Nov.. 2nd - Church of the Good Shepherd

668 MANAWAGONISH RD., Saint John, N. B. E2M 3W5
(506) 635-8145 CHURCH OFFICE (506) 635-8258 CHURCH HALL
Organist/Choir Director:
Parish Administrator
Church Sexton:
Youth Minister:
Senior Warden:
Junior Warden:
Past Warden:
Parish Treasurer:
Vestry Clerk:
David Mitchell
Wanda Cross (Mon-Fri.9-12)
Larry Totton
Rebecca Snow
Janet Brown
Bruce MacLeod
Shayne Galbraith
Fred Dewitt
Terry Ricketts
Vestry Portfolios:
Building & Maintenance
Christian Ed. & Youth:
Finance & Stewardship
Mission and Outreach:
Housekeeping & Safety
John Flewelling
Lisa Miller-Snow
Eugene McKenelley
Judy Campbell
Terry Ricketts
Ngaire Nelson
Office and Church:
668 Manawagonish Rd Saint John NB
St. George's & St. Jude's Anglican Church
183 Duke Street W., Saint John, N. B. E2M 1T5
(506) 635-8620 PARISH OFFICE (506) 608-0176 RECTOR’S CELL
Organist/Choir Director:
David Ripley
Susan Jack
Ann Stone
Marthas & Marys
Arlene Trask
Tintinabula Bell Choir
Arlene Trask
Brownies, Sparks, Path’ers Margaret Ann Reid
Care Connection
Olive Estabrooks
Rev. Chris McMullen, Rector, Good Shepherd
Church Phone - 635-8145
Church Hall - 635-8258
Rectory - 693-9423
Rev. Rob Salloum, Rector, St.George's-St.Jude's
Church Phone - 635-8145
Rector’s Cell – 608-0176
Anglican Parishes of West Saint John
Sunday, 10:30am Service:
(Second Page)
Church of the Good Shepherd (Parish of Lancaster)
The Rev. Chris McMullen, Rector
Mr. David Mitchell, Organist
The Holy Eucharist: Praise and Prayer
The Parish of West Saint John
The Rev. Rob Salloum, Rector – West Saint John
Mr. David Ripley, Organist
The Gathering of the Community
(Saint John Mission to Seafarers) (Book of Alternative Services)
February 1, 2015
Epiphany IV: The Presentation of Our Lord
Blessed are you, O Lord our God,
for you have sent us your salvation.
Inspire us by your Holy Spirit
to recognize him who is the glory of Israel
and the light for all nations,
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Exodus 13: 1-2, 8-16 “Consecration of the Firstborn”
Psalm 24 “Entrance Hymn to the Temple”
Luke 2: 22-40 “Jesus is Presented in the Temple”
Sunday 9:00am: Holy Eucharist: Spoken
(Church of the Good Shepherd) (Book of Common Prayer)
(Please note that while we worship in the hall we will use the “BCP Service”
as it is printed in the Book of Alternative Services pages 230-255)
Opening Prayers
(BAS pages 230 f.)
Collect for Today
(see above)
Today’s Lessons:
Exodus 13: 1-2, 8-16 “Consecration of the Firstborn” (page 52)
Psalm 24 “Entrance Hymn to the Temple” (Pew Bible p. 436)
Luke 2: 22-40 “Jesus is Presented in the Temple” (page 833)
Sermon: “What’s the Deal About n First-Born Sons?”
(Exodus 13: 1-16 and Luke 2: 22-40)
(BAS page 234)
Intercessions, Confession and Absolution (BAS pages 236-240)
Thanksgiving and Consecration
(BAS pages 241-243)
Prayers After Communion
(BAS pages 247-248)
* * * * * * * *
The Service of the Word
Collect for the Day (see First Page)
Scripture Readings:
Collect for the Day:
Nicene Creed
Welcome and Opening Worship
“Lord I Come to You” MP # 880
“Something Good is Going to Happen” (Handout)
Gradual Song: “Glorify Thy Name” MP # 142
Message: The Rev. Chris McMullen
(BAS page 188)
The Service of the Table
Offertory Praise
“He Touched Me” (handout)
The Prayers of the People
Confession and Absolution
Sharing of the Peace
The Great Thanksgiving
(BAS page 191)
(BAS Prayer # 4, page 201)
The Lord’s Prayer
The Breaking of the Bread
(BAS Sentences # 4, page 212)
Communion Hymns:
“I Am the Bread of Heaven” (handout)
“Follow Me” (handout)
Prayer after Communion
Concluding Praise
“I Am the Light of the World”
(Third Page)
(Fourth Page)
The light of God has come to us
So that we might have salvation;
From the darkness of our sins
We walk into glory with Christ Jesus
Sunday, 10:30am: The Holy Eucharist: Choral
(Church of the Good Shepherd) (Book of Alternative Services)
Gathering of the Community
Donald Fishel © 1974 Word of God/Copy Care
Used under permission of CCLI # 2319023
Processional Hymn
CP # 460
"Shine, Jesus! Shine!"
Greeting and Prayer
(Book of Alternative Services page 185)
Song of Praise
(Sung; BAS page 186)
Collect for the Day
(See First Page)
Proclamation of the Word
Scripture Lessons
Exodus 13: 1-2, 8-16 “Consecration of the Firstborn” (page 52)
Psalm 24 “Entrance Hymn to the Temple” (Pew Bible p. 436)
Hebrews 2: 14-18“Jesus the Perfect Offering” (page 971)
Gradual Hymn
MP # 652
“The Light of Christ”
The light of Christ has come into the world
The light of Christ has come into the world.
All men must be born again
To se the kingdom of God;
The water and the Spirit
Bring new life in God's love.
God gave up His only Son
Out of love for the world,
So that all men who believe in Him
Will live for ever.
Gospel Lesson
(before the Lesson: "Glory to You Lord Jesus Christ")
Luke 2: 22-40 “Jesus is Presented in the Temple” (page 833)
(After the Lesson: "Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ")
(Sing refrain and Last Verse after the Gospel)
The light of Christ has come into the world
The light of Christ has come into the world.
--the Rev’d Paul Ranson
(Chaplain, Rothesay Netherwood School)
The Nicene Creed
(BAS page 188-9)
The Prayers of the People
Let us pray to the Father through Christ who is our light and life.
Father, your Christ is acclaimed as the glory of Israel:
look in mercy on your Church, sharing his light.
Lord, have mercy.
All: Christ, have mercy.
Father, your Christ in his temple brings judgement on the world:
look in mercy on the nations, who long for his justice.
Lord, have mercy.
All: Christ, have mercy.
Father, your Christ, who was rich, for our sakes became poor:
look in mercy on the needy, suffering with him.
Lord, have mercy.
All: Christ, have mercy.
Father, your Christ is the one in whom faithful servants
find their peace:
look in mercy on the departed, that they may see your salvation.
Lord, have mercy.
All: Christ, have mercy.
Father, your Christ is revealed as the one destined to be rejected:
look in mercy on us who now turn towards his passion.
Lord, have mercy.
All: Christ, have mercy.
Lord God, you kept faith with Simeon and Anna,
and showed them the infant King.
Give us grace to put all our trust in your promises,
and the patience to wait for their fulfilment;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
(Church of England, Common Worship © 2000,
Used with permission, Archbishops’ Council)
Confession and Absolution
(BAS page 191)
(Fifth Page)
The Peace
(Sixth Page)
“He is Good”
Celebration of the Eucharist
The Offertory Hymn
"I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say…"
The Great Thanksgiving
He is good, He is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
He is good, he is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks, for He is good.
CP # 508
(BAS Prayer # 4, page 201)
The Lord’s Prayer
The Breaking of the Bread
(BAS Sentences # 4, page 212)
Lamb of God
(BAS page 226, CP 690)
The Communion
All baptized Christians who are welcome to receive communion in the practice
of their own church, are most welcome to receive as well at Anglican Eucharists.
Research has shown that those who sip from the main Chalice, properly
administered and wiped, neither transmit nor receive contaminants.
If you prefer to receive the blood of Christ from an individual cup instead,
please take one from the Server following the Priest,
and hold it for the Lay-Reader to fill from the chalice.
