9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology September 29-October 1, 2014 in Saga, Japan SOIL CEMENT MIX DESIGN TEST FOR URGENT DISASTER REDUCTION OF MT. BAWAKARAENG, INDONESIA T. Harianto1, S. H. Nur2, I. Maricar2, A.A. Amiruddin2 and Masriflin3 ABSTRACT: A huge landslide disaster of Mt. Bawakaraeng in South Sulawesi, Indonesia has increased sediment rate rapidly. Amount of sediment was approximated 2.5 million m3, most of the sediment has been deposited in the upper side of Bili-Bili Dam overflowing area. This paper presents an experiment in order to utilize the sediment of Mt. Bawakaraeng as a soil-cement mixture for road construction. The main objective of this study was intended to characterize the index and engineering properties (soil gradation, water content, soil density, water absorption, and compaction) of site-generated soil from Mt. Bawakaraeng. Furthermore, the cement mix design parameters (compressive strength, elastic modulus, and permeability coefficient) were determined in order to utilize the sediment material from the mountain. In the further work stage, a simple relation of soil cement compressive strength with cement volume was generated for mix design determination of soil-cement. The result shows that the selected soil has a good gradation with silt and sand contents are less than 40%. A linear relation of unconfined compressive strength and cement volume was used for 7 and 28 days curing time. It shows that on the 28 days of curing time, the sample with 120 kg/m3 of cement has strength more than 4.65 N/mm2 which is acceptable with the desired strength of soil cement minimum of 4.5 N/mm2. The coefficient of permeability of the same sample was found almost comparable with concrete or very soft soil permeability. The results seem to have benefit for field application (i.e. road construction) as a part of the urgent disaster sediment reduction. Keywords: Soil cement, mix design, sediment, road construction, urban disaster. INTRODUCTION Mt. Bawakaraeng is one of the highest mountains in the South Sulawesi. Last July 2005, hillside of MT. Bawakaraeng caldera had collapsed and caused a huge landslides disaster. It has induced debris flow resulting from the collapse of caldera and producing a lot of sediment on upstream river and often destructing important infrastructures downstream. The high rainfall intensity at the upper area of Mt. Bawakaraeng is very potential to initiate sediment movement, may further create hyper-concentrated flow such as debris flow with high destructive power and deposited sediment toward the Bili-Bili Dam (CTI, 2005). The most critical situation where relatively high pyroclastic flow towards Bili-Bili Dam (lower stream of Jeneberang River, situated around 100 km southern part of the collapse zones). The mold flow has causing damage to the productive land area of Jeneberang River, 1 infrastructure facilities (i.e. access road, bridges, sabo dam, etc), and local residential lives. Fortunately, the presence of the sabo dam along Jeneberang River (initially planned around 11 sites) has functions properly to reduce the damage. Similar idea was adopted to build such dam in the lower stream near Mt. Bawakaraeng area. This development of sabo dam is part of the Urgent Sediment Disaster Reduction Control Project for Mt. Bawakaraeng. In this study, site-generated soil is used to the several portions of facilities such as a dam body instead of concrete and thus, construction cost is expected to be lowered compared to concrete sabo dams. The implemented type of sabo with soil cement structures, which utilizes the river bed materials near the site. This study is also considered in the construction of sabo dam for urgent sediment reduction control of Mt. Bawakaraeng lower basin project. From this view point, it is believed that making use of the local materials will contribute some advantages, such as good quality and IALT member, Assoc. Professor of Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, INDONESIA, triharianto@ymail.com 2 Assist. Professor of Civil Engineering Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, INDONESIA, aini_2111@yahoo.com 3 Master student, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245, masriflin@yahoo.com Harianto, et al. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of Site-Generated Soil Field and laboratory tests were conducted in accordance with the following test items; site-generated soil index properties (soil gradation, water content, soil density, and water absorption), engineering properties (compaction), and soil cement mix design parameters (compressive strength and coefficient of permeability). Characteristics of index and engineering properties of site-generated soil material were investigated with testing sequence as follows. Grain Size Distribution Analysis Soil sample for soil-cement mix design shall be selected in consideration of grain size, which determines strength of sabo soil-cement together with cement volume. Preferable soil sample river bed material, which contains a small amount of silt particles of less than 0.075 and bigger volume of cobbles than that of sand The laboratory distribution curves of site-generated soil for material less than 53 mm are plotted together with the distribution curves of field gradation curves as shown in Fig. 1 Sieve Analysis METHODS AND MATERIALS No.200 No.40 Hydrometer Analysis 100 Sample A1 Sample A2 Sample A3 Mixed (<53.0 mm) 80 Passing Finer, (%) 60 40 20 Boulders Cobbles 1 Gravel Coarse 0.1 Grain Diameter, mm Sand Fine Coarse Medium 0.01 Fine 0.001 0.002--- 0.075 --- 19.1 --- 75 --- 10 0.425 --- 100 4.75 --- 0 1000 300 --- The method used in this research is experimental method which conducted in laboratory of soil mechanic (Costet, 1983; Holtz, 1981). For laboratory test, the samples are materials of less than 53 mm in diameter and around 600 kg/pit in quantity for each quarry. Sample taking is carried out in 3 (three) pits. Laboratory test consists of sieve-analysis for materials taken from sampling soil, density and water absorption ratio, compaction test for site-generated soil, fabrication of soil-cement, and unconfined compression test for sabo soil-cement design According to USER (1974) mix test of soil cement is carried out on 3 (three) mixes, three different volumes of cements, to observe the relations between cement volumes of the assigned site and the engineering properties such as the unconfined compressive strength, compaction and permeability. Cement ratio used in this project is set to 100 kg/m3, 150 kg/m3 and 200 kg/m3. For covering the samples, polypropylene is used so as to prevent water evaporation. Samples can be taken from the molds after 3 days. Capping by mortar shall be made when the surface of the bottom part is not smooth. No.4 2.0 --- cost saving. Relevant geotechnical investigation is necessary prior to the further development to be conducted in the work Geotechnical Investigation of Sabo Soil Cement. Therefore, the investigation design for soil cement mix design of Sabo Dam 7 at the lower basin Jeneberang River was conducted in the soil mechanic laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. In such cases, this soil cement mix design is implemented for sabo dam structure to prevent the natural disasters due to sediment, particularly pyroclastic flow and debris flow (Sueyoshi, 2005; Surolelono, 2007). This design already used and construct to sabo dams all over the Indonesia. In order to achieve the sabo soil cement design objective, the following procedures for mix design investigation of soil cement sabo dam using the Jeneberang River bed of sabo dam as a sample. This geotechnical investigation work aimed to evaluate the engineering properties regarding to the using of the local materials for construction of sabo dam. This includes identification of physical and mechanical properties of soil at the above sites, such as index properties, gradation properties, and compaction properties as well as unconfined compressive properties and permeability coefficient of sabo soil cement (Bowles, 1984; Das, 1994). The work shall also present a job mix formula obtained from acceptable mix design. Silt Clay U.S.C.S (United Soil Clasification System) Fig 1. Gradation Curves of Site-Generated Soil for Samples Group A1, A2, A3 and Mix The distribution shows that sand fraction of sitegenerated soil is 11.97%, whereas gravel fraction of sitegenerated soil is about 64.81%. Cobble fraction of sitegenerated soil is 18.84%. The findings show that the soil contains a small amount of silt particles of less than 1% Soil Cement Mix Design Test for Urgent Disaster Reduction 2.30 3 Dry Unit Weight, gdry(gram/cm ) and bigger volume of gravels than that of sand and cobble fractions. Water Content Determination Five series water content determination were done in considering four groups grain size and mixed group in size < 53.5 mm, the results are summarized in Table 1. Water content of site-generated ranges from 2.95% to 