Adolescent Psychology (1230-001)
Study Guide #2: Chapter 2 and Lectures 3 & 4
Fall, ‘05
Chapter 2:
1. Dr. Takahara is a psychologist who believes that early experiences with parents play a large role
in shaping individuals' development. Which theoretical perspective does Dr. Takahara most likely
A) cognitive
B) ecological
C) information-processing
D) psychoanalytic
E) contextual
2. Psychoanalytic theorists believe that
A) development is mostly unconscious.
B) early experiences with parents shape our development.
C) symbolic meanings of behavior are important.
D) emotion plays a large role in development.
E) all of these
3. The process of pushing unacceptable id impulses into unconsciousness is called
A) the Oedipus complex.
B) a Freudian slip.
C) psychosexual urges.
D) repression.
E) psychoanalysis.
4. What behavior did Peter Blos consider to be a normal and universal aspect of adolescence?
A) denial
B) fixations
C) regression
D) identity vs. role confusion
E) intimacy
5. Nancy Chodorow's feminist critique of Freud's theory includes the idea that
A) Freud underestimated the importance of the mother in the child's development.
B) Emotions and relationships tend to be more important for women's development than for
C) Freud's theory is biased against women because of its focus on sexuality.
D) Freud placed too much importance on repression.
E) all of these
6. According to Erikson, what developmental stage do individuals experience during adolescence?
A) initiative vs. guilt
B) integrity vs. despair
C) industry vs. inferiority
D) identity vs. identity confusion
E) intimacy vs. isolation
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7. Which of the following statements about Freud’s and Erikson's theories is TRUE?
A) Freud believed in discontinuity, but Erikson did not.
B) Freud believed that one's personality is completely developed by age 2, but Erikson
believed one's personality develops throughout the life span.
C) Erikson placed less importance on sexual instincts and more importance on social aspects
of personality development than did Freud.
D) Freud believed that development is primarily unconscious, whereas Erikson believed it is
primarily conscious.
E) all of these
8. All of the following are Piaget's views, EXCEPT
A) cognitive development occurs in stages.
B) language is an essential tool for cognitive development.
C) individuals play an active role in their own cognitive development.
D) children think differently at different ages, rather than just having more or less
E) older adolescents and adults think in a qualitatively similar way.
9. Which of the following is part of Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development?
A) Individuals construct their knowledge.
B) Language is an essential part of cognitive development.
C) Cognitive development occurs within a social network.
D) Cognition must be interpreted developmentally.
E) all of these
10. Rasheeda believes that cognitive development advances the most when you are helped by
someone who is more skilled than you are. Her view is most in accordance with
A) Piaget
B) Bandura
C) Erikson
D) Freud
E) Vygotsky
11. Computers and software are used as analogies for brains and cognition in which theory?
A) Piaget's
B) social cognitive
C) behavioral
D) information-processing
E) Vygotsky's
12. A Skinnerian behaviorist is most likely to investigate which of the following research questions?
A) Which forms of parental praise will increase sharing among siblings?
B) How do boys resolve their feelings of competition with their fathers?
C) Do adolescent males get more anxious about their future than adolescent females do?
D) What learning strategies do adolescents use to recall information?
E) Do children learn prejudicial views from their parents or from their peers?
13. A cross-cultural psychologist is examining adolescents' attitudes in Iran and Germany. Which of
Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems is involved in this study?
A) exosystem
B) mesosystem
C) chronosystem
D) microsystem
E) macrosystem
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14. A researcher wants to be able to compare an adolescent's performance to the performance of other
same-age adolescents. The best technique for doing this would be to use
A) random assignment.
B) an interview or questionnaire.
C) a case study.
D) experimental research.
E) a standardized test.
15. A scientist wants to determine the link between parents' punishment of their children and the
children's rebellious behavior. Which research strategy is she or he likely to use?
A) laboratory research
B) correlational research
C) experimental research
D) cross-sectional research
E) case study
16. Researchers would be most likely to find a negative correlation between what two variables?
A) degree of parental monitoring and adolescent self-esteem
B) drug use and adolescent depression
C) permissive parenting and adolescent self-control
D) self-esteem and grade point average
E) parental involvement and adolescents' grade point average
17. A psychologist is studying whether reading comic books increases gender-role stereotyping.
Gender-role stereotyping in this study is
A) a result of random assignment.
B) correlated with comic book reading.
C) the dependent variable.
D) the independent variable.
