adjustment / living with vision loss

September 2009
Macular disease: Practical strategies for living with vision loss
Wolfe, Peggy R.
A guide for living with macular degeneration, including emotional self-care,
nutrition, tips for independence and daily tasks, and advice for living well.
Raising a child with albinism: A guide to the early years
A resource guide for parents and caregivers of young children with albinism.
Includes suggestions for stimulating vision, obtaining needed services,
introduction to technology and medical terms that families will encounter.
Alternate assessments for students with disabilities
Thompson, Sandra J., et al.
"A distinguished group of experts in special education have combined current
research and a rich variety of case studies to produce a landmark guide to
alternate assessments...."--Back cover
Effective assessment for students with special needs: A practical guide for
every teacher
Ysseldyke, Jim & Algozzine, Bob
Guidance on selecting assessment methods and administering them properly.
Testing students with disabilities: Practical strategies for complying with
district and state requirements
Thurlow, Martha, et al.
"...[C]overs everything from maximizing the Individualized Education Program
(IEP) and fostering successful collaboration among educators, administrators,
and parents to optimizing assessment accommodations and using test scores to
improve instruction."--Back cover
Assistive technology for students who are blind or visually impaired: A guide
to assessment
Presley, Ike D'Andrea, Frances Mary
A guide to understanding, assessing, and selecting assistive technology for
students who are blind or visually impaired.
A child's journey out of autism: One family's story of living in hope and
finding a cure
Whiffen, Leeann
This mom claims that she and her family “overcame” her son’s autism. In this
book, she describes the methods and treatments they used.
Embracing autism: Connecting and communicating with children in the
autism spectrum
Parish, Robert, et al.
Advice for understanding children with autism, shared by parents, teachers,
and professionals. Emphasis is less upon changing the children than upon seeing
the world through their eyes and communicating on their terms.
Rex: A mother, her autistic child, and the music that transformed their lives
Lewis, Cathleen
An account of a nonverbal boy with blindness and autism who is also a musical
Best behavior: Building positive behavior support in schools
Sprague, Jeff Golly, Annemieke
"Best Behavior is an evidence-based discipline program that integrates family
collaboration with proven, easy-to-implement interventions that can be used
with the entire school, an individual classroom, or just one student."--Back
Positive behavior support: Critical articles on improving practice for
individuals with severe disabilities
Bambara, Linda M., ed. Dunlap, Glen, ed. Schwartz, Ilene S., ed.
"... [A] comprehensive approach for understanding and addressing the needs of
individuals with disabilities who engage in challenging behaviors."--p.ix
Positive behavioral support in the classroom: Principles and practices
Jackson, Lewis Panyan, Marion Veeneman
Gives teachers "sharp skills and creative strategies to cope with ... behavioral
challenges. Positive behavioral support (PBS) can help, and this comprehensive
textbook shows how."--Back cover
Transforming the difficult child: The nurtured heart approach
Glasser, Howard
Easley, Jennifer
The authors explain their Nurtured Heart approach to working with children
with behavior problems. A good fit with Positive Behavior Support techniques.
Transforming the difficult child workbook: An interactive guide to the
Nurtured Heart Approach for parents, teachers, practitioners and all other
Glasser, Howard Bowdidge, Joann Bravo, Lisa
Provides "parents, other caregivers, teachers and practitioners a clear, step-bystep manual to help you acquire the skills needed to begin using The Nurtured
Heart Approach...."
Transforming the difficult child: True stories of triumph
Easley, Jennifer Glasser, Howard
Accounts of troubled teens whose lives were transformed by the Nurtured
Heart approach.
Beyond the miracle worker: The remarkable life of Anne Sullivan Macy and
her extraordinary friendship with Helen Keller
Nielsen, Kim E.
A deeply researched and gracefully written biography of Anne Sullivan Macy,
bringing her out of the shadow of her more famous pupil. Much of the research
was conducted here at Perkins.
Surpassing expectations: My life without sight
Scadden, Lawrence
The life story of Lawrence Scadden, who writes, "my goal in writing is to
inform, entertain, and--hopefully for some--inspire."
Everythingbraille: A resource guide for parents and teachers
Ruell, Amy
A directory to help parents "find additional resources that will enhance [a]
child's access to braille materials and help them on the road to literacy."--Back
cover Includes sources for music braille.
