
Learning Outcomes
Teaching and Learning Activities
What is
Students should be able to:
Introductory activity
Students will complete this ‘fun’ activity to test their
knowledge of western culture.
Changing Your World:
Investigating Empowerment,
Sterling Chapter 8, pp.141199
Effects of
Give a definition of culture
and understand that
different cultures have
different customs.
Classroom Activity
Throughout the class discussion using the PowerPoint
students completes the accompanying worksheet.
Students should be able to:
Read through the cultural empowerment an overview
section and students brainstorm the challenges.
explain how the expansion
and development of Canada
during the 1870s and
early 1880s affected its
various peoples and regions
Complete the worksheet “Cultural empowerment an
overview (word)”
Vocab. check – confederation, colony, province.
 Confederation – the process by which Canada was
 Province - A territory governed as an administrative
or political unit of a country or empire
 Colony is a territory under the immediate political
control of a state. ... From 1895 to 1945 Taiwan was
a colony of Japan
Create a table below and complete using p.143 of the
What is Culture (ppt)
What is Culture (word)
Changing Your World:
Investigating Empowerment,
Sterling Chapter 8, pp.141199
Cultural empowerment an
overview (word)
Canada and Newfoundland
map 1873 (word)
Map Exercise
After copying the map from p.142 on their blank
Students complete the following table:
Effects of
Case Study: The
Students should be able to:
explain how the expansion
and development of Canada
during the 1870s and
early 1880s affected its
various peoples and regions
Creating Manitoba
Review with students the possible conflicts that can
occur when two groups living in the same area try to
preserve their culture.
Title in Books: Effects of Canadian Expansion
Case Study: The Métis
Class Reading: Creating Manitoba, The Red River
Settlement. Students complete the culture and identity
Students make a copy of the diagram on p.150 that
shows how Métis farms where divided by settler
Changing Your World:
Investigating Empowerment,
Sterling Chapter 8, pp.147149
Métis Culture and identity
How did
with First
Nations, Métis,
and Inuit
peoples change
Students should be able to:
explain how the expansion
and development of Canada
during the 1870s and
early 1880s affected its
various peoples and regions
analyse the degree of
empowerment and
disempowerment for
peoples in present-day
Atlantic Canada during this
Students should be able to:
analyse the struggle for
empowerment by new
cultural groups immigrating
to Canada between 1870
and 1914
Students do a reading on Confederation. Following this,
students use a modified version of Think Literacy: Both
Sides Now – Making Judgments to consider how to
form an opinion and present arguments for and against
their view. They refer to the reading to get their ideas.
Confederation positive and
negative (word)
Making judgments
confederation (word)
Encourage students to categorize the effects into
political, social, cultural and economic effects on their
Writing Task Assignment
PC writing task; Evaluate whether Confederation
positively or negatively impacted Canada and its peoples.
Why do people migrate from one country to another?
Students will highlight the bad things about the UK and
the attractive things about living in Canada.
(Push and Pull factors)
Students brainstorm ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors to Tokyo.
Plenary Activity
Word Circle learning vocabulary
Evaluate Scaffold (word)
Evaluate Rubric (word)
Why move to Canada
highlight (word)
Why move to Canada push
and pull (word)
Word Circle (word)
Changing Your World:
Investigating Empowerment,
Sterling Chapter 8, pp.156157
What was life
like for people
to immigrated
to Canada in
the years 1870
to 1914?
Students should be able to:
Review Push and Pull factors
analyse the struggle for
empowerment by new
cultural groups immigrating
to Canada between 1870
and 1914
The teacher explains the “open door” immigration
policy that Canada had in the 1870’s and 1880’s. Why
were many migrants attracted to the US rather than
Changing Your World:
Investigating Empowerment,
Sterling Chapter 8, pp.156157
Icelanders in Nova Scotia
Push Factors
Pull Factors
Challenges they faced
Google Docs Research
Using the shared Google document “Immigrants
Difficulties” students, in groups will complete the cells”
Students will also be able to communicate with other
members of the class through
throughout the lesson to share ideas.
Advertising in
the West
Students should be able to:
Interpret the message of
propaganda posters.
Understand and explain
what makes a good
propaganda poster vs. poor
propaganda poster.
What is advertising?
Using the slide show discuss with students:
 What is the purpose of advertising?
 Does it work? Who does it benefit?
 What makes a good advertisement?
Students complete the “What is the purpose of
advertising worksheet in pairs / groups.
Google Docs
(Immigrants Difficulties
Creating posters (ppt)
What is the purpose of
advertising (word)
Analyzing advertisements
Describe Scaffold (word)
How to Analyse an Advert
Based on the previous lessons work students will look in
detail at the way in which advertisements are presented.
Analyzing Canadian Immigration Advertising Posters
Students annotate the two copies of the immigration
advertising posters.
How to Analyse an Advert
Grade 7 Advertisements
Analyzing advertisements
Writing activity: Outline the basic elements of a good
advertising poster should look like.
Interpret the message of
propaganda posters.
Understand and explain
what makes a good
propaganda poster vs. poor
propaganda poster.
Based on our previous work on push and pull factors
and advertising posters students will create their own
immigration poster and analyze it.
Outline scaffold (word)
Annotated poster worksheet
Immigration Poster
Assignment (word)
Advertising poster rubric