Exam 1

Patricia Mora-Garcia
Bio3 Study Guide: Exam 1 (Chapters 1-7)
Chapter 1 - Intro
1. Know the 5 characteristics of living things.
2. Know the components of the scientific method (diagram).
3. Know the Francesco Redi experiment (focusing on the development of his
scientific experiment, his experimental variable and his controls).
4. Know the difference between a scientific hypothesis and a scientific theory.
5. In text review thinking through the concepts (pgs 13-14).
Chapter 2 - Chemistry
6. Describe the components of an atom (electrons, neutrons, and protons)
including their location within an atom and their general characteristics.
7. Why is an atom electrically neutral? Its electron number is equal to its proton
8. What is the difference between an inert atom and a reactive atom? How does a
reactive atom gain stability?
9. For carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen: draw the electron shells with their electrons
and determine the valence electron number. What does this valence electron
number mean? The number of electrons needed to complete the atom’s
outermost shell and thus the number of covalent bonds that the atom forms.
10. Know the chemistry behind covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrogen bonds
and the examples from lecture.
a. Polar covalent bonds (example: water)
b. Non-polar covalent bonds (example: hydrogen gas)
c. Ionic bonds (example: salt crystal)
11. Know the structure of water and be able to draw the atomic structure of one
water molecule, including the electron shells of each atom and the electrons the
atoms share). What types of bonds link the three atoms in one water molecule?
What types of bonds link two water molecules together?
12.What about the structure of water makes it a great solvent of polar and ionic
13.Know the properties of water. It’s polar, cohesive and adhesive.
14.Define pH. How does water allow one to determine the pH of a solution, and
what pH is considered to be acidic, neutral, or basic on the pH scale? What is an
acid and what is a base?
15.What are the simple subunits of these important biological molecules
a. Carbohydrates – simple sugars
b. Lipids – non-polar fatty acid tails and other group (glycerol, alcohol, etc,)
c. Proteins - amino acids
d. Nucleic acids - nucleotides
16.What reaction links these simple subunits into their corresponding polymer?
Dehydration synthesis reactions
Patricia Mora-Garcia
17. What is the general chemical formula of carbohydrates?
18.What is the definition of a monosaccharide, a disaccharide, and a
polysaccharide and what are examples of each and their functions?
a. Monosaccharide - a simple sugar; glucose or fructose; quick energy
b. Disaccharide c. Polysaccharide 19.What is the molecular formula of glucose?
20.What is cellulose and where do you find it? A polysaccharide composed of
bundles of parallel chains of glucose subunits that are cross-linked together to
form fibers. It is found in the cell wall of plants. It is so tuff that it is indigestible
by most animals.
21.Why are lipids non-polar or in other words why are they water-insoluble?
22.Know the general structure and function of the following lipids: fats, oils,
phospholipids and steroids.
a. Fats: three fatty acid chains attached to glycerol; the fatty acid chains
have a backbone of carbons attached to each other through single covalent
bonds; Function: Animal long-term energy storage
b. Oils: three fatty acid chains attached to glycerol; the chains have a
backbone with one or more carbon-carbon double covalent bonds;
Function: Plant long-term energy storage
c. Phospholipds: A phosphate-containing polar head, attached to a glycerol
molecule, which is attached to two non-polar fatty acid chains; Function:
form the cell membrane
d. Steroids: Four carbon rings and various functional groups; Function:
cholesterol, sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen), and bile
23.Why are oils called unsaturated fats, while fats are called saturated fats?
24.Define HDL and LDL? How does a high LDL to low HDL ratio contribute to
heart attacks and strokes?
25. What are the general functions of proteins? They can be enzymes, antibodies, or
structural components within cells.
26.How are proteins formed? In the synthesis of proteins, dehydration synthesis
joins the carbon of the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the nitrogen of the
amino group of a second amino acid. What do you call the covalent bond that
links the two amino acids? A peptide bond.
27.What is the function of the nucleic acid DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)?
28.What types of bonds link nucleotides together in one strand of a DNA helix?
Covalent bonds link the sugar of one nucleotide to the phosphate of another
Patricia Mora-Garcia
Chapter 3 – Cell membrane
29. What is the main function of the cell membrane?
30.Draw and describe the general structure of a cell membrane (all the
components); also describe the Fluid Mosaic Model?
31.What is the plasma membrane permeable to and what is it impermeable to?
a. Permeable to:
b. Impermeable to:
32.What are the two types of transport proteins; what do they transport and
33.Define diffusion and osmosis.
34. Define passive transport and energy requiring transport. Know the three
examples of each. (See table 3-1)
35.What is the main difference between passive-simple and passive-facilitated
36.Know what happens when red blood cells are placed in isotonic, hypotonic and
hypertonic solutions in relation to osmosis. (See figure 3-8)
37. Define the forms of endocytosis (pinocytosis, phagocytosis, and receptormediated-endocytosis) and exocytosis.
38.What is hypercholesterolemia and what is the cellular defect involved in
development of this disease?
Chapter 4 – The cell
39. What is a cell? It is the smallest unit of life.
40.What is the cytoplasm of a cell?
41.Why have cells evolved to be small; what are the advantages?
