Medical Breakthrough in Oxford - Comp

Neural Peptides: “Tomorrows Medicine Today”
New Therapy for the Treatment of Allergic Diseases
Medical researchers in the ancient university city of Oxford, England, in association with a
group of their Swiss colleagues, completed a medical research venture, which had lasted for
over twenty-five years. The result of this project is a new, completely, non-toxic and
extremely effective therapeutic approach to some of the most serious diseases which could
not be effectively treated in the past. This research conclusively ascertained that the cause
of many serious chronic diseases is an underlying disorder of the immune system.
The human body possesses the ability to distinguish between “self tissues” and “non-self
tissues”. The inner surveillance of the human body and the process of rejecting anything
that the surveillance system marks as “non-self” take place through a very complex
mechanism. For this reason, we will have to greatly simplify the explanations and
examples which follow:
The “normal” immune system is an amazing instrument of unlimited capabilities, fulfilling
myriad tasks in order to protect each individual from all imaginable threats. But the
minutest deviation in the many functions of the immune system can be disastrous.
The immune system is a successor of ancient defense mechanisms in more primitive
organisms than mammals. It sometimes overreacts, goes into panic, and becomes literally
berserk. For example, if the body detects lipopolysacharide endotoxin , the product
excreted by some strains of often harmless Gram-negative bacteria, it turns on every
defense at its disposal: it will bomb, defoliate, blockade, seal off and destroy all tissues in
that area – causing fever, hemorrhage, necrosis and shock. And yet, there is nothing
poisonous about this endotoxin itself - - but the body must surely – if mistakenly – believe
that the endotoxin poses an extreme threat to its existence.
The most devastating failure of the immune system is cancer. Everybody develops some
cancer cells continuously throughout life – but the immune system normally detects these
cells and destroys them in the very early stages during their proliferation, before they
develop and cause problems. For a variety of reasons, the immune system sometimes fails
to perform this task.
The body also sometimes produces antibodies against it own tissues – as if these normal
tissues were foreign intruders. This invariably leads to development of a serious chronic
disease. The diseases (such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Glommerulonephritis, Addison’s
Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus, Myasthenia Gravis, various disorders of blood,
the endocrine system, the intestines etc.) are virtually untreatable by today’s medicine –
apart from relieving the pain, inflammation and other symptoms. Once more, the afflicted
patients are, almost without an exception, variously harmed by these “treatments of
For example, a patient suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis is often prescribed
corticosteroids (such as Prednisone). Corticosteroids do not influence the course of the
disease itself – but just “cover” some of the patient’s symptoms.
These drugs
indiscriminately suppress the entire defense system of the body, leaving the patient exposed
to the myriad of intruders such as viruses, bacteria and, which is the most serious threat of
all, destroys his defenses against cancer.
And, on top of it, the manufacturers of corticosteroids themselves list among the side effects
of corticosteroids the following problems:
“Accumulation of fluid that can lead to a heart failure; osteoporosis leading to spontaneous
fractures of bones; susceptibility to all forms of viral and bacterial infections including
often fatal septicaemia, tuberculosis, disseminated fungal infections etc. – with frequent
deaths recorded in patients who contacted the common children disease varicella; eye
diseases such as glaucoma and cataract; sugar diabetes; mental and neurological
disturbances; acute pancreatitis; increase of blood coagulation leading to thrombo-embolic
complications which could result in deaths” – etc. etc. (Martindale, “The Complete Drug
Reference, 32nd Edition, pages 1010 and 1011)
Naturally, this very group of devastating diseases had been the main focus of attention of
the Oxford medical researchers. Solutions of Peptides had finally been developed for
several serious diseases, which could not be effectively treated until now.
Subsequent clinical trials, where more than 15,000 patients had been treated, established
the fact that this form of therapy is completely safe (there had been no fatalities associated
with the treatment – and not even one single adverse reaction was recorded which would
necessitate a discontinuation of the treatment, throughout the entire five years of clinical
The clinical trials also demonstrated the astonishing efficacy of this new therapeutic
regimen: 96 percent of patients responded to the therapy, most within days of being
commenced on the treatment.
The Solutions of Peptides are administered by intra muscular injections. In almost all
cases, the effect takes place within one or two days following the first treatment.
The treatment is then repeated every 21 to 28 days – until the condition “stabilizes” – i.e.
until the immunologically competent cells, coming to the circulation from the bone marrow,
become free of the immunogenic sites that stimulate the production of unwanted antibodies
(this usually happens after nine to ten treatments).
The only contraindication for this treatment is any concurrent treatment with any and all
immunosuppressive drugs (such as corticosteroids or cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, e.g.
Cyclosporin or Methotrexate), which would render the immune system of the body unable
to recognize the antagonist peptides -–the active ingredient of the Solutions of Peptides.
This therapeutic modality is presently confined to only few selected medical centers – and it
will be so for approximately another one year. Only a limited amount of this therapeutic
material can be produced and so only those patients who do not respond to the various
symptomatic treatments currently available are normally chosen for this therapeutic
We are pleased and honored to be one of the medical centers offering this
spectacular therapy to our patients.