Name ________________ MICROPIPETTING PRACTICE 1. If you needed the following volumes, which pipette would you use and at which setting? Volume needed Type of micropipette Setting (3 vertical #’s) 36 uL P200 036 5 uL 760 uL 102 uL 25 uL 10.2 uL 250 uL 16 uL 2. On a piece of wax paper, pipette 2 uL of colored liquid into one spot, using he correct pipetting method. Which pipette would you use? __________ What does the window read? ________ Draw the approximate size of the dot. 3. In another spot pipette 2 uL using the incorrect method. Push the plunger all the way to the second stop to draw up liquid. Draw the approximate size of the drop and note the difference in size. 4. Set the pipette to 4 uL and draw up the first drop. Dial the pipette down to 2 uL while the liquid is still in the tip. How accurate were you? If you were not, try again. 5. On a piece of wax paper, pipette 50 uL of colored liquid into one spot, using he correct pipetting method. Which pipette would you use? __________ What does the window read? ________ Draw the approximate size of the dot. 6. In another spot pipette 50 uL using the incorrect method. Push the plunger all the way to the second stop to draw up liquid. Draw the approximate size of the drop and note the difference in size. 7. Set the pipette to 70 uL and draw up the first drop. Dial the pipette down to 50 uL while the liquid is still in the tip. How accurate were you? If you were not, try again. 8. Get 4 tubes. Label them 1, 2, 3, 4. 9. Get 3 cups. Fill one with red dye, one with blue dye, and one with green dye. TUBE # 1 2 3 4 RED DYE (uL) 37.6 5.7 766 134.5 BLUE DYE (uL) 475 167 2.5 17.2 GREEN DYE (uL) 223 89.4 11.7 6.3 TOTAL (uL) Total (mL) 10. Fill in the total volume of each tube column. 11. Fill in the total volume of each tube column in mL. 12. Pipette the different colored liquids and volumes in the above table. 13. Centrifuge the tubes. Be sure it is balanced! 14. Compare your tubes to the group across from you. See if your colors and volumes are close to each other. 15. Set your pipette to the total volume for each tube and draw up the liquid. 16. If you are pipeting correctly there should be NO LIQUID LEFT IN THE TUBE. 17. Call me over to stamp your work for TUBE #4! I want to watch you do it! TEAMWORK Work in groups of 4. Obtain one each of tubes X, Y, Z. Place waxed paper over the table below and each person will pipette the designated amounts on the grid in the proper position. Compare the sizes to check if the volume is the same. If not, repeat and /or ask for help. NAMES 9 uL tube X 10 uL tube Y 31 uL tube z 18. Identify which PIPET to use and FILL IN the window for the following: a. 256 uL b. 11.5 uL c. 45.7 uL