42.What are the main differences between eukaryote and prokaryote cells? (See
table 4-3)
43. Know all the animal and plant organelles and their functions. (See table 4-3)
44.What are the main differences between animal cells and plants cells? (See table
45.The cytoskeleton is a network of protein fibers (thin microfilaments, intermediate
filaments, and thick microtubules); what is the general role of the cytoskeleton?
46.What are cilia and flagella?
Chapter 5: Energy flow in a cell
47.Know the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy.
48.Know the first and second laws of thermodynamics. For the second law
understand it in terms of useful energy and entropy.
49. Energy is stored in chemical bonds. How are chemical bonds formed?
Dehydration synthesis (loss of water); how are chemical bonds broken?
Hydrolysis (addition of water).
50. Define and give examples of exergonic reactions and endergonic reactions?
Patricia Mora-Garcia
51. Define activation energy.
52.What molecules within cells transport energy? ATP and electron carriers
53.How is ATP activated and where does it store the energy?
54.How are electron carriers activated? They capture energetic electrons to which
energy is transferred in some exergonic reactions; they include NAD+ and FAD.
55.What are coupled reactions? Describe the role of ATP in your answer (review
ATP breakdown coupled with muscle contraction).
56. What are catalysis and what is their function in metabolic pathways?
57. Understand the concept of the lock and key fit between reactants and a specific
Chapter 6: Photosynthesis
58.What is the simple equation for photosynthesis and is it an exergonic or an
endergonic reaction?
59.What organisms undergo photosynthesis? Plants/trees, cyanobacteria, and some
plant-like protists
60.In most plants, where does the bulk of photosynthesis occur? The leaf
61.In which plant organelle does photosynthesis occur? Chlorolplast
62. Describe the structure of the chloroplast (its components).
63. What are the light-dependent and light –independent reactions of
photosynthesis and where do they occur in the chloroplast? (See figure 6-2 for
64. What is chlorophyll and why is it green?
65.What are accessory pigments?
66.For light-dependent reactions describe the components of photosystem I and
photosystem II and their products. (See figure 6-5 and 6-6).
67. How are light-dependent and light-independent reactions linked?
68.Describe the light-independent reactions or the C3 cycle of carbon fixation (see
figure 6-6)
69.What is photorespiration (describe the function of stomata in this discussion)?
70.Describe the general difference between C3 and C4 plants.
Chapter 7: Glycolysis and Aerobic Respiration
71.Know the simple equation for aerobic respiration?
72.Glycolysis does not require oxygen and it occurs in the cells cytoplasm.
73.Know the basic reaction for glycolysis: 1 glucose molecule is broken down into 2
molecules of pyruvate, 2 ATP and 2 NADH. Remember, it includes an activation
step and energy harvest step.
74.If oxygen is present where does pyruvate go within the cell and what process
occurs? Into a mitochondrion’s matrix to start cellular respiration
75.If oxygen is not present where does pyruvate go within the cell and what process
occurs? It stays in the cell’s cytoplasm and enters fermentation
Patricia Mora-Garcia
76.Know the steps of cellular respiration & where in a mitochondrion they take
a. Formation of acetyl CoA – mitochondrion matrix
b. Krebs cycle – mitochondrion matrix
c. Electron transport and chemiosmosis – mitochondrion inner membrane
77.What happens to pyruvate prior to entering the Krebs cycle?
78.What is the general purpose of the Krebs cycle? It is a repetitive cycle that
combines a 2 carbon acetyl co-A molecule with a 4 carbon molecule, to a
generate a 6 carbon molecule (citric acid), which then undergoes 7 steps,
resulting in the activation of ATP, electron carriers NADH and FADH2, release
of CO2 and regeneration of the initial 4 carbon molecule so the cycle can repeat.
How many molecules of each are produced per glucose? 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1
ATP and 2 C02 times 2 = 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP, and 4 C02
79. What happens to the activated electron carriers produced in the Krebs cycle?
They go to the electron transport chain in the inner membrane of a
a. Energetic electrons from activated electron carriers are donated to the
electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This
energy is used to pump H+ ions from the matrix into the intermembrane
space (this costs energy), which creates a H+ ion gradient. Ok, so this is
how it happens: H+ will diffuse back into the matrix down its
concentration gradient (releasing energy in the process) via a special
channel protein that is linked to ATP production (32-34 ATP). ATP then
can exit the mitochondria.
b. When electron carriers transfer their energetic electrons to the electron
transport chain, oxygen serves as the terminal electron acceptor. At the
end of the electron transport chain, two electrons combine with one oxygen
atom and two hydrogen ions to form water!
80. What is the total ATP formed per glucose molecule for glycolysis and each
process of cellular respiration? (See figure 7-1 and table 7-1)
a. Glycolysis – 2 ATP
b. Krebs cycle – 2 ATP
c. Electron transport – 32-34 ATP
81.What is the total number of activated electron carriers formed per glucose
molecule for glycolysis and each process of cellular respiration?
a. Glycoysis – 2 NADH
b. Formation of acetyl CoA – 2 NADH
c. Krebs cycle – 6 NADH, 2 FADH2
82.What is the total number of C02 molecules formed per glucose molecule?
a. Formation of acetyl CoA – 2 NADH
b. Krebs cycle – 4 C02
Patricia Mora-Garcia
83.Know the general steps of fermentation – both ethanol fermentation and
lactate fermentation.