FIFE COUNCIL Policy & Resources Committee 16 September 2004 Agenda Item REFORM OF THE FEUDAL SYSTEM - SALE OF COUNCIL PROPERTY 1.0 Background 1.1 The Scottish Parliament has introduced legislation which provides a wholesale reform of land law in Scotland. The relevant Acts are the Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 ("the 2000 Act") and the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 ("the 2003 Act"). 1.2 The main purpose of the 2000 Act is to abolish the feudal system of land ownership whereby a feudal superior who sold property by means of a Feu Disposition could control future use of that property. Often such feudal superiors lived far from the property and had no interest in it other than obtaining payment in return for granting consent to the property being altered or used for a new purpose. The intention of the 2000 Act is that people who have been sold properties by way of a Feu Disposition can use them for any purpose provided the new purpose has planning consent. 1.3 The 2000 Act deals only with feudal burdens i.e. those created in Feu Dispositions, Feu Charters or Feu Contracts. The 2003 Act deals with non-feudal burdens i.e. those contained in Dispositions. Both Acts come fully into force on 28 November 2004. 1.4 The main provisions in the 2000 Act are that it: abolishes the feudal system extinguishes feuduties extinguishes a superior's right to enforce burdens provides a mechanism to preserve certain burdens creates new classes of conservation and maritime burdens provides a mechanism for compensation in relation to development value burdens removes rights of irritancy whereby a superior could recover a property which had previously been sold without having to pay compensation if the purchaser broke any of the feudal burdens prohibits leases in excess of 175 years allows firms to take title to land -2- 1.5 As the Council and its predecessors have sold substantial areas of land and property by means of Feu Dispositions the new legislation may have a significant impact on the Council's interests. The remainder of this report sets out in greater detail the options open to the Council with recommendations as to the steps which should be taken. 2.0 Feudal Burdens 2.1 From 28 November 2004 the Council's right to enforce feudal burdens will be extinguished. The following are exceptions to that rule:2.1.1 Facility and Service Burdens Facility burdens are positive in nature and are concerned with the maintenance and management of common facilities such as footpaths and boundary walls. Service burdens are burdens on one property to supply services e.g. water or electricity to another property. All of these burdens will survive feudal abolition. The only change will be that it will not be the Council, as Superior, who can enforce them but rather the owners of the properties which benefit from the facilities or the services to be provided. The Council does not need to take any steps regarding such burdens. 2.1.2 Amenity Burdens These are negative in nature and generally prevent an owner from doing something in order to preserve the amenity of an adjoining property, such as a prohibition on trade or keeping unruly pets. On 28 November 2004 the Council, as Superior, will lose the right to enforce these burdens. The 2000 Act does allow the Council to preserve enforcement rights but only if it owns neighbouring land which becomes the new benefitted property and it registers a notice in the prescribed form against both the original property which was sold and the new benefitted property. The Council can only register such a notice if certain preconditions are all satisfied. A considerable amount of preparatory work would require to be undertaken to establish whether these pre-conditions are satisfied and there will be a charge for registering each notice in the Land Registers. The aim of the new legislation is that the planning process provides sufficient safeguards to prevent undesirable developments proceeding which would destroy the amenity of properties still owned by the Council. The Head of Housing and representatives from Service Support and Law & Administration have all been consulted on this and their unanimous view is that the likely gain from registering appropriate notices would not justify the massive amount of work and expenditure which this would require. It is therefore recommended that no action be taken to preserve amenity burdens. -32.1.3 Pre-emption Rights These are burdens which give the Council an option to purchase back a property when the owner wishes to sell it. The Council can preserve such burdens by registration of a notice in the Land Register. In the present economic climate there are unlikely to be many of such burdens which the Council would want to preserve. The Housing Service, howver, is presently identifying housing properties which have been sold subject to a pre-emption burden. Once identified the Law & Administration Service will arrange to register the required notices. 2.1.4 Development Value Burdens These are burdens restricting the use to which a particular property which has been sold can be put in return for the purchaser paying a reduced purchase price. The 2000 Act enables a Superior to reserve a right to claim compensation for loss of development value burdens which are extinguished on 28 November 2004. Development Value is defined in the 2000 Act as being any significant increase in the value of land arising as a result of it becoming free to be used in a way not permitted under the original feu grant. At first glance this does appear to be an attractive provision. However in practice they are likely to be of limited value. This is because they will not apply unless a significantly lower price has been paid at the time the property was first sold and no account is taken of inflation. The Council reserves the right to claim compensation by registration of a statutory notice and the right to compensation only applies if the development which triggers a payment occurs during the 20 years immediately after 28 November 2004. Also the compensation paid is not to exceed the difference in value of the land at the original date of sale and its value were there no restriction on use on the same date. Obviously in older transactions the value of properties will be less and as no account is taken of inflation the compensation recoverable will be significantly less. It is therefore suggested that in the main only transactions within the last 10 years be considered. Only where there has been a substantial change in value will there be any benefit in registering the required notices. A substantial change in value principally relates to land which has changed from agricultural to development land or from industrial to retail or housing. In other cases any difference in value would not be significant. Taking these factors into consideration it is recommended that sales of land in industrial estates and within the area formerly covered by Glenrothes Development Corporation are most likely to be affected by Development Value burdens. In many ex-GDC Feu Dispositions the Development Value burdens are protected in other ways by Clawback -4Standard Securities and the Council also has the alternative of relying upon its planning powers to stop developments with an increased value taking place if this is considered appropriate. For all of these reasons it is recommended that only Feu Dispositions in industrial estates and within Glenrothes which are not protected by other means be examined and that this examination be restricted to the last 10 years. In cases where there may be a substantial change in value an appropriate notice should be registered. 