The Congregation is invited to join in singing these hymns:
“Come to the Table”
Come to the table of mercy
Prepared with the wine and the bread
All who are hungry and thirsty
Come and your souls will be fed
Chorus: Come at the Lord’s invitation
Receive from His nail scarred hand
Eat of the bread of salvation
Drink of the Blood of the Lamb
Claire Cloninger © 1991 Integrity’s Hossana! Music
Used with permission CCLI # 2319023
“His Name is Life”
His name is Master, Saviour, Lion of Judah,
Blessed Prince of Peace;
Shepherd, Fortress, Rock of Salvation –
Lamb of God is He.
Son of David, King of the Ages, Eternal Life;
Holy Lord of Glory – His Name is Life.
Gloria and William Gaither © 1983 Gaither Music Co.
Used with permission CCLI# 2319023
For His unfailing love and his wonderful deeds
Give thanks, give thanks to the Lord!
He is good, He is good.
His love endures forever.
Give thanks for He is good.
Frank Hernandez and Jess Nelson © 1998 Birdwing Music
Used with permission CCLI # 2319023
Choir Anthem: “Then Sings My Soul”
Prayer after Communion and Doxology
(BAS page 214)
Recessional Hymn
“You Shall Go Out With Joy”
MP # 796
You shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace,
and the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you.
There'll be shouts of joy, and the trees o the field
shall clap, shall clap their hands.
And the trees of the field shall clap their hands…
…and you'll go out with joy!
Stuart Dauermann & Steffi Geiser Rubin © 1975 Lillnas Publishing
Used under permission of CCLI # 2319023
Father, we have sung your praise with shepherds and angels:
may Christ be born in our hearts today.
All: Praise to Christ our light!
We have shared in the joy of Simeon and Anna;
help us, like them, to trust your word.
All: Praise to Christ our light!
We have greeted Jesus, the light of the world;
may we be filled with the light of your love.
All: Praise to Christ our light!
(Church of England, Common Worship © 2000,
Used with permission, Archbishops’ Council)
(Seventh Page)
(Good Shepherd:) Owen Abbott, Lillian Atkins, Mary Browne, Amy
Flemming, Diane Flewelling, Nancy Knorr, and Gerald Miller.
(Good Shepherd:) Terry Boone, Dorothy Dixon, Shirley Elliot, Ruth
Henderson, Douglas Knorr, Opal Magee, Syvilla Magee, Horace Meating,
Vida Robinson, Isabel Tilley, Florence Totton, and Dorothy Wilkes.
Curwin, Gwen Goss, Louise Fowler, Bertha Jones, Bernice Melvin, Nancy
Mowery, Marjorie Murray & Pierette Peters
OTHER PRAYER REQUESTS (various reasons): Ann Belyea, Paul Campbell,
Audrey Estabrooks, Doreen Gould, Frances & Andy Wylie, Bea Shaw,
Marjorie O'Toole, Jean VanWart, Mary Webb, Brenda Taylor, Art Pottle &
Jane Miller.
Lancaster Parish Cycle of Prayer
Week of February 1 – 7, 2015
Monday: Bowen (Sunny) and Goldie Smith
Tuesday: Douglas Simpson
Wednesday: Sheldon Snow
Thursday: Gordon & Kim Spinney and Mykayla
Friday: Our Parish Vestry Members & their monthly meetings.
Please remember these parishioners and parish ministry
in your personal prayers this week.
Parish of West Saint John: To be prepared when a Parish List is provided.
A team of thirty-five volunteers is available, upon request, to pray for you
or your loved one daily, for two weeks. These prayers will be treated with
the strictest confidence. Prayer-requests should be short and to the point,
and will be passed on verbatim. The Lord knows what we need best! A
follow-up of thanks or an update is also a good way to encourage our
intercessors in their ministry.
To initiate the prayer-tree ministry please call your request to our
“Captain”, Jean MacLeod at 672-2086
(or, if Jean is not available, Ngaire Nelson 672-8666
(Eighth Page)
Saint John Mission to Seafarers Prayer Cycle:
In February, we pray for marine safety, that the International
Maritime Organizations and all the Marine Safety Inspectors may be
blessed in their efforts to ensure that ships are safe and crews are
well trained.
