John Henry Smith 1165

1165 – Mining Corps
Shincliffe, Durham, England was stated to be the birthplace of John Henry Smith in 1877. He came to
Australia. Military experience was gained from five year’s service with the 4th Infantry, NSW and
twelve months with the 11th A. Regiment until discharged when he left the district.
In 1903 he married Lena Quin with their marriage registered at Northam, W.A. In 1906 they were
residing at Fitzgerald Street, Northam, W.A. with his occupation as a labourer.
At the recruiting depot in Perth, W.A. on November 24, 1915 the thirty-eight year old married labourer
applied to enlist for active service abroad. Passing the medical examination personal particulars taken
show he was 181cms (5ft 11¼ins) tall with a chest measurement of 113cms (44½ins) and his postal
address was Lockie Street, Cottesloe Beach, W.A. Declared fit for service his application was accepted
by the recruiting officer.
Attestation Forms were completed adding further information of his weight 96kgs (212lbs) and a chest
expansion of 103-113cms (40½-44½ins) with a fresh complexion, blue eyes and dark brown hair.
Distinctive marks were a scar on the right shoulder and on the left skull. Church of England was his
religious faith. Next-of-kin was his wife Mrs Lena Smith of Lockie Street, Cottesloe Beach, W.A. He
was sworn in the same day.
Basic training began with the 37th Depot Battalion at Blackboy Hill camp, near Perth on December 1,
1915 until December 6 when he was transferred to the Mining Corps.
Recruiting for the Miners’ Corps began officially on December 1st, 1915. The recruits were placed for
basic training the following day at the Helena Vale camp at Blackboy Hill, W.A. as the Corps was being
established. His rank was Sapper with the regimental number 1165 and assigned to the No. 3 Company
about December 14. He was appointed Provisional Corporal on December 18, 1915 for the voyage to
Sydney, NSW.
The original No. 3 Company consisted of Company Headquarters and 3 Sections recruited in the 5th
M.D. (Western Australia). The major portion of No. 3 Company was recruited by 2nd Lt. L.J. Coulter,
A.I.F. who was sent from N.S.W. to W.A. for that purpose.
No.3 Company recruits at Blackboy Hill, 3 December 1915 & on Parade - 16 December 1915
Photos courtesy Graeme Williams, grandson of 1202 Spr Charles Williams – 3ATC
No. 3 Company, with a strength of 1 Officer and 274 Other Ranks embarked from Fremantle, W.A. on
December 18, 1915 and sailed to Sydney, NSW on board the troopship SS Indarra.
On Boxing Day (Dec 26th), 1915 the Unit arrived in Sydney and marched into Casula Camp, near
Liverpool, NSW. They were joined by the 4th Section of the Tasmanian Miners, bringing the
establishment strength up to 15 officers and 349 Other Ranks under the command of 2nd Lieutenant L.J.
Coulter. Mining Corps Units from all Military districts came together at Casula to complete training as a
At a civic parade in the Domain, Sydney on Saturday February 19, 1916, a large crowd of relations and
friends of the departing Miners lined the four sides of the parade ground. Sixty police and 100 Garrison
Military Police were on hand to keep the crowds within bounds. The scene was an inspiriting one. On the
extreme right flank, facing the saluting base, were companies of the Rifle Club School; next came a
detachment of the 4th King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, then the bands of the Light Horse, Liverpool
Depot, and the Miners’ on the left, rank upon rank, the Miners’ Battalion.
The Corps boarded HMAT A38 Ulysses in Sydney, NSW on February 20 and sailed for the European
theatre. Arriving in Melbourne, Victoria on February 22 the Miners camped at Broadmeadows for a stay
of 7 days while further cargo was loaded. On arrival in camp he was reduced in ranks to Sapper.
Another parade was held at the Broadmeadows camp on March 1, the Miners’ Corps being inspected by
the Governor-General, as Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth military forces.
Leaving Melbourne on March 1, Ulysses arrived at Fremantle, Western Australia on March 7 where a
further 53 members were taken on board.
On Wednesday March 8, 1916 the whole force, with their band and equipment, paraded at Fremantle
prior to leaving Victoria Quay at 9.30 o’clock.
