Laboratory 11 Soil Enzyme Activity Part II (Alkaline Phosphatase Assay) Introduction Bacteria and fungi that break down insoluble nutrient sources in the soil produce extracellular enzymes. These are proteins that are produced inside the cell and exported out into the soil solution. The enzymes are active outside the cell where they catalyze reactions to break down the structure of the nutrient source to make it more accessible. The amount of an extracellular enzyme in the soil depends on the metabolic abilities of the soil organisms, the number of organisms present, the presence of substrate and the environment of the soil (pH, temp., ionic strength etc.). Because enzymes are costly for the cells to make, they are tightly regulated. Enzymes will only be made when they are needed. One example of a common extracellular enzyme in soil is alkaline phosphatase. This enzyme is produced by many organisms in the soil. Its purpose is to remove the phosphate molecule from organic compounds such as phospholipids and nucleic acids. Once the phosphate is cleaved it becomes soluble and can be taken up by the cell. This is a very important activity because phosphate is often the limiting nutrient for microbial growth in soil. In this lab you will be measuring the amount of active enzyme in soil samples by using a chromogenic substrate assay. In the presence of alkaline phosphatase, the colorless chemical para-nitrophenol phosphate is converted to para-nitrophenol, which is bright yellow. The amount of product formed can be measured using a spectrophotometer and the amount of enzyme activity can be calculated. You will also calculate the dry weight of the soil in order to standardize the results. The soils that you will be analyzing have been kept moist and incubated for ~2 weeks with the following amendments: 1.6g of yeast extract, 0.2g of inorganic fertilizer, 1.6g of yeast extract and 0.2g of inorganic fertilizer, or no addition. Materials Equipment - incubator (37C) - pH strips - clinical centrifuge - 5 ml pipettes and pumps - screw-top tubes - 13 X 100 mm test tubes - balance - spectrophotometer (460nm) - drying oven (100C) - aluminum weighing dishes Samples - one soil sample treated with organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, both or untreated Media and Reagents - buffer (pH 10) - 2 mM p-nitrophenol - 0.5 M CaCl2 - PNPP test solution (para-nitrophenol phosphate in buffer) Procedures Phosphatase Assay 1. Weigh out two 2-gram portions of each soil sample and pour them into labeled screw-cap tubes. 2. Pipette 5ml of 0.5 M CaCl2 solution into each tube and shake well. 3. Pipette 1ml of PNPP solution into one tube from each soil sample. 4. Pipette 1ml of phosphate buffer into the other tube to serve as a control. 5. Incubate all tubes at 37C for 1 hour. 6. Centrifuge the screw-cap tubes in the clinical centrifuge for 5 min. 7. Transfer 4ml of the supernatant into labeled 13 X 100mm test tubes. 8. Centrifuge the test tubes in the clinical centrifuge for 5 min. 9. Transfer 3ml of the supernatant into clean test tubes. 10. Set the wavelength on the spectrophotometer to 460nm. 11. Set the absorbance to zero with a blank tube containing 3 ml of CaCl2. 12. Read and record the absorbance for each of your samples. 13. Use pH strips to check the pH of each sample. 14. Read and record the absorbance of the prepared standards. 15. Plot the absorbance vs. concentration to make a standard curve. Water Content Analysis 1. Weigh four aluminum dishes (one for each soil) and record the weights. 2. Weigh out ~10g of each soil sample in an aluminum dish. Record the exact weight. 3. Put the samples in a 100C oven overnight and let them cool in a desicator. 4. Weigh each of the dried samples and record the weight. DATA Lab 11 20 points Name: Date: Spectrophotometer Readings Absorbance Net Absorbance (absorbance – control) Concentration of p-Nitrophenol Organic fertilizer control (organic) Inorganic fertilizer control (inorganic) Combined ferilizer Control (combined) Unamended control (unamended) Standard Curve Concentration absorbance 2.0 mM Water Content Analysis Sample Dish weight Wet weight with dish Wet weight – dish weight Dry weight with dish Dry weight – dish weight Water content 1.0 mM organic 0.5 mM inorganic 0.25 mM combined Calculations Water Content of Soil Water content = (wet weight – dry weight) / dry weight Dry weight = (wet weight / water content + 1) 0.125 mM 0.063 mM unamended Enzyme Activity One unit of enzyme activity (U) is defined as the amount of enzyme that is able to convert 1 mole of substrate to product in one minute. For soil assays, activity is reported as U per gram of dry soil 1. Calculate the amount of p-nitrophenol that was produced using the standard curve (remember that the total volume of liquid was 6ml but you only measured 3ml). _______ µmoles in 6 mls 2. Divide the amount of product by the number of minutes that the samples were incubated to find the value of U _______ µmoles / minute 