PRECLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY Subject Study program Code Study year Semester Total hours Credits Type of subject Prerequisites Perform department Responsible professor Address Key words Preclinical periodontology Doctor of dental medicine 4111 4th (fourth) 8th (eight) 60 4 Obligatory, dental, preclinical subject Earned credits from: Oral biochemistry and General pathology Department of oral pathology and periodontology Prof. PhD Kiro Ivanovski Department of Periodontology and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Street Vodnjanska No. 18 Skopje. Phone: +389 (0)2 3299 038. e-mail: Faculty of Dentistry, 1st cycle of studies, obligatory subject, Preclinical periodontology. Curriculum Theoretical lectures Periodontology as a subject of dentistry Anatomic and histological characteristics of gingiva Anatomic and histological characteristics of periodontal ligament Anatomic and histological characteristics of alveolar bone and cement Classification of periodontal disease Epidemiology of gingivitis and periodontal disease Etiology of periodontal disease Dental plaque Characteristics of subgingival plaque Microbiology of periodontal disease The role of local factors in etiology of periodontal disease Periodontal disease modified by systemic factors (diabetes, pregnancy, smoke etc) 1st colloquium The role of occlusal trauma in etiology of periodontal disease Pathogenesis of periodontal disease Pathogenesis of periodontal pocket Clinical manifestation of chronic periodontal disease (inflammation, recession, periodontal pocket and luxation) Aggressive periodontitis, nnecrotizing ulcerating periodontitis, periodontal abscess Hours 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Systemic effects of periodontal disease 2nd colloquium Practical lectures Anatomical and histological characteristics of healthy periodontal ligament Examination of the oral hygiene status Removment of dental plaque and calculus, mechanical removing of dental calculus and instruments for mechanical removment of dental calculus. Periodontal pocket Examine of periodontal status and periodontal probing 1 colloquium Periodontal instruments and instrumentation in upper left quadrant Periodontal instruments and instrumentation in lower right quadrant Periodontal instruments and instrumentation in lower left quadrant Periodontal instruments and instrumentation in upper right quadrant Periodontal instruments and instrumentation in upper frontal sextant Periodontal instruments and instrumentation in lower frontal sextant Evaluation of knowledge 2nd colloquium Organization Learning methods Learning outcomes 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Theoretical lectures: 30 hours, Practical lectures: 30 hours. Interactive lectures (theoretical), work in small groups (exercises) and other study methods, based on the common criteria established by the Bologna Agreement. Outcomes from theoretical lectures Wide knowledge of histology of periodontal tissues Wide knowledge of the etiology of periodontal disease Basic knowledge of the pathogenesis of periodontal disease Wide knowledge of the clinical manifestation of periodontal disease Outcomes from practical lectures Qualified for recognition and detection of clinical manifestation of periodontitis Qualified for ultrasonic instrumentation. Qualified for use of periodontal equipment. Evaluation of students learning activity (classes/lessons) Activity Regularity in attending theoretical lectures Active participation Minimum 3 6 Credit points Maximum 5 10 on theoretical lectures Regularity in attending practical lectures Active participation on practical lectures Continuous checking of the student’s knowledge Total 3 5 9 15 39 65 60 100 If the student does not pass the first colloquium he/she will have a chance of examination of the entire teaching content in exam session. Earned point <60 60-67 68-75 76-84 85-93 94-100 The student load/hours Assessment of knowledge Literature Language credit Mark ECTS mark 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lectures Preparing for lectures Consultations Exercises Preparing for exercises Total Evaluation Total Credits F E D C B A 30 20 5 30 10 100 20 120 4 Continuous examination, 2 colloquiums , 1st colloquium: 30 points, 2nd colloquium: 30 points, practical test: 5 points, continuing examinations of practical and theoretical knowledge: 35 points. Ivanovski Kiro, Preclinical periodontology. Faculty of dentistry. Skopje, 2013 (in Macedonian) Minovska A. Periodontal disease. Faculty of dentistry. Skopje, 2008 (in Macedonian) Macedonian