Instructions for Building Your Own Rain Barrel

FY 2008 Municipal Sustainability Grant
Instructions and Item
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection
The FY2008 Municipal Sustainability Grant application (formerly the Waste Reduction and Climate Protection
Application), has been issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). This
application provides municipalities, schools and regional groups with the means to qualify for equipment, outreach
materials and funds to support waste reduction, water conservation, climate protection, mercury diversion and air
quality initiatives at the local level.
MassDEP awards Sustainability Grants both on the basis of the municipality's ability to use the grant productively,
and on the municipality's need for the grant. On the basis of this application, MassDEP may either grant requested
items or assistance immediately, hold your application for competitive consideration, or ask you to provide further
evidence of your need and ability to use the materials. Important details on the submission of the grant application
are described below.
1. If submitted in hard copy, the application must be signed by a municipal official with authority to apply for grants
on behalf of the municipality. If submitted electronically, via eDEP’s online filing system, the application must
be submitted by a paid employee of the municipality or regional group.
2. Unless otherwise noted, all information should pertain to programs that the municipality has a role in contracting
or operating.
3. Applicants should provide information as accurately as possible.
comments whenever appropriate.
Please qualify answers with additional
4. Applications can be submitted one of two ways:
a. On-line up at
b. Written applications must be sent to the following address (facsimile transmissions will not be accepted):
Municipal Grants
MassDEP, Consumer Programs
One Winter Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
5. Municipalities must have a Municipal Buy Recycled Policy and CY2006 Recycling Data Sheet on file at
MassDEP or submit them by the application deadline. For questions on the CY2006 Recycling Data Sheet
please contact Alissa Bilfield at (617) 574-6820. For information on Buy Recycled Policies please contact John
Crisley at (617) 556-1021.
6. Application Deadline: September 14, 2007:
The final deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on September 14, 2007 for written applications and 12 midnight
for online applications. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
If you have questions about the grant application, please call John Crisley at (617) 556-1021
7. All awards are conditional pending signature of a grant agreement or contract between MassDEP and the
applicant’s chief executive official or designee with the authority to sign state grant contracts.
Please consult the following Grant Item Descriptions for more information on the MassDEP FY2008 Municipal
Sustainability Grant Program.
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Grant Item Descriptions
The following equipment is being offered on the FY2008 Municipal Sustainability Grant Application. All items are
also available for purchase by municipalities at the state contract prices.
Application: MassDEP is offering 4 types of public area recycling containers for the collection of
deposit bottles and cans in public areas (e.g. parks, mass transit stations, etc.) and at special events:
Original Canables® are ideal for semi-permanent collection purposes such as seasonal
public parks, recreational fields, and beaches, or indoor venues such as conference centers
and sporting facilities. The containers are made of tough, galvanized steel for durability and
fire resistance.
Vendor Contact
Windsor Barrel – Philip Haas, President; Phone: 800-527-7848; Email:
Clear Canables® are designed for collecting recyclables at community events, indoor or
outdoor festivals, and other short-term uses. Made of 100% recycled PET plastic, the walls
and lids show the public how much is being recycled. Clear Canables® also address a
concern for security issues since the clear walls make it more difficult to hide items inside
Vendor Contact
Windsor Barrel – Philip Haas, President; Phone: 800-527-7848; Email:
Clusters® models are constructed of wood-like slats made of 100% post-consumer recycled
plastic and are best suited for permanent downtown or main street collections. The framework
is cast of post-industrial aluminum and stainless steel fasteners and are available with 1, 2
and 3 containers per Cluster®.
For more information visit:
Vendor Contact
Windsor Barrel – Philip Haas, President; Phone: 800-527-7848; Email:
MassCor’s outdoor public area recycling bins are primarily used for semi-permanent or
permanent outdoor collections at parks and recreation fields. The containers are powder
coated wire mesh steel containers measuring 18” x 18” x 36”
For more information visit:
Vendor Contact
MassCor – Justin Latini, Deputy Director of Marketing & Sales; Phone: 508-668-8182 x219
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Wheeled recycling carts are being offered through a technical assistance grant for NEW multi-family or municipally
sponsored business recycling programs ONLY. Please see the section on technical assistance for further
information. Wheeled carts are still available for purchase by municipalities and state agencies, through State
Contract FAC 31.
