
Organizational Psychology
Organizational Psychology
The discipline of psychology permits researchers to analyze several areas of human
behavior. Researchers attempt to know the cognitive functions of human behavior as
well as mental procedure in social surroundings. Psychologists utilize scientific
experimentation to recognize correlations of different factors of human behavior in a
variety of settings. The knowledge psychologists acquire from analyzing and
experimenting with human behavior can be applied to a lot of sub-fields for example
organizational psychology. Organizational psychology concentrates on finding out
methods to promote and improve employee performance at work.
Organizational Psychology
Organizational psychology is usually known as industrial psychology. Companies use
industrial psychology to create effective working conditions which increase production
and employee satisfaction. As per Steve Jex and Thomas Britt, “Flourishing
establishments allow for employment chances, which aids to further the economic wellbeing of society in general” (para. 3, 2008). Analyzing individual as well as group
behavior in formal place of work settings permits companies to pattern employee
behavior. Subjects of great interest are generally split up into two classes: industrial side
and organizational side. Industrial studies concentrate on creating productive methods
linked with training, hiring, compensation, performance evaluations, and classification
(Jex & Britt, 2008). The organizational aspect of psychology provides knowledge of
socialization, inspiration, leadership, development, performance, and work related
requirements (Jex & Britt, 2008).
Organizational Psychology Research
The initial step in using organizational psychology is the execution of predetermined
research techniques to respond to questions and collect data. Organizational
psychologists utilize a number of quantitative as well as qualitative research techniques
to analyze employee behavior. Techniques of research incorporate observational
studies, archival data gathering, surveys, experimentation, and quasi-experimentation
(Jex & Britt, 2008). Each research technique provides disadvantages and advantages
based on industry as well as application. Selecting the suitable research technique most
likely depends on organizational goals. Usually, a diversified research strategy provides
the most practical way of data gathering. Another significant factor companies should
take into account is expense of performing different research methods. An important
factor all companies should keep in mind is validating the data gathered will be
important to research success as well as organizational improvement.
Organizational Psychology Statistics
Compiling correct statistics is an important step in validating a researcher’s theory.
Statistical analysis of all research data should be carried out to develop supports
systems which upgrade productivity. Researchers usually depend on four fundamental
ways to evaluate research data.
 Descriptive statistics are utilized to show gathered data in quantitative terms.
Figures are usually used to indicate the information researchers’ survey.
 The test of ways analysis approach involves separating chance from non-chance
results (Jex & Britt, 2008). Scientists often use two test groups to develop
comparisons required to formulate theory.
 Correlation and regression analysis determine relationships between dependant
and independent variables. A connection coefficient is utilized to show statistical
relationship or association of two parameters. The regression model shows a
numerical values of an independent and dependant variable.
 Meta-analysis offers an average of combined studies relevant to the first
research topic. Identification of a common effect size, usually obtained from the
correlation coefficient, is essential for statistical evaluation.
How to use Organizational Psychology
Companies should offer sufficient compensation which motivates workers remain
productive and follow company goals. Organizational psychology utilizes research,
quantitative techniques, as well as experimentation to create systems which enhance
employee satisfaction. The scientific models of carrying out research assists
differentiate organizational psychology from other areas of psychology. Organizational
psychologists concentrate on empirical data and statistics to create productive systems.
Companies use data gathered from different research methods to:
 Carry out job evaluation and performance evaluations
 Hire as well as interview workers
 Developed selection methods
 Inspire workers
 Relieve stressful issues at work
 Notice group behavior
 Produce training methods
 Stimulate organizational tradition
 Create leadership within a company
 Decrease conflict
 Apply change
Organizational psychology can impact every factor of the workplace. A lot of indirect
advantages of organizational psychology could be connected with organizational
efficiency, sustainability, and business success (Jex & Britt, 2008).
Formal organizations which use organizational as well as industrial psychology methods
regularly experience increased employee satisfaction, greater profits, decreased
employee turnover, and higher production. The information acquired from successful
organizational psychology practices may be used to fix persistent problems. An
important factor of identifying organizational requirements is the statistical analysis of
data gathered from research. Analyzing all data makes sure companies develop
methods to improve work environments.