Stuyvesant High School Department of Biology and Geo-Science LABORATORY REPORT EXERCISE #20 DNA EXTRACTION AND AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS Name___________________________Section________Teacher_______________Date_______ I. SUMMARY QUESTIONS Use your textbook to answer. 1. Define the following terms a. Restriction fragment length polymorphism b. restriction enzyme, ligase . c. PCR d. human genome 2. Explain the process of gel electrophoresis and how it works. 3. Explain the process of restriction fragment analysis. How accurate is it and why? 4. Why does DNA stick to the glass rod and why does DNA “run towards the red” in the electrophoresis chamber? II. LAB OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS 1. Gel Electrophoresis a. Describe your results of the electrophoresis. Show a diagram of the results. b. Determine which well holds the blood belonging to the victim and the various suspects. Label the wells appropriately. c. Based on your analysis of the gel electrophoresis, who is the “perp”? 2. RFLP Analysis – Genetic fingerprinting: Refer to A Paternity Case Show your solution to the problem and explain how you arrived at your conclusion. Lab completed_____________________________________ Teacher signature Regents Living Environment 4 Laboratory Manual