Customized consumer education materials are available in MassDEP’s format, to promote curbside or drop-off
recycling programs. Grantees will provide MassDEP with specific information about its recycling program that will
be used to design your education materials using MassDEP’s format. MassDEP’s vendor will print and mail these
educational materials directly to the grantees’ residents. In addition each grantee is provided with a PDF file of its
artwork for posting on the municipal web site. At the time of printing, municipalities wishing to print additional
copies may do so through arrangements with the vendor, and at the municipality’s cost.
Standardized educational materials are available for promoting waste reduction and composting as described
below. Municipalities will be responsible for distributing these materials to their residents. MassDEP will deliver all
standardized materials to your municipal offices for distribution.
Waste Reduction bookmark- This bookmark outlines ways in which individuals can reduce the amount of waste
they generate. Its size (2 ½” x 9”) allows for it to be distributed to residents as part of another mailing.
Junk Mail Reduction Kits- This kit contains information on how to reduce the flow of junk mail to residents,
including postcards that residents can mail to have their name removed from mailing lists. MassDEP will provide
kits for up to 10% of municipality’s households. Additional kits may be purchased from the printer.
Multi-family recycling door hangers- are available for distribution to building owners/property managers and are
designed to enable users to add additional information specific to a building’s or community’s recycling program. A
Springfield MRF version and a Spanish version of the door hangers are also available.
"Don't Trash Grass" brochures and “Home Composting” brochures promoting source reduction of yard waste
and grass clippings are also available.
Municipal Waste Reduction Toolkit – This toolkit will assist recycling coordinators with promoting participation in
various waste reduction programs. Examples of materials available include information on working with the media
to promote programs, mandatory recycling enforcement campaign and more.
MassDEP is offering grants to qualified municipalities that are instituting new “Pay-as-You-Throw” (PAYT)
programs. Municipalities with established PAYT programs will not be eligible for grants.
Grant funds may be used to fund the costs of bags, stickers and other start-up costs of new PAYT programs as preapproved by MassDEP. Grantees may receive up to $4/participating household for these costs. MassDEP will
consider requests for both single family (up to 6 units) and multi-family housing (7+ units) programs. Awards over
$20,000 may be disbursed to eligible municipalities over two fiscal years. Grants will be capped at $100,000 per
municipality. Grant funding may not be used to pay for the disposal of solid waste or recyclables processing.
Grantees will be required to submit quarterly reports to MassDEP during the grant period and a final report outlining
program implementation and results.
Eligibility requirements: New PAYT programs must meet the following criteria:
Grantee is required to provide a detailed implementation plan and timeline for their PAYT program and
written verification that the program has been approved and budgeted for by the appropriate decisionmaking body (Board of Health, Board of Selectmen, Town Meeting, City Council).
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Grantees must commit to operating the PAYT program for a minimum of two years or more; at DEP’s
discretion, the minimum program requirement may be larger, depending on the size of the award.
Grantees must set a solid waste fee structure that insures that fixed costs of solid waste collection will be
covered substantially by the tax base or other funding source, and variable costs are covered by bag or
stickers sales.
Grantees offering an annual allotment of bags or stickers to residents shall not exceed one bag or barrel per
week/per household, nor a container in excess of 36 gallons.
Curbside municipalities must provide weekly collection of recyclables or provide a second or larger
recycling bin (capacity equal to or greater than 32 gal).
Drop-off municipalities must adopt an ordinance or permit conditions requiring private subscription
haulers to provide integrated solid waste and recycling services to their customers. (i.e., all customers
receive recycling collection with trash collection.)
A municipality proposing a multi-family PAYT program will be required to approve an ordinance requiring
multi-family property owner and resident participation.
For more information on starting a PAYT program, call Joseph Lambert at (617) 574-6875.
Two types of bins are offered, one in multiple sizes. All bins are rodent resistant, have openings to allow efficient,
aerobic composting, and require simple, no-tool assembly. They differ primarily in design and capacity, ranging
from 10 to 30 cubic feet. Specifications for each bin type are summarized below. Communities may choose to
make one or several types of bins available to residents.
Municipal Home Composting Bin Distribution: In order to maximize bin distribution, grantees must agree to sell
the bins to the public at a discount, place the revenue into a dedicated account, and continue to reorder bins until
the funds are depleted or public demand is met. MassDEP expects each grantee to distribute two bins for each bin
awarded. For example, a town that is granted 200 bins may sell them to residents for half price (plus tax), put the
revenue in a dedicated account, and use the money to order 100 more bins. Revenue from sales of the additional
bins is used to purchase 50 more bins, and so on until the fund is depleted and a total of nearly 400 bins have been
sold. Please contact Ann McGovern, at (617) 292-5834 for further information.