7.50%, for group size diameter 53-37.5 mm is 2.95% and 7.50% (smaller than 4.75 mm). In case of mixed grain size group is about 4.56%, good comparable with the average values of group samples results (4.81%). Table 1. Water Content Conditions of Site Generated Soil for each Group Sizes Testing No. - Testing Items Container Number Grain Size Group in mm 53.00-37.50 37.50-19.10 19.10-4.75 - - - < 4.75 Mixed (Dia < 53.0 mm) - - - Weight of Container, (W1) Gram 66.63 253.90 69.40 111.17 399.20 Weight of Container+Wet Soil, (W2) Gram 710.10 759.37 718.85 798.13 2473.40 Weight of Container+Dry Soil, (W3) Gram 691.77 739.47 688.15 750.20 2380.07 Weight of Water, (Ww)={(W2)-(W3)} Gram 18.33 19.90 30.70 47.93 93.33 Weight of Dry Soil, (Ws)={(W3)-(W1)} Gram 625.13 485.57 618.75 639.03 1980.87 Water Content, w=(Ww)/(Ws)*100% Gram 2.95 4.08 4.96 7.50 4.56 Average of Water Content (Ratio), w % 4.81 Density and Water Absorption Determination Density at oven-dry condition of site-generated soil is around 2.182-2.451 t/m3 and for face-dry condition is about 2.373-2.527 t/m3. Whereas density at apparent-dry condition is around 2.654-2.791 t/m3 and specific gravity of material smaller than 4.75 mm is Gs= 2.762. Compaction Properties Compaction curves for different sample groups are shown in Fig. 2. Optimum moisture content design of site-generated soil at 95% is expected 8.1% with maximum dry unit weight 1.985 ton/m3. It is seem that the compaction curves tend to develop without peak, this might be due to coarse fraction of this site-generated soil to be predominantly as shown in the above gradation curves. MIX DESIGN TEST OF SOIL CEMENT It was stressing in the sabo soil-cement manual that the most important part for sabo construction is soil cement mix design. Mix design test should be carried out Assumed Curves for Mixed Material 2.20 g dry opt =2.10 gram/cm 3 2.10 Group A1 Group A2 Group A3 Mixed < 53.5 mm Poly. (Mixed < 53.5 mm) g dry-opt 95 =1.985 gram/cm 3 2.00 w opt = 13.0 % w opt 95 = 8.10 % 1.90 1.80 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Moisture Content, w(%) Fig 2. Compaction Curves of Site-Generated Soil for Samples Group A1, A2, A3 and Mix. at site and laboratory to 1) grasp properties of sabo soilcement and 2) to decide the cement volume to be mixed to the site-generated soil so that the structure to be made by sabo soil-cement would satisfy the predetermined required soil cement strength. In such cases, mix design test would be performed to determine proportionally the required amount of cement, soil, and water. Therefore, a series mix test might be considered for both field and laboratory test toward sitegenerated soil as well as for the desired soil cement strength. For utilization plan of soil cement, the outlined design procedures consist of design (desired and mix) strength level of soil cement, soil cement trial-mix design test, determination of cement volume, and design mix of soil cement. Grain Size Curves of the Selected Sabo Soil Selection of site-generated soil to be used for sabo soil cement should be selected in consideration of grain size, which determines strength of sabo soil-cement together with cement volume. Grain size distribution of soil (see Fig. 1), which was selected for sabo soil cement as represented in Fig. 3, characterizes that sand fraction of site-generated soil is 11.97%. Gravel fraction of sitegenerated soil is about 64.81%, whereas Cobble fraction is 18.84%. The findings show that the soil contains a small amount of silt particles of less than 1% and bigger volume of gravels than that of sand and cobble fractions. It seems that the selected soil shows that weight of silt and sand are less than 40 % in most cases of sabo soil. The maximum grain size for the INSEM method is mostly 150 mm, which is decided from thickness of a layer and capability of compaction machine. The selected soil for sabo soil-cement was collected at the river bed with good gradation, which contains a small Harianto, et al. Fabrication of Mix Soil Cement amount of silt particles of less than 0.075 (less than 5 %) and more volume of sand than that of cobbles. 100 Sample A1 Sample A2 Sample A3 Mixed (<53.0 mm) 60 40 Passing Finer, (%) 80 20 Fabrication of specimen must be prepared by considered the schedule for laboratory test, namely 1) unconfined compression test and 2) permeability test. Preparation of specimen in this test is referred to the test items as described in the standard procedure. Prior to the compression and permeability test, the followings test should be confirmed and/or prepared in addition to the materials for the test such as soil, cement and water. For specimen curing time, samples was taken from the molds after 3 days and wrapped by polypropylene bags or aluminum foil to avoid dry out. 