measured entity based on its overall performance using the relevant scorecard contained in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the BroadBased Black Economic Empowerment Act; 2.4 “bid” means a written offer in a prescribed or stipulated form in response to an invitation by an organ of state for the provision of services, works or goods, through price quotations, advertised competitive bidding processes or proposals; 2.5 “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act” means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003); 2.6 “comparative price” means the price after the factors of a non-firm price and all unconditional discounts that can be utilized have been taken into consideration; 2.7 “consortium or joint venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of combining their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a contract; 2.8 “contract” means the agreement that results from the acceptance of a bid by an organ of state; 2.9 “EME” means any enterprise with an annual total revenue of R5 million or less . 2.10 “Firm price” means the price that is only subject to adjustments in accordance with the actual increase or decrease resulting from the change, imposition, or abolition of customs or excise duty and any other duty, levy, or tax, which, in terms of the law or regulation, is binding on the contractor and demonstrably has an influence on the price of any supplies, or the rendering costs of any service, for the execution of the contract; 2.11 “functionality” means the measurement according to predetermined norms, as set out in the bid documents, of a service or commodity that is designed to be practical and useful, working or operating, taking into account, among other factors, the quality, reliability, viability and durability of a service and the technical capacity and ability of a bidder; 2.12 “non-firm prices” means all prices other than “firm” prices; 2.13 “person” includes a juristic person; 2.14 “rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in South African currency, calculated at the time of bid invitations, and includes all applicable taxes and excise duties; 2.15 “sub-contract” means the primary contractor’s assigning, leasing, making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract; 2.16 “total revenue” bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and promulgated in the Government Gazette on 9 February 2007; Page 62 of 72 DHA23-2015 2.17 “trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another person; and 2.18 “trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another person. 3. ADJUDICATION USING A POINT SYSTEM 3.1 The bidder obtaining the highest number of total points will be awarded the contract. 3.2 Preference points shall be calculated after prices have been brought to a comparative basis taking into account all factors of non-firm prices and all unconditional discounts;. 3.3 Points scored must be rounded off to the nearest 2 decimal places. 3.4 In the event that two or more bids have scored equal total points, the successful bid must be the one scoring the highest number of preference points for B-BBEE. 3.5 However, when functionality is part of the evaluation process and two or more bids have scored equal points including equal preference points for B-BBEE, the successful bid must be the one scoring the highest score for functionality. 3.6 Should two or more bids be equal in all respects, the award shall be decided by the drawing of lots. 4. POINTS AWARDED FOR PRICE 4.1 THE 90/10 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEMS A maximum of 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis: 90/10 Pt P min Ps 901 P min Where Ps = Points scored for comparative price of bid under consideration Pt = Comparative price of bid under consideration Pmin = 5. 5.1 Comparative price of lowest acceptable bid Points awarded for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution In terms of Regulation 5 (2) and 6 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table below: Page 63 of 72 DHA23-2015 B-BBEE Status Number of points Level of Contributor (90/10 system) 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 Non-compliant contributor 0 5.2 Bidders who qualify as EMEs in terms of the B-BBEE Act must submit a certificate issued by an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA or a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS or a Registered Auditor. Registered auditors do not need to meet the prerequisite for IRBA’s approval for the purpose of conducting verification and issuing EMEs with B-BBEE Status Level Certificates. 5.3 Bidders other than EMEs must submit their original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate or a certified copy thereof, substantiating their B-BBEE rating issued by a Registered Auditor approved by IRBA or a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS. 5.4 A trust, consortium or joint venture, will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as a legal entity, provided that the entity submits their B-BBEE status level certificate. 5.5 A trust, consortium or joint venture will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as an unincorporated entity, provided that the entity submits their consolidated B-BBEE scorecard as if they were a group structure and that such a consolidated B-BBEE scorecard is prepared for every separate bid. 5.6 Tertiary institutions and public entities will be required to submit their B-BBEE status level certificates in terms of the specialized scorecard contained in the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. 