BMC Evolutionary Biology Additional File 1 Article: Consuming viscous prey: A Novel Protein-Secreting Delivery System in Neotropical Snail-Eating Snakes Authors: Hussam Zaher, Leonardo de Oliveira, Felipe G Grazziotin, Michelle Campagner, Carlos Jared, Marta M Antoniazzi, Ana L Prudente Prey items listed in the literature for dipsadine snakes When available, the number of specimens for each species of snake that were analyzed for stomach contents is given in parenthesis. Species Adelphicos quadrivirgatus Amastridium veliferum Atractus alphonsehogei Atractus carrioni Atractus latifrons Atractus major Atractus pantostictus Atractus pantostictus Atractus poeppigi Atractus reticulatus Atractus reticulatus Atractus schach Atractus snethlageae Atractus torquatus Prey items earthworms (2) anuran remains (1) earthworms (1) slugs (2) earthworms (1), earthworm chaetae, acari, insect remains (5) earthworms (4), acari, insect remains (2) earthworms (12) lizard scales (1) insect remains (2), earthworm (2), earthworm chaetae (1) earthworm remains (2) earthworms (1) earthworm chaetae and insect remains (1) earthworms chaetae (3), insect remains (2) earthworm (1), earthworm chaetae, acari, insect remains (21) References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [6] [7] [8] [9] [9] [6] [7] [8] Campagner & Zaher (pers. obs.) [6] [6] [7] [6] [7] Atractus trihedurus Atractus zebrinus Chersodromus sp Coniophanes fissidens Coniophanes fissidensis Coniophanes fissidens Cryophis hallbergi Dipsas albifrons Dipsas brevifacies Dipsas bucephala Dipas catesbyi Dipsas elegans Dipsas gaigeae Dipsas indica Dipsas nicholsoi Dipsas pavonina Dipsas sp Dipsas variegata Eridiphas slevini Geophis anocularis Geophis bdubius Geophis incomptus Geophis nasalis Geophis nigrocinctus Geophis pyburni Imantodes cenchoa Imantodes cenchoa earthworms earthworms, leeches unknown anurans (2) salamanders (1), anurans (68), amphibian eggs (9) reptile eggs (13), lizards (19), snakes (11), invertebrates (2) small vertebrates snails (1) deshelled snail remains (11) slugs, snails (3), earthworms (1) arthropod remains, snails, slugs earthworms (1) snails (2) slugs, snails, ants (23) slugs and snails remains (1) slugs and sails (8); lizard remains (1) snails (49), earthworm chaetae (1) snails, slugs anurans (1), anuran remains (10, lizards (2) earthworms (3) earthworms (4) arthropod remains (1) earthworms, leeches (3) slugs (2) earthworms, slug remains (1) reptile eggs and lizard (1) lizards (11), anurans (2) [10] [10] [1] [2] [2] [11] [12] [13] Campagner & Zaher (pers. obs.) [14] [15] [5] [13] [16] [14] [17] [18] [7] [19] [12] [20] [21] [22][23] [24] [24] [25] [2] [25] [25] [1] [7] [26] Imantodes gemmistratus Imantodes lentiferus Leptodeira annulata Leptodeira annulata Leptodeira bakeri Leptodeira fissidens Leptodeira maculata Leptodeira nigrofasciata Leptodeira punctata Leptodeira septentrionalis Leptodeira splendida Ninia diademata Ninia sebae Omoadiphas aurula Omoadiphas cannula Omoadiphas texiguatensis Sibon annulatus Sibon annulifera Sibon anthracops Sibon argus Sibon fasciata Sibon fischeri Sibon lamari Sibon longifrenis Sibon nebulatus Sibon sanniolus Sibon sartorii lizards (6) anurans, lizards (1) anurans (1) anurans, lizards (47) lizards (3) anurans, lizards (1) anurans (5) lizards (1) anurans (1) anuran eggs, anurans, lizards (11) anuran eggs, anurans, lizards (3) snails, slugs (2) caecilian (1), earthworms, leeches, slugs, snails, mollusk remains (11) unknown unknown unknown snails (9), earthworm chaetae (7) slugs (2) slugs (3) mollusk remains (1), earthworms (26), anuran eggs (11), anuran (1) slugs (4), earthworms (1) snails (13), earthworms (8) snails (1) earthworms (2), amphibian eggs (6) slugs (1), snails snails slugs (38) [26] [26] [27] [28][29] [28] [28] [28] [28] [28] [28] [28] [1] [2] [1] [2] [30] [19] [32] [33] [19] [34] [35] [33] [36] [34] [19] [19] [37] [32] Sibynomorphus mikanii Sibynomorphus neuwiedi Sibynomorphus turgidus Sibynomorphus ventrimaculatus Tretanorhinus nigroluteus Tretanorhinus variabilis Urotheca decipiens Urotheca guentheri slugs (286) slugs (2), snails (250) slugs, snails slugs, snails (41) fish (1) fish (1) anurans, salamanders, lizards anurans [8] [10] [38] [8] [10] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] Supplementary References 1. 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