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Grain Diameter, mm Fig 3. Gradation Curves of the Selected Soil for Sabo Soil Cement Soil Cement Mix Formulation Table 2. Typical Calculation Sheet for Specimen Material Requirement with Cement Amount 150 kg/m3 Number of Specimen Sabo Soil Cement Amount : -.: Site-Generated Soil kg/m3 : 150.00 Calculation Condition Dia. of Mold Height of Mold Vol. of Mold, V Mix Design Parameters : 15.00 cm : 30.00 cm 3 : 5301.4 cm Quantity - Specimen Dry Density (1) 2.150 - Specimen Water Content (2) - Specimen Wet Density (3) - Water Content of Material (ω%) - Mold Volume, φ×h = 15cm×30cm - Specimen Wet Weight / 1 Mold Remarks t/m3 8.00 % 2.322 t/m3 4.17 % 0.005301 m3 12.310 kg Mix Design Formulation Calculation per Mold Cement + SiteGenerated Soil 0.795 kg 2. Total Water Amount/1 Mold (Spec. Wet Density - Spec. Dry Density) ×V 0.912 kg 3. Material /1 Mold (Wet Weight) ((1)-Cement Amount)×(1+Material Water Cont./100)×V 11.045 kg 4. Material /1 Mold (Dry Weight) 3/(1+Material Water Cont./ 100) 10.603 kg 5. Amount of Water Contained 3-4 0.442 kg 2-5 0.470 kg in Material / 1 Mold to add / 1 Mold Material Requirement Material Requirement Quantity Cement Amount (C) 0.795 kg Site-Generated Soil Dia. <53.5 mm (Ms) 11.045 kg liter Water Volume (W) 0.470 Specimen Wet Weight per Mold (Mm) 12.310 kg Specimen Density (rc) 2.322 t/m3 10.0 Sample-1 Sample-2 Sample-3 8.0 6.0 4.0 Cement 100 Kg/m Curing 7 Days 2.0 10.0 Sample-2 Sample-3 8.0 6.0 4.0 3 Cement 200 Kg/m Curing 7 Days 2.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Axial Strain, ε (%) 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Axial Strain, ε (%) Quantity Material 1 Mixing(2x3 Spec.) for 7 and 28 Days pc Number of Specimen 7.000 Specimen Premium 20.000 % Cement Amount (C) Site-Generated Soil Dia. <53.5 mm (Ms) 6.680 kg 92.778 kg Water Volume (W) 3.946 kg 103.403 kg Total Weight of Specimen 12.0 Sample-1 Quantity Cement Amount×V Material Content per Mold The unconfined compression test is carried out for specimens who have three different cement volumes to evaluate the relation between cement volume and unconfined compression strength. In order to identify such as relations between cement volumes per one site, cement ratio used in this project was set to 100 kg/m3, 150 kg/m3, and 200 kg/m3. Under these test cement volumes, the soil cement specimens were made to investigate the unconfined compressive strength under three cases of cement volume with curing time 7 and 28 days. Figs. 4 and 5 show the condition of compression curves for compression test with cement volume 100 200 Kg/m3 12.0 1. Cement Weight /1 Mold 6. Amount of Water Unconfined Compression Test of Soil Cement Axial Stress, σ28 (N / mm2) 0.01 Axial Stress, σ28 (N / mm2) 0.001 Fig. 4 Typical Conditions of Compression Curves for Compression Test; Cement Volume 100 and 200 Kg/m3 with Curing Time 7 Days 3.0 Soil Cement Mix Design Test for Urgent Disaster Reduction Sample-2 14.0 Sample-3 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 Cement 100 Kg/m Curing 28 Days 2.0 Sample-1 16.0 Sample-2 14.0 Sample-3 12.0 10.0 3 8.0 6.0 4.0 Cement 200 Kg/m Curing 28 Days 2.0 0.0 3 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 Axial Strain, ε (%) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Axial Strain, ε (%) Fig. 5 Typical Conditions of Compression Curves for Compression Test; Cement Volume 100 - 200 Kg/m3 and Curing Time 28 Days The unconfined compressive strength of soil-cement with cement is obtained in the range 6.95 – 8.81 N/mm2 for 7 days and 8.01-14.46 N/mm2 for 28 days specimen curing time. The result tends to increase linearly with the addition of cement volume. Whereas the specimen wet density is obtained in the range 2.237-2.273 t/m3 for 7 days age and 2.270-2.353 t/m3 for 28 days specimen age, it seems the unconfined compression strength slightly increase with the addition of cement. Permeability Test of Soil Cement The purpose of a permeability test is to observed the water-tightness of soil cement. Permeability test was carried out for specimens with three (3) different volume of cement to grasp relation between cement volume and permeability coefficient. 