Can Do! Growing my way, Part 2: The developmental impacts of visual
Visually Impaired Preschool Services, Inc
"The second … DVD in a video series for parents of children who are visually
impaired and the professionals who work with them. Follow our original five
children and their parents as we track their development at 6-month intervals,
from 24 months to 36 months of age."--DVD cover (The library also has Part 1,
featuring the same children from birth to 18 months.)
The changing face of the United States: The influence of culture on early
child development
Maschinot, Beth
A literature review of research and surveys of the impact of culture on
cognitive, language, social, and emotional development.
Creative play activities for children with disabilities: A resource book for
teachers and parents
Morris, Lisa Rappaport Schulz, Linda
Focusing on ages 0-8, this book features 250 games and activities designed to
help children “with all types of disabilities grow through play."--Back cover
Includes many activities appropriate for children who are blind or visually
ViSioN program: Vision skills in the natural environment: An intervention
guide for use with children birth to three with blindness or vision
Petersen, Barbara Nielsen, Judi
An integrated curriculum for developing the vision skills of children from birth
to age three, and working cooperatively with parents.
Short cuts: Late talking children
MacDonald, James
Part of the Communicating Partners program, this DVD “illustrates effective
ways to communicate with children ... with autism, Down syndrome, motor
disorders and other delaying conditions. Professionals use it to improve their
therapy and teaching. Parents use it to make their homes successful places to
become social and communicative. Thirteen video samples show both preverbal
and verbal children at five stages of development."--Publisher's website
Short-cuts video training guide: Demonstration of the communicating
partners programs for children learning to communicate
MacDonald, James
This DVD illustrates the strategies discussed in the books Communicate with
your child and Communicating Partners: 30+ years of research with "Late
talking" children and their families. Demonstrates how parents and children
can make playtime a highly effective way to learn to communicate.
Life skill lessons: 650 ready-to-use transition activities
Glisan, Ellen McPeek
This "curriculum provides a method of inserting important life skills instruction
into any academic curriculum with minimal interference."
Deafblindness: Educational service guidelines
Riggio, Marianne, ed. McLetchie, Barbara, ed.
"... [O]ffers state and local education agencies a framework from which
meaningful, appropriate programming for students who are deafblind can be
developed. These guidelines identify the knowledge and skills educators need
to assist their students who are deafblind reach their full potential...."--p.xii
Deafblind: A world without sight and sound
"This fascinating program provides a window into the world of those who are
deafblind."--Back cover. Features two 12-year-olds who are congenitally
deafblind, and two people who became deafblind as adults.
Communication and congenital deafblindness III: Meaning making
Souriau, Jacques, ed. Rødbroe, Inger, ed. Janssen, Marleen, ed.
The series is written "to support and inspire the networks around each person
with deafblindness."
Volume III explores how deafblind people assign meaning to the world and to
communication; how educators can use this understanding. Includes DVD with
real-life interactions.
The impact of genetic hearing impairment
Stephens, Dafydd, ed. Jones, Lesley, ed.
Overviews of developmental, social, medical, and physiological impacts of
deafness and hearing loss on people of all ages. Chapter 8 addresses deafblindness.
The road to autonomy
Beaton, Mary Jean
A mother recounts her struggles to help her son, a deaf-child rubella child,
with development and education in an era when little help or understanding
was available.
Bridging the gap: Living with blindness and diabetes
Frye, Daniel B., ed.
Advice for managing diabetes for people who are blind or visually impaired.
Includes tips for mastering the daily self-care tasks of diabetes without vision.
Without pity: A film about abilities
"This HBO documentary, narrated by Christopher Reeve, celebrates the efforts
of the disabled to live full, productive lives."--Back cover. Includes a young
man who was blinded at the age of four.
Beginning yoga for the blind and visually impaired
Hein, Gretchen & Klein, Marty
A Kripalu-certified yoga teacher who is practiced at teaching yoga to people
who are blind or visually impaired. On this 5-CD audio set, Hein clearly explains
and talks the practitioner through basic yoga stretches and asanas, with insight
and advice from Klein, her partner who is blind. Outstanding!
Everyday activities to promote visual efficiency: A handbook for working
with young children with visual impairments
Trief, Ellen Shaw, Rona
"The purpose of this book is to provide teachers; … therapists; other early
inteventionists; and parents of children with a set of activities to use with
young children who have a visual impairment to encourage their use of vision."-p.ix
ViSioN program: Vision skills in the natural environment: An intervention
guide for use with children birth to three with blindness or vision
Petersen, Barbara Nielsen, Judi
An integrated curriculum for developing the vision skills of children from to age
three, and working cooperatively with parents.
