Teacher: School: Essential Question(s) Grade/Subject: K/ Science Week of: What is the relationship between animals and what they eat, and how does that determine where they live? What features help plants and animals survive in different environments? NGSS Plants and animals can change their environment. (K- ESS2-2) Living things need water, air, and resources from the land, and they live in places that have the things they need. Humans use natural resources for everything they do. (K-ESS3-1) Lesson Objective Opening/ Do Now Description of Each Instructional Component I can Create a simple human food chain by drawing and presenting using a task specific rubric. Circle Time (5 min) BrainPop Foodchain 1.Mini- Lesson (I Do)Teacher introduces “Ecosystem Transfer of Energy” by use of a Power point. (Slides 18-31) *26 http://www.trenton.k12.nj. us/files/_7PBtU_/e0952b3 a9da18aa63745a49013852 ec4/Unit_4__Plant__Animal_Environm ents___Presentation_Slides.pdf SWBAT Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants and animals (including humans) and the places they live. K-ES3-1 https://jr.brain pop.com/scienc e/animals/food chain/ Have students draw an animal and something that it eats Youtube Video Food Chain https://www.yo utube.com/watc h?v=ttpNGJcpJ6 8 Have students draw an animal and something that it eats The teacher will read over slides, thinking aloud, “What is a food chain? How do living things receive energy? Introducing key words, food chain, ecosystems, energy, predators Teacher will read and introduce passage “Animals Eat Earthworms” http://www.readworks.org Formative Assessments: Checks for Understanding 1. PowerPoint Questions (Slide 29,30,31) 2. Animals Eat Earthworms Question Sheet 3.Food Chain Differentiation/ Modifications Closing/ Reflection/ Assessment Special Education and or ELL*Pacing(provide ample time for lab task) *Simple Language *Create Vocabulary cards with vocab terms and pictures *Teacher can create a large font anchor chart for the foodchains including pictures and key terms *Anchor chart for tools used during lab *Deliver minilesson in small groups *Group students with partners to complete lab *Modify assessment Presentation of Human Food Chain Materials/ Resources Used Computer Youtube BrainPop Plants and Animal Environments PowerPoint Human Food Chain Activity Sheet Animals Eat Earthworms Reading Passage /passages/animals-eatearthworms 2. We Do- See Formative Assessment 1 3.Human Food Chain (You Do) Activity Sheet 5- Students will draw a simple food chain for humans using the activity sheet and share with class *Activity Sheets http://www.trenton.k12.n j.us/files/_7PBtf_/5e5f948 fe81a6c8e3745a49013852 ec4/Unit_4__Plant__Animal_Environm ents__Optional_Activities.pdf questions from lab. *Create a semantic map of foodchains (eat-predators-etc) *Model lab task *Allow oral responses to lab assessment or drawn responses Visual- use printed pictures to create food chain Bodily Kinestheticanimal vs predator act out Musical- Listen to Youtube food chains InterpersonalGroup students together with a partner to create a food chain encouraging students to discuss their observations through prompted questions and turn and talk discussions. IntrapersonalAllow student to create food chain independently with moderate prompting and discussion. Linguistic-Allowed students watch a video stating food chain orders Logical- Have students give logic behind different food chains before creating their own