The ship hit a reef when leaving Fremantle harbour, stripping the plates for 40 feet and, although there
was a gap in the outside plate, the inner bilge plates were not punctured. The men on board nicknamed
her ‘Useless’. The Miners were off-loaded and sent to the Blackboy Hill Camp where further training
was conducted.
The Mining Corps comprised 1303 members at the time they embarked with a Headquarters of 40; No.1
Company – 390; No.2 Company – 380; No.3 Company – 392, and 101 members of the 1st
Sapper Smith received his military discharge from Perth, (5th Military District) on March 16, 1916 due to
not likely to become an efficient soldier.
Finally departing Fremantle on April 1, Ulysses voyaged to France via the Suez, Port Said and Alexandria
in Egypt.
As Sapper Smith did not embark Australia he was ineligible for any War Service Medals.
In 1925 their residence was ‘Thornley’, Hope Street, Cottesloe Beach working as a labourer.
John Henry Smith died on October 22, 1934 aged 57 years. Family arrangements were published in the:
The West Australian Tuesday October 23, 1934:
SMITH—On October 22, 1934, at Claremont, John Henry, dearly beloved husband of Lena Smith, of 41 Hopestreet Buckland Hill, and loved father of Dorothy (Mrs R. Dunne), Herbert (deceased), and Thomas Eric Smith;
aged 57 years.
At rest.
The West Australian Tuesday October 23, 1934:
SMITH—The Friends of the late Mr John Henry Smith, of 41 Hope-street, Buckland Hill, and late of the Mt
Lyell Chemical Works, Rocky Bay, North Fremantle, are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred
in the Methodist portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery at 4.15 o’clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON. The
Cortege will move from his late residence, 41 Hope-street, Buckland Hill, at 3.45 o’clock. Friends wishing to
attend the Funeral may proceed by the 4 o’clock trains from Perth and Fremantle.
Funeral Directors, 1023-1027 Hay-street, (Corner George-street), Perth
SMITH—The Friends of Mr and Mrs W.E. Smith, of 26 Servetus-street, Claremont, are respectfully informed
that the remains of their late dearly beloved brother, John Henry Smith, of 41 Hope-street, Buckland Hill, will
be interred in the Methodist portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery at 4.15 o’clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON.
The Cortege will move from his late residence, 41 Hope-street, Buckland Hill, at 3.45 o’clock. Friends wishing
to attend the Funeral may proceed by the 4 o’clock trains from Perth and Fremantle.
Funeral Directors, 1023-1027 Hay-street, (Corner George-street), Perth
SMITH—Members of the above Club are respectfully invited to follow the remains of the late Mr J.H. Smith,
father of our secretary, P.F. Smith, to the place of internment, Karrakatta Cemetery, at 4.15 o’clock THIS
(Tuesday) AFTERNOON. Members wishing to attend the Funeral may proceed by the 4 o’clock trains from
Perth and Fremantle.
JOHN O. LOVE, President
ALEX D. MacRAE, Chairman
SMITH—The Members of the above Lodge are respectfully invited to follow the remains of their late Brother,
J.H. Smith, to the place of internment, the Methodist portion, Karrakatta Cemetery, at 4.15 o’clock THIS
(Tuesday) AFTERNOON. Brethren desirous of attending the Funeral may proceed by the 4 o’clock trains from
Perth and Fremantle.
W.H. Walters, Secretary
SMITH—Members of the above Union are respectfully invited to follow the remains of Mr J.H. Smith, father
of our Member, Thomas to the place of interment, the Methodist portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery, at 4.15
o’clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON. Brethren desirous of attending the Funeral may proceed by the 4
o’clock trains from Perth and Fremantle.
J. KENNY, President
W. CREECH, Secretary
SMITH—The Members of the above Club are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of the late Mr Smith,
father of Eric Smith, Secretary of the Club. The Funeral will leave his late residence at 3.45 o’clock THIS
9Tuesday) AFTERNOON, arriving at Karrakatta at 4 .15 o’clock.
J.O. LOVE, President.
Mrs Lena Smith passed away on March 15, 1959 aged 74 years.
Their grave can be located in the Wesleyan portion of Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth, W.A. within section
BA in gravesite 583.
© Donna Baldey 2014