Preventing falls by adapting your home
American Foundation for the Blind, Senior Site
DVD with advice for changes in the home that will prevent falls and injuries.
Better lighting for better sight
American Foundation for the Blind, Senior Site
This DVD has suggestions for making the home safer for people with vision loss.
Look who's laughing
Johnson, Randy J.
"A funny and compelling documentary about the lives, experiences and humor
of six working comedians who have various types of disabilities."--Back cover.
One of the comedians is Alex Valdez, who is visually impaired.
ECO – Communicating Partners program for late-talking children
MacDonald, James
ECO I - Intro to the ECO program for language delayed children
"This 45 minute video with a wide range of children explains the basic
Principles of the ECO model for helping children become social and
communicative.“--Publisher's website
ECO II - Five responsive teaching strategies for late-talking children (autism,
Ds, CP, etc.)
"...[T]eaches five well established strategies for helping children socialize
and communicate….”--Publisher's website
ECO III - Assessment
"Dr. MacDonald demonstrates how to include parents as an integral part of
both assessment and treatment of language delayed children. It illustrates
a model for making parents partners in therapy and education."--Publisher's
Functional vision and learning media assessment for students who are preacademic or academic and visually impaired in grades K-12: Practitioner's
Sanford, LaRhea Burnett, Rebecca Kitchel, Elaine
For teachers who work with students with visual impairments, this is designed
as "a user-friendly instrument ... for systematic and thorough assessment of a
student's visual functioning" and determining what media (format) the students
needs for reading.
Better lighting for better sight
American Foundation for the Blind, Senior Site
This DVD has suggestions for making the home safer for people with vision loss.
What teachers of students with visual impairments need to know about
Kitchel, Elaine
Advice for selecting lighting options that maximize vision and minimize glare
problems in the classroom.
Teaching students with severe disabilities – New edition
Westling, David L. Fox, Lise
Teaching and management practices for teachers who work with students with
severe disabilities. This edition expands information about access to the
curriculum, alternate assessments, and autism.
Making music with the young child with special needs: A guide for parents
Streeter, Elaine
Using music and musical games to encourage the development of a child with
Music for children and young people with complex needs
Ockelford, Adam
Presents "contemporary thinking and practice, ... key issues, ... recent and
ongoing research, and ... practical advice for practitioners including teachers,
therapists, and community musicians."--Back cover
Raising a child with albinism: A guide to the early years
A resource guide for parents and caregivers of young children with albinism.
Include suggestions for stimulating vision, obtaining needed services,
introduction to technology and medical terms that families will encounter.
Right to risk: A 15 day journey through Arizona's Grand Canyon
Ryan, John Ryan, Kathleen Jo
Follows eight people with disabilities, including visual impairment, on a 15-day
raft trip on the Colorado River.
Sensory integration and self-regulation in infants and toddlers: Helping very
young children interact with their environment
Williamson, G. Gordon Anzalone, Marie E.
Explains the sensory development process, introduces assessment and
intervention strategies to enhance integration and self-regulation, reviews
research in the field.
Caring for young children: Signing for day care providers and sitters
Collins, Harold
A resource "for those who work with young children in day care or babysitting
situtations…. [P]resents signs, sentences, and vocabulary to help a beginning
signer communicate with a hearing impaired child."--Back cover
All children have different eyes: Learn to play and make friends
Glaser, Edie A. Burgio, Maria
"...[A] storybook that models for children with vision impairment how to
confidently and competently play and make friends, even while facing difficult
social challenges."--Back cover
Building your future: A student transition resource
Retzer, Heidi Heisdorf, Dan
A transition guide for students with learning disabilities. Covers personal and
vocational decision-making and preparation.
Pathways to successful transition for youth with disabilities: A
developmental process
Kochhar-Bryant, Carol A. Greene, Gary
Aimed at general education teachers who are encountering a growing number
of students with disabilities. A background in the history of transition services,
and introduction to the special needs of students with disabilities.
Quality of life for people with intellectual and other developmental
disabilities: Applications across individuals, organizations, communities, and
Schalock, Robert L. Gardner, James F. Bradley, Valerie J.
"... [S]imply put, this book helps you determine what quality of life issues are
important in a person's life and develop services and supports that enhance
personal outcomes of these individuals."--Back cover