E) under control of the researcher.
18. What method in a study helps ensure that there are no preexisting differences between groups?
A) random assignment
B) laboratory research
C) longitudinal approach
D) cross-sectional approach
E) nomothetic approach
19. A psychologist wants to study how age may play a role in adolescents' peer relationships. She
studies four different groups: 13-year-olds, 15-year-olds, 18-year-olds, and 20-year-olds. What
type of research is she using?
A) naturalistic observation
B) experimental research
C) longitudinal research
D) experience sampling research
E) cross-sectional research
20. For research to be ethical, participants must know what the study involves and what risks there
may be. This is referred to as
A) debriefing.
B) informed consent.
C) confidentiality.
D) pretest agreement.
E) idiographic needs.
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21. Ethnic gloss is best defined as
A) ignoring the ethnicity of participants in a study
B) failing to take into account that there is diversity within any particular ethnic group.
C) failing to take into account the homogeneity of an ethnic group
D) treating an ethnic group as more heterogeneous than it really is.
E) not realizing that the ethnicity of the researcher plays a role in a study.
22. Removed
23. Which of the following is information given in the text for how to be a wise consumer of
A) Articles published in research journals have generally gone through more scrutiny than
articles published elsewhere.
B) When correlational studies are done, causal conclusions cannot be made.
C) Individual variation in how adolescents behave is not a common focus of research.
D) The media sometimes embellish information from research journals to keep the audience
E) all of these
Discussion Questions:
1. Explain the similarities and differences between the behavioral and social cognitive theories.
Give an example of a personal experience that would be explained differently by a theorist
from each perspective.
2. Compare and contrast correlational (ex post facto) and experimental strategies for conducting
research in adolescent development. What do you gain and lose by using a correlational
strategy rather than experimental strategy in research?
3. Explain six cautions for a wise consumer of information about adolescent development. Give
an example of an error in conclusions for each caution.
Lectures 3 & 4:
1. According to Anastasi, who has written wisely about the nature-nurture debate, which of the
following questions is not silly/inappropriate?
A. Which causes this behavior, nature or nurture?
B. Which is more important in causing this behavior, nature or nurture?
C. How do nature and nurture interact to produce this behavior?
D. All of the above are not silly/inappropriate, according to Anastasi.
E. All of the above a silly/inappropriate, according to Anastasi.
2. To what degree does heredity place limits on the effects that environmental variables can produce?
Or, how wide is the window of variation due to environments that genetics imposes? These two
questions are responsive/relevant to which of the famous three questions noted by Anastasi in her
wise discussion of the nature-nurture debate?
A. Which was is up?
B. Why did Freud perform an early analysis on Pavlov’s dog?
C. Which causes this behavior, nature or nurture?
D. Which is more important in causing this behavior, nature or nurture?
E. How do nature and nurture interact to produce this behavior?
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3. Offer survey study of adolescents in quite a number of countries as well as Rutter’s Isle of Wight
study spoke to which important issue?
A. The acceptability of Eurodollars.
B. The nature-nurture debate.
C. The appropriate legal age for drinking alcoholic beverages.
D. Storm and stress.
E. Early versus late causation.
4. Regarding storm and stress, it is probably safest to conclude that
A. Most adolescents are wacko.
B. Premarital sex, drugs, and other forms of serious illegal behavior are rampant among
C. Few adolescent engage in premarital sex, drugs, and other forms of serious illegal
D. Mothers find adolescents more irritating than their younger sibs.
E. None or all of the above.
5. Ruth Benedict hypothesized that behaviors would become troublesome for a society if
A. socialization practices enforce substantial discontinuities in expectations about the
behavior, and these discontinuities are associated with unclear cues.
B. behavior is repressed due to it punishment during the preverbal stage of development.
C. the behavior is pivotal for the conflicts associated with a particular stage of development.
D. the behavior would result in an adult being incarcerated for performing the act.
E. All or none of the above.
6. Removed
7. Theories
A. indicate which facts are important…
B. which sorts of relationships among the facts are most important for producing
C. give facts meaning
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
8. The firmament with and without constellations was a metaphor for a world
A. in which astronomy is far more important than astrology.
B. in which both Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are caged.
C. in which psychoanalytic theory predominates
D. with and without theory
E. lacking in imagination.
9. The theorist who would make much of the Little Johnnie’s egocentric use of language?
A. Bandura
B. Erickson
C. Freud
D. Piaget
E. None of the above