4 places to sign or initial REPRESENTATION AND EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION This health information is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed camp activities except as noted. I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by The School of Environmental Education/Camp Kappe, or its authorized agent to order x-ray, routine test and treatment for me/or my child in the event I cannot be reached in an emergency. I hereby give permission to the physician selected by The School of Environmental Education/Camp Kappe to order injection and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for me/or my child as named above. Such authorization for emergency treatment shall also include, but not be limited to, charges incurred for the providing of aid and arranging evacuation if The School of Environmental Education/Camp Kappe or its agents determine that such evacuation is necessary or desirable. I further agree to assume responsibility for the cost of any medical care and acknowledge that these costs are the financial responsibility of the undersigned. I also understand and agree to abide with the restrictions placed on my camp activity and rules set forth by The School of Environmental Education/Camp Kappe. Signature of parent or Guardian _______________________________________ Date__________________________ I understand that students will reside in cabins with other students attending S.E.E. and that every effortwill be made to have one adult chaperone per seven students and at least two adult chaperones in eachcabin. I expect all attending adults to have criminal background checks and be “Virtus” trained. _________ Initial I also understand that there will be no refund if my child is sent home due to misbehaving. ________ Initial PARENTS’ PERMISSION FOR THE PUBLICATION OF STUDENT WORK/PICTURES I understand that from time-to-time the school may wish to publish examples of student projects, photographs of students, and other work on an internet accessible World Wide Web server ______My child’s work can be published on the internet and photographs of my child can be published. ______I would prefer that my child’s work and picture not be published on the internet. Parent Name (print):___________________________________________________________ Parent Signature:____________________________________Date:________________ Student Name (print):_______________________________________________________ Student Signature:_________________________________________________________