Haywood County Engineer, 1233 N. Main St., Ste. 2-15, Waynesville, N.C. 28786, 828-356-2114 (O), 828-356-2001 (F) CHECKLIST FOR SLOPE PLAN (Applies if slopes are greater than 15 feet in vertical height and steeper than 1:1 for cuts or 1.5:1 for fills) PROJECT NAME: The following checklist items should be considered in your slope development plan or slope repair plan: __________North arrow __________Scale (max 1” = 60’) __________Boundaries, interior lines or easements __________Relation to streets, roads or highway __________Existing, surrounding conditions __________Contours (not to exceed 5 feet) __________Proposed drainage easements __________Road locations and centerlines __________Location and height of existing and proposed retaining walls/boulder walls __________Clear delineation of all cut slopes and fill slopes __________Vertical heights of slopes __________Show length of slopes (face) __________Describe accurate shape of slopes (flat face, convex, concave, irregular, etc.) __________Describe steepness of slopes (in % slope, horizontal to vertical projection, or in degrees) __________Cross sectional views and surface area calculations __________Natural slope profile including adequate uphill/downhill areas of concern __________Artificial slope profile including adequate uphill/downhill areas of concern __________Location of diversions showing stable outlet areas __________Soils and soil analysis __________Strength of material information for earth material used __________Compaction information (including engineered lifts) __________Water bearing formations and hydrology __________Drainage patterns and topographic conditions __________Base preparation of fills (strip-organic and key) __________Rock types __________Geomorphology relating to soil stability and mass wasting __________Geologic information (including analysis of strike and dip) __________Proposed ground cover for artificial slopes __________Specific location of structures placed or to be placed within slopes __________Compaction data and proposed methods (include testing increments) __________Design calculations showing yardage estimates __________Construction details for MSE walls __________Construction details for Reinforced Soil Slopes __________Design methods and programs used for slope stabilization plans/construction __________Location of all water lines and / or sewer lines in artificial slopes __________Identify all setbacks __________Slopes requiring variance __________Waste areas __________Factors of Safety calculations (provide analytical and calculation data) __________Runoff calculations for diversions (25 year storm) __________Narrative describing construction sequence related to slope construction or slope repair __________Narrative describing the nature and purpose of the slope construction/repair activity __________Design calculations and construction details to control ground water (seeps, springs, high water table) __________Division of Solid Waste contacted for regulated work (LCID permit) Reviewer: