GENERAL RULES OF CEEPUS APA NETWORK CZ 012-2002/2003 1. The network of Central European Universities is focused especially on APA disciplines or APA complex disciplines. 2. Students of networking university, interested in APA domain, are available for mobility. Priority of student mobility: - doctoral students, - students of last year course (useful for their diploma thesis), - students interested in offered programme with potential diploma thesis - language skills 3. English language is official language, especially for international information, agreements. Using of other languages depends on unofficial conditions and situations. 4. All network participants have to accept CEEPUS general rules of administration and economy. 5. All network participants send to Olomouc University coordinative centre the copy of closing report dealing with the incoming group of students. PRINCIPLES OF STUDY PROGRAMME 1. The main aims of CEEPUS-APA study programme are: - to strengthen European integration within educational network of professionals/experts in the field of Adapted Physical Activities, - to form a high level of intellectual potential for education of extraordinary groups of children and adults, to improve their opportunities in high school education, to influence public relation against minorities and population with disabilities, - to achieve comparability with similar study programmes in West Europe, to make easier mobility of Central European students within European educational network, - to realize integration in post-graduate university studies among Central European countries and make easier transmission of knowledge to home fields (in home languages). 2. Impact of the main aim of CEEPUS-APA network is realized in: - European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), - Mobility across networking universities, - Creation of obligatory and optional programme at host university. 3. ECTS : minimum 13 hours = 1 CRp (1 credit point including student’s self-work) Starting workshop - 1 CRp 4. Host university is responsible for study programme proposal (CEEPUS-APA special study programme, 5 CRp together): 3 CRp obligatory (special CEEPUS offer) 2 CRp optional (free choose from regular lessons at host university, excursion or practising in institutions etc.). 5. Each programme of host university must include: - introduction to study (including conditions of organization), - visiting libraries, laboratories etc., - 1 workshop with students of host university, - host university CEEPUS-APA special study programme (5 CRp), - CEEPUS-APA certificate with checklist of passing programme/ disciplines. ("Levelling period" is included in the starting workshop.) 6. Curricula of CEEPUS-APA programme includes: - comparative study: survey of the issue in participating country and/or university, - theory - on doctoral level, including references survey, - practising on the field, - closing requirements, - students evaluation.