3. Calculate the dry weight of the soil sample that was used in the incubation. _______ grams 4. Calculate the activity per gram of dry soil. _______ U / gram of dry soil Laboratory 12 DNA Part I Extraction from Activated Sludge Introduction Many different techniques have been developed for extracting DNA from bacterial cells and environmental samples. Some methods are very complicated while others are quite simple. Your choice of technique depends on the specific sample that you are working with and your requirements for the quality of DNA extracted. All of the methods include: a step for breaking open (lysing) the cells to release the DNA, a step for removing all of the proteins and other cell components, and a step to precipitate the purified DNA. In this lab you will be using a relatively simple method. The cells are lysed by exposing them to repeated freeze / thaw cycles and a detergent (SDS). The proteins etc. are extracted away by using phenol:chloroform, and the DNA is precipitated with salt and alcohol. The DNA extracted in this lab will be used to assess the diversity of microbes in different activated sludge samples. Materials Equipment - micropipettes - microcentrifuge - Dry-ice / ethanol bath - Hot water bath (37C) - vortexer Supplies - microcentrifuge tubes - micropipette tips - 500 mM EDTA lysis buffer lysozyme solution 10% SDS ice phenol:chloroform 3.0 M sodium acetate 100% ethanol sterile water Procedures Sludge Extraction 1. Measure out approximately 0.5 ml of each sludge sample into a microcentrifuge tube. 2. Spin at 14,000 rpm for 1 min. then remove the supernatant with a pipette. 3. Re-suspend the pellet in 75l of 500 mM EDTA by vortexing vigorously. 4. Freeze each sample for 30 seconds in dry-ice / ethanol bath 5. Thaw in a 37C water bath. 6. Repeat freeze-thaw cycle 2 more times. 7. Add 300 l of lysozyme solution in lysis buffer (~4mg/ml) and mix. 8. Incubate at 37˚C for 15 min. 9. Add 50 l of 10% SDS followed quickly by 800 l of phenol-chloroform. 10. Vortex for 1 minute to form an emulsion. 11. Spin in a micro-centrifuge at maximum speed (~14,000 RPM) for 3 minutes. 12. Remove the top phase with a pipette, avoiding the lower phase and any solids. Add this top phase to a new microcentrifuge tube with 800 l of phenol-chloroform. 13. Vortex for 1 minute and spin for 3 minutes. 14. Remove the top layer and add it to a new microcentrifuge tube. 15. Add 50 l of 3.0 M sodium acetate and 1000 l of 100% ethanol and chill on ice. 16. Spin in microcentrifuge at max speed for 15 minutes. 17. Carefully remove the supernatant and allow the pellet to dry completely. 18. Re-suspend the pellet in 50 l of sterile water. 19. Freeze the pellet until the next period. Laboratory 12 DNA Part II Electrophoresis and PCR Introduction The DNA extraction protocol that you used in part 1 of this lab should have resulted in samples containing the mixed genomic DNA of all of the bacteria in the sludge that you used. In order to visualize the DNA, and to measure its size, we will be carrying out a simple gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis separates DNA according to its size by drawing it through an agarose gel using an electric field. DNA is negatively charged so it is attracted to the positive electrode in the chamber. As it moves through the agarose gel, larger pieces of DNA will be slowed down more than smaller pieces. The absolute size of the DNA fragments is estimated by comparing them to known standards. After we have confirmed that DNA is present we will perform a PCR amplification to isolate and detect the individual 16S rRNA genes from the mixed genomic DNA. The 16S rRNA gene codes for a part of the ribosome and is present in all bacteria and archaea. Differences in the DNA sequence of this gene can be used to distinguish between different phylogenetic groups. PCR works by using short pieces of DNA (primers) that are homologous to parts of the sequence of interest to locate a specific gene. Once the primers bind to the target sequences, the stretch of DNA between them is copied. This process is repeated through many cycles, and results in an exponential increase in the numbers of copies of the targeted gene. We will test the extracted DNA for the presence of specific forms of the 16S rRNA gene that are diagnostic for different groups. The 16S rRNA gene codes for a part of the ribosome and is present in all bacteria and archaea. Differences in the DNA sequence of this gene can be used to distinguish between different phylogenetic groups. Materials Equipment - thermal cycler - gel electrophoresis power source - electrophoresis rig - micropipettes - Polaroid camera - UV light box Supplies - 1% agarose gel - TAE buffer - ethidium bromide(10 mg/ml) - sterile water - PCR kit - Bacteria specific primers - Archaea specific primers - Planctomycete specific primers - loading dye - DNA size ladder Procedures Electrophoresis 1. Mix each sample with loading dye (2l dye with 10l sample) on a sheet of parafilm. 