Compost Bins Vendors and Specifications:
Bin Name
New Age Composter, BIN-11
New Age Composter, BIN-24
New Age Composter, BIN-30
(formerly Brave New Composters)
New England Plastics Corp.
126 Duchaine Blvd.
New Bedford, MA 02745
Contact: Trudy Wood
Phone: (508) 998-3111
FAX: (508) 995-8895
BIN-11: 11 cubic feet
BIN-24: 24 cubic feet
BIN-30: 30 cubic feet
Diameter: adjustable from 26” to 44”
Height: BIN-11: 28”
BIN-24: 32”
BIN-30: 34”
Adjustable diameter;
Self-aerating via cone-shaped floor
50% post-consumer recycled HDPE
Earth Machine
Norseman Plastics Ltd.
39 Westmore Dr.
Rexdale, Ontario
Canada M9V 3Y6
Contact: Art McKenzie
Phone: (800) 894-8397x822
FAX: (905) 450-2009
10 cubic feet
Diameter: 30” at base, 18” at top
Height: 33”
Sliding door for compost removal
50% post-consumer recycled HDPE
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Bin Price
10 year
BIN-11: $39.00
BIN-24: $45.00
BIN-30: $50.00
10 year
Application: The application for kitchen scrap buckets may be found on the same page with home composting
bins. Kitchen scrap buckets are designed as a household collection container for the temporary storage of
kitchen food waste prior to being placed in the compost bin. Buckets are to be distributed in conjunction with
an active or new home compost bin program. Grantees may give away or sell kitchen scrap buckets at cost or
less. Revenue collected shall be used to order more buckets. MassDEP will provide a sticker with each bucket,
listing the “Do’s and Don’ts” of food items to put in compost bins.
Norseman Plastics
Art McKenzie, (800) 894-8397x822, (905) 450-2009 (fax)
Available Colors
Standard color is beige; other colors quoted on request
7-1/2 litre capacity
Additional notes:
360 degree double rim closure; Snap latch tightly secures lid to body; In-molded
mounting bracket. Optional external mounting bracket available for additional $0.25
(not part of grant).
Shipping: 26 per box, 500 per pallet
Healthy Lawn and Landscape Workshop grants have been removed from the grant application process.
Workshops are still available to communities on limited basis. Contact Ann McGovern at 617-292-5834 to request
a workshop. First consideration will be given to municipalities that have implemented or are working on municipal
pesticide reduction policies. Priority will be given to communities with a track record of holding well-attended public
These workshops teach residents and landscapers how to manage lawns and landscapes without pesticides and
chemical fertilizers. The workshop consists of a 2-hour Powerpoint presentation with photos and handouts. The
focus is on increasing overall health of lawns and landscapes by building healthy soil and using best management
practices that reduce or eliminate the need for pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation. Participating residents will
receive a “pesticide-free” lawn sign and a chance to win a compost bin as a door prize.
MassDEP provides the speaker, laptop, projector, promotional materials, handouts and “pesticide-free” lawn signs
for the workshop. Workshop hosts may invite local cable producers to video the presentation for cablecasting
Workshop hosts are expected to:
Strive for a minimum attendance of 25; if fewer than 25 sign up, the workshop may be canceled.
Work with local organizations such as League of Women Voters, garden clubs, pesticide awareness committees,
or other civic groups with a track record of sponsoring well-attended events to help publicize the workshop or
include it in an existing series of educational programs;
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Provide a municipal venue, such as a library, or work with a local nursery or garden center to host the workshop.
Electricity and a screen or white wall for projecting the presentation are necessary.
Use the sample press release and flyer template provided by MassDEP to advertise the workshop locally and take
advance registration from participants to ensure the minimum attendance requirement is met;
Provide light refreshments;
Municipal Benefits:
These workshops can:
 Help municipalities meet Federal NPDES II storm water system requirements for public education;
 Increase environmental protection and improve public health through reduced use of toxic chemicals;
 Reduce contamination of groundwater, drinking water and water bodies by pesticides and fertilizers;
 Reduce amount of organic waste requiring collection and disposal by encouraging composting;
 Help conserve water through reduced irrigation;
 Complement a municipal pesticide reduction policy or by-law.
Rain Barrels
Two types of rain barrels are available for this program, New England Rain Barrel and Sky Juice Rain
Barrel. Both are 55-gallon, recycled food-grade barrels. Through the grant program, municipalities are
eligible to receive subsidies for one type of barrel. Photos are available on vendor websites.
The grant provides $10 discounts towards the purchase price of rain barrels. Grantees will hold one-day rain
barrel distribution events in conjunction with the selected vendor. All rain barrel discounts must by used by
June 30, 2008 or forfeited. Grantees may purchase unsold barrels by June 30, 2008 at the discount price for
future distribution to the public. All grantees must agree to publicize the availability of the rain barrels using
materials provided by the vendors and MassDEP, and conduct a follow-up survey of at least 10% of the
recipients to track equipment usage and seek feedback on the program. A summary of survey findings shall
be provided to MassDEP by December 2008.
Application: Rain barrels are designed to capture rainwater from downspouts allowing for the reuse of water
in residential settings.
Vendor Contract
#FAC 31
New England Rain Barrel Co., Inc.
131 ½ Lynnfield St.
Peabody, MA 01960
Contact: Joan or Jack Freele
Telephone: 978-977-3155
Web site
55 gallons
SkyJuice New England
1015 1st Crown Point Rd.
Strafford, NH 03884
Contact:Sharon England or Jamie Houle
Telephone: 603-868-1772 x10
or 207-363-1505l
Web site:
55 gallons
Animal/insect resistant, insect screen, two
fittings (one for outflow, one for overflow
protection). Dark color prevents light
transmission and inhibits algae growth.
Overflow spigot
Sealed, non-removable cover
Color: Blue
Animal/insect resistant, insect screen, two
fittings (one for outflow, one for overflow
protection). Dark color prevents light
transmission and inhibits algae growth.
Overflow hose
Screw-on (removable) cover
Color: Terra cotta
Barrel price*: $62
Price w/grant*: $52
*Includes shipping
Barrel price*: $57
Price w/grant*: $47
*Includes shipping
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Water Conservation Tools
Water conservation tools help residents reduce indoor and outdoor water use by making homes “water tight and
waste free”. Devices offered include:
Chrome, low flow showerheads
Rain gauges
Dye tablets to check for toilet leaks
Handheld outdoor hose nozzles
Swivel faucet aerators for kitchen sinks
Water conservation education materials
Grantees may distribute water conservation tools to residents at no charge or sell them at or below cost. MassDEP
suggests that municipalities allow residents to choose which device(s) they are interested in, as opposed to
distributing one of each device in a “kit”. All grantees must agree to publicize the availability of these tools and
conduct a follow-up survey of at least 10% of the recipients to track equipment installation and seek feedback on
the program. A summary of survey findings shall be provided to MassDEP by December 2008.
MassDEP is offering grants for creating sustainable chemical management systems in public schools and clearing
out stockpiled chemicals. The goals of this program are to reduce the purchasing of unnecessary chemicals, safely
manage the chemicals necessary for classroom instruction and management of the physical plant, and prevent
future stockpiling. Schools selected for this grant will receive professional hazardous waste management services
to perform a chemical inventory, training on chemical hazard awareness and how to establish and implement a
chemical management plan, and up to $5,000 per school district in clean-out expenses for unnecessary chemicals.
Individual middle or high schools, or school districts are eligible for this grant. Applications must be
submitted by a municipality on behalf of its school(s).
Schools selected for this grant must commit to:
establishing an environmental health and safety team to implement the project
developing and implementing a chemical management plan
an annual chemical storage and safety check by the local Fire Department
sending a minimum of three officials to a MassDEP provided one day-long or two half day trainings on
school chemical management
submitting a summary report to MassDEP on the actions taken to implement the school’s chemical
management plan
Through this grant, MassDEP is offering wooden sheds to expand residential access for the collection and recycling
of mercury containing products. If awarded, municipalities will receive ONE storage shed for collecting universal
wastes such as fluorescent lamps, certain batteries, and other mercury-containing devices (e.g., thermostats,
thermometers, mercury switches and flow meters.) This grant does not pay for operating expenses of the shed, and
municipalities will be responsible for all costs for recycling the materials collected.
