Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology 102
Instructor: Jill Pfeiffer
Voicemail: ext. 3214
Office Hours: S206M
Required Text:
Miller, Barbara Cultural Anthropology 3/e
Allyn & Bacon Publishers ISBN: ISBN 0-205-40139-2
Web-Enhanced Site:
Log in for online courses at Rio homepage: first 2 letters of your first
name+first 2 letters of your last name+last 4 digits of your student ID
Example: Jill Pfeiffer
Login ID: JIPF7777 Password: STUDENT
Course Description:
An introduction to the study of patterns of culture in historic and contemporary
cultures around the world.
Course Objectives:
Students will:
 Gain knowledge of the discipline of anthropology and the many
specialized areas of work in the four fields.
Comprehend and apply the guiding principles of cultural anthropology
(ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, holism) and the methods
anthropologists employ to study cultures.
Learn about patterns of culture and be introduced to small-scale cultures
around the world.
Understand the concept of culture, the component parts, and the
integration of culture.
Recognize and gain knowledge of the component parts of culture
including: economies and modes of subsistence, healing systems,
kinship, marriage and domestic groups, social groups and stratification,
political systems, language and communication, religion, art and
expressive culture.
 Discover how anthropologists use theories, methods, and skills from the
field to solve problems around the world or design and evaluate
development projects.
Grading and Assignments:
3 Exams worth 100 points each= 300
1 Final Exam worth 150 points=150
1 Ethnographic fieldwork paper=100
(late papers will lose points; no emailed papers)
Video questions and class participation assignments= 100
(must attend class in order to receive these points)
Extra Credit will be available on our website =40 points
Scale: 650-585=A; 584-519=B; 518-453=C; 452-387=D; 386-below=F
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is important and roll will be taken daily.
After 3 unexcused absences before the drop period, I have the option to
drop you from the course so please contact me to discuss your
attendence. If you attend ½ of a class it will count as one absence unless you
discuss this with me prior to leaving. Please contact me if you have an
emergency, illness, or anything else if you will be missing class beyond the three
absences allowed. Otherwise, please be aware of the drop deadline for the
course and make sure you drop yourself if you choose not to remain enrolled. If
you do not drop yourself it will result in an F grade on your report card.
Make-up Exams:
Make-up exams are usually not permitted unless it has been arranged with me
prior to the exam. If you miss an exam without having arranged it ahead of
time you will not be able to make it up unless there is documented proof of
an emergency. You must email or call me immediately…the day of the
exam to reschedule for the following class period or office hour.
Cheating on exams or plagiarizing work will result in a zero grade and I will alert
the appropriate department of the problem.
Class Format and Strategies for Success:
Welcome to Cultural Anthropology! This course will introduce you to many
cultures around the world.
The majority of the information on tests will come directly from lecture. I will
lecture quite a bit outside the book which is why your attendance is crucial. We
will also see many films that will be included on exams.
Taking notes, listening attentively, asking questions, and making comments
relative to the topic are important to understanding the material and creating an
atmosphere for open discussion. I will provide study guides before each exam
and discuss exam formats.
I do not appreciate talking outside of our regular discussion or during
lecture. If need be, I will ask you to leave which may count as an absence.
Be on time to class and make sure all pagers, phones, or other electronic
devices are turned off. Use the restroom or take care of any personal
business before class…….do not walk out once we begin.
All reading assignments should be read or the chapter perused before class! I
will expect class participation and this will have an effect on your grade.
Please advise me if any student has a learning disability or other impairment that
may limit their success. I am more than willing to accommodate or help in any
way. If accommodations are necessary for exams…taken in a special testing
center…please arrange this with me prior to the exam.
Keep an open mind and remain flexible with regard to the schedule on the
syllabus. I may add a film here or there or change test dates if necessary.
Topic/Due Dates/Exams
Introduction/Course Review
What is Anthropology?
Ice Breaker
What is Anthropology?
Culture concept
Anthropology and the Study of Culture
On campus ethnography
Film: A Man Called Bee Yanomamo Napolean Chagnon
Video questions
Economies and Their Modes of Production
Film: !Nai Video questions
Exam 1
Consumption and exchange
Birth and Death
Psychological Anthropology
Ethnographic fieldwork paper due!
No emailed papers….it is due in class or it is late. 5 Points will
be deducted every day it is late.
Film: Rites of Passage
Video questions
Illness and Healing
Film: African Healing
Video questions
Exam 2
Kinship Dynamics
Family Tree
Kinship Dynamics
Domestic Groups
Film: Masai Women Video questions
Social stratification
Politics and Leadership
Social Order and Conflict
Film: American Tongues Video questions
Exam 3
Film: Witchcraft Among the Azande Video questions
Development Anthropology/Change
Film: Kayapo Video questions
Final Exam