
Kutzky Park Neighborhood Association
7:00 P.M.*
September 13, 2005
I. Call to Order- Nels Pierson
*Gavel will drop at 7 to optimize everyone’s time.
II. Officers Reports
A. Secretary’s Report (See Attachment of last meeting’s minutes)B. Treasurer’s Report (See Attachment of August transactions and balance)- Kellie Threinen
C. President’s Report- David EdmonsonIII. Guest Speaker
A. Andy Masterpole- Imagine Kutzky
Topics-Neighborhood Home Photo Project
Special October Workshop/Meeting
IV. Committee Reports
A. Communication Committee- Teras Karlinsey- Website update
B. Neighborhood Watch Committee- David Edmonson- Neighborhood Checklist for who to contact for various problems
C. Redevelopment Committee- Terry Campbell & Kelly Threinen- Sept. 20th committee meeting 7:00 p.m. Lourdes H.S.
D. Social Committee- Jennifer Mulvihill
E. Fundraising Committee- Nels Pierson
V. Old Business
A. Constitution
VI. New Business
VII. Adjourn
Adjustments may be made to allow for other Special Guests, such as Rochester City Police, in order to accommodate.