Welcome to the folks from the Parish of West Saint John!
As we further gather needed information,
we will revise and expand our bulletins so that the life
and ministry of both parish families are reflected in them.
Happy Birthday this Week to:
Larry Dunlop
Jamie Galbraith
Rebecca Snow
Grenville Ingraham
Jean Clinch
Gordon Spinney
Raymond Roy
February 1
February 2
February 4
February 4
February 4
February 5
February 5
“Remember you are a Child of God through Baptism”
Good Shepherd’s Sunday Ministries –
Altar Guild: We thank Dorothee Cowan & Jean MacLeod for their ministry
today. Dorothee & Jean will also serve next Sunday.
Counters: We thank Nancy Forbes-Kerrigan & Dorothy Shephard for their
ministry today. Nancy & Dorothy will serve next Sunday as well.
Sidespersons: We thank Jim Touchbourne & Patti Skidmore for their
ministry today. Jim & Patti will serve next Sunday as well.
Servers: We thank Louise Touchbourne & Emily Dixon for serving at the
altar today. Kaitlyn DeWitt & Veronica Kerrigan will serve next Sunday.
Lay-Readers: We thank Gordon Spinney for his leadership today. Paul
Desjardins will serve next Sunday.
(Ninth Page)
(Tenth Page)
This Week – January 25th – February 1st, 2015
Exercise Class (Gym)
7:00 pm
Tintinabula Bell Choir (Carleton-Kirk)
West Side A.A. Meeting
Zumba (Gym)
Celtic Spirituality (Meeting Room)
Good Shep. Choir Practice (Music Parlour)
Gentle Path CODA Group (Meeting Room)
West St. John Choir Practice (Seafarers)
West-Side A.A. Meeting
W.A.Y. Youth Group (Small Hall)
Next Sunday
Zumba (Gym)
Morning Bible Study (Seafarers Mission)
“Still Waters” Practice
West-Side A.A. Meeting
Holy Eucharist (BAS) (Small Hall)
Holy Eucharist (BAS) (Seafarer’s Mission)
Holy Communion (BCP) (Small Hall)
Good Shepherd - Parish Luncheon
Good Shepherd – Annual Meeting
6:45 pm
8:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
6:15 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
10:30 am
5:30 pm
8:00 pm
9:00 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
DEO VOLENTE (“God Willing” i.e., Coming Up!):
Parish of Lancaster Annual General Meeting: Sunday February 8th:
After 10:30 Worship we will enjoy a Luncheon together. (All the folks from
our sister parish are welcome to stay!) Then we will hold our AGM at
about 1:00 pm. Annual are now available in the entry way. (The Parish
of West Saint John will hold their Parish Meeting later, once our future
options become more apparent to us.)
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: reserve the date now! Tuesday
Evening February 17, from 4:30-6:00 pm. Donations basket. A great
meal to invite your friends and family along with you!
Watoto, the Children’s Choir from Uganda, are coming back! Sunday
Evening June 14. As before, we will be needing nine billets, for two
children and an adult each.
Winter Worship Services:
We are enjoying joint services with St. George’s-St. Jude’s Church.
9:00am Spoken Communion (here); 10:30am Praise and Communion
(simplified BAS) at the Seafarers’ Mission, Tilley Lane, or 10:30am
traditional Choral Communion (alternating BCP and BAS) here. From
January 11th until Palm Sunday, March 29th, we will be meeting for worship
in the Small Hall. Envelopes from both parishes will be accepted and
deposited to the designated parish, at all services.
Other Parish Announcements:
Rediscovering Celtic Spirituality:
A Five-Week series getting back to the earliest roots of Anglican faith and
life: Videos, music, evening prayer, presentations and discussion on the
everyday faith, worship and prayer-lives of the earliest Christians of
Ireland and Brittain. Their influence can still be inspiring and enlightening
in good Anglican spiritual practices for today. Tuesdays, January 13February 10, 7:00pm here at Good Shepherd.
Lay-Readers and Servers from St. George’s-St. Jude’s who wish to take
part in the leadership of the 10:30 services at Good Shepherd are asked to
speak to Rev. Chris, so they can be incorporated into the leadership
rotations. New members are also welcome at Good Shepherds choir.
