T.O.K. Presentation Examples of how to use a Real Life Situation to explore a Knowledge Question. Real Life Situation #1: Dr. Phil and others continue to perpetuate the notion that vaccines cause autism. Knowledge Question: How can we determine the validity of scientific studies? Extended questions: What role does the media play in disseminating scientific information? What role do our emotions play in our understanding of scientific information? Application: Reporting on Ebola crisis. Global warming Real Life Situation #2: The ban on importing goods made by child labour. Knowledge Question: To what extent can we use emotion to make valid ethical decisions? Extended questions: To what extent should we use emotion when making decisions regarding others? How do we balance emotions and reasoning in this? Application: CIA & torture Not allocating failing grades Real Life Situation #3: Mars 1 Exploration 2024 Knowledge Question: In what ways can ethical knowledge influence discovery of scientific knowledge? Extended question: Does ethics help or hinder scientific knowledge? Application: Concentration camps and Dr. Mengele Animal testing Real Life Situation #4: Nurse in Maine who refused the Ebola quarantine Knowledge Question: How do we know how reliable scientific predictors/determinations are? Extended questions: How do we know how reliable predictions are in any AoK? How much authority/validity do we give them in terms of dictating human behaviour? Who decides or how do we decide when the good of the majority supersedes the individual’s rights? Application: National Security watch list Euthanasia: Terry Shiavo Agriculture and the use of pesticides Real Life Situation #5: Correlation of Brain Health and Violence Knowledge Question: How can natural science help us make ethical decisions? Extended questions: How does physiology affect propensity for violence? Application: Bioethics (e.g. genetic screening/testing) Criminal justice (e.g. establishing guilt and sentencing) Sports Management Real Life Situation #6: Government Intervention in Nutrition (regulations) Knowledge Question: Can shared knowledge be more valid than personal knowledge? Extended questions: When does shared knowledge become necessary to mandate through laws? Application: Assisted suicide debate Right to bear arms (US constitution) Real Life Situation #7: Michael Garner case in NYC (July 2014) Knowledge Question: How does shared knowledge shape ethics? Extended questions: Which is more powerful in the development of knowledge: sense perception or emotion? To what extent does shared knowledge shape our sense perception? Application: Simpson trial Ferguson, MO Grand Jury decision Clinton Impeachment Real Life Situation #8: Fake “Eye Witness” coming forward in Michael Brown case? Knowledge Question: What criteria should be used to determine truth? Extended question: Can a criteria be established to determine truth? Application: No video of Michael Brown incident; video of Michael Garner case Protests stemming from emotion rather than evidence Real Life Situation #9: Bill Cosby scandal Knowledge Question: What is the role of emotion in evaluating an individual’s contribution to shared knowledge? Extended questions: How to we evaluate the reliability of evidence? How does emotion influence your acceptance of shared knowledge? Application: Rape culture on campuses Jian Ghomeshi scandal and consent Counter example: Lord Byron Real Life Situation #10: Controversy over commemorating one historical figure over another (e.g. Florence Nightingale vs. Mary Seacole: History Today article) Knowledge Question: To what extent do present day preoccupations influence historical interpretation? Extended questions: What is the role of emotion in gaining knowledge? How valid is memory in knowledge acquisition? Application: In the U.S: Columbus Day vs. Native American Day Rosa Parks