TEACHERS - Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy - PEP Name: Jenifer L. Surname: Ehreth Function: Consultant Email: JeniferEhreth@wanadoo.fr Address: 48, rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie 75004 Paris France Nationality: Teaching in PEP: Medical Devices: Comparison between drugs and devices Medical Devices: Reimbursement in Europe Medical Devices: Economic Evaluation for Devices Case Study: NICE Guidance for Dual Chamber Pacing Education: 1991 1987 1983 1976 1974 1965 Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, Post-Doctoral Fellow (Health Care Financing) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Ph.D., (Business Administration, Economics) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, M.H.A., (Health Policy) Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, Certificate, (Toxicology) University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, B.S., (Chemistry) Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA, A.A. Diploma, (Nursing) Professional experience: 2006-present Head International Economic Affairs, Celgene International Sàrl, Paris, France.: Created the department responsible for economic analyses, outcomes research, pricing, and reimbursement. 2002-2006 2000-2002 2003-present 2001-2006 1997-2000: 1995-1997: 1996-Present: 1992-1996: 1990-1991: 1987-1996: 1982-1994: 1980-1981: 1975-1978: 1973-1975: 1972-1973: 1971-1972: 1969-1971: 1967-1969: 1965-1967: Executive Director of International Health Economics and Reimbursement, Medtronic Internationale SA, Tolochenaz, Switzerland. Vice President, Corporate Health Economics and Pricing, Aventis Pasteur, Lyon France. Adjunct Professor, University of Lausanne, Health Economic Institute, Lausanne, Switzerland. Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University. Executive Director, Outcomes Research - Europe, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Paris, France. Executive Director, Health Economics, SmithKline Beecham World Wide Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, PA. Clinical Associate Professor, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, Department of Health Services, University of Washington. Faculty member for the Association of University Programs in Health Administration Executive Fellowship Program. Visiting Scholar, Prospective Payment Assessment Commission, House of Representatives, Ways and Means Committee, Washington, DC. Associate Professor, (Assistant Professor 87-93) School of Public Health & Community Medicine, Department of Health Services, University of Washington. Research Coordinator, Instructor, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant; Schools of Business and Public Health & Community Medicine, University of Washington. Nursing Supervisor, Island Manor Nursing Home, Vashon Island, WA. State Toxicologist and Section Head for Alcohol and Drugs, Montana State Departments of Public Health and Justice. Critical Care Department Head and Clinical Supervisor - ICU, CCU, PCU and Renal Dialysis; St. Joseph Hospital, Tacoma, WA. Operating Room Nurse, St. Peter's Hospital, Olympia, WA. Open Heart Surgery Nurse Specialist, San Joaquin Hospital, Bakersfield, CA. Head Nurse - Intensive and Coronary Care, Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, Bakersfield, CA. ICU Nurse - Viet Nam casualties, Clark Air Force Base Hospital, Republic of the Philippines. Head Nurse - Psychiatry, Jackson Hospital, Montgomery, AL. Professional Consulting Positions 1993-1995: 1992: MEDTAP (Battelle Memorial Institute), Arlington, VA, Developed a computer-based cost-benefit methodology for government regulatory agency evaluation of the costs and benefits of school-based smoking, pregnancy, alcohol, and drug prevention programs. Providence Medical Center of Portland, Developed a protocol for the cost evaluation of their RWJ Strengthening Nursing Demonstration. 1984: 1983-1985: Wm. M. Mercer-Meidinger, Inc., Design and implementation of a utilization, cost, and financial review system for insurance claims. Northwest Oncology Foundation, Automation of patient records, utilization review, quality assurance assessment. Fields of interest: Reimbursement systems Cost effectiveness analyses Research design Selected publications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ehreth JL. A study of newly licensed physicians. Journal of Medical Education, March 1984; 59(3):198-200. Chapko MK, Weissert WG, Ehreth JL, Hedrick S, Kelly JR. A model for reducing the cost of care in VA medical centers that offer adult day health care. Journal of Health and Aging, November 1990; 2(4):502-513. Hedrick SC, Sullivan JH, Ehreth JL, Rothman ML, Connis RT, Erdly WW. Centralized vs. decentralized coordination in the Adult Day Health Care Study. New Directions for Program Evaluation Quarterly, Summer 1991; (50):19-31. Wagner EH, Koepsell T, Anderman CA, Cheadle A, Curry SJ, Psaty BM, Wickizer TM, Beery WL, Diehr PK, Ehreth JL, Kehrer BH, Pearson DC, Perrin EB. The evaluation of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation's Community Health Promotion Grant Program: Design. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1991; 44(7):685-699. Chapko ML, Ehreth JL, Hedrick S. Methods of determining the cost of health care in the Veterans Administration and other non-priced settings. Evaluation and the Health Professions, September 1991; 14(3):282-303. Hedrick SC, Rothman ML, Chapko M, Inui TS, Kelly JR, Ehreth JL. Adult Day Health Care Evaluation Study: methodology and implementation. Health Services Research, February 1991; 25(6):935-960. Ehreth JL. Cost methodology in long-term care evaluations. Medical Care Review, Fall 1992; 49(3):331-353. Ehreth JL, Diehr P, Durham ML, Hecht J. A tool for administrative decision making: Predicting health status from management information system data. The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, October 1992; 15(4):30-39. Ehreth JL. Hospital survival in a competitive environment: The competitive constituency model. Hospital & Health Services Administration, Spring 1993, 38(1):23-44. Ehreth JL, Chapko ML, Hedrick SC. Financial management of posthospital care programs. Health Care Management Review, Spring 1993, 18(2):67-76. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ehreth JL, Chapko MK, Hedrick SC, Savarino JE. Cost of Veterans Affairsadult day health care programs and their effect on utilization and cost of care. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS50-61. Ehreth JL, Chapko MK, Hedrick SC. Comparison of utilization and cost among contract adult day health care, VA adult day health care, and customary care. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS84-93. Chapko MK, Rothman ML, Ehreth JL, Hedrick SC, Sullivan J, Erdly W, Cooper S. Data collection in the Adult Day Health Care Evaluation Study. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS15-25. Chapko MK, Ehreth JL, Hedrick SC, Rothman ML. The effects of adult day health care on utilization and cost of care for subgroups of patients. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS62-74. Hedrick SC, Rothman ML, Chapko MK, Ehreth JL, Diehr P, Innui TS, Connis RT, Grover PL, Kelly JR. Summary and discussion of methods and results of the Adult Day Health Care Evaluation Study. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS94-103. Connis RT, Hedrick SC, Ries LM, Erdly WW, Ehreth JL, Conrad KJ. The adult day health care organizational and program characteristics. Medical Care, Sept. 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS26-37. Hedrick SC, Rothman ML, Chapko M, Inui TS, Kelly JR, Ehreth JL. Overview and patient recruitment in the Adult Day Health Care Evaluation Study. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS3-14. Hedrick SC, Chapko M, Ehreth J, Rothman ML, Kelly JR, Inui TS. Implications of the Adult Day Health Care Evaluation Study for program revision and research. Medical Care, 1993; Supplement 31(9):SS104-15. *Blount BW, Hart G, Ehreth JL. A description of the content of Army family practice. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, Army Family Practice, March/April 1993, 6(2):143-152. Ehreth JL. The development and evaluation of hospital performance measures for policy analysis. Medical Care, June 1994, 32(6):568-87. *Fox S and Ehreth JL. A cost evaluation of a hospital-based perinatal case management program. Nursing Economics, July/August 1994, 12(4):21420. *Blount BW, Hart G, Ehreth JL. A comparison of the content of Army family practice to nonfederal family practice. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, Army Family Practice, Sept/Oct 1994, 7(5):395-402. Hedrick SC, Rubenstein LZ, Wieland D, Buchner DM, Reuben DB, Ehreth JL. Effectiveness of Geriatric Evaluation and Management: Design of a study. Aging: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1995, 7(3):1-3. Patrick DL, Beresford SAA, Ehreth J, Diehr P, Picciano J, Durham M, Grembowski DE. Interpreting Excess Mortality in a Prevention Trial for Older Adults. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1995, 24(3) Suppl. 1:S27-33. Ehreth JL. The Implications for Information System Design of How Health Care Costs are Determined. Medical Care, 1996, 34(3): MS69-83. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Revicki DA and Ehreth JL. Health-related Quality of Life Assessment and Strategic Planning for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Clinical Therapeutics, 1997, 19(5): 1101-15. Maynard C, Ehreth JL, Cox GB, Peterson PD, McGann ME. Racial Differences in the Utilization of Community Mental Health Services in Washington State. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 1997, 24(5): 411-424. Ehreth JL. The financial effects of a shift to capitation for state mental health services, J. of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management, 1998, 10(4): 579-596. Patrick DL, Ehreth JL, et al. Cost and outcomes of Medicare reimbursement for preventive services in an HMO, Health Care Financing Review, Fall 1999, L’Italien G, Ford I, Norrie J, LaPuerta P, Ehreth JL, Jackson J, Shepherd J, The Cardiovascular Event Reduction Tool Prevention Study (WOSCOPS), The American Journal of Cardiology, 2000, March 15 (85): 720-724. Ehreth JL, The Global Value of Vaccination, Vaccine, 2002, 21(596-600). Khan M, Ehreth JL, The Costs and Benefits of Polio Eradication: A LongRun Perspective, Vaccine, 2002, 21(702-705). Ruben FL, Ehreth J, Maritime Health: A Case for Preventing Influenza on the High Seas, International Maritime Health, 2002, 53(1-4). Ehreth JL, The Value of Vaccination: A Global View, Vaccine, 2003, vol. 21(27-28) 4105-4117. Ehreth JL, The economies of vaccination from a global perspective: present and future, Expert Review Vaccines 4(1) 2005, 19-21. Bishai D, Brice R, Girod I, Saleh A, Ehreth JL, Conjoint analysis of French and German parents’ willingness to pay for Meningococcal vaccine, Pharmacoeconomics 2007, 25(2)143-154. Caro JJ, Ward A, Baris D, O’Brien J, Ehreth J. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Preventing Sudden Cardiac Deaths with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) vs. Amiodarone, Value in Health, 2007 vol. 10(1) 13-22.