Abstract Environmental gradients affect where plant communities are able to either thrive or lead a marginal existence. Physical factors such as light and water availability, average temperature, and topographic position determine to a large extent the ecological niche of plant species. In recording tree species and basal area data along a slope gradient in upstate NY, the impact of slope position on species composition became evident. Different forest types were encountered along the transect line. It became obvious to even the most novice observer that slope position directly determined what tree species were found at the 0.01ac sample points. Introduction The natural world is a diverse array of countless different kinds of plants, animals, and land. Uniformity in setting is not the norm and the reason that such biodiversity exists is because of the changes in water availability, hours of daylight, elevation, drainage, and soil texture. These are but a sampling of the ecological factors responsible for the enormous scale by which life exists. A good example of this is the impact of latitude on plant species. Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is common in the area surrounding Syracuse, NY. However, one would be hard pressed to locate such a specimen in Florida. The range of the tree is only as far south as the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia. In this way, both temperature and elevation play a role in determining the realized niche of the black cherry. In a study done in Louisiana and Florida, herbaceous/herb data collection in quadrats located along an elevational gradient found three separate plant communities which could be delineated (Drewa et al, 2002). These separate communities were along a gradient of only several meters. These plant communities were closely linked to available soil moisture (Drewa et al, 2002). In addition, in a study which examined the physical factors of forest edges versus interiors, the authors found that maximum air temperatures and relative humidity changed significantly (Cadenasso et al, 1997). These changes were observed as one moved from the forest edge into the interior of the forested stand. These results were observed at both a northwest-facing slope and a northeastfacing slope. In this case, the fragmentation of a forest led to a change in the environmental factors (i.e. maximum air temperature and relative humidity) as one moved along a gradient from a forest edge into a forest. Hypothesis and Objectives In order to test the theory of change along an environmental gradient, a study was performed in Heiberg Forest located in Tully, NY. By recording tree species and size data along a gradient, it was hoped that conclusive evidence would be found to disprove the null hypothesis. HO being that a slope gradient does not impact tree species or determine tree populations. The alternative hypothesis (HA) being that a slope gradient does impact tree species and determines, to some extent, tree populations. The objective of this study was to discover, in analyzing the field data, whether conclusive evidence could be found to refute the null hypothesis. Slope position determines microsite conditions such as available water, depth to the water table, available light, and soil nutrient availability. The dynamic nature of these attributes 1 across a gradient is drastic enough to warrant a change in successful forest types. This is what the study was determined to find. Results After completion of the fieldwork, the hard data was entered into a spreadsheet and the basal area was calculated for each DBH (diameter at breast height) recorded. The formula for this calculation is .005454(D)^2 where D = diameter. Using a bar graph, these basal areas were visually displayed. Two bar graphs were made; one using basal area as the measurement (Chart A) and the other simply using a tree count per species at each of the five sample points (Chart B). In both cases, there are evident differences in tree species distribution as one moves from plot 1 towards plot 9. Hard maple (Acer sacharum) and black cherry (Prunus serotina) were found in greater numbers in plot 1 and plot 3 then in plots 7 and 9. Also, hemlock (Tsugas canadensis) was found in a greater proportion in plots 7 and 9 then in plots 1, 3, or 5 where is was almost nonexistent. Although, it should be noted that there was a lot of advanced hemlock regeneration on plot 5. These are two of the more identifiable trends along the transect although there are some other less obvious ones as well. American beech (Fagus grandifolia) was observed in appreciable numbers in plots 5 and 7 but disappeared by plot 9. One yellow birch (Betula alleganiensis) was observed at plot 7 and an anomalous hemlock was observed at plot. Both of these occurrences contributed too little basal area to their respective plots to be considered noteworthy. CHART A Distribution of tree species as observed along a slope gradient in Heiberg Forest, Tully, NY 20.00 Basal Area (sq.ft./ac) 18.00 16.00 YB BE HE RM BC HM 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 Plot 1 Plot 3 Plot 5 Transect Position 2 Plot 7 Plot 9 CHART B Distribution of tree species as observed along a slope gradient in Heiberg Forest, Tully, NY 20.00 Basal Area (sq.ft./ac) 18.00 16.00 YB BE HE RM BC HM 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 Plot 1 Plot 3 Plot 5 Plot 7 Plot 9 Transect Position Conclusion With the support of the data and results of this experiment, a few conclusions can be made. Tree species, such as hard maple and black cherry, can be found in abundance at plots one and three. These two species require well-drained soil in order to survive. When looking past site one up the hill, hard maple and black cherry still dominated the landscape. At site one, one hemlock was recorded in our data set. This hemlock can be considered an anomaly because it attributed little basal area to that plot and, therefore, not contributing a large amount of biomass to the site. Site one also had the highest basal area out of all other plots. As one travels further down the slope gradient, the soils become more imperfectly drained to such a degree that standing water was found between plots seven and nine. The hard maple and black cherry disappeared as the transect continued down the slope. These species were replaced by American beech initially and subsequently by hemlock and soft maple at the bottom of the slope (plot nine). This change in species composition could be a consequence of changing levels in soil drainage classes. For instance, species such as hemlock and soft maple do better on wet sites than on dry sites. These species are able to outcompete hard maple and black cherry on more moist soils. At plots five and seven an abundance of beech was also found, it is possible that hard maple and black cherry seedlings were out competed by beech seedlings on wetter soils. Beech is known to survive in relatively harsh conditions and has a good tolerance to shade where as maple and cherry need much more sunlight to regenerate. In conclusion, we reject our null hypothesis, which stated slope gradient does not impact tree species or determine tree populations. The study found that slope gradients do have a profound effect on tree species and populations. 3 Literature Cited Cadenasso, M.L., M.M. Traynor, and S.T.A. Pickett. 1997. Functional location of forest edges: gradients of multiple physical factors. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 27, no.5: p.774-782 Drewa, P.B., W.J. Platt and E.B. Moser. 2002. Community structure along elevation gradients in headwater regions of longleaf pine savannas. Plant Ecology. 160, no.1: p. 61-78 4