Through this grant, MassDEP assists municipalities in reducing exhaust from idling vehicles and school buses by
implementing a community or school-based idling reduction campaign. The toolkit provides the planning and
education materials for a campaign. The Idling Reduction Toolkit includes metal street signs (2 types) with an
idling reduction message, informational hand cards on the health effects of idling, bumper stickers, windshield
decals, sample press releases, fact sheets, a model municipal idling reduction policy and other materials to design
a customized idling reduction campaign.
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
To view all the toolkit items, including artwork for the signs and educational materials, please go to and scroll down to Resources and Links.
As part of its Diesel Emissions Reduction Strategy, MassDEP is offering grants to municipalities for retrofitting
existing municipally-owned off-road construction diesel vehicles. This grant will allow for the retrofit of 2-4 vehicles
per award. For a listing of eligible off-road vehicles, please refer to the grant application companion document at
Two types of retrofit technologies will be available: diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) and diesel particulate filters
(DPF). The cost per vehicle, including installation, is approximately $1,200 and $8,200, respectively.
For more information on both types of retrofits, please see the following US EPA fact sheets.
Diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC):
Diesel particulate filters (DPF):
PLEASE NOTE: In FY08, school bus retrofits are available through a different grant process. They will be awarded
on a rolling first-come, first-served basis. Applications may obtained by contacting Richard Blanchet at 617-6546585 or via email at
In FY08, MassDEP is offering technical assistance grants in the following categories :
 IN-KIND ASSISTANCE ONLY: Pay-As-You-Throw Planning (PAYT) Assistance (80 hours)
Assists a municipality in the various planning stages of implementing PAYT
 IN-KIND ASSISTANCE ONLY: Municipal Planning and Contracting Assistance (80 hours)
Assists municipalities in developing a solid waste and recycling contract
 Mandatory Recycling Enforcement Coordinator (up to $50,000 over 2 years)
Assists a municipality(ies) with enforcement of mandatory recycling
 Climate Protection Initiatives (up to $50,000)
Provides municipalities who are members of Cities for Climate Protection (or similar initiative) with
funding for climate protection related projects
 Regional Recycling and Waste Reduction Initiatives (up to $50,000 over 2 years)
For the development of innovative regional waste reduction and recycling programs that will impact
constituents of at least 3 municipalities or serve a population of 25,000 or more.
To download the application and obtain important information about applying for a technical assistance grant, please visit
MassDEP’s website at: Once you have downloaded and completed the
technical assistance application, you may either attach the application to your eDEP submission (you will be given the
opportunity to attach documents after completing your individual grant forms), or submit the application separately by mail.
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection
Municipal Sustainability Grant
Information Sessions
Grant Application deadline: THURSDAY, September 14, 2007 at 5 PM
Grant Information Sessions
Join MassDEP representatives at one of the sessions listed below to learn more about:
MassDEP’s Municipal Sustainability Grants (formerly Waste Reduction Grants)
How your community can apply for grants and technical assistance
Use eDEP’s online application at
Download the application at and submit via
mail to MassDEP, or email John Crisley at
Call 617-566-1021 and request an application be mailed to you.
mercury collection sheds
water conservation
recycling and composting
idling reduction and diesel retrofits
climate protection
education and outreach
Please Attend One of the Following Workshops!!!
July 24, 2 pm – 4 pm
Shrewsbury Town Hall
Conference Room, 1st Floor
100 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury
August 7, 10 am – 12 pm
Braintree Town Hall
Fletcher Hall Meeting Room
One JFK Memorial Drive, Braintree
August 1, 10 am – 12 pm
City of Chicopee DPW
Baskin Road, Chicopee
August 8, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Yarmouth Town Hall
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth
August 2, 10 am – 12 pm
Mansfield Town Hall
6 Park Row, Mansfield
August 9, 10 am – 12 pm
MassDEP Northeast Regional Office
205 B Lowell Street, Wilmington
CALL JOHN CRISLEY at 617-566-1021 or email at for more information
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions
Directions to Information Sessions
DIRECTIONS TO SHREWSBURY TOWN HALL, (Richard D. Carney Office Building), 100 Maple Avenue; (508) 841-8342
From the East or West: Take the Mass Pike to I-495 North. Take the second exit from I-495N onto Rt. 9 West. Stay on Rt. 9 W
through Westborough. Pass the exits for Rt. 20 and see the “Entering Shrewsbury” sign. Continue on Rt. 9 from this point through two
sets of traffic lights. At the third set of lights (Oak Street, bowling alley on the corner) turn right. Go to the end of Oak Street and turn
right onto Maple Ave. Town Hall is about 1/4 mile up on the left. From Route 290 if you are heading East: Take the “Shrewsbury,
West Main Street” exit: Stay on Main Street past St. John’s High School. Take next right onto Gage Lane. At end of Gage Lane, turn
right. Go past two houses and turn right into Town Hall driveway.