5.7 A person will not be awarded points for B-BBEE status level if it is indicated in the bid documents that such a bidder intends sub-contracting more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not qualify for at least the points that such a bidder qualifies for, unless the intended sub-contractor is an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract. 5.8 A person awarded a contract may not sub-contract more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status level than the person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted to an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract. Page 64 of 72 DHA23-2015 6. BID DECLARATION 6.1 Bidders who claim points in respect of B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution must complete the following: 7. B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION CLAIMED IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPHS AND 5.1 7.1 B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution: …………. = ……………(maximum of 10 or 20 points) (Points claimed in respect of paragraph 7.1 must be in accordance with the table reflected in paragraph 5.1 and must be substantiated by means of a B-BBEE certificate issued by a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS or a Registered Auditor approved by IRBA or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA). 8 SUB-CONTRACTING 8.1 Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? YES / NO (delete which is not applicable) 8.1.1 If yes, indicate: (i) what percentage of the contract will be subcontracted? ............……………….…% (ii) the name of the sub-contractor? ………………………………………………………….. (iii) the B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor? …………….. (iv) whether the sub-contractor is an EME? YES / NO (delete which is not applicable) 9 DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO COMPANY/FIRM 9.1 Name of company/firm : ................................................................................... 9.2 VAT registration number :.................................................................................. 9.3 Company registration number : TYPE OF COMPANY/ FIRM 9.4 ……………………………………………………………………. Partnership/Joint Venture / Consortium One person business/sole propriety Close corporation Company (Pty) Limited [TICK APPLICABLE BOX] Page 65 of 72 DHA23-2015 9.5 DESCRIBE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ………….. ............................................................................................................................... ……………… .......................................................................................................................... …………….. ............................................................................................................................ 9.6 COMPANY CLASSIFICATION Manufacturer Supplier Professional service provider Other service providers, e.g. transporter, etc. [TICK APPLICABLE BOX] 9.7 Total number of years the company/firm has been in business? …………………………………… 9.8 I/we, the undersigned, who is / are duly authorised to do so on behalf of the company/firm, certify that the points claimed, based on the B-BBE status level of contribution indicated in paragraph 7 of the foregoing certificate, qualifies the company/ firm for the preference(s) shown and I / we acknowledge that: (i) The information furnished is true and correct; (ii) The preference points claimed are in accordance with the General Conditions as indicated in paragraph 1 of this form. (iii) In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed as shown in paragraph 7, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the claims are correct; (iv) If the B-BBEE status level of contribution has been claimed or obtained on a fraudulent basis or any of the conditions of contract have not been fulfilled, the purchaser may, in addition to any other remedy it may have – (a) disqualify the person from the bidding process; (b) recover costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct; (c) cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation; (d) restrict the bidder or contractor, its shareholders and directors, or only the shareholders and directors who acted on a fraudulent basis, from obtaining business from any organ of state for a period not exceeding 10 years, after the audi alteram partem (hear the other side) rule has been applied; and (e) forward the matter for criminal prosecution Page 66 of 72 DHA23-2015 WITNESSES: 1. ……………………………………… SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) 2. ……………………………………… DATE: ……………………………….. ADDRESS: ………………………….. ….…………………………………..… …………………………………………. Page 67 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 8 DECLARATION OF BIDDER’S PAST SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 1 This Standard Bidding Document must form part of all bids invited. 2 It serves as a declaration to be used by institutions in ensuring that when goods and services are being procured, all reasonable steps are taken to combat the abuse of the supply chain management system. 3 4 The bid of any bidder may be disregarded if that bidder, or any of its directors havea. abused the institution’s supply chain management system; b. committed fraud or any other improper conduct in relation to such system; or c. failed to perform on any previous contract. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid. Item 4.1 Item Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the National Item Item Yes No Yes No Yes No Treasury’s database as companies or persons prohibited from doing business with the public sector? (Companies or persons who are listed on this database were informed in writing of this restriction by the National Treasury after the audi alteram partem rule was applied). 4.1.1 If so, furnish particulars: 4.2 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the Register for Tender Defaulters in terms of section 29 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (No 12 of 2004)? To access this Register enter the National Treasury’s website, www.treasury.gov.za, click on the icon “Register for Tender Defaulters” or submit your written request for a hard copy of the Register to facsimile number (012) 3265445. 4.2.1 If so, furnish particulars: 4.3 Was the bidder or any of its directors convicted by a court of law (including a court outside of the Republic of South Africa) for fraud or corruption during the past five years? 