The regulations of the Robotic Tournament

The regulations of the Robotic Tournament - Sumo
Part 1: The competition
1 – The competition
During the tournament, the contestants’ robots will take part in several runs.
The winner is the person whose robot won most runs.
2 –The run
One run consists of 3 rounds, 3 minutes each. The contestant who scores 2
points first, wins the whole run. In a situation when nobody scores two points
or there is a draw, the judges decide who the winner is. In case there is no
evident dominance and the winner cannot be chosen, the judge can announce
the additional 3-minute round.
3 – Start of the round
Before the start of each round, the contestants stay beyond the area of the
outer ring. They may enter this area only asked by the judge. The contestants
put their robots on or in front of the start lines in the inner ring area. There
must be no parts of the robot sticking out beyond the start line before the
start. After setting the robots on the start line, the contestants switch the
robot’s power on at the same time. The round starts 5 seconds after the signal
from the judge. The participants leave the ring before the start of the round.
4 – Pausing and re-starting the round
The round will be paused and re-started within the time limit in the following
- the robots get blocked so that it is not possible to make any move;
- both robots touch the outer area of the ring at the same time;
- other situations in which it is not possible to indicate the winner by the
In case of re-starting, making any changes or repairing the robot is forbidden,
and the contestants are obliged to immediately set the robot in the place
indicated in point 3.
5 – Suspending the run
In a situation when the robot is damaged during the run, and it is not possible
to continue, the contestant may ask the judge to suspend the run. Maximum
break is 5 minutes.
6 – The end of the run
The round is finished when the judge announces the winner. The contestants
are obliged to remove the robots from the ring immediately.
Part 2: The ring
7 – Specifications of the ring (arena)
The arena is in the shape of a circle with the radius of 154cm, it is located at
the height of at least 25mm above the outer area of the ring. The surface is
black, smooth, flat, made of a hard material which has a low friction factor.
The edge line of the arena is a white ring (154cm radius and 50mm width)
placed on the arena. The edge line belongs to the inner surface of the arena.
The inner area of the arena is the surface of the ring and the edge line. The
outer area of the arena spreads for at least 100cm out from the edge line of
the ring. There are no restrictions or rules for the material of the outer area of
the arena. The colour of the outer area of the arena may be any given except
for white. The judge decides if the ring is suitable for the game or if it needs
to be replaced.
Part 3: Robot mini sumo
8 – Specifications of the robot
The length and the width of a fully-equipped robot set on the start line must
not exceed 200mm. The height of the robot is not limited. After not less than 5
seconds after the start of the game, the size of the robot may change. The
weight of the robot must not exceed 3kg. Robots must move in an autonomous
way. Any kind of communication during the run is forbidden.
In the construction of the robot you can use the following: any fabrics,
electrical power transmission systems as well as control systems on the
condition that all other regulations (point 8 and 9) are followed.
The steering system must allow the automatic start of the robot in less than 5
seconds after the operator turns on the power to the robot.
9 – Limitations in the construction of the robot
The robot must not consist of:
- any elements actively disturbing the steering system of the opponent.
- any elements that could damage the ring.
- any elements emitting gases, liquids or loose materials.
- any elements emitting significant amounts of heat (e.g. flamethrowers).
- any floundering elements.
- any elements that could fix the robot to the floor and make it
impossible to move the robot (e.g. suction cups, adhesives).
10 – Markings
The contestant is obliged to put the name of the robot on its body.
Part 4: Points
11 – Points
Points are given by the judge in the following situations:
- The robot pushes its opponent out of the inner ring.
- The opponent robot leaves the inner ring on its own.
- The opponent robot is disqualified or gets more than 1 warning or is
punished for one foul.
Part 5: Warnings, fouls and disqualification
12 - Warnings
The contestant may get a warning in the following situations:
- The contestant enters the ring without the judge’s approval.
- The robot makes any actions before the passage of 5 seconds after the
beginning of the round by the judge.
- Preparing the robot to re-start takes more than 30 seconds.
- The participant does not follow the fair-play rule.
When the contestants gets the second warning, his opponents is given the
winning point, and the round is finished.
13 - Fouls
The contestant may be punished with a foul in the following situations:
- An element weighing more than 10 grams falls off the robot.
- The robot stays still on the ring for more than 30 seconds.
- The robots move on the ring but do not touch each other.
- The robot emits smoke.
Being punished for a foul results in giving the opponent or both contestants the
winning point.
14 – Losing by fouls
The contestant loses the round by fouls in the following situations:
- The contestant does not come to the ring within 5 minutes after being
called out to the round.
- The contestant performs actions which obstruct or make the game
impossible (e.g. damaging the ring intentionally).
15 - Disqualification
The participant is disqualified in the following situations:
- The robot does not follow the rules for specifications (point8).
- The robot does not follow the limitation rules (point 9).
- The participant damages the opponent’s robot on purpose.
- The participant does not follow the fair-play rule.
Part 6: Protests and objections
16 – Protests against the decision of the judge.
The participants are not allowed to enter protests against the decision of the
17 – Protests against the regulations
The participant who wants to enter a protest against the regulations of the
tournament must explain it in a clear way to the tournament board before the
end of the competition.
Part 7: Other regulations
18 – Modification of the regulations
Only the founder of the tournament has a right to make any changes and
modifications to the regulations.