2. Place the 1% agarose gel into the electrophoresis box and cover with cold TAE buffer. 3. Load all 12l of each sample (including a size standard) into consecutive wells of the agarose gel. 4. Place the cover on top of the electrophoresis box (check that the wires are attached to the correct electrodes). 5. Set the power supply to run for 30 min. at 125V. 6. After the gel has run, remove it and transfer to the ethidium bromide-staining bath. 7. Stain for 10 min. then transfer the gel to the UV light box and take a picture. PCR 1. Carefully label 3 PCR tubes for each sludge DNA, 1 for the bacterial primers (bac), 1 for archaeal (arc) and 1 for planctomycete (pla). 2. Label 1 PCR tube for each primer set as a negative control. 3. Transfer 49l of the bac “master mix” into each bac tube. 4. Transfer 49l of the arc “master mix” into each arc tube. 5. Transfer 49l of the pla “master mix” into each pla tube. 6. Add 1l of each DNA sample to the appropriate PCR tube and 1l of sterile water to the negative controls. 7. Load the samples into the thermal-cycler and start the program. Standard protocol (for each 50l reaction) 40.75 l 1.0 l 1.0 l 1.0 l 5.0 l 0.25 l 1.0 l PCR grade water dNTP mix (10mM each) 5’ primer (~5 pmol/l) 3’ primer (~5 pmol/l) 10X NovaTaq buffer with MgCl2 (1.25 U) NovaTaq DNA polymerase DNA template (~10 ng) Temperature Cycles Melting Denaturing Annealing Extension Final Extension 95C 94C 55C 72C 72C 5 min. 30 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 10 min. TAE Buffer 4.84 g Tris Base 1.14 ml glacial acetic acid 2 ml 0.5 M EDTA Agarose gel 1% agarose dissolved in 1X TAE PCR Primers Bacterial (bac) ~1363 Bases 27f 5′ AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG 3′ 1390r 5′ GTT TGA CGG GCG GTG TGT RCA A 3′ Archaeal (arc) ~633 Bases A571f 5′ GCY TAA AGS RYC CGT AGC 3′ UA1204r 5′ TTM GGG GCA TRC KKA CCT 3′ Planctomycete (pla) ~1344 Bases PLA46f 5’ GAC TTG CAT GCC TAA TCC 3’ 1390r 5’ GTT TGA CGG GCG GTG TGT RCA A 3′ M = C or A; Y = C or T; K = G or T; R = A or G; S = G or C; W = A or T Laboratory 12 DNA Part III Electrophoresis Introduction The product of PCR amplification is a large number of copies of the sequence targeted by the primers used. When the genomic DNA that is used as a template for PCR is from a mixture of bacterial species, then the PCR product will consist of many different, but similar, sequences. The length of the products are determined by the position of the primers, therefore, the success of PCR reactions can be evaluated by using gel electrophoresis to look for specific-length products. In this lab we are using three sets of primers to to amplify parts of the 16S gene from three phylogenetic groups that may be present in activated sludge. Two of the primer sets (bac and arc) will result in products approximately 1350 bases long. The other (pla) will give a 633 base product. If the organisms were present in your sludge sample, then we will see a DNA band of the appropriate size on the agarose gel. Materials Equipment - gel electrophoresis power source - electrophoresis rig - micropipettes - Polaroid camera - UV light box - 37˚C water bath Supplies - 1% agarose gels - ethidium bromide - loading buffer - DNA size ladder - Sterile distilled water - Mnl-I reaction mix - 0.75M sodium acetate Procedures Electrophoresis 1. Mix a sample from each PCR product with loading dye (2l dye with 10l sample). 2. Place the agarose gel into the electrophoresis box and cover with cold TAE buffer. 3. Load all 12l of each sample (including a size standard) into consecutive wells of the agarose gel. 4. Place the cover on top of the electrophoresis box (check that the wires are attached to the correct electrodes). 5. Set the power supply to run for 30 min. at 100V. 6. After the gel has run, remove it and transfer to the ethidium bromide-staining bath. 7. Stain for 10 min. then transfer the gel to the UV light box and take a picture. DATA Name: 20 points Date: Attach labeled copies of gel photos for DNA extraction and PCR products. Laboratory 13 Iron Cycle Introduction Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the earth’s crust (after oxygen, silicon, and aluminum). The average iron content of soil, sediment, and rocks is about 5%. Most of the iron in soils is present as iron oxides. In fact the typical soil colors (brown, red and yellow) are partly due to various iron oxides. The black color that is common in anaerobic mud is caused by the presence of reduced iron sulfides. Like many other elements, iron is "cycled" between its oxidized and reduced forms by a variety of different processes. Some of these processes are chemical while others are biological. Iron oxides can be used in place of oxygen by some microorganisms forming ferrous iron (Fe(II)) from ferric iron (Fe(III)) (iron reduction). Other microorganisms complete the iron cycle by catalyzing the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III). This cycle is illustrated in figure 1. Bacterial cells are "powered" by capturing some of the energy released during oxidationreduction (redox) reactions, and the amount of energy available to them is directly related to the electron potential of the redox reactions that they are able to carry out. Cells capture this energy by shuttling electrons between the chemical being oxidized (electron donor) and the chemical being reduced (electron acceptor) while keeping them physically separated. In this way bacteria act as batteries and develop an electrical gradient (potential) that they use to do work (ATP synthesis, transport, motility etc.). By mediating these electrochemical reactions, bacteria modify their external environment such that it becomes more reduced. The conditions that exist in stratified sediments (where highly reduced minerals (HS-, Fe(II), NH4+ etc.) are produced by anaerobic metabolism deep in the sediment while oxygen is present in the overlying water) form a natural electron gradient. The oxygen is prevented from directly reacting with the reduced minerals because it is quickly used up by facultative aerobes at the sediment surface. Recently it was realized that this natural electron gradient could be converted into a fuel cell for harvesting electricity from the sea floor by embedding a graphite electrode under the surface of the sediment and placing another in the overlying water (Reimers et al., 2001). Electrons are transferred to the anode by diffusion of a number of reduced species in the sediment including HS-, Fe(II) and humic acids. Interestingly, it has also been shown that certain bacteria can directly transfer electrons from their cytochromes to the anode (Bond et al., 2002). In this lab we will be directly visualizing the generation of an electrical potential by the activity of anaerobic bacteria. The potential that we measure is a reflection of the energy available to the bacteria. We will then correlate the electrical activity to the changing reducediron gradient. References 1. Reimers, C.E., L.M. Tender, S. Fertig and W. Wang. 2001. Harvesting Energy from the Marine SedimentWater Interface. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35:192-195. 2. Bond, D.R., D.E. Holmes, L.M. Tender and D.R. Lovley. 2002. Electrode-Reducing Microorganisms that Harvest Energy from Marine Sediments. Science 295:483-485. Figure 1. The Biological Iron Cycle Fe(II) + O2 Fe(III) + H20 + energy Fe (III) IRON-OXIDIZING BACTERIA AEROBIC Fe (II) ANAEROBIC IRON-REDUCING BACTERIA Fe(III) + organic matter Fe(II) + CO2 + energy Materials Equipment - Spectrophotometer (562 nm) - balance - voltage meter Cultures - lake sediment Supplies - iron-coated sand - 1 liter clear water bottles - silicone caulk - - surface water nutrient broth base 0.5 N HCl ferrozine reagent (1 gram of ferrozine (Sigma) per liter in 50 mM HEPES buffer) iron (II) standards (0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.25, 2.5 and 5.0 mM FeCl2 in 0.5 N HCl) 16 X 100 mm test tubes pipette tips syringes and needles Procedures Assembling the Column: 1. Put four "dabs" of silicone caulking approx. 1.5 inches apart on the side of the water bottle (see the diagram). (the caulking needs to dry for 2 days before a sample can be taken through it) 2. Punch a small hole next to the bottom sampling port and one next to the top port. 3. Insert a graphite electrode into each hole and seal with silicone caulk. 4. Measure ~150 ml of soil or sediment. 5. Weigh out 1.5 grams of nutrient broth base and mix with the sediment. 6. Pour the mixed slurry into the bottom of the water bottle, being careful not to have it stick to the sides or cover the bottom electrode. 7. Fill the bottle to within 2-3 inches of the top with iron-coated sand. Stop filling just below the top electrode. 8. Slowly fill the bottle to the top with pond water and leave uncapped. 9. Incubate at room temperature for five weeks. Figure 2 The Iron Column Colorimetric Assay: 1. Label four glass test tubes. 2. Remove 0.1 ml of water from each location on the column by using a syringe and needle. 3. Transfer each sample to the labeled test tubes and add 3 ml of 0.5N hydrochloric acid. 4. Add 6 ml of ferrozine reagent to each tube and to the standard curve. 5. Shake and let stand for 5 minutes. 6. Measure the absorbance (O.D.562) using a spectrophotometer. 7. Calculate the concentration of Fe(II) by using the standard curve. Electric Potential: 1. Set the multimeter to read at the 2000mV range. 2. Attach the positive lead of the voltmeter to the top electrode and the negative lead to the bottom electrode. 3. Read the meter to determine the voltage difference. DATA Lab 13 10 points Name: Date: Standards Day 0 O.D.562 Concentration (mM) Day 35 O.D.562 0.00 0.20 0.50 1.25 2.50 5.00 Samples O.D.562 Day 0 Conc. (mM) Day 35 O.D.562 Conc. (mM) A (top) B C D (bottom) Day 0 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28 Day 35 Voltage Question: 1). How could you change the conditions in the column so that more electricity was produced?