George’s Café. This free and open Community Supper is currently being
served at the Carleton-Kirk United Church. Good Shepherd’s Men’s Guild
(and friends!) will host George’s Café today and again on February 22. The
Parish of West Saint John hosts on February 1 and 8; Parish of Musquash
on February 15.
St. George's-St. Jude's reports for the Annual Meeting must be
submitted by Friday, February 6th.
Please forward to Susan Jack at
Messages from the Parishes: We use the Bell Aliant “Talk Mail” system
to send out messages to our parishioners. St. George’s-St. Jude’s folks are
asked to leave your name and number on the sheet at the back for this
purpose. Those who do not have Bell phones may leave their name and
cell number (for a text message) or e-mail address (for an e-mail) on
the sheet. Rogers phone customers can also leave their number with a
note it is Rogers (and Dorothy Shepherd will forward our Talk-Mails to
those parishioners).
(Eleventh Page)
(Twelfth Page)
Rev. Rob’s Office Hours: Wednesdays at the Church of Good Shepherd,
9-11 am; and Fridays at The Seafarers' Mission, 9-11 am.
Hillcrest Baptist Church presents – Authentic Marriage, a fun, insightful,
safe, one day seminar intended for real people wishing to cherish and
grow your marriage into the next phase of your life together. Facilitators:
Greg & Wendy Jones. 9:00 am – 2:00 pm on February 7th . You may call
635-8000 for further details.
Forward Day by Day: Our daily devotional guides for February –
March are now available in the Church entryway. Help yourself!
(Suggested donation to cover costs: $ 1.75 each.) (Anyone who would like
to order large print versions [$ 2.50], please speak to Rev. Chris.)
Prayer Shawl: A prayer shawl is now available in the Narthex, with paper
and envelopes. If you would like to give a physical expression to your
prayers, we invite you to write a note and seal it in the envelope. These
prayers will be placed on the altar. Your notes are confidential and will be
recycled, unread, after each service. We thank our Anglican Fellowship of
Prayer Representative, Ngaire Nelson, for this ministry opportunity!
Parking: We have been asked by the owners of the Lancaster Plaza,
when parking for church purposes (at times other than Sunday mornings),
to use (1) the spaces right by the Church between Manawagonish Road
and the walkway to the back door; or (2) the large space at the very back
of the lot, almost “behind” the church and the plaza. Signs will be going up
indicating that violators will be towed. They are not intended for church
people but we cannot guarantee the plaza’s security people will know the
difference! (This restriction does not apply for Sunday or other services.)
“The Archives Corner” is a new publication of our Diocesan Archives
Committee, collecting together ten years of historical articles in the N.B.
Anglican, prepared by Twila Buttimer and Frank Morehouse. Copies are
available in the office for $ 25.00 each.
A reminder that the fourth Sunday of the month is Food Bank Sunday.
For this month, suggested donations are school lunch snacks (cereal & granola
bars, cookies, crackers, pudding, fruit cups, etc.) If you forgot to bring something,
a toonie in the Food Bank Can in the Narthex, or a donation in a special envelope
with your name or envelope number would also go far to help those in need!
Community Announcements:
For an "Elevating" experience, please join Carleton-Kirk United Church
on February 12th at 7:00pm. "The Four of Us" will present an evening of
music and fellowship. There will be a free will offering as the concert is in
support of the Elevator Fund for Carleton-Kirk Lodge.
Alzheimer Society Memory Café Please join us at St. Paul's Anglican
Church Hall, 4 Church Ave., Rothesay, NB on Sunday, February 15 from 2
to 4 pm. This month a Taoist Tai Chi group will demonstrate and tell us
about relieving stress through tai chi and Heather Clark will lead a sing a
long of Wartime Sons. Our goal is to provide education, socialization and
activity in a sfe and inclusive space for those diagnosed with dementia and
their loved ones. For more information, contact Emily Blaney @634-8722
or email
Sunday, February 22nd from 7 – 9 pm Lancaster Baptist Church offers
Open-Mic Gospel Night. sponsored by the Saint John-Kings Baptist
Association. Light refreshments to follow, freewill offering. For further
information contact or call Holly 635-8980.