School Calendar term 3 and 4 2014/15 Inshes Primary School Together Everyone Achieves More Monday 9/2/15 Wednesday 11/2/15 Thursday 12/2/15 Monday 16/2/15 Tuesday 17/2/15 Wednesday 18/2/15 Thursday 26/2/15 Friday 6/3/15 Monday 9/3/15 Tuesday 10/3/15 Friday 13/3/15 Tuesday 17/3/15 Wednesday 18/3/15 Thursday 19/3/15 Thursday 19/3/15 23-27/3/15 Tuesday 31/3/15 Thursday 2/4/15 Monday 20/4/15 Friday 1/5/15 Monday 4/5/15 Thursday 7/5/15 Wednesday 27/5/15 Saturday 30/5/15 February Nursery enrolment week Community police to visit our school NP4 stranger danger talk and road safety, P5-P7 drugs awareness. P4-P7 assembly- internet safety School disco 6-9pm. More info to follow. Holiday Holiday Inset; school closed to pupils Fun afternoon for the school- organised by P7 pupils March P5-7 classes to have talk/information from the charity ‘childline’ 3.15pm SMT meeting Open afternoon for parents/carers to see and comment on pupil profiles: P1-3: 1.30-2.30pm P4-7: 1.45-2.45pm Red Nose Day Parents evening 4-7pm P7 Health and Wellbeing transition event Millburn Academy Parents evening 5.30-7.30pm McRobert cup Nethy Bridge week P7s (outdoor residential trip) 7pm Parent council meeting April School closing normal time for holiday Back to school May Termly class newsletters out Holiday School closed to pupils- election day Open afternoon for parents/carers to see and comment on pupil profiles: P1-3: 1.30-2.30pm P4-7: 1.45-2.45pm Inter schools sports Inshes Primary School Calendar February July 2015 Monday 1/6/15 Thursday 4/6/15 Friday 5/6/15 Saturday 6/6/15 Monday 8/6/15 Wednesday 10/6/15 Thursday 11/6/15 Friday 12/6/15 Tuesday 16/6/15 Wednesday 17/6/15 Thursday 18/6/15 Friday 19/6/15 Thursday 25/6/15 Friday 26/6/15 Tuesday 30/6/15 Wednesday 1/7/15 Thursday 2/7/14 June Inset day; School closed to pupils 9.30am P1-3 sports day (9.30am back-up P1-3 sports day) 11am-2pm Inshes Summer Fayre 9.30am start P4-7 sports day (9.30am back-up P4-7 sports day) 11am and 2pm Nursery sports (11am and 2pm back-up Nursery sports) Reports go out to parents P7 ‘tree of knowledge’ workshops P7 transition day to Millburn Academy Induction meeting for new nursery parents 6-7pm Induction meeting for new P1 parents 78pm P7 transition day to Millburn Academy P7 transition day to Millburn Academy School disco Whole School: Health and wellbeing day 9.30am P1-P3 end of term assembly 10.30am P4-7 end of term assembly July 9.30am P7 Leavers assembly 11am Nursery graduation 2pm Nursery graduation School closing 12noon Inshes Primary School Calendar February July 2015