1.00E-02 Curing 14 Days Permeability Coefficient, kc (Cm/Sec) 1.00E-03 Typical relationships of soil-cement permeability and cement volume are shown in Fig. 6. The curve of soil cement permeability coefficient tends to decrease slightly with the increasing of cement volume. In the range of cement volume 120 kg/m3, coefficient of permeability is the order of 3.51x10 -6 cm/second and almost comparable with concrete or very soft soil permeability. the permeability coefficient of soil cement at age 28 days was observed slightly lower in the range of 2.53x10-6 – 7.86x10-6 cm/sec for cement volume 100-200 Kg/m3. Similar trend was also observed for specimen wet density and water content i.e.; 2.171-2.330 t/m3 and 6.453-8.661%, respectively. Determination Mix of Sabo Soil Cement For determination mix of soil cement, a simple relationship could be observed by plotting the compressive strength curves versus cement volume with different curing time. 18.0 Peak qc 7 Days 16.0 Unconfined Compressive Strength, qc (N/mm2) 18.0 Sample-1 16.0 Axial Stress, σ28 (N / mm2) Axial Stress, σ28 (N / mm2) 18.0 12 Peak qc 28 Days 14.0 Peak qc/2 7 Days Peak qc/2 28 Days 12.0 12 10.0 8.0 12 y = 0.0323x + 0.7739 2 R =1 6.0 Mix Stength 4.65 N/mm2 4.0 2.0 120kg/m3 Curing 28 Days y = 2E-05e -0.0145x R 2 = 0.9368 1.00E-04 0.0 Average 0 Expon. ( Average) 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Amount of Cement (Kg/m3) Fig. 7 The compressive strength of sabo soil-cement for various cement volume and curing time. 1.00E-05 Permeability Coeff. 3.51*10-6 Cm/Sec 1.00E-06 120kg/m3 1.00E-07 1.00E-08 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 3 Amount of Cement (Kg/m ) Fig. 6 Relation between permeability of soil-cement cement volume and The variation of unconfined compressive strength of with cement volume is shown in Fig. 7. The compressive strength of Sabo soil-cement for various cement volume 120 kg/m3 with curing time 28 days was obtained more than 4.65 N/mm2. The sabo soil-cement with an average age from 7 days to 28 days gives the unconfined compressive strength ranging from 7.17 to 9.29 N/mm2. In practice, by using 120 kg/m3 of cement is acceptable for mix design of Sabo soil-cement with the desired strength of soil- cement mix 4.5 N/mm2. Harianto, et al. CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The test results are summarized as follows. 1. Compaction curves for different sample groups show that the optimum moisture content design of site-generated soil at 95% is expected 8.1% with maximum dry unit weight 1.985 ton/m3. It is seem that the compaction curves tend to develop without peak, the reason is that coarse fraction of sitegenerated soil to be predominantly with silt content less than 1%. 2. The unconfined compressive strength of sabo soilcement are obtained in the range 6.95 – 8.81 N/mm2 for 7 days and 8.01-14.46 N/mm2 for 28 days. The curves tend to increase linearly with the added of cement. The specimen wet density slightly increase with the added of cement. 3. The curve of soil cement permeability coefficient tends to decrease slightly with the increasing of cement volume. In the range of cement volume 120 kg/m3, coefficient of permeability is 4.56x10-6 cm/sec and almost comparable with concrete or very soft soil permeability. The results seem to have benefit for field application (i.e. road construction) as a part of the urgent disaster sediment reduction. The authors would like to acknowledge financial support for this study provided by Hasanuddin University through BOPTN Grant 2014 (representative person, Dr. Tri Harianto.). REFERENCES USER, 1974, Earth Manual, Denver, Colorado, USA. Public Works Department, 2005, Manual on Soil Cement Sabo Dam, SNVT Merapi, Yogyakarta. CTI, 2005, Supporting Report of ISM and CSG Material Survey for Bawakaraeng Urgent Sediment Control Project, CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd., Makassar. Bowles, J. E., 1984, Physical and Geotechnical Properties of Soils, Mc. Grave Hill, Singapore. Costet, J. and Sanglerat, G., 1983, Course Critique de Merchanique des Sots, Dunod, Paris. Das, B. M., 1994, Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, PWS Publishing Comp., Boston, USA. Holtz, D.R. and Kovacs, W.D., 1981, An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, USA. Sueyoshi, K., 2005, Design Report of Kaliadem Sabo Dam, Yachiyo Eng. Co. Ltd., Yogyakarta. Surolelono, K.B., 2007, Geotechnical Investigation Report for Sabo Soil Cement of MT. Merapi, Faculty of Engineering Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.