From North or South: Take Rte. 290 W to exit 23, Rte. 140/South Shrewsbury. Follow Rte. 140 South to the first set of lights,
Shrewsbury center. Turn right onto Main St., drive a short distance to a fork at a set of lights. Bear left at the lights onto Maple Ave.
Town Hall is about ¼ mile up on the right.
DIRECTIONS TO MANSFIELD TOWN HALL, 6 Park Row, Mansfield; (508) 261-7345
From the North: Take I-95 south to MA-140 via exit 7A towards Mansfield. Turn left onto Chauncy St./MA-106. Turn right onto
Copeland Drive. Turn left onto West St. Turn right onto Union Street and turn left onto Park Row.
From the West: Take I-495 South to MA-140 via exit 12. Turn slight right onto School Street. Turn right onto West Street, right on
Union St. then turn left onto Park Row.
From the South: Take I-495 North to MA-140 via exit 12. Turn slight right onto School Street. Turn right onto West Street, right on
Union St. then turn left onto Park Row.
DIRECTIONS TO MASSDEP NORTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE, 205 B Lowell Street, Wilmington; (978)-694-3200
From Boston and Route 128 (I 95): Take Route 93 North to Exit 38. Turn right at the end of the ramp and proceed west toward
Wilmington on Rte 129. Turn left at the second traffic light onto Woburn Street. Turn right at the first driveway which is a very short
distance from the intersection. From the North: Take Route 93 North to Exit 38. Turn left at the end of the ramp and proceed west
toward Wilmington on Rte 129. Turn left at the second traffic light onto Woburn Street. Turn right at the first driveway which is a very
short distance from the intersection.
DIRECTIONS TO CHICOPEE DPW Conference Room, 115 Baskin Road, Chicopee; (413) 594-3557
Take Mass Pike to Exit #6. Turn left at the light onto 291 West--but try to be in the right lane. Take the very first exit (Fuller Road). Turn
right at the light onto Fuller Road and go about 1/2 mile. Look for the Package Store at the corner of Baskin Road. Turn Right at the
DPW sign and go to the end of the road. DPW is on the right. The DPW building is about 5 minutes drive from exit.
DIRECTIONS TO BRAINTREE TOWN HALL One JFK Memorial Drive, Braintree; (781)-794-8000
From Route 3 and points East: Take exit 17 (Union Street Circle). Stay right and exit at the first turn. Proceed past Ivory Street on
Union Street and continue under the railroad bridge. Take a left turn at the Washington Street traffic light. Take a quick right and a
quick left. ( map)
From Holbrook and points South: Take Washington Street north through South Braintree Square. Proceed for 1/2 mile to the Town
Hall on the left side across from the Thayer Public Library.
From Route 128 and points North: Take the Route 37/Granite Street exit off of 128. Travel south (Braintree) on Route 37. Travel on
Route 37 (Granite Street) through the Five Corners intersection to Franklin Street. Proceed on Franklin Street for 3/4 mile to Central
Avenue. Turn left onto Central Avenue and proceed to Town Hall at the intersection of Central Avenue and Washington Street.
From the Braintree T Rail (MBTA) Station
Exit the station to your left and walk to Union Street. At Union Street, turn left (west) and proceed under the rail crossing to Washington
Street. The walking time is approximately 7 minutes.
DIRECTIONS TO YARMOUTH TOWN HALL 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth; (508)-398-2231
From Mid-Cape Hwy/6E: Take Union St. Exit 8 towards Yarmouth/Dennis. Keep right at fork in ramp, turn slight right onto Station
Ave; Turn slight right onto N. Main Street; Turn right onto MA-28, proceed down MA-28 to Town Hall
From Route 6W: Take 6W to Route 134 S exit 9A towards W. Harwich/Dennisport; Turn slight right onto Main St/MA28 and continue
on MA-28 to Town Hall.
Mass Department of Environmental Protection
1 Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108
This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872.
FY2008 Grant Instructions and Equipment Descriptions 10