4.3.1 If so, furnish particulars: ………………………………………………… ………………………………… Signature Date …………………………………………………. ………………………………… Position Name of Bidder Page 68 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 9 CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENT BID DETERMINATION 1 This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) must form part of all bids¹ invited. 2 Section 4 (1) (b) (iii) of the Competition Act No. 89 of 1998, as amended, prohibits an agreement between, or concerted practice by, firms, or a decision by an association of firms, if it is between parties in a horizontal relationship and if it involves collusive bidding (or bid rigging).² Collusive bidding is a pe se prohibition meaning that it cannot be justified under any grounds. 3 Treasury Regulation 16A9 prescribes that accounting officers and accounting authorities must take all reasonable steps to prevent abuse of the supply chain management system and authorizes accounting officers and accounting authorities to: a. disregard the bid of any bidder if that bidder, or any of its directors have abused the institution’s supply chain management system and or committed fraud or any other improper conduct in relation to such system. b. cancel a contract awarded to a supplier of goods and services if the supplier committed any corrupt or fraudulent act during the bidding process or the execution of that contract. 4 This SBD serves as a certificate of declaration that would be used by institutions to ensure that, when bids are considered, reasonable steps are taken to prevent any form of bid-rigging. 5 In order to give effect to the above, the attached Certificate of Bid Determination (SBD 9) must be completed and submitted with the bid: ¹ Includes price quotations, advertised competitive bids, limited bids and proposals. ² Bid rigging (or collusive bidding) occurs when businesses, that would otherwise be expected to compete, secretly conspire to raise prices or lower the quality of goods and / or services for purchasers who wish to acquire goods and / or services through a bidding process. Bid rigging is, therefore, an agreement between competitors not to compete. Page 69 of 72 DHA23-2015 SBD 9 CERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENT BID DETERMINATION I, the undersigned, in submitting the accompanying bid: ________________________________________________________________________ (Bid Number and Description) in response to the invitation for the bid made by: ______________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Institution) do hereby make the following statements that I certify to be true and complete in every respect: I certify, on behalf of:_______________________________________________________that: (Name of Bidder) 1. I have read and I understand the contents of this Certificate; 2. I understand that the accompanying bid will be disqualified if this Certificate is found not to be true and complete in every respect; 3. I am authorized by the bidder to sign this Certificate, and to submit the accompanying bid, on behalf of the bidder; 4. Each person whose signature appears on the accompanying bid has been authorized by the bidder to determine the terms of, and to sign the bid, on behalf of the bidder; 5. For the purposes of this Certificate and the accompanying bid, I understand that the word “competitor” shall include any individual or organization, other than the bidder, whether or not affiliated with the bidder, who: (a) has been requested to submit a bid in response to this bid invitation; (b) could potentially submit a bid in response to this bid invitation, based on their qualifications, abilities or experience; and (c) provides the same goods and services as the bidder and/or is in the same line of business as the bidder Page 70 of 72 DHA23-2015 6. The bidder has arrived at the accompanying bid independently from, and without consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor. However communication between partners in a joint venture or consortium³ will not be construed as collusive bidding. 7. In particular, without limiting the generality of paragraphs 6 above, there has been no consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor regarding: (a) prices; (b) geographical area where product or service will be rendered (market allocation) (c) methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices; (d) the intention or decision to submit or not to submit, a bid; (e) the submission of a bid which does not meet the specifications and conditions of the bid; or (f) bidding with the intention not to win the bid. 8. In addition, there have been no consultations, communications, agreements or arrangements with any competitor regarding the quality, quantity, specifications and conditions or delivery particulars of the products or services to which this bid invitation relates. 9. The terms of the accompanying bid have not been, and will not be, disclosed by the bidder, directly or indirectly, to any competitor, prior to the date and time of the official bid opening or of the awarding of the contract. ³ Joint venture or Consortium means an association of persons for the purpose of combining their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a contract. 10. I am aware that, in addition and without prejudice to any other remedy provided to combat any restrictive practices related to bids and contracts, bids that are suspicious will be reported to the Competition Commission for investigation and possible imposition of administrative penalties in terms of section 59 of the Competition Act No 89 of 1998 and or may be reported to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for criminal investigation and or may be restricted from conducting business with the public sector for a period not exceeding ten (10) years in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act No 12 of 2004 or any other applicable legislation. Page 71 of 72 DHA23-2015 ………………………………………………… ………………………………… Signature Date …………………………………………………. ………………………………… Position Name of Bidder Page 72 of 72