3.0 Extinction of Feuduty On 28 November 2004 feuduty falls automatically but the Council, as Superior, can claim compensation for loss of its right to collect feuduty by serving notice on a former feuar within two years of 28 November, 2004. Most feuduties are of very small sums and if the amount of compensation which a former feuar is to pay to the Council is more than £50 the former feuar must be allowed to pay in instalments. If the Council were to serve notice on all former feuars the cost of serving the notices would, in many cases, exceed the compensation recoverable. It is therefore recommended that a letter be issued to all former feuars inviting them to voluntarily redeem the feuduty which they currently pay prior to 28 November and advising them that if they do so they will receive a 10% discount on the sum payable to the Council. If feuars do not take up this option it is recommended that further steps to claim compensation be taken only in those cases where it is cost effective to do so. 4.0 Future Sale of Council Houses 4.1 The main provisions of the 2003 Act are to provide a restatement and clarification of the law of burdens other than feudal burdens. The 2003 Act stipulates rules for the creation, enforcement and extinction of such burdens and special rules for community burdens and manager burdens. It also provides a mechanism for getting rid of obsolete burdens and reduces the number of outdated burdens by making it easier to discharge or vary them. It is not intended in this report to summarise the provisions of the 2003 Act in detail. 4.2 Until the start of 2003 all Council houses were sold by means of a Feu Disposition. As outlined in paragraph 2.1.1 above, facility and service burdens contained in these Feu Dispositions will survive feudal abolition and as detailed in paragraph 2.1.2, it is not recommended that steps be taken to preserve amenity burdens. Future sales of Council houses will be by Disposition. -5- 4.3 Section 53 of the 2003 Act provides that where burdens are imposed under a common scheme all units comprised within a group of related properties and subject to the common scheme shall be benefitted properties whose owners are able to enforce such burdens. Unfortunately, neither "common scheme" nor "related properties" are defined in the 2003 Act and this has led to a difference of opinion in the legal profession as to the best way of creating amenity burdens in Dispositions. 4.4 Opinions have been sought from the Professors of Conveyancing but even they differ in the course of action recommended. Whichever recommendation is followed this will involve the Council in incurring expenditure and drafting and recording additional documentation. So far as facility and service burdens are concerned, there is no requirement to do anything as such burdens survive feudal abolition automatically and are enforceable by all owners who make use of the facilities or services concerned. The amenity burdens which cause the problem (such as those prohibiting trade, business, profession or pets) may be of significance in the managing of a housing estate but there are other powers available to Councils such as planning powers, the law of nuisance and anti-social behaviour orders to prevent such activities being carried out. The Head of Housing has consulted with representatives of the Law & Administration Service and it is the view of both the Housing Service and the Law & Administration Service that uncertainty in this area of law, the additional cost and effort to be undertaken in imposing amenity burdens in future Dispositions, the fact that the Council has not previously taken steps to enforce such burdens due to practical and procedural difficulties and that there are adequate and equally effective remedies elsewhere all mean that future Dispositions by the Council for the sale of Council houses should not include any burdens other than facility and service burdens. 5.0 Proposals 5.1 It is proposed that no further action will be taken to either preserve amenity burdens or impose amenity type burdens in future sales of Council houses. 5.2 It is proposed that before 28th November, 2004 the necessary Notices be registered by the Law and Administration Service to preserve those pre emption burdens which the Housing Service identify. 5.3 Resources are not available to carry out a comprehensive title audit of all previous sales of Council properties. In line with the parameters suggested in paragraph 2.1.4 it is further proposed that only a limited -6review of the Council's sales be carried out which would focus on development value burdens in feudal titles in industrial estates and within Glenrothes and that in those cases where there may be a substantial change in value the Law and Administration Service take all appropriate steps to register the necessary notices before 28th November, 2004. No further action will be taken regarding other disposals though it is acknowledged that staff will be aware of other transactions which should be examined and this will be done. 5.4 It is also proposed that those who currently pay feuduty to the Council be written to inviting them to voluntarily redeem the feuduty before 28th November, 2004 and that, for those who do not exercise this option, the Law and Administration Service take all appropriate steps to claim compensation where it is cost effective to do so. 6.0 Recommendation 6.1 It is recommended that the Committee approve the limited consideration of previous feus granted by the Council as detailed in the body of this report and authorise the Head of Law & Administration in conjunction with the Head of Service Support and the Head of Housing to take the appropriate limited action detailed in part 5 of this report to protect the Council's interests where necessary. John McHugh Head of Service Support Harry Tait Head of Law & Administration Alan Davidson Head of Housing Contact Officer: Gary Westwater Operations Manager Service Support - Facilities Kingdom House Kingdom Avenue Glenrothes KY7 5LY